• 57

    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    * NEWS *

    Fixed those two pesky bugs, finally!
    There are no current plans to continue development of this mod.

    I tried to make a huge village once. I couldn't sit on top of a mountain and look down upon my minions. They stopped moving if I got too far away. They all wanted to live in the same house. I fought the game mechanics for a while, and they won. So I changed them.

    This is the result.

    Render distance before & after:

    Mob crowding before & after:

    Village before and after:

    Cave Villagers:

    In for the night:

    In love, awww:

    Villagers on roofs:

    - SMP/LAN compatible.
    - Highly configurable - be sure to check Revamp.cfg.
    - Mobs are visible when you're far away, will still be active at farther distances, and will wander more often. (Is more CPU intensive.)
    - Mobs won't stare at you when you are invisible.
    - Can apply name tags and leads to adult villagers, or tempt them with an emerald.
    - Villager path-finding range increased from 16 to 40. Zombie path-finding range REDUCED to 3/4 of the villager path-finding range (so down from 40 to 30 by default). This was primarily to fix the performance problems that occur near villages at night (with or without the mod!).
    - Villagers don't derp around as much at night, the new long-distance pathfinding code gets applied to them so they can better escape the zombies. (NOTE! Can be memory-intensive!)
    - Villagers won't open doors for zombies, and can "hear" them (no line-of-sight needed) -- survive those zombie sieges!
    - Villagers can climb ladders! Mostly. They climb with their arms crossed, so they're pretty clumsy. You can help them, though! See tips section below.
    - Villagers make better use of the doors around them and spread out around the village. They will try to return to the same house night-after-night (assuming no zombies start chasing them..) With a pre-existing village, this may take a few in-game days or require you to manually move villagers to abandoned parts of town.
    - Villagers take advantage of bigger houses and spread around inside instead of clustering near the door.
    - Villagers are better at finding new doors and ignore those they can't actually get to.
    - Villagers require light to stay in a house.
    - Villagers can establish homes underground. If you have a door that cannot see the sky for the 5 blocks on either side, and has a roof of 6 solid blocks, this counts as an underground house. At night, the testificates will move toward the side of the door with the most light (using the same 5 blocks in front and behind the door). Breeding and everything else works just like a regular village.
    - Villagers can have twins.
    - Villagers in non-raining biomes (eg, desert) will not move indoors when it rains during the day.
    - Doors-per-villager setting. No more tacky doors everywhere!
    - Villager-per-Iron Golem setting. Every villager can have a personal body guard! (Requires 21 doors for first golem to spawn.)

    Thanks Garrett for the mod showcase!

    - Requires Forge
    - Put Revamp.jar into your mods folder
    - Tweak .minecraft/config/Revamp.cfg as desired

    You may include Revamp in your modpack without explicit permission. Dropping me a note to let me know you're doing so is appreciated, though. :)

    Current Download:

    version 1.7.10

    Old Downloads:

    Tips for ladders & trapdoors:
    - Villagers can get stuck on ladders if the hinge of a trapdoor is on the same side as the ladder. Putting the hinge opposite the ladder works best. If you find one that keeps getting stuck, try changing the orientation, or just ditch the trapdoor.
    - Be sure the ladder at the top is surrounded on the 3 adjacent sides or they're likely to jump down instead.
    - They need to exit the ladder in the same direction they climbed onto it. This breaks default houses with ladders, but can be fixed by removing the fence adjacent to the ladder.
    - Doors immediately adjacent to ladders tend to go a bit crazy as the villager comes near. You can avoid this if you put the door one space away.
    - Villagers will jump down 3 blocks - so be sure your rooftop decks are safe or are high enough from the ground. They will jump down, even if zombies are around (for now).
    - They will not use trapdoors that are placed on the top of blocks, only ones placed at the bottom.

    - View and tracking distances will apply to most mods that add creatures.
    - MCA, Millenaire: Fully compatible, but AI routines (climbing ladders, door selection) will not be applied to the mods' villagers. I do not think you can create an MCA village undergound, but someone should try. :)
    - Village-up: Compatible with Forge version.
    - Defensive Villagers: Partially compatible. Must set B:useCustomBreeding to false in Revamp.cfg. This also disables the villagers-per-door setting.

    - Pin villagers to beds
    - Revisit door linking for cleaner code, more accuracy, and better performance
    - Make villagers "roof" and "basement" aware and have them seek shelter from zombies there instead of just inside the house to help with Hard-mode zombies)
    - Make iron golems smarter
    - Nether/End villagers?

