• 1

    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    I approve of this minimap.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 12

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]

    zMod Server Wrapper v0.9.1
    Minecraft Server: v1.6.6 Beta

    Download: zMod v0.9.1
    Install: Extract zip contents to a folder containing minecraft_server.jar
    • Windows - Run win_start.bat
    • Mac/Linux - Type the following into terminal after navigating to folder
    chmod +x unix_start.sh

    /help in-game and !help in IRC will list available commands

    /help  - List these commands
    /rules - Bannable offences
    /ranks - Lists server ranks
    /who,/players - List players online
    /list - List local players
    /stats - Display stats of a player
    /top9 <time/placed/removed/shrines> - Top 9 Players
    /msg <Player> <Message> - Send a private message
    /me <Message> - Talk in 3rd person
    /g,/global - Switch to or send global chat
    /l,/local - Switch to or send local chat
    /s,/staff - Switch to or send staff chat
    /r,/reply <Message> - Reply to last message
    /pass <Length:1-8(0-9,a-Z)> - Set your lock password
    /clear - Clear your lock password
    /colour,/color - Change your colour
    /shrine <Shrine> - Teleport to Shrine
    /shrines - List available shrines
    /smod <create/remove/list/flag> - Shrine administration
    /stype <public/staff/activation> - Shrine creation type
    /compass - Your cardinal direction
    /spawn - Return to spawn
    /setspawn - Set global spawn position
    /promote <Player> - Promote player
    /demote <Player> - Demote player
    /god - Toggle god mode
    /godother <Player> - Toggle player god mode
    /stealth - Toggle stealth
    /white <add/remove/list/on/off> - Whitelist Commands
    /ban <Player> {Reason} - Ban player
    /unban <Player> - Unban player
    /mute <Player> - Disable global chat for player
    /mute-all - Disable global chat for all players
    /kick <Player> {Reason} - Kick player
    /tp <Player> - Teleport to player
    /tphere <Player> - Teleport player here
    /tpcoords <x> <y> <z> - Teleport to coordinates
    /spawnmob <Mob> {Amount} - Create mob(s)
    /listmobs - Available mobs to spawn
    /alert - Teleport to last alert
    /return - Return to position prior teleport
    /kill <Player> - Kill player
    /ignite <Player> - Set player on fire
    /motd <0-f Message> - Set motd on login
    /smotd <0-f Message> - Set staff motd on login
    /area <create/delete/tp/flag> - Area administration
    /areas - List areas you own
    /amod <AreaName> <add/remove/list/move/high> - Modify area access
    /give <Item> {Amount} {Player} - Give items to player
    /clean - Erase your main inventory
    /wipe <Player> - Erase player's entire inventory
    /invsee <Player> - Real-time view of player's inventory
    /restore - Restore your inventory
    /modkit - Obtain a set of Mod Tools
    /modfx - Toggle Mod Tool effects
    /overwrite - Toggle block overwrite
    /solid - Toggle solid/hollow for shapes
    /fill <Block> - Fill selected area
    /walls <Block> - Build walls
    /sphere <Radius> <Block> - Build a sphere
    /dome <Radius> <Block> - Build a dome
    /bowl <Radius> <Block> - Build a bowl
    /cylinder <Radius> <Block> {Height} - Build a cylinder
    /raise <Radius> <Block> - Raise area by 1
    /delete - Delete selected area
    /replace <Block> <Block> - Replace blocks in selected area
    /undo - Revert last terrain command
    /time <day/night> - Set time day/night
    /storm <start/stop> - Control the weather
    /build - Toggle build rights for unranked players
    /restart - Restart the server
    /stop - Stop the server
    /update <check/download> - Update zMod build
    /version - zMod Version
    FAQ: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/149052-software-zmod-v061-by-zaneris-15-02/page__view__findpost__p__2263358
    Demo: mc.dstrike.net
    Forum: http://dstrike.net/viewforum.php?f=27
    Plugins: http://dstrike.net/viewforum.php?f=32

