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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    So thinking about the Lacedon and looking at your planned features also got me thinking about other water mobs that I think would be neat:

    1. Viscous Fish Mob: a concept that I would suggest for this ocean mob would be something akin to a Barracuda or [url="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Slaughterfish_%28Skyrim%29"]Slaughter Fish[/url] from skyrim. Just a sleek, simple, and aggressive predator that will quickly swim through the water to assail its prey. I think it would be pretty frightening if two or three of these things showed up while the player is clumsily derping about in the water, making swift swim by attacks one after another. The player has to time his strikes to kill them as they swoop around for yet another attack, as they rely on their agility to compensate for their low health and defense.

    2. GIANT ENEMY CRAB!: Not quite, but I still think it would be neat to have fairly common, dog sized crab mobs that will scout along the ocean floor and swim after any players it detects swimming around, sort of how a [url="http://
    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"]blue crab[/url] can propel itself forward in the water with its rear, paddle-like limbs. You could also have a rare miniboss variety or one that only spawns on beaches (could even go with a handful of other creatures that spawn only on beaches) and is a larger, more lumbering crustacean with a thick carapace, projectile deflecting that must be destroyed by a melee weapon before it will start taking any health damage from attacks. One of its arms can be a large crushing pincer which can be destroyed by melee attacks, but if it hits the player the crab will grab them and begin to crush them until the limb is destroyed, as well as a small feeding arm that it uses for much more rapid attacks.

    3. Farmable "Fish:" So I put this one in quotes because I really feel that the ocean livestock mob should really be a more docile, or manageable creature, and gives a more unique option for a pet/food source than most mob mods offer (something more alien and benefiting of the refreshingly bizarre creatures found in this mod =]). For instance I would recommend some sort of docile, predictable, and not too quick moving arthropod creature such as the snail mob you plain (and you could still have more aggressive Whelks spawn that could shoot poisoned spikes, or drag victims deeper with harpoons attached to tendons). Or maybe you could go for something more stylized; for instance something like the krill like [url="http://cdn.wikimg.net/metroidwiki/images/thumb/b/ba/Hydling_mp2_Logbook.png/100px-Hydling_mp2_Logbook.png"]Hydling[/url] from Metroid Prime: Echoes. These creatures used their paddle like tails to undulate forward periodically and their predictable pace could make them fairly easy to catch. If you do resort to fish I would suggest just adding a net recipe and allowing you to store caught fish in a bucket similar to how Tropicraft does it.

    4. Shark Creature: As far as a shark creature goes I would also recommend going a more unique route for a large, aquatic aggressive mob. For instance you could have large, feral, dire Sea-lion creatures (once again this could be a mod that spawns on beaches instead). You could even design a creature made of a horrifying blend of shark and seal features, with large maws protruding from furry, streamlined bodies, and this could allow the creature to pursue players on land (although they would naturally be much, much slower). Or you could go with something more Eel-like but still hulking and deadly, like the armored [url="http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Blogg"]Blogg[/url] creatures, also from Metroid Prime: Echoes. Again, I only recommend these because I see one of the strengths of this mod is that its mob choices and styles are generally really out there and alien or wild compared to those of more mundane creature adding mobs and I feel you would be best served by continuing to play to the exotic nature of the mod =].

    As always, I hope you like the ideas and I look forward to seeing what comes next for this wonderful mod!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Wow, that was quick work on the Kobolds, great work! As far as my vote on what mob you should work on after the raptors goes it's a tough call, but I ultimately have to go with the Lacedon. Minecraft just needs more aquatic creatures and the sooner the better.

    I even have a suggestion for the design of the Lacedon: you can give them a chance to spawn with a special fishing pole* as if they were fishermen lost at sea and they can use it to pull players down into the depths where they and their sea floor treading allies can more easily attack them. Or you could even make it so that they all have kelp growing on them instead, and they can shoot tendrils of the stuff at their prey for the same effect. This allows them to attack the player more and makes underwater trips more tense without the proper equipment as they will be more likely to drown if they keep getting pulled deeper.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on GrowthCraft - [JUL-15-2014] Proper 1.7.10 release
    So I know you are making it so that these crops can be found by various, individual means, but will you still make it so that they can spawn in villages? It was very neat being to find villages with rice paddies and vine trellises early on in the game and it helped give them more visual variety.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy - Putting the "Mine" back in "Minecraft"!
    Quote from Freyjadono

    Yes, I am currently updating the mod. Lately the focus has been on Metallurgy4.

    So will there be sweeping changes coming to the mod or will the items and systems generally be the same? Specifically will progress/gear be lost if my server were to update from Metallurgy 3 to 4? Also I take it you will post a new forum page for Metallurgy 4 here when it is ready?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from Lycanite

    I've been considering the Basilisk, it could make a nice Plains mob or Forest mob but should it be a large serpent like in Harry Potter or a four legged reptile like in World of Warcraft or should I go to it's roots and make it a chicken-lizard-snake-like thing?! I was considering it as a Dragon Mob in the future too as it would make a nice legless type Dragon.

