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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    So my minecraft crashed upon loading up.


    Mods loaded: 3
    ModLoader 1.2.5
    mod_TooManyItems 1.2.5 2012-04-07
    mod_ReiMinimap v3.0_04 [1.2.5]
    	  Minecraft has crashed!	  
    Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
    --- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 331059f2 --------
    Generated 4/11/12 7:00 PM
    Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
    OS: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1
    Java: 1.6.0_31, Sun Microsystems Inc.
    VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
    LWJGL: 2.4.2
    OpenGL: GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2 version 3.2.0, NVIDIA Corporation
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: mod_GibbingZombies, method: gibZombie signature: (Labq;)V) Incompatible argument to function
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredFields(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields(Unknown Source)
    at ModLoader.setupProperties(ModLoader.java:1763)
    at ModLoader.addMod(ModLoader.java:293)
    at ModLoader.readFromModFolder(ModLoader.java:1276)
    at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:887)
    at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)
    at ahu.<init>(ahu.java:77)
    at ahu.<clinit>(ahu.java:8)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:273)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:657)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    --- END ERROR REPORT b2b0f89e ----------

    I have 5 mods installed and in this order,
    Rei's Minimap

    Not sure if I did that right... but anyways, help is appreciated, because I have no clue what to do :D Thanks
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    You sir have a crazy fetish for blue spiders in giant trees. I swear it took me 45 minutes to reach the top, and not I can't even find the bird cage for the disc. Any hints....?

    But overall, great map. The amount of mobs doesn't completely ruin it, unlike some maps. Probably because of the structures being so unique. Anyways, keep it up :Diamond:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from EvangelinaMoon

    uhh really? how do you get an alpha male then? oh no wait, I know...they settle it with a nice chess tournament right?

    Nope, they probably show their power, but not by kicking everyone in the face. Then where's the respect? They're the leader.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master

    1. Punching isnt a joke, never said it was. Must not have understood you. I was talking about depression over Insults. And to that, pain is temporary. Deal with it , youll feel alot of it in your life.
    2. Lulwut
    3. You must not stand up to your teachers like me. you need to firmly tell then you are cocerned because youcannot concentrate at all. a teacher will take action if it persosts.
    4. If you are THAT powerless, go workout.
    5. Okay, TELL AN ADULT. How hard is that to understand???

    And im going to bed. Ill continue this discussion tomorrow

    1.Because someone bring up and insulting a deceased family member is a joke, right?

    2.I have just witnessed your lack of intelligence.

    3.Tell them I'm concerned? So you're telling me to basically say it in a way that implies I am wimpy? What happened to you telling me the opposite?

    4.It's not the fact that I'm powerless. It the fact that there isn't much you can do when you get socked in the back of the head because said bully caught you by surprise.

    5.I guess I'll finally say it again. WHEN THE **** DO THEY LISTEN?

    I'll leave this here for you to see in the morning.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 2

    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master

    1. Yes, bullying is a joke. Its highly over exaggerated and its taken seriously because apparently children born into this era dont know how to deal with some brat who takes pleasure from making people feel weak from insults that shouldnt affect people.

    2. Yes, the point of school is to learn. Obviously you lack social skills if you cant deal with a " bully " without commiting suicide.

    3. You can ask to get your seat moved if you have a good reason, such as the fact you cant concentrate with the brat in your ear. Or you are being " bullied "

    4. Learn to fight, again. What, cant get out of a headlock?

    5. Yes, tell someone. Do you know what that means or do i have to spell it out??

    You can carry weaponry such as knives off school property. Problem solved.

    I was going to highlight the parts I wanted to focus on, but I decided to highlight it all because of the idiotic way you skipped right over everything.

    1.So punching someone in the face and calling them weak is a joke? Ha, I think I almost laughed. But seriously, if you think it's a joke, your sick mind should be incinerated.

    2.Did you not notice that I said I'm gaining social skills, which I apparently lack because I'm allowing a **** to basically drive me off a building? I like how much sense that makes.

