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    posted a message on Quantum Conundrum in Minecraft Mod - QuantumCraft
    QuantumCraft Mod: Quantum Conundrum in Minecraft
    See below for other downloads.
    (For build 40 for MC 1.5.2, thanks to ThePredictableChaos/Lucario41893!)
    See the most recent pages for more info.
    QuantumCraft introduces four new "dimensions" from Quantum Conundrum:
    • Fluffy
    • Heavy
    • Slow-Mo
    • Anti-Gravity
    These are different from Minecraft dimensions such as the End or the Nether.
    Each dimension affects the world in some way while it is active.
    QuantumCraft also adds ways to switch between dimensions both locally and remotely.

    Keep in mind that these dimensions are hard to capture in screenshots.
    The normal dimension:
    This dimension is exactly like normal Minecraft. In fact, it IS normal Minecraft! There are no physics changes here.

    The first dimension: The Fluffy dimension!
    This dimension makes all non-bedrock blocks 100x easier to break and makes them always drop an item.

    The second dimension: The Heavy dimension!
    This dimension has two primary effects:
    • All blocks are unbreakable (as if they are bedrock)
    • All non-player entities are invulnerable.

    The third dimension: The Slow-Mo dimension!
    This dimension slows down everything except for the player.

    The last dimension: The Anti-Gravity dimension!
    This dimension flips gravity for every entity except the player.

    Added Content:

    IDS Containers

    Right-click on IDS Containers to insert or remove IDS Batteries.
    Drop an IDS Battery nearby to insert it.
    Power them to switch into the battery's dimension.

    IDS Batteries

    (see below for Science Juice recipe)

    Right-click on the ground to place IDS Battery entities.
    Right-click on a battery to pick it up.
    Left-click on a held battery to throw it.
    Left-click on a dropped battery to break it.

    IDS Gloves & IDS Linkers

    Right-click to bind a held glove to a linker.
    Press Z, X, C, or V to move power to the corresponding side of the linker.
    Press the same key again to turn off power.
    Attach IDS Containers as shown at the right to make a simple dimension switcher.

    IDS Glove Unlinkers and IDS Glove Relinkers

    Walk over an IDS Glove Unlinker to unlink all held IDS Gloves.
    Walk within a few blocks above an IDS Glove Relinker to relink all held gloves to the contained glove.
    Right-click on a Relinker to change the contained glove.

    Quantum Items: Safes & Boxes

    Right-click to pick up.
    Left-click while held to throw.
    Left-click while not held to break.
    Safes can only be picked up in the Fluffy Dimension.
    Boxes cannot be picked up in the Heavy Dimension.
    Safes and Boxes can be stacked and stood upon.

    Safes will trigger stone pressure plates outside the Fluffy dimension.
    Boxes will trigger stone pressure plates in the Heavy dimension.
    Safes will always trigger wooden pressure plates.
    Boxes will trigger wooden pressure plates outside the Fluffy dimension.

    Throw safes and boxes into glass to break it.
    The safe or box must be going fast enough and be heavy enough to break the glass.

    Dynamic Object Linear Ligation Interface (DOLLI)

    These act like dispensers, but destroy Science Juice instead of the dispensed items.
    Place a science juice pipe behind the DOLLI to provide the needed juice.
    Dispensers and DOLLIs can spit out boxes and safes as entities instead of items.
    DOLLIs will remotely despawn previously-launched boxes and safes when they launch more.
    DOLLIs will launch up to nine items at a time - one per slot.
    The speed of any launched safe or box depends on the slot.

    Conveyor Belts


    Gravity Doors

    These look like trap doors, but change their state based on the dimension.

    Science Juice & Buckets & Tubes

    Science Juice acts like more dangerous lava.
    Touching it will kill you instantly without armor.
    Science Juice will flow through Science Juice Pipes.
    Science Juice will enter any pipe that it is above.
    Science Juice will not exit pipes of its own accord.
    Science Juice Pipes will conduct redstone power like a solid block when full.
    When a repeater points at a Science Juice Pipe, the pipe will act like a 0-tick repeater.
    Ceiling Pressure Plates

    Pressure plates, except on the ceiling.

    Laser Beams and Light Beams

    Most entities can break light beams.
    Light beams emit redstone power into any hit block.
    Light beams can be used to detect when an entity crosses the beam.
    Laser beams will damage any touching entities.
    Laser and light beam generators can be pointed any direction and enabled by redstone.

    Quantum Wires

    These are special wires that can be placed on the ceiling, floor and walls.
    They do not operate like redstone, and special converters are required to move signals between Quantum Wires and redstone.

    Quantum Electricity -> Redstone Converter

    This will convert power from a Quantum Wire into redstone power.