    As stated by PCAwesomeness, Kobolds will steal your stuff, they will also look very different from the one added by the Twilight Forest mod, less blue, they will look like a strange lizard-mouse-mole-creature! Kobolds will be able to pick up items on the floor and I'll try and give them AI that makes them run towards items and pick them up. They will only attack at night. When a Kobold is killed it will drop everything it has picked up.

    I agree with a Basilisks being a dragon spawn. Instead for plains and forests you could have a Cockatrice roaming about, causing stacking levels of slowness and they could be somehow tied to the Basilisk (maybe it summons them or they drop an item to help summon it).
    Also it sounds like you are going for a D&D style kobold, in which case I say you make them especially cowardly, running away with loot or when an ally dies, except when a Kobold Champion creature or a Dragon is around.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from Lycanite

    This is the thing with forums, texting, etc, it's sometimes hard to detect how the message is supposed to be read and things can be taken the wrong way at times.

    Indeed. It's important to slow down and think when formulating replies in such a medium, but at the same time they are so integral to a high paced way of life we live these days that it is easy for us to take this level of communication for granted and thus overlook any sort of reflection about how we approach it. I pretty much proved this much to my chagrin.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from PCAwesomeness

    I actually did like your answer! No need to worry!

    Ah! I see that my cynical expectations of what to expect on internet forums have mislead my interpretation of what was said here, sorry about that!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from PCAwesomeness

    You answered one of my questions. Now, why do Manticores hate Gorgomites with a burning passion (this question is for Lycanite himself, unless some absolutely smart person like you knows the answer)?

    I understand that my guess was not the answer that you wanted, but there is no need to be abrasive about it, friend, even if you were mild about it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from PCAwesomeness

    Lycanite, how did the Manticore idea change from a flying lion to a red bat, and why do Manticores hate Gorgomites so much?

    Mythological creatures have been reinterpreted throughout many games and Lycanite's mobs draws from many different game sources, so it is likely that he liked a specific game's interpretation of the manticore; a red bat-like creature with a scorpion tail.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on GrowthCraft - [JUL-15-2014] Proper 1.7.10 release
    Wow, excellent work Gwafu. All your stuff looks gorgeous and I can't wait to see what aesthetic as well as practical use I can get out of these lovely crops.

    Quote from seraphimrock

    so you know I am showing your awesome mod to everyone I know. and when I told them you said mead was cool the lost it. we are on Rise Of Kings an rp server, but I am working on a modpack that is rp based.

    Same here on that later part man. Been working on a modpack I have dubbed Elementalcraft for a while. It's supposed to be a fantasy/lowtech/magic modpack centered around a dimension for each element (Nether for fire, Tropicraft for water, Aether for Air, and Twilight Forest for Earth) as well as a very diverse overworld. It's been a lot of work but once this mod and Aether 2 is out the pack will be ready for testing on a server. It's pretty exciting that both these mods are updating quite soon.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Well I have a few more mob ideas to throw your way good sir Lycanite, and you probably won't be familiar with many of these creatures, but hopefully you will find it useful or inspiring anyway:

    Extreme Hills Mobs -

    1. Peryton - A mythological creature that is part stag and part eagle, but has the shadow of a man until it kills one. In D&D lore Peryton live on high cliffs and prey upon men for their hearts, which they need to survive. Could be a cool dive bombing creature that could even grab players in an effort to drop them for a great height (sneak allows the player to escape).

    2. Elum - You know him. You love him. And he would be perfect for Extreme Hills considering his MO (Running and Jumping around cliffs). Naturally the Elum kind would be tameable mounts that can jump high, take less fall damage, and with the F key they can perform bursts of speed that can lead to spectacular run jumps. They also make better pack beasts than most animals when equipped with a chest. Perytons could hunt them.

    3. Tektite - A classic Zelda Mob with a hopping gait that would be perfect for the terrain of an Extreme Hills biomes. They attack by hopping upwards and bringing their heavy, chitinous bodies to bear upon their foes. They are only aggressive during the night, though their daytime roamings can lead to harm done to those foolish enough to get in their way.

    4. Bubble - I see that you are already content with the zombie type undead you have, but I still think it would be cool to continue the trend of having a unique variety of undead for each biome. The bubble's flying nature makes it a natural addition for an extreme hills biome and I think it would be awesome to see the eerie creatures hovering about in the night sky. You could even have variations based on some of the different color types found in the Zelda games. Green could poison enemies and bounce about. Purple could cause wither effects. Orange could cause fire damage and be immune to daylight.