    3."HEY TEACHER. This guy is bothering me, can you move me?" "______ stop bothering ______"
    ^what I've heard 100% of the time.

    4.AGAIN, did I not just say I already know how to fight, and have used it to no avail? I almost want to give you a +1 on your post because I feel bad for you.

    5.Please, spell it out, then go find the 5-6 responses that already have gone over this.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 1

    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master

    And again, bullies arent a problem. Its human nature to joke and pick on someone. When you take it to heart, thats your problem. Even if the person isnt joking, who cares? Your in school to learn, not to socialize. Ignore him and ask for your seat to be moved. I dont see how bullies are a problem. He beat you up? Learn to fight. Not an option? Tell someone, im pretty sure a teacher or other responsible adult isnt going to ignore bruises cuts and scrapes.

    1.Joke? Because bullying is a joke? Then why the hell has it been taken seriously as it has?

    2.In school JUST to learn? When I'm socializing I'm learning. I'm learning social skills which apparently I'm lacking.

    3.Seat to be moved? When the hell have the teachers actually said "yes"? Once you get past elementary there is no "seat moving" unless the teacher is doing the moving.

    4.Learn to fight? Got that down. Didn't you see that I pointed out how I could and did defend myself, to no avail? Probably not.

    5.Tell someone? I think this would be the 3rd or 4th time going over this, so I'll leave it up to you to find it.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master

    I dont think they should be sorted out, because they arent a problem. But if you have that much trouble with someone, getting the bully expelled is always an option.

    But if there's one bully there's bound to be another. And another. And probably another.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master

    You are a victim when you make yourself a victim. So with tht, we are back to a whimp who cant handle a brat. Not a brute because half the brutes in school systems arent bullies. The other half of the time you ticked him off or you annoy him, so he picks on you. Shuting up during school isnt hard and greatly reduces your chances of attracting a bully, And eventually you will be seperated into different classes and the kid will eventually be expelled. And also you tellyour parents, and they can sur the school for providing an insecure learning environment. The parents of the brat will eventually have to care.

    Wait wait wait, lemme remember something for a moment. Your original post was saying how you agreed with the OP that those who aren't the strongest should be sorted out. Now you're trying to say that they shouldn't? Huh, more contradictory today.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master

    If you get depressed over some brat picking on you then your a whimp. I mean, man up. If its really a problem, tell an adult. Problem solved.


    Let us switch this word "brat" with "brute" and this word "whimp" with "victim".

    And back to the adult thing: Bullying is usually, if not always an event that takes place in school DURING school. So who am I going to tell other than a teacher? And all teachers ever do is suspend the kid for 2 days at the most.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master


    It was said multiple times because its probably true.

    It was said multiple times because people don't realize the severe depression that sets in when there's nothing you can do.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from Pork Master

    Tell me if this makes any sense :

    "I amgoing to go kill myself because some bully is picking on me in school. "

    It doesn't. You can talk to an adult and get the issues resolved before you end it yourself. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    I should go back and count how many times I've read something similar to this.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from ValkonX11

    Yes. I did just do that.

    Cool story bro?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from ValkonX11

    You were asking me a question. So I answered it.

    I can't answer for other people, because I can't determine their risk-taking factor.

    But I can say that I still think that people should defend themselves. I don't think the majority of teenagers/young children will be concerned enough will law to take it to court.

    I defended myself, and it got me nowhere.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from ValkonX11

    Oh, don't worry. Nobody's going to bully me any time soon.

    My friend already has a criminal record, so I don't think he really cares.

    That's in terms of you and your friend. Doesn't apply to everyone.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on My Opinion on Bullying
    Quote from ValkonX11

    Stop being so pessimistic. No justice system will ever be perfect.

    I'm not being pessimistic. I'm being truthful. What you just said is true: no justice system will ever be perfect. So why bother to take the risk?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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