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    posted a message on How Far Have You Gotten While Playing The Minecraft Is Too Easy Mod?
    Also - it took me 11 worlds before I found one I could live in and last more than a few days. Each death taught me a lesson in what NOT to do. One major change to vanilla players is the pace of the game changes significantly. In each day you have to start by eating, then getting food, then you might have time for some other task, then get back to shelter then survive/sleep the night. If you try to do too much each day you will run out of time. You have to pace yourself, watch the position of the sun, and time things so that you arrive back at your camp just as the sun goes down. It takes practice - and a little fear - to get it right!
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    posted a message on How Far Have You Gotten While Playing The Minecraft Is Too Easy Mod?
    Guys - just a reminder that it is possible back up your games. The folder is in the %appdata% folder (type that into the "run" screen or directory path. Then the .minecraft folder, then saves then MITE 1.6.4 (all this is from memory, so I might have it slightly wrong). Select your most recent game then copy/paste to make a backup copy.

    I save my game every hour or so. If I have made significant progress, I do not wish to lose it to some silly mistake or very unfortunate circumstance. Things can go bad very quickly in this game - like a flock of creepers or wood spiders or whatever. In my current world I have used this rollback twice now. I have died and continued a couple of times (not rolled back to prior save), and at my lowest I was level -1, but now I am back to around level 7, hoping to get to 10 soon. Those extra hearts/shanks are really something to get, along with some armor and a good food supply...
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    posted a message on How Far Have You Gotten While Playing The Minecraft Is Too Easy Mod?
    I seem to be very unlucky in finding ore. I have only found it once - a small vein of copper. I now have copper pickaxes, but nothing to mine with them! I have been able to find quite a bit more gravel, but the places I need to look are getting further and further away. I may need to establish a new base half a days walk away, and shift everything.

    On the food front I made a copper hoe, and with it I have been able to farm pumpkin, wheat and carrots. Mostly though I eat sugar, and have expanded my cane farm to enable me to live off this alone. The key was getting a copper bucket and then I was more or less set. I probably have close to 200 canes growing now, mostly in rows.

    I have been killed a few times, and so I'm now on level 6. I decided that I really needed armor, and made some copper chain links and then a chain helmet. I went on a killing spree and made a leather chest piece. I was surprised to find horses very slow and easy to kill, and they do not fight back which is a relief. You get meat too. There seem to be plenty of horses where I am so I am not worried about them all dying. The French eat horse, so why not. A zombie dropped some chain leggings. Overall I don't look too flash but at least I am mostly covered, all I need now are some boots. These things are needed as I want to go into some deeper caves to find ore, and I will be destroyed without any protection. Even with it I'm not confident - it is not very good and I do not have may hearts.

    I have 2 silver ingots I have scraped together from many, many gravel searches. I am wondering if I should make a sword out of it. Perhaps I should wait for the third one and make a pick. I would love to see a chart of the various metal types and the durability of the items they make. The wiki has a way to go in this regard!

    Lastly, it is interesting to see the more permanent homes that others have made. I am thinking about that myself, and have toyed with the idea of using wooden slabs for an elevated floor. Nothing can climb ladders can they?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Too Easy (MITE) Mod
    I would love to see someone like Docm77 do a play though of this. I think he could bring hundreds of thousands of people to the game.

    Edit : I sent him an email, you never know!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on How Far Have You Gotten While Playing The Minecraft Is Too Easy Mod?
    One more thought - I think whoever gets to posts the first screen shot of a dragon egg has some MAJOR bragging rights.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on How Far Have You Gotten While Playing The Minecraft Is Too Easy Mod?
    How far have I gotten?

    Well, firstly, I'm playing what I think is a fairly good seed, which you can try out too. 8359809096186287409. Let's call it "the seed of seeds", as you start on the edge of a jungle with a vast grass plain in front of you, with the potential to gather as many seeds as you need to survive. You should never starve. Better yet, there is a small dirt cave near spawn that you can even set up a permanent home in, from the get-go. I found the water out the front useful to control creeper blasts, which can get you pretty badly otherwise.

    This is what I have done, and I have gotten to copper pickaxe so far. I gathered a few sugar cane early on and have been replanting them whenever they grow. They now surround a few nearby ponds. Pretty soon I should be able to move from seeds to sugar. There is cocoa in the jungle, but the farming of it is pretty severely nerfed so I don't do much chocolate, but sometimes I do. The "salad" is also a staple, and I use cooked meat only when I really have to, I am trying to leave the animals alone. One day I may want to try and breed them, so I don't want to kill them all off. There seem to be mostly pigs around. I got a carrot as a drop once, so I want to try farming that soon. My nice warm bed gets me through the night, but I still wake up hungry.

    I have a double chest and it is pretty full of stuff. The first copper pick was used to get a stone furnace and coal and copper ore enough to make two more picks. Just. These picks are not as strong as I would like! You have to go caving, because there is no way you can dig down on your own. I discovered that charcoal and coal are not the same (like they are in vanilla)- you need coal to smelt ores.

    I got to level 8, or 9, and was feeling pretty good about myself but then fell foul of an unexpected wood spider that dropped on me when I came out of my cave one morning. That killed me twice, and losing the extra health shank was disappointing. Recently I am trying to find more ores, and that means going into deep scary holes. I got taken to school by a sniping skeleton in this way, and I was tempted to roll back to a save (I do this every now and then), but I pressed on at level -1. I had some scraps of leather amour but they have all gone now. As I said, I am trying to leave the animals alone. Perhaps I should kill a horse or two, but I imagine they run like the wind once you hit them. I also took a risk and tried to hit a burning zombie to get some XP, but caught on fire and cooked myself instead. I was in one cave when a creeper, zombie and wright all came at me at once - so I ran, of course!

