• 0

    posted a message on Rendering Beam from Entity to Entity

    When I do this, the beam does not render at all.

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on THE TITANS MOD: The most dangerous bosses in all of Minecraft, even attacking your pc!

    Woah you want me to do them in order? lol

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on THE TITANS MOD: The most dangerous bosses in all of Minecraft, even attacking your pc!


    Iron Golem

    Magma Cube


    Snow Golem

    Ender Colossus




    Pig Zombie?

    Wither Skele

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Rendering Beam from Entity to Entity

    Here ya go

    public void doRender(Entity p_147500_1_, double p_76986_2_, double p_76986_4_, double p_76986_6_, float p_76986_8_, float p_76986_9_)
            this.doRender((EntityJenBoss)p_147500_1_, p_76986_2_, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_, p_76986_8_, p_76986_9_);
            GL11.glAlphaFunc(GL11.GL_GREATER, 0.1F);
            Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
            GL11.glTexParameterf(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, 10497.0F);
            GL11.glTexParameterf(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, 10497.0F);
            GL11.glRotatef(90,1,0, 0);
            OpenGlHelper.glBlendFunc(770, 1, 1, 0);
            float f2 = (float)p_147500_1_.worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() + p_76986_8_;
            float f3 = -f2 * 0.2F - (float) MathHelper.floor_float(-f2 * 0.1F);
            byte b0 = 1;
            double d3 = (double)f2 * 0.025D * (1.0D - (double)(b0 & 1) * 2.5D);
            tessellator.setColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 32);
            double d5 = (double)b0 * 0.2D;
            double d7 = 0.5D + Math.cos(d3 + 2.356194490192345D) * d5;
            double d9 = 0.5D + Math.sin(d3 + 2.356194490192345D) * d5;
            double d11 = 0.5D + Math.cos(d3 + (Math.PI / 4D)) * d5;
            double d13 = 0.5D + Math.sin(d3 + (Math.PI / 4D)) * d5;
            double d15 = 0.5D + Math.cos(d3 + 3.9269908169872414D) * d5;
            double d17 = 0.5D + Math.sin(d3 + 3.9269908169872414D) * d5;
            double d19 = 0.5D + Math.cos(d3 + 5.497787143782138D) * d5;
            double d21 = 0.5D + Math.sin(d3 + 5.497787143782138D) * d5;
            double d23 = (double)(256.0F);
            double d25 = 0.0D;
            double d27 = 1.0D;
            double d28 = (double)(-1.0F + f3);
            double d29 = (double)(256.0F) * (0.5D / d5) + d28;
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d7, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d9, d27, d29);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d7, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d9, d27, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d11, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d13, d25, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d11, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d13, d25, d29);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d19, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d21, d27, d29);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d19, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d21, d27, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d15, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d17, d25, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d15, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d17, d25, d29);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d11, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d13, d27, d29);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d11, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d13, d27, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d19, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d21, d25, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d19, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d21, d25, d29);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d15, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d17, d27, d29);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d15, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d17, d27, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d7, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d9, d25, d28);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d7, p_76986_4_ + d23, p_76986_6_ + d9, d25, d29);
            OpenGlHelper.glBlendFunc(770, 771, 1, 0);
            tessellator.setColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 32);
            double d30 = 0.2D;
            double d4 = 0.2D;
            double d6 = 0.8D;
            double d8 = 0.2D;
            double d10 = 0.2D;
            double d12 = 0.8D;
            double d14 = 0.8D;
            double d16 = 0.8D;
            double d18 = (double)(256.0F);
            double d20 = 0.0D;
            double d22 = 1.0D;
            double d24 = (double)(-1.0F + f3);
            double d26 = (double)(256.0F) + d24;
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d30, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d4, d22, d26);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d30, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d4, d22, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d6, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d8, d20, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d6, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d8, d20, d26);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d14, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d16, d22, d26);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d14, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d16, d22, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d10, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d12, d20, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d10, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d12, d20, d26);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d6, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d8, d22, d26);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d6, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d8, d22, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d14, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d16, d20, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d14, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d16, d20, d26);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d10, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d12, d22, d26);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d10, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d12, d22, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d30, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_ + d4, d20, d24);
            tessellator.addVertexWithUV(p_76986_2_ + d30, p_76986_4_ + d18, p_76986_6_ + d4, d20, d26);
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Rendering Beam from Entity to Entity

