• 0

    posted a message on TabbyChat v1.10.00 - SMP Chat Overhaul
    Quote from RocketMan10404

    Yeah, I really didn't think it was specific to StatusEffectHUD - while that method added the null string to the chat, that string was passed from a Forge method. Either way, TabbyChat should be checking for those better.

    It hit me later, but I left off the most obvious way to avoid this crash - disable the "consolidate spammed chat" option. Then you DEFINITELY won't get it, although perhaps you'll find another, and then hopefully can submit another equally-useful bug report.

    Haha, I disabled the 'consolidate spam' option, and still got a crash. Having a bit of trouble generating a crash report, minecraft is just hanging (I think its completely frozen), so unsure if I'll be able to get one. Will get back if I do manage though.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on TabbyChat v1.10.00 - SMP Chat Overhaul
    Quote from RocketMan10404

    I appreciate the bug report, and I definitely appreciate the clear description of how to reproduce the bug combined with a stacktrace. Should be pretty easy to track down, and I doubt it's Forge-related. It'll likely be fixed in the next update.

    Does this happen when there is chat history for the UP arrow to scroll through, or was this before any chats were sent?

    Edit: Nevermind, this IS actually Forge-related. Some part of a method in the StatusEffectHUD that checks for updates tries to add that information to the chat window, and in this particular case (for some odd reason) adds a chat line containing a Null string, which trips up the spamCheck method in TabbyChat.

    To get around this in the immediate future, you could try removing the StatusEffectHUD (don't really think it will help, I doubt it's specific to that mod), or disabling timestamps in TabbyChat (oddly enough), or just wait for my next update, because I really should have a null-check in that method anyways.

    Tested without StatusEffectHUD but with time stamps, was able to reproduce crash.
    Tested with StatusEffectHUD but without time stamps, was able to reproduce crash.
    Tested without StatusEffectHUD and without time stamps, was able to reproduce crash.

    I'll wait for the update, in the mean time I just gotta be careful where I use those arrow keys :P

    PS. Thanks for complimenting my bug report :P
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on TabbyChat v1.10.00 - SMP Chat Overhaul
    I found a bug. When I open the chat window and press UP arrow followed by LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys I'll freeze, and it'll lead to a crash.

    I'm using ForgeModLoader v5.1.38.667 with Forge

    Unsure if its forge related, or what. Other than that, its working perfect!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.6.2] [Jul 13] Durability101 - Hotbar visible use count for tools, weapons and armor [Forge/ModLoader/Vanilla]
    Quote from RedBanHammer

    Did you install the forge version as an internal mod (inside the minecraft.jar)?

    Yeah, I did. Turns out I was running an outdated version of forge >.> Forge version works now.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.6.2] [Jul 13] Durability101 - Hotbar visible use count for tools, weapons and armor [Forge/ModLoader/Vanilla]
    I'm using forge. I installed the forge version, and it didn't work. I installed the modloader version, and it worked. Weird, but I'm not complaining I can still use it :P
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on TabbyChat v1.10.00 - SMP Chat Overhaul
    I just started using forge today (been using ModLoader but Pixelmon requires Forge) and I love how the mod can just be put in the Mods folder now. Its really convenient, and the TabbyChat menu looks amazing! Good job :D
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Pokemon Server (KANTO AND JOHTO DONE!/WIP-SINNOH/HOENN/UNOVA)

    This is what you should be using currently. See you there!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.6.2] [Jul 13] Durability101 - Hotbar visible use count for tools, weapons and armor [Forge/ModLoader/Vanilla]
    Sucks you just finished updating this mod, and it has to be updated again -.- Please do so <3 I love this mod :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [OBSELETE] CUI - GUI Visualizer for WorldEdit [v1.4.6]
    Quote from Mumfrey

    Litemod updated for 1.5.1, and also should be compatible with Forge but I haven't had time to test it (compatibility with forge that is), but I have updated the obfuscation mappings to be compatible with Forge's new runtime deobfuscation feature which should ensure compatibility.