    • Plugin Support
    • Fire Protection (Optional)
    • Area Zoning (Protected, PVP, Safe, Explosion-Proof, Anti-TP, Access List)
    • Chest Locks (Optional)
    • Shrines (Warp Points, Activation required for use optional)
    • Button Teleports
    • Ranks (Op, Mod, Patron, Veteran, Unranked)
    • Stats (Tracks time spent on server, blocks placed/removed, shrines activated)
    • Terrain Tools (Create shapes, fill, replace, delete, copy, paste, rotate)
    • Mod Tools (See below)
    • Name Colours
    • Grief Alerts (Choose what actions notify staff)
    • Health Regeneration (Optional)
    • Global/Local/Staff Chat
    • Creeper Nerf (Optional)
    • Lava Flow Restriction (Optional)
    • Realtime Inventory Monitoring
    • IRC Server Control
    • Ingame/IRC Server Restarts
    • Dynamic Player Limit
    • Weather Control
    • Ingame zMod Updater
    • Automated Crash Recovery

    Ranks and their capabilities
    • Operator:
    • Terrain tools, shrine creation, real-time inventory viewing, area flag controls, promote, demote, weather control, server controls + Mod Abilities.
    • Moderator:
    • Ban, kick, teleport others to self, teleport to coordinates, protected area creation, mod kit, god mode, stealth(invisibility) + Patron Abilities.
    • Patron:
    • Teleport to other (with acceptance), 2x Heal Rate of Veterans + Vet Abilities.
    • Veteran:
    • TNT/Lighter Usage, area ownership, 2x Heal rate of normal players, does not trigger alerts.
    • Unranked:
    • Triggers alerts.
    Ranks required to use commands can be overridden in commands.txt

    Mod tools
    • Gold Sword
    • Right-clicking blocks provides area information and access. Deals fire damage to enemy mobs.
    • Gold Shovel
    • Right-clicking blocks sets positions, right-clicking while not aimed at a block, sets YOUR position.
    • Gold Pickaxe
    • Right-clicking blocks deletes blocks, right-clicking air removes all fire and lava within a 6 block radius.
    • Gold Axe
    • Wallhack/climbing tool, phase/climb via left/right-clicking.

    Change Log:
    - Quick fix, recommended update
    - Improved data redundancy
    - If a data line is corrupt, only that line is lost
    - Area backup saves disabled (working on fix)
    - Offline player promotions are logged

    - Fixed bug to access locked chests
    - Fixed mod axe floating glass
    - Fixed item loss on death

    - Added area backup flag
    - Added command /area restore <area>
    - Added sign/button restore with "area restore"
    - Block change performance improved
    - Bug Fixes

    - Equations can now be used in commands
    - For example /give dirt 64x8-1
    - Changed onSignTextChange to return String[]
    - Added setSignStrings and setSpawnerType
    - Added new command /setspawner to set spawner type
    - /give more than space will drop item on ground

    - Changed onSignTextChange
    - Now ... , String[] newText, String[] oldText)
    - Log files are backed up to /logs on restart
    - Log file format is yymmdd_hhmm.log
    - onDisconnect called when player kicked

    - Fixed Area access names being cut off
    - Fixed duplicate Item names
    - Added void onArmSwing to Plugin
    - Added Colour enum for chat colour codes
    - Added mac_start.app - By Leito

    - Settings are accessible from plugins
    - Added int itemCount(Item item) to Player
    - Added void removeItem(Item item, int amount)
    - Added void giveItem(Item item, int amount)
    - Added hook void onServerShutdown to Plugin

    - Rewrote item name system
    - ItemNames.txt is no longer used
    - New file ExtraItems.txt added
    - Commands like /give BlackWool now work
    - Update may break some plugins

    - Fixed brief pop in/out when using Stealth
    - Added playerSpawnName hook for plugins

    - Finally fixed clicking issues after death

    - Fixed accessing player.name from plugins
    - Item limit increased from 5000 to 32767

    - Added optional fields % and target block to /raise
    - Useful for filling large areas with Tall Grass
    - Added Plugin support

    - zMod has its own log file, zMod.log
    - Easier to see chat and alerts without errors
    - Rank for each stat now shown in /stats
    - Stairs rotate correctly with /rotate