    Redstone -> Quantum Electricity Converter

    This will convert redstone power into Quantum Electricity.

    Electric AND Gates

    This will output electricity only when both inputs receive electricity.

    Electric Buttons

    Right-click an unlocked button to open the control GUI.
    Click on the red button to activate the button.
    Click on the up and down arrows to change the time that the button stays on for.
    Click on the lock button to lock the button.
    Right-click a locked button to activate it without opening the GUI.

    Pressure Plate Addition

    Normal pressure plates have the additional ability to produce electric power.

    Light Beam Catchers

    A light beam catcher will produce electric power when a light beam hits it.
    NOTE: A light beam catcher will not produce redstone power! Blocks hit by light beams receive power from the beam.

    The crafting recipes can be found above under Added Content.
    All crafting recipes are subject to change - please tell me what is unbalanced or odd, and preferrably what the recipes should be.
    Some recipes are missing - hopefully I've noticed, but please let me know if it's not on the bugs list!
    Other Downloads:
    • In build 6:
      • Changed all non-player entities to not take damage in the heavy dimension.
      • Falling sand no longer falls up in Anti-Gravity. This is for consistency because still sand does not fall up in Anti-Gravity.
    • In build 7:
      • Animal legs do not have the annoying jitter effect in Slow-Mo.
      • You no longer fall through pistons in Slow-Mo.
      • IDS Glove Linkers now output redstone correctly!
        • Here's why they didn't: Notch decided that if a block is a solid block, it cannot directly output redstone to adjacent blocks...
        • This was fixed by having the block claim that it isn't rendered as a normal block (renderAsNormalBlock())
    • In build 8:
      • Started 1.3.1 rewrite
      • Rewrote IDS Containers and IDS Batteries
      • Rewrote dimension switching
    • In build 9:
      • Added a configuration file
      • Rewrote Fluffy and Heavy dimensions
    • In build 10:
      • Rewrote Anti-Gravity
      • Heavy now stops items from being picked up.
      • Partially rewrote slow-mo
    • In build 11:
      • Finished Slow-Mo
    • In build 12:
      • Fixed falling sand glitch in Slow-Mo
      • Clients and Servers now synchronize the current quantum dimension.
      • Rewrote IDS Gloves to be a single item.
    • In build 13:
      • Made texturepacks dynamically change (see my post on page 4 for more info)
      • Explained the configuration file better in config_description.txt
      • Added Safes and Boxes as entities that can be picked up and thrown around.
      • Added DOLLIs which are dispensers that do not use up items.
      • Made dispensers and DOLLIs be able to spit out boxes and safes.
    • In build 14:
      • Fixed a crash with boxes and safes
      • Made boxes and safes not breakable unless you can pick them up.
    • In build 15:
      • Added conveyor belts
      • Added gravity doors
      • Made lava destroy safes in the normal dimension.
    • In build 16:
      • Added translation for pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) thanks to Hugobdesigner
      • Added Science Juice Fluid
      • Added Science Juice Pipes
      • Added Empty IDS Batteries, made IDS batteries be ingredient + Empty IDS Battery
      • Fast enough Safes and Boxes will smash through glass and glass panes.
      • Boxes and Safes no longer slow down too fast in air.
      • Conveyors move objects faster.
    • In build 17:
      • Fixed battery name translation for pt_BR.
      • Made mod icons change with the dimension.
      • Updated to 1.3.2
    • In build 18:
      • Updated to 1.4.5
      • Added lots of bugs (accidental)
      • Removed translations (temporary)
    • In builds 19-21:
      • Failed exports from MCP
    • In build 22:
      • Most of the new bugs from build 18 are fixed.
      • Translations readded
      • Rudimentary translation added for es_MX (mexican spanish)
    • In build 23:
      • Added light and laser beams
      • Made science juice pipes conduct redstone power when full
    • In build 24:
      • Added recipes for laser and light beam generators
      • Added missing pt_BR translations.
    • In build 25 & 26:
      • Failed exports from MCP
    • In build 27:
      • Added animations for conveyor belts
      • Made science juice pipes laterally conduct strong redstone power as far as needed
    • In build 28:
      • Worked on forge compatibility
    • In build 29:
      • Worked on forge compatibility
      • Updated to 1.4.6
    • In build 30:
      • Fixed disappearing safe/box bug
      • Fixed when a laser destroys something
      • Fixed a bug with conveyors not affecting items, boats, and anything living
      • Fixed a strange bug with the game sometimes not unpausing.
      • Included recoloring of the default texture pack for other dimensions. (Thanks to Hugobdesigner)
    • In build 31:
      • Fixed bug where pressing buttons would print out that a button had been pressed (sorry, old debugging code)
      • DOLLIs will now despawn old boxes and safes. You'll need to re-create your DOLLIs for this to work.
    • In build 32:
      • Updated to Minecraft 1.5.
      • Fixed huge numbers of bugs.