    Awesome, it works! Thanks for the update.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [OBSELETE] CUI - GUI Visualizer for WorldEdit [v1.4.6]
    Quote from andrewkm

    Yay liteloader is updated to 1.5.1 - time to test the 1.5 wecui.
    Edit: fail lol

    Yeah, it needs to be updated yet again >.<
    Also, I've seen you in the mcMMO IRC channel :P
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.4.6] Worldedit Cui not working (3 mods)
    I've also found the mod doesn't work. And it'd really help me with a task I have to undertake...
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software][Plugin][Bukkit] Runecraft [use bukkit page for download]
    Will this get updated to 1.4.6? I find it to be a rather unique plugin, as everything is built to be activated, and there are many cool effects.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [v3.7] AMIDST - Strongholds, Village, Biome, Etc. Finder. [1.7.4]
    This is quite cool. Is there a chance to have a nether world option to seek out Nether Fortresses?

    EDIT: Say the option for NetherHolds. Good job, This is just what I was looking for :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on TabbyChat v1.10.00 - SMP Chat Overhaul
    I keep crashing with a NullPointerException error. It only happens when I try type something in chat, so I assume it may be something to do with this mod. Its only started since I updated my .jar to contain the 1.4.2 version.
    Here is a crash report:

    Minecraft has crashed!


    Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Updating screen events

    A full error report has been saved to /Users/tene/Library/Application Support/minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2012-12-04_15.13.50-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash :(

    --- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 8e4f9304 --------

    Full report at:

    /Users/tene/Library/Application Support/minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2012-12-04_15.13.50-client.txt

    Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen!

    Generated 12/4/12 3:13 PM

    -- Head --


    at asw.a(GuiChat.java:158)

    at aue.n(SourceFile:150)

    at aue.m(SourceFile:114)

    -- Affected screen --


    Screen name: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null

    -- Affected level --


    Level name: MpServer

    All players: 1 total; [ayk['tenebraemaximus'/22587702, l='MpServer', x=142.24, y=45.62, z=-307.07]]

    Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 157

    Level seed: 0

    Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false

    Level generator options:

    Level spawn location: World: (-1832,89,1124), Chunk: (at 8,5,4 in -115,70; contains blocks -1840,0,1120 to -1825,255,1135), Region: (-4,2; contains chunks -128,64 to -97,95, blocks -2048,0,1024 to -1537,255,1535)

    Level time: 272226771 game time, 272226771 day time

    Level dimension: 0

    Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?

    Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)

    Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false

    Forced entities: 1 total; [ayk['tenebraemaximus'/22587702, l='MpServer', x=142.24, y=45.62, z=-307.07]]

    Retry entities: 0 total; []


    at ayh.a(WorldClient.java:438)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.b(SourceFile:1870)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:543)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

    -- System Details --


    Minecraft Version: 1.4.5

    Operating System: Mac OS X (i386) version 10.7.5

    Java Version: 1.6.0_37, Apple Inc.

    Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.

    Memory: 478178184 bytes (456 MB) / 550305792 bytes (524 MB) up to 1070399488 bytes (1020 MB)

    LiteLoader Mods: 1 loaded mod(s)

    - Macro / Keybind Mod version

    JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xbootclasspath/a:/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/JavaApplicationLauncher.framework/Resources/LauncherSupport.jar -Xms512M -Xmx1024M

    AABB Pool Size: 2638 (147728 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 2 (112 bytes; 0 MB) used