    - Fixed items disappearing
    - Fixed points not setting after death
    - Fixed axe teleporting randomly after death
    - Fixed spawn location sometimes changing

    - creeper flag changed to explosion
    - explosion flag prevents terrain damage from all explosions
    - MOTD/SMOTD colour carries over if more than 1 line
    - TNT/Ghast death messages
    - Various other bug fixes

    - Sign teleports work with Public and Sign type Shrines
    - Added antiTP flag for areas
    - Players are prevented from using /spawn and /shrine
    - Fixed /area tp
    - Bug fixes

    - Added Sign Shrines!
    - Press button under a Sign with name of Sign Shrine
    - Added /rotate, rotates pasted objects
    - Bug fixes

    - Added copy/paste terrain commands
    - Players take damage using Nether shrines
    - Chant time increased for Nether shrines
    - Gold Axe flying uses Obsidian in Nether

    - Fixed DisableBuild always being Yes

    - Fixed stairs being placed incorrectly
    - Added 96:TrapDoor to default ItemNames.txt

    - Fixed listener is already listening bug

    - Updated for 1.6.5
    - Shutdown/Restart/Updating specific messages

    - Improved redundancy of area data
    - Fixed area data corruption
    - Fixed give item outside of range crash

    - Removed zMod Death due to incompatibility with Nether
    - /setspawn now works differently
    - Fixed death messages

    - Improved chunk loading
    - Fixed shrines being deleted
    - Fixed crash on using /spawn

    - Updated for 1.6.4

    - Major code revision
    - Added /mute, disables Global chat for target player
    - Added /mute-all, disables Global chat for everyone but Ops
    - mute, mute-all, god, give, stats, update, added to IRC & Console
    - Optional destination player field added to /spawnmob
    - Spawned sheep now have a random colour
    - Bug fixes

    - Added /listmobs to list what can be spawned
    - Paintings are now protected in protected areas
    - Bug fixes

    - Added /spawnmob <Mob> {Amount}

    - Fixed bug with new point system

    - Left/Right-click to create points
    - /modfx added to disable mod tool effects for player
    - Players can remove chest passwords using a Gold Hoe
    - Existing chests can be passworded using a Gold Hoe
    - Ops can unlock any chest
    - Bug fixes

    - New Ubuntu compatible unix script included
    - Shrines can now be created as activation/public/staff
    - Activation and exempt shrine lines removed from zMod.txt
    - All existing shrines set to Activation by default
    - /smod flag and /stype added to help menu
    - /shrines added to list available shrines to player
    - Shrines with multiple positions indicated as such
    - in /smod list

    - Major code rewrite
    - Mod kit items don't drop on death with zMod Death disabled
    - Additional death messages
    - Many bug fixes

    - Cleaner indestructible mod tool code

    - Creepers consider armour in damage
    - Specific death notifications
    - Bug fixes

    - Fixed spider still targeting while in stealth
    - Mobs ignore you with god mode as well

    - Added diagonal flying with gold axe
    - Mobs ignore you with stealth enabled
    - Gold mod kit tools auto-repair
    - Extra damage + fire done to enemy mobs with gold sword
    - Heal regen rate higher in safe flagged areas
    - Many functionality tweaks

    - Fixed death related bugs with zMod Death Disabled

    - Downwards phasing with gold axe added via left-click
    - Activated shrines added to /stats
    - Fixed death related crash

    - Added more functionality to the gold axe tool
    - Right-clicking without a target flys you in that direction
    - Left-clicking walls will teleport you through them

    - Added new mod kit tool, gold axe!
    - Gold axe is a short-range teleport and climbing tool
    - Fixed /replace command
    - Bug fixes

    - Sign/Redstone usage restricted in protected areas
    - Forced block load on teleport
    - Stealth players hidden from local chat
    - Players only invisible to those of lower rank
    - Added line "ServerName:Default" to zMod.txt
    - Items now validated based on ItemNames.txt,
    - adding new ID's will permit their usage.
    - MOTD saved on restarts.
    - New Staff only MOTD added.
    - Various bug fixes