    It's a good idea, but there's a problem with GL11 methods and rendering, as can be seen with this clip:


    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on THE TITANS MOD: The most dangerous bosses in all of Minecraft, even attacking your pc!
    Quote from Xwancool»

    Here! https://i.loli.net/2017/08/17/599528ab3cb81.png
    And here is a small challenge: If you can identify every kinds of mobs in it, then I will show you every boss bars.

    Is there any way you could increase the size of the image? It's very difficult to see rn.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on THE TITANS MOD: The most dangerous bosses in all of Minecraft, even attacking your pc!
    Quote from Xwancool»

    I have a good news, everyone. I had done every bosses' health bar(except 1.8+ bosses and executor dragon). ;)

    Show us please!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Rendering Beam from Entity to Entity

    So, I have successfully rendered the Beacon Beam on an Entity. Now, I am wondering if it is possible to render the beam starting at the main entity and having it automatically rotate to face its attack target?

    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on THE TITANS MOD: The most dangerous bosses in all of Minecraft, even attacking your pc!

    These bars are really well done. The only thing I can mention is, in order to have a custom bar in the game, you need two textures: One for the full health bar, and one for the empty health bar, so the game can display an accurate health. Without an empty health bar, it won't display when damage is taken.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom Entity Model from .obj?

    Cubik looks interesting, thanks for the bump.

    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from BobMowzie»

    Hm, I'm picturing the fight taking place in midair, on a series of floating blocks just shy of a cliff face or mountaintop. In this setting, the earthquake staff wouldn't work. Maybe instead he sweeps it horizontally and the player must time a jump to avoid it?

    Yeah, like a wipeout course!

    An important thing to consider for any mob that spawns in a structure is that the fight must still work even if the structure is destroyed.

    I was under the impression that Geomancy does not cause terrain damage?

    Earth Witch? From Elemental Witches!
    Some cliches are so general that including them doesn't ruin the mod's uniqueness or remind people of a single other creation.

    Fair point.

    Yes, this would be difficult. Though I argue that if a player has earned the ability to fly, he or she should be allowed to use it to complete the course.

    Normally I would agree, but not all mods follow the concept of balance as closely as yours..

    Ah, sure. My bad.
    This is also really cool. I feel like for such a powerful item, the challenges needed to obtain it should be multifaceted and involve more than one mob.

    Wow! Thanks so much! I love showcases!

    My pleasure!

    I find that I like vanilla griefing, but most mods take it too far. Perhaps I can make a separate configuration option to allow my mod to grief?

    I think you misunderstand. The character IS a mage. The character's title is "The Librarian" not as a literal classification of profession, but as a reference to his or her vast arcane knowledge.Oh my bad haha

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from aman3712»

    1. I don't mean missile as in the rocket kind, but rather in the form of a "magic missile". I should have specified on that, but the Librarian can pretty much shoot blue magic blasts as time base attacks, and pink ones that will seek out the player.

    2. I was imagining that the Librarian would be a glass cannon; having lots of powerful spells but can't take a beating like some of Mowzie's mobs can. As such, I figure that it teleporting would allow it to evade the player before it takes big damage. Deflected green magic blasts would prevent it from teleporting for a few seconds.

    3. Yeah, now that I'm thinking about it, the books could fire something else. Like mini arcane blasts.

    4. The portal attacks, just like the rest of it's ability, could symbolize that the Librarian has great mastery over the arts of magic, and as such, had tapped into many spells over the course of its existence. Plus, portals appearing on the grown with tenticales spewing out of them could tie into the Lovecraftian theme of the mob. It's honestly up to Mowzie, though, if he chooses to implement this mob sometime in the far future. They could be killable, though, just like the books and imps.

