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    posted a message on MrMMods (BetterLight|Grass, SimpleMap) 1.8.1
    Hey Mr.M, the better lighting rewrite looks amazing! I do find the shadowing to be a little too dark with some non-default texture packs, however. Is there any chance of having a setting to adjust the darkness of the AO effect in the future?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.7 Ready!] ♔ FRENDEN's CARTOON PACK ♔ [16x]
    Thanks Frenden. This is the first texture pack that has really caught my eye and it feels like a whole new game. Oddly enough, I feel like this pack is much more in the spirit of the game than some of the other texture packs, even though it is very much a stylistic departure.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Carts intermittently won't trigger pressure plates
    I've been tinkering with this some more and I really don't think that this is related to speed of the cart. I can have a cart drop down from an overhang onto the pressure plate, wait there for several seconds after the "click" and nothing ever happens. If I'm out of the cart and just stand on the plate, it works every time.

    I guess we'll just have to wait for a fix.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Carts intermittently won't trigger pressure plates
    Quote from Afforess »
    I can't say much more than to confirm your issue, and I too am interested in a fix.

    Thanks Afforess. Any idea if the triggering "bug" occurs in single player as well?

    Incidentally, I just checked Minecart Mania and it looks amazing! I'm going to try to steer clear of the mod route out of misplaced stubbornness for now, but I would love to see some of your ideas implemented in the game by default.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Carts intermittently won't trigger pressure plates
    Hey guys, I hope that this is the appropriate place for this.

    I have some track switching that is activated by a minecart passing over stone pressure plates so that they only trigger when a rider is onboard. Sometimes, while riding the cart, I pass the pressure plate, hear it "click", but the pressure plate doesn't output anything. When I get off the cart and test by walking over the plate, it works every time.

    I don't believe that this is an issue with the design since the same design works in some areas and not in others, and since this is intermittent. I think that most likely it has something to do with the speed of the passing cart and possibly network latency on my SMP server.

    One odd thing I may have noticed is that I seemed to have temporarily improved my odds of the plate working by having some extra redstone torches in the area, used as on/off indicators. I think that this helped update the surrounding blocks where the switched track is.

    Any ideas as to what could be causing this and what I might be able to do to make it more reliable? For what it's worth, I'm using a simple under-track redstone line with signals passing to the block below/above.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Hey Spiegal, it seemed like in the previous version of SS, any mis-typed commands preceded by a "!" were ignored. Now it'd back to the old behavior where it sends this to the chat channel. To keep the channel clear of mis-typed commands (usually on my part!), perhaps you'd consider not sending any content preceded by a "!" out to the chat channel.

    I know you're busy lately, so no rush to consider this. I just wanted to get this out there while I remembered.


    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Whoo! Sethome!
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Quote from noroom »
    Is there a bug in the c10tArgs setting?

    c10t can take the path to a ttf file as an argument for the --ttf-path switch. I use it like this:

    c10tArgs=c10t --world ./World1 --isometric --show-players --ttf-path C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Tahoma.ttf --ttf-color 255,255,255 --out out.png

    I've tried with both with single and escaped backslashes, but upon restarting the server, it gets changed to this (look at the path):

    c10tArgs=c10t --world ./World1 --isometric --show-players --ttf-path C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Tahoma.ttf --ttf-color 255,255,255 --out out.png

    There's a slash there that doesn't belong. What's the correct way to pass a path to c10t?

    I think that Spiegal has mentioned that this is a limitation of how the command is passed through Java and that this may be updated later. I just have c10tArgs launch a shell script that I edit separately
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Quote from JimmyJamesU »
    I searched the thread a bit but didn't find any mention of the following--apologies if it has been brought up before. This is an extremely minor problem for me, but I thought I'd bring it up as I like things to be neat and tidy:

    I noticed that with the default msgformat setting the > character at the end of a username is colored the same as the username as defined in group-list.txt. Is there any way to get this to be white, like the < character is? If not, would you consider implementing a way to signal an end to the color?

    Thanks for the great wrapper.

    Try modifying the following lines in simpleserver.properties as:

    msgTitleFormat=\u00A7%3$s<[%2$s] %1$s>\u00A7f

    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on NEINedit - NBT Editor for Mac OS X
    Hello, thank you or making this tool! I am using this to open up player .dat files to change player locations. Unfortunately, it does not seem that changes to the .dat files are saved when I perform a Save. When I Save As and then give the .dat file a new name, it does seem to work, however.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on Ideas for scripting retrieval of online-users list?
    Here's a much better script than my previous one, for those who aren't up to running the SQL code posted above. It just outputs to a text file and I run this once a minute.

