• 0

    posted a message on Command Blocks: Detect When All Team Members Dead (The Hidden)

    Why can't you use

    /gamerule commandBlockOutput false

    That will stop the chat spam

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on 3D HOLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE SCANNER IN MINECRAFT (vanilla Minecraft).

    This is so cool! I would love an explanation of how it works. Btw, love the ptx :D

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 1

    posted a message on Freeze time with no mods

    I don't trust random download links. Could you post a video or pictures?

    Posted in: Redstone Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Need ideas for op powers?

    For a mod I am making I need ideas for overpowered "spells"
    So far I have:
    1 hit kill

    Explosion where you look


    If you have any questions feel free to reply.
    Any ideas?

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Teleport a player facing an entity?

    I'm not trying to make them face a set degree, I want them to teleport to face the entity. but I have a solution that worked from the gaming stackexchange (Credit to colorfusion for the answer):

    Here's an alternate solution to the other answer. It should work more accurately without thousands of command blocks, although it relies a lot more on trickery rather than a kind of brute-force method.

    When you summon the Target mob that you want to face towards, you need to give it a specific UUID so that the UUID isn't chosen at random. I'll use an ArmorStand for this example:

    /summon ArmorStand ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Target",UUID:1-2-3-4-5}

    If you're wanting to face towards a naturally spawned mob (where the UUID will be random), you'll need to summon another entity on top of it with a specific UUID as shown above.

    Near to this Target, summon some kind of mob that can be aggressive, but also give it slowness and anti-jump boost. I'm using a Witch for this, although they throw potions which you may need to /kill. You can also make this Aggressor invisible if you don't want players to notice it.

      /execute @e[name=Target] ~1.5 ~ ~ /summon Witch ~ ~ ~ {AbsorptionAmount:350000000000000000000000000000000000000.0f, CustomName:Aggressor,CustomNameVisible:1,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.knockbackResistance",Base:1f},{Name:"generic.movementSpeed",Base:0f}],ActiveEffects:[{Id:8,Amplifier:-127,Duration:2147483647}]}

    (The huge absorption amount is to make this Aggressor invincible, but still able to take damage)

    Now you'll want to make the Aggressor angry at the Target. This is the reason we needed the Target to have a UUID that we know, we're going to summon a snowball that pretends it has been thrown by the Target above the Aggressor:

    /execute @e[name=Aggressor] ~ ~ ~ /summon Snowball ~ ~2.1 ~ {ownerName:"1-2-3-4-5"}

    The snowball falls onto the Aggressor, and it thinks the Target threw it (ArmorStands don't even have arms, but mobs are dumb) and starts tracking the Target.

    At this point you should have whatever mob you're using looking very angry at an ArmorStand.

    Now that the setup is done, it's fairly easy to use, even repeatedly.

    Teleport the Aggressor to the player:

    /tp @e[name=Aggressor] @p

    Then wait a moment as the Agressor reorientates to face the target, and then teleport the player to the Aggressor:

    /tp @p @e[name=Aggressor]
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Teleport a player facing an entity?

    If I have an entity, is it possible to teleport that player to face the entity? How could I accomplish this?

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on {Vanilla Mod} MineMachines VMod by SadGhoster87 [v1.0.0] (The nigh-ultimate tech overhaul!)

    This. Is. The most awesome redstone thing I have ever seen. Amazing job!

    Posted in: Redstone Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for a vertical ghost block machine for 1.8.3.
    Quote from Kazo10»

    Whats the difference???

    He says he wants to do an experiment with ghost blocks. He doesn't just want invisiible blocks, he wants to do an experiment on how ghost blocks behave, which is different than ghost blocks.

    O.P Look at what MazeCraft said, just build a horizontal ghost block machine and make a simple piston on a clock to push the ghost blocks up.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Need a host for a small survival server

    Anywhere in the us for the host server, preferably east coast (I live in maryland)

    Posted in: Hosting Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on Need a host for a small survival server

    Hello, me and my friends want to make a survival server. I am looking for a server host with good uptime and enough ram so that 5 people can be online at any time without any noticeable lag. I need bukkit with at least support for 20 plugins, I also need to be able to transfer current server files over to the new server.
    And I need it to be under $20 a month.

    Posted in: Hosting Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on Right-Click Magic in Vanilla Minecraft
    He said maps

    Posted in: Redstone Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft Server Error With Group Manger
    This is in the complete wrong section, but try this:

    # Group inheritance
    # Any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups
    # and are inherited from the GlobalGroups.yml.
    # Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world
    # and are defined in the this groups.yml file.
    # Local group inheritances define your promotion tree when using 'manpromote/mandemote'
    default: true
    - g:groupmanager_default
    - g:bukkit_default
    - g:essentials_default
    - g:towny_default
    prefix: '[&s]'
    build: false
    suffix: '[&8Guest&8]'
    default: true
    - g:groupmanager_default
    - g:bukkit_default
    - g:essentials_default
    - g:towny_default
    prefix: '[&g]'
    build: false
    suffix: '[&6Member&7]'
    default: true
    - g:groupmanager_default
    - g:bukkit_default
    - g:essentials_default
    - g:towny_default
    prefix: '[&c]'
    build: false
    suffix: '[&3Trusted&7]'
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - default
    - g:essentials_builder
    - g:towny_builder
    prefix: '&2'
    build: true
    suffix: '&9Helper&9'
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - builder
    - g:groupmanager_moderator
    - g:bukkit_moderator
    - g:essentials_moderator
    - g:towny_moderator
    - g:vanish_moderator
    prefix: '&5'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - moderator
    - g:groupmanager_admin
    - g:bukkit_admin
    - g:essentials_admin
    - g:towny_admin
    - g:vanish_admin
    prefix: '&c'
    build: true
    suffix: '&8Guest&8'
    default: false
     - '*'
    - vanish.effects.toggle.all
    - admin
    prefix: '&4'
    build: true
    suffix: '&6Co&6-&8Owner&4'
    default: false
    - '*'
     - vanish.effects.toggle.all
    - admin
    prefix: '&4'
    build: true
    suffix: '&4The&6King&7Of&9All&8'

    You had a bunch of random hyphens.
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on /clone problem
    This means the thing it is cloning is unloaded. Try placing the strips closer to the command block and edit the coordinates subsequently. Also, this should be in Redstone Discussion, not Redstone Creations.
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Test for any block?
    Hello! I was wondering if it was possible to test for any block at coordinates. Testforblock works fine except you need a specific block type. I just want to test if there is any type of block there. Is that possible?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Faster than a hopper?
    But with the sheer amount of items being processed, thought minecart hoppers would be faster, it would pick up say 16 of a block, go forward, come back, 16 more, etc. And it would be much faster in that case just to use hoppers.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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