    5. Who would like imps with books for heads XD

    6. Oh don't worry! The black hole attack won't suck up the entire building and everything around it. It could only such up mobs (the player) and could last for ten seconds. However, the player could be able to avoid the black hole by running the opposite direction until it goes away.

    7. The Tomes of Travel and Servitude shouldn't have charges, since they're more like utilities than weapons. The Tome of the Void, though, should have a long cooldown. As for the tentacles, its supposed to tie into the Librariann's ability to spawn them from the floor during the battle, but it could be a black hole instead! It'll only suck up mobs near it. But again, all of this is up to Mowzie XD

    Well, since I'm seeing a prominent theme of magic, why not make it a mage instead of a librarian? And you could still have the books, because it would make sense for a mage to be casting spells he's reading off of a book.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from aman3712»

    I found myself filled with creative energy after the positive resection that came from my Monkey Guru idea, so I decided to write fun little things for both him, and my two other good ideas :D

    Yuán the Monkey Guru

    Legends say that atop the mountains of the world wanders a ancient teacher known as Yuán, a stern yet mischievous Monkey Guru who teaches the arts of Geomancy to only those who have proven worthy. Upon finding him, the player will have the option to either trade with the Monkey Guru like one can with any other Villager, or work to acquire the Earth Talisman by completing the Monkey Guru's classes before beating him in a duel. These classes consist of three jumping courses, created by Yuán’s power over Geomancy. After completing the courses, Yuán will challenge the player to a duel, in which his attacks will consist of (note that he will be immune to arrows and projectile weapons):

    -Raising blocks from the earth and sending them towards the player

    -Create great pillars of earth from beneath the player.

    -Increase the length of his enchanted staff and slam it against the ground, creating an earthquake around it.

    -Creating clones of himself that will poof upon being hit, but will also fling blocks towards the player.

    -Raising blocks to create a mini jumping course, in which he will sit at the end of the course and fling blocks at the player until they get to him by completing the mini course.

    -Creating a large boulder in the sky before letting it drop onto the player.

    Upon defeat, Yuán will kneel down and praise the player’s strength, before dropping the Earth Talisman and take a stance, poofing into a cloud of smoke and leaving behind a wooden log.

    The Tiki Guardians

    Constructed by a long forgotten tribe of islanders, the Tiki Guardians wait on a small island for any sailing adventurers to face them in combat. Rather than facing just one mob, the player will have to face not one, not two, but three. The player must face all three of the Tiki brothers at once, each of them having their own unique abilities that differentiates them from each other.

    Ahi Ahi (AH-e AH-e) is the biggest and strongest, but slowest of his brothers. With his fiery mallet, his attacks consist of:

    -A slow but powerful swing with his fiery mallet that will set the player on fire.

    -Him slamming his mallet against the ground, creating a lava fissure in front of him.

    -An attack where he breaths fire towards the player’s direction.

    Wai Wai (WAH-e WAH-e) is the weakest of his brothers, but makes up for it by being a spellcaster. Armed with an enchanted drum and sitting atop of a raincloud, his attacks consist of:

    -Summoning small tikis that hover near his stronger brothers, healing them.

    -Shooting balls of water at great speeds towards the player.

    -An attack where he creates a wave of water beneath himself, to then send towards the player.

    Maki Maki (MAK-e MAK-e) Is the quickest and most reckless of his brothers, using his immense speed and control over wind to overwhelm the player. Armed with two shark-tooth clubs, his abilities consist of:

    -Quick slashing attacks, occasionally dodging the player’s attacks and performing flips away from the player.

    -An attack where he jumps into the air and spins, sending a wave of wind towards the player.

    -An attack where he begins to spin into a mini tornado and rushes the player.

    During the battle, the play should take note that each of the Tiki Guardians have an attack that can actually harm not only the play, but also each other; Ahi Ahi’s laval fissure, Wai Wai’s tidal wave, and Maki Maki’s tornado twister. Upon defeat, the Tiki Guardians will drop three items; the Fire Tiki, the Water Tiki, and the Air Tiki. The Fire Tiki will like any hostile mobs near it on fire, while the Water Tiki will fertilize plants and heal the player, and the Air Tiki will attract all items and fully-grown crops to it. These tikis can also be stacked onto one another, creating a totem that grants the area around it it tons of buffs.