    5. Draconic Type Monster - Naturally such prideful creatures are drawn to lofty places from which they can look down and prey upon lesser beings. Just figured I'd suggest it.

    Forest Mobs -

    1. Eaggra - These guys you almost definitely are not familiar with, but I figured I would recommend them anyway as they have a very unique design for plant creatures. In the game the originated from, Warwind, they were a race of intelligent plant beings that were enslaved by more advanced humanoids as artisans and laborers. They could make a great basis for the shambler, or they could become unique forest villagers down the line. Just figured I would mention them.

    2. Slink Weeds and Snipethorn - If you do consider Eaggra villagers then I feel I should mention their companion creatures, the Slinkweed and Snipethorn. Slinkweeds were a mix between lizard, scorpion, and plant that Eaggra would mount and ride into battle. Wild varieties disguised themselves as trees and would attack all trespassers. Snipethorns were cowardly creatures, which resembled long, lowbodied newt like creatures with large, blunderbuss style snouts out of which they sprayed deadly projectiles until attacked, at which point they would flee and resume harassing their prey when it has given up the chase. These creatures were often used as ranged weapons by the Eaggra.

    3. Worgs - 'Cause who doesn't want to ride one? Large, intelligent, and sinister wolves? Yes please.

    4. Owlbears - Also cause they are plain awesome. Could be the mini boss type of the biome that comes ripping and tearing through the foliage to obtain fresh meat.

    5. Stirges - Vampiric flying creatures that mix the traits of Bat, Mosquito, and other insects all into one. They could serve as pesky night fliers of the realms that gain regenerative buffs after draining players of some of their health and/or hunger.

    6. Fleeches/Slurgs - Native wildlife Oddworld, they are found throughout various levels of Abe's Exoddus. Fleeches are green, maggoty creatures with heads on either side of their body, and look like oversized, crawling snot clumps. They could pull enemies towards them with their long tongue attacks and then enter call their allies into a feeding frenzy. Slurgs meanwhile are dull, sluglike creatures that serve as the mainstay of the Fleech diet. They are passive, but when stepped upon or killed they leave poisonous clouds that harm the player and can attract Fleeches.

    In regards to my previous postI have to say your idea for a centipede mob is even more wonderful than what I had invisioned (I figured only Fetishes would mount them, similar to the skeleton-spider jockey deal). Also the whole idea of centipede legs and vespid thoraxes was building up to something I forgot to include in that post: craftable bosses. Yup. Similar to the Wither you would get insect body parts from various biomes to craft a special insect boss with it's own unique challenges and loot, and allowing these parts to be broken down into other ingredients allows the player to make use of them while waiting for such bosses to be implemented. Alternatively they could be a rare drop though. The whole idea though was that Vespids would drop the abdomen, tektites the thorax, centipedes or trites the legs, and some other creature the heads and you would place all the pieces in the world, or craft them together, or fuse them in a special block to summon said boss. The same thing could be done for other creatures; say collecting items from various fantasy mobs to allow for the summoning of a dragon or chimera, or from various Oddworld creatures to summon Skrykull and demons organs to summon a Cyberdemon or maybe a Diablo primeval (if you are in to that sort of game. I couldn't help but recommend it since it has very neat monster designs). This would give the player insentive to keep hunting these pesky creatures even after he or she has for the most part overcome their danger to work towards new challenges and opportunities. It also gives you ways to introduce new baddies late in the mod's life span without overcrowding the biomes with tons of new spawns.

    Sorry if these suggestions are getting tiresome but I can't help but share some cool creature concepts from various games and how they could be made minecraft friendly. If they are just say so and I shall desist.

    That's all I have to add for now., happy new year Lycanite and everyone else on this thread!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    I apologize ahead of time if I am wasting your time with this post, but I couldn't help, but I couldn't help but brainstorm ideas to recommend for this neat little mod of yours. You've really done a great job so far and you seem to have a relative plan for moving forward already, but I couldn't keep my enthusiasm to myself, so here it goes:

    Jungle Mobs -
    So I know you have a few solid plans for mobs for this biome, but I figured I'd throw in my two cents anyway.

    1. I like the idea of giant Vespids flying about the jungle and would love to see this implemented. The could drop insect abdomens that can be broken down into stingers and insect meat, or used on their own for a special recipe. The stingers are used for making poisonous spears or darts (which are used for an item from a special mob I will detail later). If you ever do add special dungeons for your mobs in the future a vespid hive with vespid spawners would be great. A queen would be cool as well but I have an even more sinister reproduction method for the vespids in mind, which leads me to the next mob...