      • Texture switching, due to Minecraft's new texture system in 1.5, is now disabled by default because it severely damages performance.
      • Made IDS Gloves usable from anywhere in the hotbar, not just the active slot.
      • Conveyors temporarily de-animated.
    • In build 33:
      • Conveyors reanimated.
      • Lag-free texturepack switching
      • Forge compatibility (mostly)
    • In build 34:
      • Safes and boxes can now always be destroyed in creative mode.
      • Safe and box textures are now stored in a single image instead of multiple.
      • Freed up block id 184 (wasn't being used for anything important but was taking up a full ID)
      • Added ceiling pressure plates
      • Upgraded DOLLIs
    • In build 35:
      • Added IDS Glove Unlinker, pressure-plate style.
      • Updated to Minecraft 1.5.1
    • In build 36:
      • Added missing recipe for IDS Unlinker
      • Added IDS Relinker (and recipe)
      • Readded a lot of missing config options.
      • Changed texture for IDS Linker
    • In build 37:
      • Made safes and boxes collide
      • Added battery entities
    • In build 38:
      • Added FOV coloring
      • Fixed server/client desynch bugs with boxes and safes
      • Quick, hacky fix for mobs not being affected by slow-mo.
    • In build 39:
      • Fixed Java 6 compatibility bug.
      • Remade all the graphics to be much better.
      • Added some missing Portuguese translations.
    • In build 40:
      • Added Quantum Wires.
      • Added Redstone->Electricity and Electricity->Redstone converters.
      • Added Electric Buttons.
      • Added Electric AND gates
      • Added Electricity output to pressure plates
      • Added Light Beam Catchers
      • Updated to 1.5.2
    • In build 41:
      • Added missing wire recipes & ceiling pressure plate recipes
      • Added some missing translations for Portuguese
      • Fixed self-removal of bent wires placed about electric source.
      • Fixed a structure mismatch error in TextureMap insertion pattern matcher that was caused by Optifine.
      • Fixed a crash when right-clicking on bent wire with bent wire in hand.
      • Fixed infinite item duplication bug with DOLLIs
      • Fixed DOLLI GUI naming error
      • Improved placement of Straight Quantum Wires.
      • DOLLIs autorespawn boxes and safes.
      • Allowed IDS Containers to be pointed in any direction.
      • Added labels to the sides of IDS Linkers
      • GUI readout when a glove is active of which output is active.
      • Allow IDS Linkers to be pointed in any direction.
    • In build 42:
      • Updated to 1.6.2
    • In build 43:
      • Added update notification system.
      • Added warning for dimension switching with texture switching when on far distance.
      • Fixed critical bug with dimension overlays.
      • Added basic animated texture for science juice.
    Non-Forge Installation:
    (The less buggy way)
    • Install Risugami's Modloader into your minecraft.jar
    • IMPORTANT: INSTALL MODLOADER BEFORE QUANTUMCRAFT! (yes, someone made this mistake)
    • Download QuantumCraft from the link at the top of this post.
    • Place the files into your minecraft.jar
    • Delete the META-INF folder from the minecraft.jar
    • Launch Minecraft.
    Forge Installation:
    (The more buggy way)
    DISCLAIMER: Forge compatibility is not fully functional! Please report any bugs and follow this installation guide carefully!
    • Install Forge by following the instructions for whichever version of forge you are using.
    • Download QuantumCraft from the link at the top of this post.
    • Place the files into your minecraft.jar (yes, I am aware that forge is supposed to make this not necessary - do it anyway)
    • Launch Minecraft.
    Mod Compatibility:
    This mod edits a large number of base classes, making it incompatible with many complex mods.
    This mod does not require Minecraft Forge, although it is mostly compatible.
    Note: Major texture changes in 1.5 have made this texture pack out of date since build 31 - sorry.
    Hugobdesigner made a texturepack for this - see his thread here!
    Known Bugs:
    • CONFIRMED IN BUILD 42 Glove keybindings don't save when you reload Minecraft. This is a ModLoader bug. I'm hoping that it will be fixed soon there, but if not I'll fix it here.
    • CONFIRMED IN BUILD 42 The configuration file isn't used. Reasons currently unknown.
    Todo List:
    Not attempted yet:
    1. Make something happen when a safe/box falls on the player
    2. Fans
    3. More Animated Textures (partially done for build 43)
    4. Robots (on Minecraft rails)
    5. GUI readout of dimension switching options
    6. Desmond
    7. Dimension region selection
    8. Trampolines
    9. Other miscellaneous puzzle elements.
    Not going to be done:
    1. Music Disks (not being done for legal reasons)
    Attempted, but ridiculously difficult:
    1. Fix safe/box collision so that safes can be ridden.
    If you want to support this mod, please post in this thread! Doing so lets me know that people actually use the mod, and helps me get new features tested and released faster.
    If I have not yet said anything about updating to the latest version of Minecraft, feel free ask me when I'll do it! Yes, this goes against what most modders ask for, but 90% of this project is motivation, and knowing that someone wants it updated will make it get updated faster.