    I like this idea, especially with all the elemental magic. However, the Totem seems a bit OP? Especially since the individual bosses don't seem that challenging, though all together it will probably be more tough. I think the Totem should just do the same thing as the regular Tikis, just with amplified range, if anything.. It doesn't seem too balanced to have it so that stacking the Tikis on top of each other is more powerful than putting them down separately, especially considering you get all three at once. Perhaps you need to put them down and to make it become the more powerful Totem, you must somehow acquire an item that you put on top to unify them..?

    The Librarian

    Eldritch creatures bent on quenching their eternal thirst for knowledge, the Librarians are powerful spellcasters who master in cosmic magic. Constructing dark and looming towers filled with ancient books, these towers act as the archives of the Librarians, holding all kinds of forbidden artifacts and spell tomes. But be warned; those who dare to raid one of these towers will face the full wrath of the Librarian living in it. Rather than relying on brute strength, the Librarian uses an assortment of powerful spells during a battle. These spells include.

    - Firing blue, arcane missiles as it’s base attack.

    - Firing a pink arcane missile that seeks out the player for a short while.

    - Teleporting around the room.

    - Summoning it’s books to fire lasers at the player.

    - Creating portals that either spew out balls of arcane fire from above, or create thrashing tentacles that will try and swipe at the player.

    - Summoning small, imp-like creatures with books for heads that will try and attacks the player.

    - Rising into the air and creating a black hole beneath it as a final attack.

    Occasionally, the Librarian will fire a green arcane missile that can be deflected by the player, stunning the Librarian and allowing the player to attack it for a few seconds. Upon the Librarian’s defeat, it will have a chance to drop one of three items. The Tome of Travel, which will allow the player to create portals to travel through. The Tome of Servitude, which will summon an imp who will help carry the player’s belongings. And finally, the Tome of the Void, which will create a small portal in which eldritch tentacles will spew out of and begin swiping at any hostile mobs near it.

    I like the idea, but I'm just going to say what I think about the attacks individually.

    • Ok, so for this one, considering it is the base attack of the librarian, I'm having trouble finding the correlation between a blue missile and an librarian.
    • ^
    • I guess? But it only starts when it gets below half health, or something similar.
    • Books? Yes. Lasers? Possibly else, maybe the books fly around and attack the player by shooting letters or simply melee.
    • That would be cool, but again, where's the correlation.
    • Seems good
    • Black Hole? Doesn't that seem pretty OP for a librarian?
    • Again with the missile thing, but I like the idea of stunning it.
    • Do these tomes have charges? Or are they a one time use? Or perhaps you can use them infinitely? (Probably not.)
    • Travel: Cool. Servitude: Maybe it would be better if the imps were on your side and attacked mobs instead of you. Void: Tentacles? Seems kinda random.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from BobMowzie»

    Can't wait!

    Here it is! :D

    Hope you don't mind I used your frozen blur texture and logo

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from aman3712»

    I was picturing that the structure the mob could spawn in could have a large, flat area where the Monkey Guru could use his geomancy skills to create the jump courses. This flat area could also act as the arena where the Monkey Guru will challenge the player upon completion of the jump courses. So it could be more of an outside thing than inside, though I do agree that there should be some fun little puzzles inside the main structure if the player decides to loot it out XD

    You do bring up a point about his clones being semi see though; I was thinking that they would bee that just just to give the player an idea of which of the clones is the real Monkey Guru. But, we could make his trickster level over 9000 by making his clones completely identical to the Monkey Guru himself, influencing the player to rely on another method of differentiating them.

    As for your idea of having his final attack be him summing a giant block/boulder to drop onto the player's head, I actually like that really much!

    If he spawns in a large, flat area, what's going to stop the player from circumventing the courses and just go straight to the boss? Also, detection of the completion of a course would be more trouble than its worth, as the player could simply fly to the end, and detection itself would be hard to implement. Perhaps a sort of treehouse structure with parkour to get up to the top? And puzzles on the way up.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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