    Known Issues:
    - Sometimes villagers stay out longer at night until they get to their door. If you find your villagers running around a lot at night, check the light level in your houses or reduce the minimumHomeLight value in Revamp.cfg.
    - Cave villagers being chased by a lot of zombies will lead to a lot of lag! I think this is exacerbated by the general performance issues in 1.6.2.
    - Villagers yo-yo on ladders, like spiders do on walls.
    - The opening of the trapdoors needs some work, they get stuck a little too much.
    - Cannot disable villagersUseLadders without also disabling avoidZombies.

    Change Log:

    - 05/03/2015 - 1.3.1 - Bug fixes: Villagers got stuck in water; Iron golems did not stop spawning
    - Missing Changelogs
    - 08/18/2013 - 1.2.2 - Bug fixes: crash when setting villagersUseLadders to false; iron golem infinite spawning. Backported golem fix to 1.1.0b for Minecraft 1.5.2.
    - 08/01/2103 - 1.2.1 - Bug fix: crash while trading with villagers.
    - 07/31/2013 - 1.2.0 - Added: Villagers climb ladders, use trapdoors, and are better at avoiding zombies. Can apply name tags and leads to adult villagers. Reduced zombie's path-finding range; increased villager's.
    - 07/03/2013 - 1.1.1 - Updated for Minecraft 1.6.1.
    - 06/15/2013 - 1.1.0 - Cleaned up light detection (it's much better now!); changed lighting configuration to numeric value instead of true/false.
    - 06/09/2013 - 1.0.0 - Added: non-raining biome villages ignore daytime rain, mobs don't stare at you if you're invisible. Major internal rewrites for performance, door selection, and wandering.
    - 05/27/2013 - 0.6.1 - Added configuration open for disabling custom breeding. Used for compatibility with other mods that affect villager breeding (such as Defensive Villagers).
    - 04/14/2013 - 0.6 - Added: light detection; villagers leave dark houses. Changed chicken-riding default to false.
    - 03/23/2013 - 0.5 - Updated for Minecraft 1.5.0. Removed debug messages.
    - 12/27/2012 - 0.4.1 - Bug fix for occasional crashes when sleeping in bed, replaced missing mcmod.info
    - 12/23/2012 - 0.4 - Updated for Minecraft 1.4.6. Reworked pinned doors, so they are a little better now. Miscellaneous tweaks.
    - 12/08/2012 - 0.3 - Added: Pinned doors for villagers (reset on world load), villagers have twins, wander distance applied to all possible creature types. Removed: Setting to disable custom wander (due to fixing the bug).
    - 12/07/2012 - 0.2 - Added: Villagers follow emeralds, iron golem per villager setting, villagers can live underground
    - 12/03/2012 - 0.1.2 - Fixed typos breaking SMP/LAN
    - 12/03/2012 - 0.1 - Initial release

    Special Thanks:
    - My wife, for her infinite patience while I work on this.
    - aspade01, SVGK, SirTulip - great suggestions!
    - valakas46, providing a test world.
    - WildBamaBoy (author of MCA), providing code.
    - chicken_bones, AtomicStryker, denoflions for providing open source code for their excellent mods.
    - trunkz for his Villager Info mod and IronMagus for his excellent post on villager mechanics.
    - Numerous other posters across the forums who posted the tidbits I pieced together in making this.


    MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with or alters the Minecraft software to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
    MODPACK - A collection of MODs released in a bundle
    MOJANG - Mojang AB
    OWNER - Rivvest, original author of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod. (You!)
    2. USE
    Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
    This MOD may only be individually distributed with permission of the OWNER. Inclusion in MODPACKS is expressly permitted without permission. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
    This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    Quote from Penguino»

    I think im getting a crash from this mod when moving to and from the nether. All my crash reports are pointing to this mod. Is it an incompatability or something? In the mean time ill need to remove this from my modpack until i can get an answer as to what could be going on here. Thanks.


    What version of Forge? Any mods that add Nether mobs? Full log could be useful.

    Quote from 64M3_4DD1C7»

    Too bad this mod is dead.

    Not dead.. Just in a coma..

    Quote from susanneisdead»

    why wont mca villagers climg ladders though? :(

    MCA Villagers have their own path finding, I only replace vanilla path finding.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes

    *sheepishly pokes head around the corner*

    Revamp 1.3.1 is out!
    - Fixed iron golem spawning bug

    - Fixed villager swimming bug

    *runs away*

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    Quote from BlocklockCity»
    Dang, I was hoping it wasn't a conflict. I'll go through them too and see if I can find the problem mod.

    EDIT: Loading a new world with a villager in it with no other mods loaded throws the same crash. Resetting the config fixed it.

