
Interests AFTERNOON GAIS. Well, sorry, but yes: I'm random. You'll probably have to get used to that. But, I have good English (and I hate people who don't (so if you think that a good ol' abbreviation everywhere is going to be a load of fun BE WARNED) bu am willing to tolerate people with good personalities C: ) I'm a female. ERMAGERD FURRMERLE. Uhm, yeah, anyway. I like cows and sheep and most of all pigs. Chickens are ANNOYING. One snuck into my shelter underground one day and decided that no matter how I persisted WOULDN'T GET OUT! So yeah, chickens = annoying. Pigs = yay! I hate creepers and endermen the most out of the hostile mobs. I also loathe blazes and ghasts. DAMN, I hate all hostile mobs. Oh yeah... did I also mention that I like to talk? A LOT? :)) M