    - New launch scripts (Please download)
    - Automated crash recovery (Requires new scripts)
    - Server will automatically restart, at max 5-10min from crash
    - /tphere response corrected
    - Chat channel remembered on disconnect

    - Made health regen more configurable
    - Added lines "Base:60" and "Multiplier:1.17" to zMod.txt
    - Base affects the delay in seconds to healing 1 health
    - Multiplier reduces/increases the base for higher ranks
    - Fixed Creeper destroying items with zModDeath disabled

    - Added /raise, raise terrain by 1 block
    - Added /bowl, inverse of /dome
    - Bug fixes

    - Recommend immediate update
    - Fixed error introduced in build 045
    - New players no longer immediately disconnected

    - /return buffer persists across disconnect
    - Fixed /give Air crash
    - Fixed /smod list, shrines no longer cut off

    - Added ingame update with /update
    - Updated unix/mac and windows scripts for /update

    - Use item names instead of their IDs!
    - All terrain commands support item subtypes
    - New ItemNames.txt file
    - /undo buffer stored on disconnect

    - /give command asks for additional field if itemID has sub-types
    - /wool and /dye removed
    - Added /ignite <player> command (Ops by default)
    - !ban !unban and !kick added to IRC bot commands
    - /tpcoords default authority changed from Mod to Op
    - With shrine activation enabled, patrons will be blocked from teleporting if destination is near an unactivated shrine
    - Added additional error checks
    - Players can now be demoted/promoted when offline
    - Breaking chests when using the correct password no longer triggers alerts if chests are set to trigger break alerts

    - Corrected valid item id numbers

    - New Item/Block Control
    - Edit ItemControl.txt to restrict usage/breakage of items and blocks
    - Torches now protected in protected areas
    - Combined the 2 windows scripts into 1

    - Overhaul of zMod Settings system
    - Errors in settings provide feedback to user
    - zMod.txt no longer included, generated on first run
    - All chat logged to minecraft log

    - Fixed crash if there's no welcome message
    - Death notifications now work with zModDeath disabled
    - Killed by player messages now always show as opposed to only in PVP areas with Global PVP disabled
    - Areas not flagged PVP with Global PVP enabled will now be PVP-Safe

    - Source code now bundled with releases
    - Fixed formatting issue with Top 9 stats
    - Fixed several strings not using the new rank tags
    - zMod Death can be disabled for normal death
    - New line added to zMod.txt

    - Fixed stealth (invisibility)
    - Automatically disable build rights for unranked players when no staff are logged in
    - Overrides DisableBuild setting
    - New line added to zMod.txt:

    - Global/Local/Staff chat now displayed in server console
    - Rank tags are now configurable
    - New lines to zMod.txt:

    - Various bug fixes
    - Ops exempt from movement violations

    - Performance improvements
    - Fixed items 26-30 being declared invalid
    - Fixed all players being auto-op'd on login

    - Added weather control
    - Command is /storm, Op only by default

    - Tweaked death respawn
    - Fixed time setting incorrectly
    - Tweaked Windows start script

    - Updated for 1.5_02

    - Using /replace, /undo, or /fill replacing ice with air will no longer create water
    - Added default MOTD settings to zMod.txt
    - Added option to disable health regeneration to zMod.txt

    - Tools obtained with /modkit no longer drop on death
    - Added a new area flag, creeper, this will disable creeper terrain damage within the area, regardless of global settings.
    - Protected flag for areas is now visible and can be disabled.
    - Renamed /flag to a more understandable /overwrite

    - Added commands.txt to override the authority required to use commands.
    - Alerts are now logged.

    - Added option to zMod.txt to disable build rights for unranked players
    - Added ingame command for Ops to toggle build rights /build

    - Added options to zMod.txt for Fire Control/Lava Flow Restriction
    - Added whitelist command to server console

    - Chest locks, set password with /pass, place chests, use /clear to place unlocked chests
    - Once password is set, any chests you try to access/place until log out will use that pass

    - Dynamic player limit, if enabled, dynamic limit takes effect if it's lower than the server.properties limit, allows ranked users to login, but unranked users are told the server is full if over the dynamic limit
    - Whitelist Option
    - Control creeper nerf settings

