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    posted a message on My Mod Crashes on Startup
    Woops, that's my bad then. Nevermind, they ARE supposed to be bytes. My guess is that they're looking for the block IDs, not the blocks themselves.

    Disregard everything in my previous post. The correct code ought to be:
    topBlock = the block id of mod_MangMod.alienGrass goes here;
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Error code while making a mod
    Not necessarily. Though it would certainly compile, the code is in the required enclosing type already. There is an implied this. in front of every field not already from somewhere else.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Error code while making a mod
    OK, if I had to hazard a guess, I would say that Item.ItemLegitmus doesn't exist. That's what the nullpointerexception means: It's trying to access something, but it can't, because it doesn't exist. Specifically, It got the pointer to the thing, but the pointer was null: AKA, zero, means nothing at all.
    Technical jargon aside, are you sure that you meant Item.ItemLegismus, and not legOre? Because Item.ItemLegismus means that you would have modified Item.java and put ItemLegismus into it.

    A few other notes: you don't need to use Character.valueOf, you can just use the character itself, it will automatically be cast into it's required format. Also, I doubt that you need addRenderer, since it is empty and it's not abstract. Furthermore, it's probably good practice to have an actual version number rather than pi. Something like "dev build" or "0.00" if it's unreleased.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on My Mod Crashes on Startup
    Why are you casting your blocks to bytes?

    When you say
    topBlock = (byte)mod_MangMod.aliengrass;

    You're telling java "Take mod_MangMod.aliengrass (which is a Block), turn it into a byte, and make topBlock (which is supposed to be a block) into that".

    The error is because it doesn't know how to turn a Block into a byte. Even if it did, there would be another error saying it doesn't know how to turn a byte back into a Block, because it has to take that and make topBlock be it.

    The simple solution is to not cast mod_MangMod into a byte, so instead, your telling java to "Take mod_MangMod.aliengrass (which is a Block), and make topBlock (which is supposed to be a block) into that". Bam, less confusing for java, less confusing for you, 100% more compilable.

    the fixed code would look like
    topBlock = mod_MangMod.aliengrass;

    And then you would repeat that for fillerBlock.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Help: How to make a block change when certain block is in certain radius
    I would suggest going about it backwards-- Instead of having block X do something to itself when lava is near to it, have lava do something to block X when it's near to block X.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Error code while making a mod
    It would help if we could see your code. The way the error report works it "This is what broke java (java.lang.NullPointerException), and it happened in this specific location (the rest of the junk in the error message)". So we would have to see your mod_Legitmus code (specifically, your load() method) before we can help.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Cannot Generate Trees
    Well, I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but then again, I didn't give it more than a cursory look.

    If you're using Eclipse, have you tried dropping a breakpoint in the generation code and then debugging it?
    Or maybe you could System.out.println the coords of any trees as they generate?

    That should help you determine if they're actually generating or not, and then you can from there. Program debugging is a messy experience.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Need help making an item heal the player
    Well, I'm not entirely sure how experience is handled, the code I wrote is just what I threw together in three seconds.

    If it doesn't work, I would fiddle around with the conditions in those if statements until it does work.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on {UNSOLVED}Help with Rendering Overlay and Riddable Entity
    As for rideable mobs, I would suggest looking into the PlayerController class.

    As for walking to a position... It's something to do with getPath. Look around, see how it's used, and teach yourself to use it properly.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Need help making an item heal the player
    package net.minecraft.src;
    public class ItemBlessingNotch extends Item
    private int healAmount;
    public ItemBlessingNotch(int i)
      maxStackSize = 1;
      healAmount = 4;
    public int getHealAmount()
      return healAmount;
    public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer entityplayer)
      if (entityplayer.health >= 20) return itemstack;
      if (entityplayer.experience <= 0) return itemstack;
      return itemstack;
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Need help making an item heal the player
    Add a check to see if the player is at full health and a check to see if the player has any experience. If the player has full health or doesn't have any experience, then return right there and then.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Making a mob spawn in the nether
    ModLoader.addSpawn(<other parameters go here>, new BiomeGenBase[] {BiomeGenBase.hell});
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Need help making an item heal the player
    I would play around with using addExperience with a negative value for it's parameter if you want to take experience.

    Chances are it won't make you "level down" properly though.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Making a mob spawn in the nether
    ModLoader.addSpawn can be called with an an extra parameter-- throw in a BiomeGenBase[] (array of BiomeGenBases) at the end, and it will add them as spawns for those biomes. Thus, to add one for the nether, you would add an array of one element containing the Nether BiomeGenBase as the last parameter of addSpawn.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Help making weapons place fire and block
    Give me a moment to figure this out, in the meantime (before I edit this post), try putting your code in [\CODE] tags. That should fix the spacing.


    I'm not 100% sure this will work (I haven't tested it myself), but have you tried overriding ItemSword.hitEntity?
    A sword that (might) set enemies on fire might look like:
    public class ItemFireSword extends ItemSword {
    	 public boolean hitEntity(ItemStack istack, EntityLiving target, EntityLiving wielder) {
    		  super.hitEntity(istack, target, wielder);
    Posted in: Modification Development
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