    Finding gravel has been a challenge, there are places but they are not so easy to find. This game always makes you choose carefully how you spend your limited resources. I have 3 extra copper ores for example - and I could make these into a pick, or perhaps a sword and shovel? A bucket - I would really like one of them. A hoe? It is like when I first got some wood - I agonized over it. As it turned out I ended up getting more wood quite quickly and now have 12+ blocks in my chest, and quite a bit of flint on hand too. I feel I can get food and wood fairly easily now. Well, compared to how it was when I started! I use some to make torches from charcoal. I attack one cave at a time and leave the torches there until I am done, then collect them on the way out. In vanilla MC I would have hundreds of torches everywhere, and never consider needing to collect them.

    I would post some pictures but really it is not all that impressive yet. I am vaguely thinking about making myself an elevated mob-proof home. I think a build of any kind is impressive in this world, as each block costs a lot to obtain. The other thing I need is to find more ores, and then get some armor. Right now I am back to the start in terms of hearts and amour, which is not good. I've also blown through all of my arrows, so yeah, I'm not doing great on that score - but I do what I have to to survive! I have the sugar cane in a farmable state, but want also to get wheat and carrots going too. Plenty yet to do!

    One bug I have come across, and it is in my favour (although I am doing the right thing and not exploiting it) is that I have an "infinite bonemeal". I crafted some one night and found that the counter did not increment past a single piece. When I died, I picked it up but there was a piece left on the ground I could not collect. When I used it, it was not consumed. Odd.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Too Easy (MITE) Mod
    Quote from Avernite

    - Adjustments to wood spider AI

    I hate those little buggers. I hope you didn't make them smarter.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Too Easy (MITE) Mod
    Hold the phone -- "Zombies with Pickaxe"?! Shudder. Designing a totally safe home is not so easy. I think I need a moat.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Too Easy (MITE) Mod
    Quote from Avernite

    Empty-handed zombies can dig through .. cactus..

    Note that they do take damage when they do this, but they will not die before breaking one block. Still the whole "pillbox" design is not safe - I think a small cave is better, and some spare dirt to fortify if needed.

    A quick story : I was in my "reasonably safe dirt cave" when I heard the sound of a zombie digging towards me. It was still dark (I did not have a torch then - I do now!) so it was hard to see which block was being broken. I swear I only heard the dig sound once more then a zombie dropped in on me from above! That ended badly. That has been, so far, the only time I have rolled back to a backup of the world. A cheat? Perhaps, but that is how I roll when I have invested so much time into something. I did lose about 1 hour of playtime, so it is not without penalty.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Too Easy (MITE) Mod
    Quote from Numenor1

    FYI: You can craft a clay furnace to cook food in using 4 clay blocks and your small crafting area (2x2).

    Hey, yeah! Thanks. Still, I think I need a crafting table anyway. Thanks for your suggestions.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Too Easy (MITE) Mod
    OK, so I have *finally* caught a break and have single, whole, real piece of flint. My very first, as gravel is very rare in this particular world I am in (but food is plentiful, go figure). So I am going to make a hatchet and then get my 3 pieces of wood. One piece will go towards a crafting table, so I can make a furnace and other things with this. The question is, what to do with the other two bits of wood? I would love a bed, and also a chest as my inventory is starting to fill (stacks are smaller). Other thoughts include a bowl, as I have access to quite a lot of yellow flowers (you do get the bowl back from the "salad", right?). I could perhaps make a mob proof (or resistant) home with a trapdoor - but it is a bit early for this. Lastly, to find more gravel I think I need to go caving just a bit deeper, so I need light, ie torches. It seems a waste to turn one into charcoal, but I'm still tempted. What to do, what to do?! Any suggestions?

    Also - one for Avernite (it is so nice to have a developer respond directly!!) - have you made any changes to the End, if so, what? I do not imagine too many will make it that far, I doubt I will myself, but I am just curious. I was also thinking about how you are going to handle updating to later versions of Minecraft past 1.6.4 - you have effectively created a forked version with all the changes you have made. I am totally cool with it as it is very playable, but I was wondering if you intended to update it to say 1.8 when it comes out?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Is Too Easy (MITE) Mod
    Just wanted to add my love for this mod. Avernite, you are all sorts of legend for making this, and supporting it so well. Bravo! :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:

    My own experience is that I have created 10 worlds so far and the best I have gotten is the middle of night 3. I have found gravel, sticks and mined quite a few chips but have basically not yet managed to make a single tool! However, the most recent world seems very promising, I have spawned in a nice biome with tons of grass for seeds, animals and a few handy and usable caves. I am just starting night two when I had to stop to go to bed IRL. I have not found gravel yet nor sticks in this world, but it is a matter of time and food is ok. I think I need a bed as a fairly high priority so that I can skip the nights - they are so painful. The mobs are really gnarly. Just getting wood is hard enough for me at this point - I can only dream of a permanent home and security. A pickaxe, and going underground? Yeah, right, maybe one day. In vanilla I use torches like tissues, and carry a stack of 64 at all times. In MITE - Um....no.

    I'm really enjoying it, although it is as hard as hell and I consider myself an experienced player who very rarely dies in vanilla.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Survival Mode : Mini Challenges
    I'm definitely going to try an "eternal night" game now! I like having something new to try.

    I forgot to also add a couple of maps which I also think are awesome if you have never played them - skyblocks and skygrid.Not for beginners.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Survival Mode : Mini Challenges

    How would you control this without a mod?
    /gamerule doDaylightCycle {true|false}

    Well, there you go. I didn't know that, although I probably should have by now. Thanks IronMagus!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Survival Mode : Mini Challenges
    How would you control this without a mod?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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