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    posted a message on The Test of Bravery!

    Welcome to the test to end all tests, the challenge to end all challenges, the insert rule of three here, the Test of Bravery!

    This challenge is simple... fight everything and complete the game.

    I should probably elaborate. The rules are that if a mob hits you, skeleton, zombie, spider, any mob, you have to kill them.

    Of course there's no way to define exact ruling for this kind of thing (Does burning count? Can another mob kill them? Do you have to kill them straight away or can you fight another mob first?) so you have a bit of wiggle room.

    I'd like to define one exact rule here though; despawning does NOT count. They have to die one way or another, not disappear.

    And by "complete the game" well, this is kind of up to you. I recommend defeating the Ender Dragon, but if that's too easy/uninteresting you can challenge yourself to do other things like collecting achievements, breaking blocks, or hey, what about killing mobs?

    I'd love to hear about your adventures with the challenge; feel free to write about them here!

    Peace out!

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Potion Of Suffocation

    Quote from Cerroz >>

    Your potion sounds like a super buffed version of poison. 2 hearts of damage per second is quite a lot. There's hardly even time for the victim to panic as they'll be dead in 5 seconds.

    :huh: Dude, what? It has high damage and long duration. Isn't that the perfect antithesis of balance? You can't use "we don't have a lot of this" as a suggestion support beam as that truly doesn't mean or prove anything. No support.

    You misunderstand him here.
    For one, he's not saying 2 hearts of damage, but two HEALTH, equal to one heart. He's basically saying that the potion will make you drown like in water, but above ground.
    Second, when he says "long duration" he means the 10 seconds before the drowning starts, where you could counter with milk, a water breathing potion, a helmet with Respiration, or whatever else.

    Now I'd like to deliver my verdict.
    This seems like a neat idea, but I'd like to offer a few suggestions in your different areas.

    It makes you drown above ground and has quite a few counters. That's neat, but if being in water accelerates the effect, that's a bit counter-intuitive and OP in my opinion.
    What I'm suggesting is that water isn't something to avoid while you have the effect, but yet another counter.
    While in water, you can breathe freely. The potion could be named "Gills Potion" or something like that.

    Besides that, the counters of water breathing items and potions are neat, and milk is always there if you don't have that.
    Although I do believe that the duration should be nerfed to last a little bit shorter. It is a bit OP.
    Maybe this wouldn't fit well in PvP though. Now what a nice idea would be is if a naturally spawning mob had an attack that gave you this effect...
    But this is for PvP and I'm getting off-track with all my suggestions... All-in-all, I give it...

    Partial Support

    Could be a nice idea, but needs work.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Red stone or command block ?

    If you're playing survival, redstone. If you're in creative, command blocks.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on /gamerule BlockGravity

    This would be neat, but doing something like this: "/gamerule blockGravity stone sand stained_glass" just doesn't fit with how gamerules work. All gamerules except for randomTickSpeed are simply boolean true/false values, and randomTickSpeed still has to be a number. Having a gamerule that uses a list just goes against the basic principle of how gamerules work. This would fit better in its own command, like "/blockgravity"

    Partial Support

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on How well are you known?


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    posted a message on Google Picture War

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    posted a message on Rate the above forum member's avatar!

    10/10. Joy is good.

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    posted a message on What the above avatar would most likely do to the avatar above him/her?

    Kiss. The April Fools Pink Wither kisses all with its love! :D

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on The above user's location is your new home.

    Aurgh! There are too many ninjas! Abort! Abort!

    Posted in: Forum Games
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