
About Me
Hello! I am Newomaster, but most people just call me Newo (that's my real name backwards by the way if you haven't figured it out). I enjoy the more technical side of minecraft. Specifically, I create massive redstone contraptions that do awesome things. I've built everything from games to computers. If you want to see some examples of my creations, I would recommend checking out my Youtube Channel or my Planet Minecraft.
I used to be a member of the RDF (redstone development foundation) server before most of its members split off to form ORE (open redstone engineers). I was one of the original members on ORE and I am currently working as one of its moderators. The ORE redstone community is really great and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to do some redstone, from basic to advanced. ORE server website:

Anyway... that's pretty much all I have to say about myself.
Interests Redstone logical systems. Particularly computers, implementation of interesting algorithms, and advanced redstone games.

Profile Information

Minecraft newomaster