    open (LOGFILE, '/PATH/TO/server.log'); #Path to test.log file
    open (WEBFILE, '>/PATH/TO/log'); #Path to log file for web server or whatever
    #Uncomment to list server start time
    #$line1 = <LOGFILE>;
    #if ($line1 =~ m/(.*) \[INFO\] (.*)/) 
    #  {
    #   $line1 = "Last restart $1";
    #  }
    my %player_hash = (); # create the hash
    while ( <LOGFILE> )
    if ($_ =~ m/(.*) \[INFO\] (\w+) \[(.*)\] logged (\w+)/)  #check for join message
    	$player = "$2";
       	$player_hash{$player} = "has been online since $1";
    	if ($_ =~ m/(.*) \[INFO\] (\w+) lost connection: (\w+)/)  #check for quit message
    		$player = "$2";
          		$player_hash{$player} = "has been offline since $1";
    	if ($_ =~ m/(.*) \[INFO\] \[CONSOLE\] Mapping Complete!/)  #check for map update
         		$maprun = "Map updated $1";
    print WEBFILE "Server Status:\n\n";
    #print WEBFILE "$line1\n\n"; #Uncomment to list server start time
    print WEBFILE "$maprun\n\n";
    #sort by joined and then left players
     foreach my $key (sort {$player_hash{$b} cmp $player_hash{$a}} keys % player_hash)
    print WEBFILE "$key $player_hash{$key}
    close (LOGFILE);
    close (WEBFILE);
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Quote from SpiegalPwns »
    Quote from phokur »
    First off, awesome wrapper. You really have created something that complements minecraft perfectly.
    So after playing around with it I have two questions:
    #1 - Is there any way to suppress the server from spamming every time it backups or saves?
    #2 - Any future plans for whispering player to player?

    1) Not yet. In a future update
    2) I think that functionality already exists within minecraft? Perhaps its just llamacraft...

    I think that /tell works to whisper. Maybe you could have !tell mapped to this (sort of like you did with !home and /home) to add some flexibility.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Hey Spiegal, a nice feature might be the option to define initialization commands either as part of the MOTD or elsewhere. For instance, it'd be nice to be able to automatically run !who, !commands, !listwarps, !kits, etc… at login.

    Along the same lines, something I've done for my server is have a script that runs every minute to see who is online and when SS last mapped and write this to a file so that I can publish this on a webpage. It's probably too niche to be a need for Simple Server, but I bet you could do this a heck of a lot more efficiently than my hack. Maybe in the future SS could output this and other stats (uptime, last backup/map update) to an html file (or whatever is most appropriate).
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Quote from cdothackit »
    dstroud, that's freakin' amazing! You need to make your own thread for this when you get it figured out. I would love to implement it with my server, but I'm not confident in my perl abilities without assistance.

    Thanks, I'll definitely do that and maybe try to make better instructions as well as downloadable .pl files for both parsing types (public as well as public+private).

    I just learned how to do some basic perl yesterday, so it's nothing to be too intimidated by. The trickiest part is just getting Simple Server to run the scripts automatically, but even that isn't too bad thanks to Spiegal's great work.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [Software] SimpleServer Wrapper RC 7.0 [1.2]
    Hey guys, I just wanted to share something cool you can do if you're using Simple Server's warps and a mapping tool like Brownan's Minecraft Overviewer. I wrote a little perl script to run whenever Simple Server maps so that it adds warp markers like so: http://imgur.com/YAMI1

    Here's the perl script (first one I've written so it may be clunky):

    open (MARKERFILE, '>/PATH/TO/markers.js'); #path to Minecraft-Overviewer's markers.js file
    open (WARPFILE, '/PATH/TO/mods-warp-list.txt'); #path to Simple Server's mods-warp-list.txt file
    print MARKERFILE "var markerData=[\n";
     while (<WARPFILE>) {
    my @myarray = split ',', $_;
    $myarray[5]=~ s/\(\)/(Public)/;
    print MARKERFILE "{\"msg\": \"$myarray[0] $myarray[5]\", \"y\": $myarray[2], \"z\": $myarray[3], \"x\": $myarray[1]},\n";
    close (WARPFILE);
    print MARKERFILE "]\n";
    close (MARKERFILE); 

    To use this, just save the above code as something like parser.pl and update the filepaths for MARKERFILE and WARPFILE. You should have this run after the mapping is complete. I have Simple Server's c10tArgs option run a shell script to do Minecraft-Overviewer and then the above perl script, like so:

    set -e
    python /PATH/TO/brownan-Minecraft-Overviewer-055e117/gmap.py -p 1 --cachedir=/PATH/TO/mapcache /PATH/TO/world /PATH/TO/map

    Spiegal, is there a way to have the c10tArgs option run more than one command in a sequence? I tried putting two commands together with a semicolon with no luck.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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