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    posted a message on Sloped grass block
    I know but from a mechanics standpoint they are exactly the same. If it's done it can be done like stairs to maintain the blocky feel. Think of a dirt-textured stair block. I could see it artistically working, but I don't really care if it gets added or not.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Sloped grass block
    Quote from flaminghawk83»
    So, make a block world, where literally everything is made of blocks, have a slope? This is dumb. It would ruin the feel. Heck, it would ruin minecraft.

    Sorry, no support.

    It wouldn't necessarily. He's just talking about a covering of dirt that slopes together a bit more. He's not talking about trees, rocks, mines, or anything else. This would be like having a naturally generating stair dirt block appear which is textured to to look like dirt. As the stair block adapts to the edges of surrounding blocks it would smooth out terrain height changes in grassy areas. This actually makes sense as dirt (being a sediment) tends to settle and smooth things out. But one shovelful and it'd be obvious it was still blocks as really it is just exactly like stairs. If he's talking about smoothing out blocks then I would disagree too. That's kinda the point of minecraft as blocks make it easy to build.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Larger Terrain Generation (Not Biomes)
    wow! Great pictures!

    I also would want this in vanilla, however, I'd want balance. Instead of scaling up everything there should be some randomness. The scale should have the ability to go a lot larger but could also generate default terrain or in between. Otherwise I'd eventually get tired of the lack of small features.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Sloped grass block
    A block with this exact mechanic is already in minecraft. It's called stairs. They adapt based on the solid sides near them and create sloped walking. All that is required is that a block with identical coding gets retextured to look like sloped grass of various styles. This would be so freaking easy to put in...I'm really surprised it hasn't been done actually, and if it is done it should automatically generate on the surfaces of landscape to smooth out the terrain look.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Walking Caterpillar (Slime Block Flying Machine) + Tutorial
    That's awesome. :)
    Posted in: Redstone Creations
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    posted a message on Survival Redstone Ideas!
    Some basic contraptions that are fun for survival:

    1. Cobblestone generator builders: that use pistons to automatically build things (like fill in a floor or wall). Besides being a free source of cobblestone (if you mine what they are building) they are fun to watch.

    2. Night Lights: use the new daylight sensor to design streetlights along your paths that only light up when night falls

    3. Rail Delivery system: Load a minecart, press a button. send it to your storage room to unload itself and send itself back. This system works as long as the distance is short enough it doesn't reach an unloaded chunk. Otherwise it hangs until you walk over. Hopper pipelines apparently will work even in unloaded chunks but they are not survival friendly unless you have a great iron farm.

    4. Nether rail system: One thing that makes survival boring for me is when I completely settle an area. I often take off for new areas to "start over" in the same world. My method: Go to the nether. Bring the ingredients for a portal, and hike a long way. Then teleport to a fresh area. Mark your path well so you can find your way back eventually. Once I have built up and settled the new area I build a rail-line between the two portals for quick travel as the nether moves 8x the distance per block as the overworld. Eventually a have a ton of isolated overworld bases with no ugly rail connections but a railroad hub in the nether to connect them all quickly when I want to get around.

    5. Boat Harbor: Using soul sand and dispensers you can design a system to launch your boats out into the ocean and land safely in a harbor for a more official boating experience. Works well in island-based maps.

    6. Automatic smelting machine: can smelt through a whole set of chests of things while you are gone. Just use the new hopper mechanics and seperate fuel/smelt chests. This has saved me countless hours of manual smelting. You lose the experience, but when you're trying the get 8 double chests of nether bricks you don't really care about that.

    that should be enough ideas to get you started.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Survival Redstone Ideas!
    Do you mean a "semi-automatic" wheat farm? Fully automated ones are impossible in survival. Aka, it harvests/gathers for you but you need to replant. The same design works for wheat,carrots,potatoes,and nether wart and cocoa beans. Basically anything you need to click to plant can't be "fully" automated.

    I would recommend some farm types that can be fully automated or partially automated in survival. They are fun to watch. Worth the payoff in time-saving and a fun novelty that will impress your friends. I don't know if you want a tutorial but I haven't done videos of my designs. I have however designed a system for every growable plant. However if you're like me you just want ideas and not a hand-out. Half the fun is figuring it out on your own and you can pilot test your ideas in a creative game so you know they work before putting in the time in survival.