    - Bug fix to new shrine system

    - Creating multiple shrines with the same name, will teleport you at random to them (neat trick to allow hidden secret shrines if you have activation enabled)
    - Added "move" and "high" to /amod for Mod+ (move, moves area to new set of points, high, sets area from bedrock to sky)
    - /home will now work without a shrine named "spawn" existing (however, underground spawn points aren't possible like this, and the instant death respawn won't work)

    - Added /tpcoords
    - Area data integrity improved
    - Additional alert for placing lava

    - Added player killed by player info
    - Fixed shrine listing bug

    - Added configurable IRC port
    - Added area flags
    - - super - makes area override proof, only modifiable by ops
    - - safe - protects players from damage
    - - pvp - enables pvp in area (with global pvp disabled)
    - Added /return, returns mod+ to last position before teleporting

    - Added promote/demote ability to server console
    - Added optional channel passwords

    - Fixed auto-op not saving correctly
    - Creepers don't cause loss of items on death
    - Staff chat no longer shows in public channel
    - Added /cylinder and /walls

    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from magicxmedia


    Player Password / Authentication Plugin
    This plugin should be designed similar to Bukkit's AuthMe or Rakamak plugin. This plugin allows each player to set a unique password so when they or someone logs in with their name, they are required to enter their password via a command before they can play or build.

    Bukkit's Rakamak Authentication Plugin: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-ra ... 740.14808/
    Bukkit's AuthMe: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-s ... -740.1605/

    I will donate to the person who creates this. I can be reached at [email protected].

    Thank you!

    Done. Don't feel obligated to donate though.

    NickAuthenticate Plugin
    Download: http://dstrike.net/mc/NickAuthenticate.zip

    /auth <password>
    /register <password>

    If a user logs in a with a registered nick, they're automatically set to unranked and have 60 seconds to verify their password. At 60 seconds, they're kicked from the server.

    Source is included in the zip file.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from Hibout

    Hey Zaneris.. im getting this (posting image under) and i am running bukkit server.. how do i fix your mod to work for me? :-/

    okay the over one didn't work... try this one then http://screensnapr.com/v/u9n9LW.png

    This doesn't work with bukkit.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from aidanhd500

    hey zan, the new setspawn command isnt as good as /shrinespawn

    it makes it so that you dont spawn in the exact place you want people to and you cannot spawn underground like you could before, please make this a setting or something, it also makes it so you cant build next to the spawn even if you are op

    so please make it the way it used to be or atleast make it a setting thanks :smile.gif:

    I had to change it because zModDeath doesn't work if the player dies in the nether... so until I come up with another solution, this is the way it has to be. To get around the Notch spawn build restriction, move the spawn a bit away from where you want to build, then move it back after.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from RobVaivodiss

    What is the ETA on the update for 1.6.4?

    When it's finished :wink.gif: Within 24 hours most likely.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from ig88111

    sweet! i hope you get 1.6.4 out in a few days

    Should be much less if things keep going at the pace they're going :tongue.gif:
    About 10% complete with the conversion, debug build is working, testing hooks.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Starting to work on the update for 1.6.

    Note: 1.6.4 still has some pretty severe bugs, so I'm not sure I'd recommend updating to it right away in any case.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from b0mbshellAntics

    Zan, Love the new update, but are you gonna implement custom ranks anytime soon?


    Not anytime soon, you'll have to stick with changing the authority level for commands and the name of the ranks for now.

    - Major code revision
    - Added /mute, disables Global chat for target player
    - Added /mute-all, disables Global chat for everyone but Ops
    - mute, mute-all, god, give, stats, update, added to IRC & Console
    - Optional destination player field added to /spawnmob
    - Spawned sheep now have a random colour
    - Bug fixes
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [Software] zMod v0.9.1 - By Zaneris [1.6.6]
    Quote from IceBlackz

    Nice! I like the password reset idea :smile.gif: But what do you exactly mean with Left/Right click? Does it mean we don't need to use a gold tool anymore to set points? That would be great :smile.gif:.

    No, you still use the gold shovel, but left-click sets Point 1, right-click sets point 2, so if you only want to change 1 point, you don't have to set both again.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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