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    posted a message on Flying entities
    Just alter the commands from above to fit your needs:
    Creeper riding a Bat:
    /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{id:261},{},{},{},{}],Riding:{id:"Bat",ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:1,Duration:199980}]}}

    To make the bat invulnerable, just add to the ActiveEffects tag:
    /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{id:261},{},{},{},{}],Riding:{id:"Bat",ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:1,Duration:199980},{Id:11,Amplifier:5,Duration:199980}]}}

    Untested, i wrote that on the go.

    Edit: Woops, forgot there was an "Invulnerable" tag. Well, both of the solutions should work just fine.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 1

    posted a message on Flying entities
    See here for a list of effects and their corresponding numerical id's.
    14 corresponds to invisibility so that the bat is not visible and the mob riding it appears as "floating" without showing the bat beneath it.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Command block problem; what am I doing wrong?
    What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? If you just want to test for the nearest player, simply use
    /testfor @p
    The coordinates are only needed if you want the center of the operation to not be the commandblock the command itself was issued from.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 1

    posted a message on Need help with these command blocks.
    Just for the sake of completion:
    Command for spawning 31 bats named "CastleBat":

    summon Bat ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat,Riding:{id:Item,Age:6000,Item:{id:1},Riding:{id:Bat,CustomName:CastleBat}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Command(run directly after spawning the bats) that will spread the bats out in a set radius:

    spreadplayers X Z 10 30 false @e[type=Bat,name=CastleBat]

    Replace X and Z with the coordinates of the center of your castle. 10 is the minRadius, 30 the maxRadius that the bats will be spread in. Change it to your liking.

    Command(on a clock) that will re-center every bat outside of the set radius:

    tp @e[type=Bat,rm=31,name=CastleBat] X Y Z

    Where X Y and Z are the coordinates of the center of your castle and rm=31 the maxRadius the bats are allowed to stay in. Change it to your liking.

    I thought i'd just share a solution for this problem in case somebody else should ever encounter such an issue.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 1

    posted a message on Is there a way to spawn a monster on someone?
    The new commands will only work in the snapshots. If you want the latest features, you'll probably have to update to one of them. The new features will make concepts such as this way easier.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 2

    posted a message on Need help with these command blocks.
    On the topic of spawning multiple mobs in one command, this might be helpful. After that, just apply a /spreadplayers on the specific mobs.
    And for teleporting mobs when they get out of range, you had that one right. Notice how you don't need a /testfor for it to work.
    tp @e[type=Zombie,rm=3,name=Karl] ~ ~-400 ~

    Which will teleport every Zombie with the name "Karl" that is more than 3 blocks away from the commandblock to y=-400 which kills it instantly.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 1

    posted a message on Is there a way to spawn a monster on someone?
    Yet another application for the /execute command:
    /execute @p ~ ~ ~ summon Zombie ~ ~ ~
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on ?Is there a way to execute commands onto FallingSand Entites?
    Well, i just find this the easiest to set up for testing purposes so i worded my post the way i had constructed my setup. How you tick the commandblocks is completely up to the person using this design. It's not like anybody's been forced to use exactly this setup either. With /setblock you could probably eliminate one or two of the commandblocks as they tick fast enough to spawn particles every block and not every 2nd or 3rd.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on ?Is there a way to execute commands onto FallingSand Entites?
    This is where the /execute command comes in:
    Set up a comparator clock and hook up three commandblocks with these commands in them:
    execute @e[type=FallingSand] ~ ~ ~ particle flame ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0.1 50

    execute @e[type=FallingSand] ~ ~ ~ particle flame ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0.1 50

    execute @e[type=FallingSand] ~ ~ ~ particle flame ~ ~2 ~ 0 0 0 0.1 50

    This will create a trail of flames(though i prefer the explosion one). For a longer trail, continue the scheme i gave you a few more blocks up.
    It should be possible to target the Entity directly from the command, but in my testing i found this to not be functional.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on how to tell if a circuit is a memory circuit?
    On the issue of not being able to post screenshots:
    1.) Ingame, press F2 for it to make a screenshot of what you're currently looking at.
    2.) Navigate to your screenshots folder using Windows+R and entering this path:
    Confirm with Enter.
    3.) Navigate to imgur.com
    4.) Drag&Drop the image you want to upload onto the site. An upload winow will appear. Press "Upload" and wait until it finishes.
    5.) The uploaded image will appear. Click it. It will take you to a full-size view of the image. Now, copy the URL of this page. This is your image url.
    6.) In a forum post, use the
    tags to embed your picture by putting the link to your picture in between them.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on New to redstone, need some help...
    This is called a "Jeb-Door". Here is a compact design that will definitely work(tested in the latest snapshot):
    You may power either of the two redstone dust in the middle for it to activate.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Way to /setblock relative to the player?
    Please make sure you are in one of the latest snapshots for the commands here to work properly.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Help needed! Custom Naturally Spawning Chests [1.8 Snapshot]
    You don't have the ability to distinguish "natural" chests from the chests that were artifically put in by players. Since the terrain generation continues all the time while players explore new chunks, you would have to run your function again and again which would always include all the chests, even those put in by players.
    You could try and force the players to use named chests which all have the same name so you would be able to specify to not use these chests in the selection process. For this, you'd use the stat.craftItem values on chests that you'd track for every player and whenever it increases, /clear the crafted chest from their inventory and /give them a named one.
    The next problem are unloaded chunks since you can't know if you already filled a chest or not. So you couldn't set a percentage for your item spawn-algorithm but rather have to deal with a 100% chance. A solution to this would be a chest-specific "item-code" inside a chest(for example every visited chest has 2 redstone in the upper left corner) so the next time you come by, you ignore this chest and move on. To cycle through the chests themselves you'd also need a temporary marker, either another item code or a temporary entity below/above the chest which can't move so you can target the block above individually.

    All in all i believe this to be possible to some extent though it is very complicated to practically implement and would be likely to cause lag.

    Edit: Targeting the chests at all could prove to be more difficult than i anticipated at first, i'm toying around with some concepts, though.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Minecraft PHD Flopper boots
    Afaik you can just reset the statistics. See the wiki for this information.
    After the event fired(the commandblock activated it's output) you just activate another one that resets it by using the regular scoreboard commands. The statistics are just auto-incrementing/-decrementing values so you can change them whenever you want. After it's been set to 0 again it'll automatically be ready again.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Way to /setblock relative to the player?
    The correct way for executing another command relative to an entity is:
    /execute <Entity> <x> <y> <z> <Command>

    It will execute the following command as if the specified entity had issued it at the coordinates that you passed to /execute.
    With the /setblock command included:
    /execute <Entity> <x> <y> <z> setblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]

    So if you wanted to place a block where the nearest player is standing:
    /execute @p ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:stone
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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