    Some ideas that I've actually built and I know are survival friendly and efficient:

    1. Automatic Chicken Farms:

    Because chickens drop eggs full automation of the life cycle is possible

    3 kinds of systems are needed:

    A. Automatic Egg Collection.

    B. Automatic dispension of the new chicks into a chamber below. Works as a xp farm as well as you get to kill the output by hand if you want

    C. Automatically kills and cooks only the adult chickens in the chamber below and gathers the remains. Hint: Killing with lava accomplishes both

    Any plant farm that grows a seperate block from the original plant can be fully automated where it works with no more input from you and stores the produce. Some examples:

    2. Automate Cane Harvesting and Gathering:

    3. Automate Melon/Pumpkin Harvesting and Gathering:

    4. Automate cactus harvest and gathering:

    5. Automate small-mushroom farming:

    These are some starter ideas and I've done them all with survival friendly designs. It was a lot of fun figuring them out for myself so I'll let you think about it and have that fun too. ;)
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Need help figuring out How to make a random signal maker
    The best design depends on the average signal period you want.

    For instance, do you want it to trigger itself every few seconds?

    1. A randomizer using 4-5 redstone torches and a lead off of 1 of them does this. What will happen is the feedback between caused just a few to pulse at a time and the others remain off. But the pulse is so fast the ones going burn out. Then a new torch is randomly picked (basically whichever updates first) etc. It loops around meaning if you have a lead off a single torch you get a design that flickers AC for a second every 4-5 seconds. This is often useful. If you want a single pulse the design can be modified.

    Do you want a longer period, say 10-15 seconds? You can use the fire check method above. I'd never heard of that and it is nice. To make it only output once you can use a comparator off your checking command block which means the command block after it only fires once. Then have another command block checking if where the fire is is air. When it is it resets the output of the first command block and recreates the fire. That way you only get a single pulse when the fire is created.

    Do you want a very long average period? say 10+ minutes between triggers on average? I often want a period like this to automatate my cane and pumpkin farms. A simple way to do this that I invented is what I dubbed the pumpkin/melon clock. You have a repeater pointing at where a single pumpkin/melon will grow from a vine. When it grows, the signal pulses once briefly, and then is fed back to a piston above the melon/pumpkin that crushes it and the clock resets. This results in a brief pulse once between 5-20 minutes, perfect for harvesting cane and pumpkin which have similar grow times. It takes 1-2 repeaters, a redstone source, and a piston and is super compact. I automate all my harvestable farms with variants of this clock as it is far more resource efficient than a large determinate clock. Sometimes I'll double the design for other melon/pumpkin farms though as you don't lose anything harvesting them more frequently.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Command Block System for repairing items in inventory?
    well, I really wish someone had taken the time to help me as I'm sure this has been done before.

    However, I have finally, after about 5 hours of research figured out how to do it. the wiki was very vague with the datatag "damage". It was not clear at all that this was what determined the amount of uses left but I finally figured it out through trial and error investigating the error reports of the command blocks. also, there apparently is some bogus variable "Health" which I thought was damage but seemed to do nothign when I addressed it. I finally figured out that this only governs the damage due to lava/fire/explosions and is separate.

    The solution:

    I ended up having to switch to a method where you drop the item to be restored because then I can access the data as a dropped item entity with entitydata and reset the damage on the item to zero. It works perfectly and only works if a player with 41+ levels is in the area and a damaged item is dropped in the altar area. I orginally wanted it to be placed in a furnace slot as then I could flame the furnace and make it look like something happened, but whenever I used blockdata and got to the variables of the stored item using Item:{slot:0,Damage:0s} it overwrote the item there. I'm unsure why as I only changed the variable damage, however, it acted like I was creating a new item there because if I manually set an id the item with that id popped into existence with the variables set as I did. I'm gonna guess this is a bug from addressing the stored item within the furnace. It assumes id and other vars are zero if you don't set them, effectively erasing the item if you just try to talk to one of the stored variables. However, this dropped item idea I had works perfectly, so problems solved! I even found a nice way using comparators to not run the xp subtraction step if the item dropped had damage already set to 0! Flawless! :)
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Animals flee from Jack-o'-Lanterns
    hmmm, I don't really see the point but I wouldn't mind it either. Although the scaring animals away from your garden idea is kinda cool.

    Anyway, I'd prefer it if they simply fixed the "running" response of animals. Common sense says if you whack an animal it should run away. At least that's what I thought when they first implemented the change. They were getting in my way while building, so I punched one....he ran away initially but always came right back to sit in my way again. This must be a bug.