    Aha! Was it the known issue (that I had totally forgotten about myself)? "Cannot disable villagersUseLadders without also disabling avoidZombies." Next release will have the fix for that!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 5

    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    I'm back! Mod updated to 1.7.10. No other major changes. I did some minor testing, but nothing too drastic, so hopefully I don't break anyone's game. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 4

    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    I'm, erm, back? again. Sorry for the silence, it's been a really busy few months! Toddlers are a lot of work. :)

    A few updates -
    As you may have seen in other places, it will be a lot of work to get the mod updated for 1.7.2 - I'm thinking it will be a complete rewrite. As such, I'm going to basically start over, and release the mod in a series of incremental updates, each containing one or two of the major features found in the 1.6 version.

    Speaking of 1.6, I don't intend to release any more updates for 1.6, I just don't have the time. I am aware of the various crash reports and will be aware of them in the rewrite.

    Lots of modpack requests! I am no longer going to require permission for modpack addition. The front page will be updated accordingly.

    Thank you all so much for you continued support and interested in Revamp and happy crafting!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    Quote from SVGK

    why do they need to differentiate using roof thickness?, i thought they decided based off of if there was sky light on either side.... unless that would cause problems with other AI somehow....

    "Inside" and "outside" mean different things in a cave, since there is no sky involved.

    also, i have a couple of suggestions, about the iron golems needing 21 doors, how could it be that hard?, i'm certain the code is in either the village code, iron golem code, iron golem spawning code or the door code, really could only be one of those.

    The 21 value is hard-coded, and therefore requires the mod to make base edits or to be a core mod and perform bytecode injection, which is a path I don't want to travel down.

    the other suggestion is that they should only make their derpy sounds while they are within 2 blocks of you and they are looking at you (you will still hear the sound sfrom 16 blocks away, but they won't make the sounds unless you are being looked at by them), trading with you or chatting with another villager, or being hurt, i suggested this mostly because it's silly how these semi-intelligent guys talk to themselves all day long.

    I agree, they are quite noisy. I'll put this on the list. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    Quote from lolmon12

    Can I use this in my Modpack?

    Sure thing!

    Quote from beckyh2112

    This works with 1.6.4, right? I don't see any reason why it shouldn't, but just want to be sure before I go about upgrading.

    I haven't done extensive testing, but I don't know of any reason why it shouldn't be compatible.

    Quote from SVGK

    i have an idea, how about you make it so that each zombie villager has a separate skin, and that villagers "remember" what profession they were before being infected?, the naturally spawned zombie villagers would be randomized and the villagers that are infected will not despawn.

    they need not remember their trades really, and each zombie villager type would have a different skin, for instance, a priest zombie will always turn into a priest, and a librarian will always become a librarian zombie.

    and i have an idea that you may like, perhaps when you open a door at night and go in the house, leaving the door open behind you, the villagers will go up and close it?, and i have i question, there is a mod called "The Twilight Forest", it has a feature where it's always twilight, do you know how villagers behave here?, i ask because here you can sleep in beds, and they do work, so i don't know what they do.

    and why do ceilings need to be 6 blocks thick?, i don't see why they can't even be just one block thick.

    In the Twilight Forest, the villagers don't ever detect that it's night time, so they always just wander around like it's day. The cave ceilings need to be 6 blocks thick so that they can be differentiated from the game-generated houses (some of them have 5-block thick ceilings). The door idea is interesting, would have to think about that. The skinning and stuff is kind of out of my league, I'm primarily focused on AI. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    I confirmed my code wasn't doing anything differently with the breeding. Since the mod code does make the villagers do more, this does lessen the chances that two villagers will enter "love" mode at the same time. I ran an overnight test last night -- setup a village with a 120+ doors and dropped 10 villagers in. Ran it with and without the mod, and when I woke up, villager counts were as expected - 115ish for the mod and 40-some for vanilla. I did watch it for a while, and noticed that vanilla shows the same sorts of behavior you guys are all describing, so I'm pretty sure it's not my mod doing anything other than just lowering the frequency.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Revamp - Rivvest's Enhanced Villagers and Mob Performance | v1.3.1 - Bug fixes
    Quote from AUS_Doug

    This looks brilliant, as soon as Optifine and Forge are playing nicely again this will be my first download.
    A question: Will this affect the AI of villagers already in the world? Or will I have to spawn more?


    This will apply to existing villagers, no need to find new ones!
    Quote from Waffeleisen666

    But they don't breed anymore/more than before? I have 140 Houses (looked it up with "Village Info") but only 45/49 villager. I thought, that the 49 would stay because village info doesn't know that I have a mod with 1 villager per door installed, but the amount on the left side should rise? Waited one night and still - No villager/door :-(
    Some of them enter the "mate mode" but then, they move very slow and never mate with another villager.

    Your interpretation of the numbers is correct. I have noticed they seem to breed slower with my mod, I think because they wander around more than in vanilla; but they seem to eventually breed up to the right number. Let me know if that isn't the case and you continue to see a lack of mating.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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