
About Me

Hey yall, My name is Mark and I live in Ottawa Ontario. I also work at Carpet Cleaning Ottawa, the most awesome place to work and have fun if you love carpet and rug cleaning in Ottawa. I enjoy my job and I like to talk about it a lot. It has also helped me with my gaming ability because I can setup homes in minecraft and make them neat and tidy just like the home and carpets cleaning business that I work for. Thanks dudes, if you wanna find out more about me check me out at at or drop me a line here at the forums. I'll be having fun and chatting with everyone. Cheers!

If you know anything about me then you'll know my story and how much I love gaming. I once played minecraft so much that I ended up spilling my drink and made a big stain on the carpet (checkout this page to see how I removed the stain). That is why I wanted to get to know more about stain removal and how to get dirt out of the deep farbic of the rugs and carpets. Some of my friends who I play with are into residential home cleaning, while others prefer upholstery cleaning. In any case, the business of home cleaning is great and gives me plenty of time to play my favorite games.