    My post also talks about making animals run but in response to you hurting one of them for anyone who is curious, and instead of running "around" the area they actually run "away".

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Command Block System for repairing items in inventory?

    And to clarify, i'm not asking this to be built for me, just the relevant commands or a "no, sorry, that can't be done" answer. I see some of what I need but can't see a way to do this with the basic commands, but they may just be because I'm new to command blocks.

    I will need commands to address the following:

    1. Reading a player's level and subtracting levels (I know how to do this one)

    2. A command to read durability on an item (I only want this will only work if a repairable item is there so the player's levels aren't wasted. I also don't want it to to work if the item doesn't have a durability)

    3. A command to either change the durability of an item (so I can set it to full) or to create a new, identical item with the same specifications including changes to name and enchantments and destroy the old. (this could be easier if there is no easy way to tell what "full" durability is on the item as I know it varies and may not be recorded with the item)
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Hunting Suggestions
    I would also enjoy that, however, I thought a lot of players wouldn't which is why I moderated my suggestion a bit. Some people just don't care about hunting, in which case they would complain if it was too difficult.

    And anyway, though one method would be to just follow the herd and keep killing them one by one, I had envisioned a more dynamic hunt than that. You damage the first one, they bolt, you shoot after them with arrows or chase them down with a horse. It could be like a real hunt. 10 seconds of running is honestly kind of short, but like I said, some players will hate this suggestion if we make hunting too difficult. Also, you could stalk: sneak up on the herd using trees and shoot at them from a distance. But really, hunting on a horse is where this suggestion would be really fun as you could keep up with the group and attack them from saddleback. It'd make horses more useful as well.

    I want to make it interesting enough that it could be made fun by those that feel like I do but wouldn't be too annoying to people that don't care as much.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Rewarding old players
    Oh, you played since 2011?

    Beta? You say?

    Congratulations! ...you are one in over a million.

    hahahaha! No seriously, that is NOT that special.

    I bought back in Beta as well along with a massive crowd of other players. (2010-2011ish honestly I don't remember) I didn't consider myself special. I think more than 2 million players had the desktop version of Beta before minecraft 1.0 came out. They displayed the numbers on their site and it was a lot. I think having had the experience of playing it as it developed and getting dozens of free updates and backstories was a good enough reward for me.

    And anyway, they display your join date for this forum in your personal info. If you are asking for cred on this site, there's already that. I'm sorry if you joined the forums late, you must have not been that dedicated of a player after all... ;) I guess you'll have to make your own reputation by posting relevant suggestions and discussions and getting thanks from others. Sorry tree puncher...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Feather Block and more uses for Feathers!
    I support a feather-falling potion.

    The others I don't see the point. Just jump in water. and I'm fine with item frames if I ever need to hang feathers.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Aluminum Ore!
    I would appreciate having at least one new ore to play with but not sure that we need it for tools/armor and the devs think so too if Jeb's comments are to be believed. We have enough material tiers.

    Anyway, realism apparently doesn't mean much but if you really want a new tool type aluminum is not the best choice. It is primarily useful because it is lightweight, but it would suck as any tool/armor. It is very soft, flexible, and oxidizes quite readily losing it's shininess to a dull gray.

    In fact, because it oxidizes so quickly pretty much every aluminum ore form is an ore called Bauxite which is aluminum oxide. You can never get aluminum from this ore by normal smelting because it doesn't exist as the metal form within the ore (so you couldn't melt it out). Which is why they never had the metal in ancient times. You need to chemically separate it from the oxide which requires extreme heat and maybe even a vacuum for best results.

    If you want tools/armor types I think you'd want tin or bronze (the precursors to iron in armor). In reality, bronze is an alloy containing both copper and tin metals and copper is even softer and worse by itself. so really the main ore before iron was the tin ore. To be simple we could just do a bronze ore though which is really the better metal. Both tin and copper by themselves aren't the best for tools though tin was used in some armor types that needed to be flexible (like greaves).

    Like I said, I really doubt any new material tiers will be implemented, but if they were it could go something like this:
    1. Wood picks breaks stone
    2. Stone picks breaks tin/bronze ores, coal, and other stone
    3. tin/bronze picks break iron ore, redstone ore, lapiz, emerald
    4. iron picks break diamond ore
    5. diamond picks break obsidian
    Posted in: Suggestions
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