    Suspicious classes: IWrUpdater, Config, WrUpdaterThreaded, ...[acs.tabbychat.TabbyChat, GlobalSettings, TimeStampEnum, ...], [bspkrs.util.ModVersionChecker], [bspkrs.util.client.ColorThreshold, HUDUtils], [com.mumfrey.liteloader.LiteMod, Tickable, InitCompleteListener, ...], [com.mumfrey.liteloader.core.LiteLoader, HookChat, HookLogin, ...], [com.mumfrey.liteloader.util.ModUtilities, PrivateFields, StaticFields], [net.eq2online.jinput.JInputComponentRegistry], [net.eq2online.macros.LiteModMacros, AutoDiscoveryAgent, AutoDiscoveryState], [net.eq2online.macros.compatibility.AbstractionLayer, DelegateDisconnect, GuiButton, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.compatibility.hooks.ITimerTickListener, Packet22CollectHookable, TimerHookable], [net.eq2online.macros.core.MacroModCore, Macros, MacroTemplate, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.core.params.Type], [net.eq2online.macros.event.MacroEventManager, MacroEvent, MacroEventDispatcher, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.event.providers.OnJoinGameProvider, OnChatProvider, OnInventorySlotChangeProvider, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.controls.GuiListBox, GuiListBoxIconic, GuiListBoxFilebound, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.controls.specialised.GuiListBoxFile, GuiListBoxPlaces, GuiListBoxFriends, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.designable.DesignableGui, DesignableGuiLayout, DesignableGuiControl, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.designable.editor.GuiDialogBoxControlProperties, GuiDialogBoxButtonProperties, GuiDialogBoxLabelProperties, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.dialogs.GuiDialogBoxFirstRunPrompt, GuiDialogBoxStartupErrors], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.helpers.ListProvider, HelperThumbnailImage, HelperUserSkinDownload], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.layout.LayoutPanel, LayoutPanelStandard, LayoutPanelKeys, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.list.ListObjectGeneric, ListObjectEditable, ListObjectEditInPlace], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.screens.GuiControlsEx, GuiScreenWithHeader, GuiEditThumbnails, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.gui.shared.GuiScreenEx, GuiDialogBox, GuiControlEx], [net.eq2online.macros.input.IInputHandlerModule, InputHandler, KeyInjectionProxy, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.interfaces.ILocalisationProvider, ISaveSettings, ISettingsProvider, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.permissions.MacroModPermissions], [net.eq2online.macros.rendering.FontRendererLegacy, RenderEngineHelper], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.IErrorLogger, Documentor, ScriptActionProvider, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.actions.ScriptActionAchievementGet, ScriptActionClearChat, ScriptActionGui, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.actions.game.ScriptActionSlotClick, ScriptActionCraft, ScriptActionCraftAndWait, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.actions.input.ScriptActionKey, ScriptActionKeyUp, ScriptActionKeyDown, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.actions.lang.ScriptActionAssign, ScriptActionDec, ScriptActionDo, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.actions.mod.ScriptActionConfig, ScriptActionImport, ScriptActionUnimport], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.actions.option.ScriptActionBind, ScriptActionFog, ScriptActionGamma, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.api.IScriptActionProvider, IVariableProvider, ICounterProvider, ...], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.crafting.IAutoCraftingInitiator, AutoCraftingManager], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.exceptions.ScriptException], [net.eq2online.macros.scripting.iterators.ScriptedIteratorEnchantments, ScriptedIteratorPlayers], [net.eq2online.macros.struct.ItemInfo, Place], [net.eq2online.permissions.PermissionsManagerBootstrap, PermissionsEventListener, PermissionsManager, ...], [net.eq2online.permissions.impl.PermissionsManagerClient, LocalPermissions], [net.eq2online.xml.Xml, Xmlns], [net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment, DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin, DefaultControllerEnvironment, ...], [net.java.games.util.plugins.Plugins, Plugin], [reifnsk.minimap.ReiMinimap, GuiScreenInterface, GuiOptionScreen, ...]

    IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0

    ModLoader: Mods loaded: 4

    ModLoader 1.4.5

    mod_TooManyItems 1.4.5 2012-11-19

    ArmorStatusHUD v1.4(1.4.5)

    mod_ReiMinimap v3.2_05 [1.4.5]

    LWJGL: 2.4.2

    OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce 320M OpenGL Engine GL version 2.1 NVIDIA-7.32.12, NVIDIA Corporation

    Is Modded: Very likely; Jar signature invalidated

    Type: Client (map_client.txt)

    Texture Pack: Default

    Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)

    Vec3 Pool Size: 1464 (81984 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 19 (1064 bytes; 0 MB) used


    at asw.a(GuiChat.java:158)

    at aue.n(SourceFile:150)

    at aue.m(SourceFile:114)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.l(SourceFile:1085)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(SourceFile:582)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:534)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

    --- END ERROR REPORT ed0373cf ----------

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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