    Banner thanks to IyellRB:

    Banners thanks to Hugobdesigner:


    This document is Copyright ©(2012-2013) of Col6y (hereafter referred to as "The Owner") and is the intellectual property of The Owner. Only Minecraftforum.net is able to host any of The Owner's material without the consent of The Owner. It may not be placed on any other web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. (Electronic mail is acceptable as long as you wait for a response.) If you mirror this mod page or anything The Owner has made on any other site, The Owner may seek compensation for the damages through a lawsuit.
    The following things were made by other people and included (with permission) in the mod:
    • Translation to Portuguese (Brazilian) by Hugobdesigner (Included first in build 16)
    • Recolorings of the default pack for other dimensions by Hugobdesigner (Included in build 30 and build 31)
    • Battery models and textures by Hugobdesigner (Included first in build 37)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Why do modders use anything other than Minecraft Forge?
    My mod, QuantumCraft, implements many of the game mechanics from the puzzle game Quantum Conundrum. These effects include selective time dilation and anti-gravity, just to name a few. The required number of base edits to make this work is somewhere around a hundred different class modifications. Due to the non-typical nature of these changes, Forge doesn't provide the required hooks to make this easily written as a Forge mod.
    My original release did not use Forge - Forge didn't help with anything, so there was no real point in using it. Currently, there are a small number of places (Liquids) where Forge would be able to help my mod, but again Forge doesn't help with the majority of my modifications.
    Additionally, I have seen (although I can't remember where) people who won't use mods if they require the use of Forge, and therefore I don't want to require it.
    However, I have realized that Forge compatibility is a very useful feature - my mod currently IS (mostly) compatible with Forge. This compatibility is still buggy, but it shows that a mod can be compatible without requiring Forge. At the same time, it was a very difficult process to do this - it required massive amounts of work to move all the base class modifications out of the files that Forge modifies.

    In terms of other mods, it is useful to note that many mod creators never wrote their mod for Forge, and don't want the extra work of porting it or making it compatible.
    Another thing to note is that Modloader and Forge are not mutually exclusive. Forge includes FML (Forge Mod Loader) which emulates the same interface as Modloader. This means that many pure-addition mods (mods that only add blocks and items and don't cause any changes to existing game mechanics) can be designed to work with Modloader and also work with Forge.

    The main mods that may not want to be compatible with Forge are mods that modify Minecraft's game mechanics in ways that the Forge creators haven't anticipated. QuantumCraft is one example of this.
    However, any Tech mods (for example Buildcraft, RedPower2, IndustrialCraft, etc.) should probably use Forge - this seems to be the main kind of mod that Forge is designed for, and these mods generally don't need other kinds of base changes.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Quantum Conundrum in Minecraft Mod - QuantumCraft
    Quote from marpet0805

    it feels like buildcraft or something :P but i think those stuff is usefull...i will test it(my goal is to get 100 mods but now i have 59-60 'half way)

    What do you mean by "it feels like buildcraft"?
    Are you talking about block themes, what it provides, or what?

    It's probably also useful to note that this mod is notoriously incompatible with many other mods. If it does end up working, can you post a list of what mods it works with?

    Also - my current status is still: waiting for 1.5

    I just found out that at least three sites appear to have copied a previous version of this thread's first post. They contain a partial, outdated description, do not contain my copyright notice, contain ads on the page, and use an adf.ly link for downloading that is not associated with my adf.ly account.
    It looks somewhat like these sites were automatically generated, meaning that if I contact them to take down the page, a different site will probably come back up with the exact same content. (They contain a large number of copied minecraft mods, not just mine)
    This is annoying and a violation of my copyright (they're distributing the mod without permission and making money from it), but it doesn't seem to be hurting me and it looks like too much work to take my mod down from these mirroring sites.
    Does anyone else have knowledge or experience about this?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Quantum Conundrum in Minecraft Mod - QuantumCraft
    Sorry for the hiatus - I'll probably have much more free time after March 9th once our first FRC regional is over.
    (I did warn that I'd be on hiatus, right?)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Quantum Conundrum in Minecraft Mod - QuantumCraft
    I fixed most of the current bugs, and will put up release 7 shortly.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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