    2. The Bloated: Shambling, pot bellied undead that have become shambling incubators for vespid young. They are slow, but they are tough and capable of suprising bursts of speed now and then.Even worse, when they are defeated when they die angry vespid young emerge out of the corpse. Attacking them also has the chance to cause vespid adults to spawn in defense of their young. Drops poison glands and zombie meat.

    3. Insect Swarms: Small, annoying, swarmy, and out for blood. These little suckers would be similar to the mosquito swarms from Twilight Forest, but are not hostile to players during the day. Come nightfall however these little blighters become much more active and will sting at the player incessantly causing light poison. Vespids often prey on these swarms. I have no idea what they would drop.

    4. Ape Creatures - I agree with the previously mentioned idea of having giant ape creatures hurling paraphernalia at players and reacting as a group in mutual defense, and strongly support the suggestion. I feel they should only attack if approached by the player though.

    5. Fetish - If you are not familiar with Diablo 2 or 3, the Fetish were small tribal, pygmies, corrupted by demons into degenerate cannibalism. They stalk for shadows of jungles, waiting to pounce on fresh victims. The lucky ones will reach the Fetish villages already dead and be thrown into cauldrons to pickled, while the unlucky face the gruesome fate of being cooked alive. The majority of Fetish tribesmen carry long, razor sharp carving knives, while others will have blowguns with which to shoot poisonous darts at prey. These creatures typically drop reeds and sometimes gold nuggets, and even have a rare chance of dropping their weapons. The blowguns are pretty straight forward and can shoot darts made from Vespid stingers. The carving knives however come in two varities; gold and iron. Iron carving knives have an innate Looting I ability, while gold knives have an innate Looting II ability and are much rarer. This is meant to represent how these weapons are meant to get the most out of slicing up their victims, and can stack with any looting enchantments added to them. Fetishes have been known to be made docile if enough zombie meat is thrown at them. Once made docile more meat could result in a temporary ally or the Fetish may offer gold nuggets in return.

    6. Fetish Shaman - These dreaded creatures are thankfully rare, but are always found in dangerous company. In fact the shaman even rides atop the shoulders of one of its ordinary brethren, breathing fire on its enemies and healing its allies. Worst of all this creature will raise its fallen tribe members from the dead to fight again (this could be possibly be done through fetishes dropping special entities or tiles when slain while in the presence of a shaman which he will periodically turn back into a fetish. Or he could simply have a counter of how many have died and spawn replacements.). Even when defeated, the shaman's faithful bearer will fight on to slay its killer. This guy would be similar to the Alpha Joust rates and count as part of Fetish in terms of taking up Jungle mob slots (just as the Alpha is part of the Joust category).

    7. Monstrous Centipedes - While tarantulas are a great way to emphasize the verticality of a Jungle's terrain, I think they are just too similar to spiders and it would be cooler to have an aggressive creature like a centipede crawling about... with an added twist. If the centipede is killed with a hacking weapon like a sword or axe it will split into two smaller centipedes instead. Naturally it also carries an especially virulent poison and is lightning fast. It drops insect legs which can be used for a special recipe or turned into raw insect meat. On occasion they can be found with a fetish mounted atop them. Can be tamed with spider eyes and them mounted. It's special abilities as a mount are that it treats all surfaces as having ladders and can deliver its poisonous bite on command.

    8. Thorned Hulk: Horrible, elemental creatures made of living, thorn covered wood that seek only to smash living creatures to a pulp so that it might feed off their warm blood. These creatures drop wood and rare components (what I have no idea at the moment. Maybe this guy could be a summonable boss later on in development). http://www.thanatosrealms.com/diablo2/beastiary/thorned_hulk

    9. Emerald Panther - Rare constructs of a long forgotten race made of mossy ruins and emerald detailing that still stalk the jungles of minecraft to this day. The have an eerie presence that scares away creepers and drives ocelots into a blood hungry fury. As a result ocelots will attack nearby players and any harm that befalls them the Emerald Panther will visit upon the head of the agressor ten fold. These serve as the jungle miniboss and drop emeralds and mossy cobble or brick. Rarely it drops a rare, emerald studded collar that some believe would allow for control of another of the constructs.

    Items -
    So I realize it is difficult to figure out what kind of drops ought to be paired with these magnificent creatures since the creature concept comes first and the itemization is an afterthought, so I haven't really been able to up with many great ideas but here are a few basic suggestions...

    1. Joust Cakes and Lurker Pies: Yup. A simple homage to the game that spawned these creatures but solve something that at least I personally have an issue with; buffs on a non-crafted item. Certainly you have to cook the meat of these critters first to get your shiny buff, but I think it makes it problematic if you just want the hunger restored and this is the only food you really have around. This can be solved by moving these buffs to simple foods that are crafted from the meat. For instance the Joust Cake could be crafted from the meat + a piece of sugar and wheat, while the lurker pie would be an egg and wheat.

    2. Joust Beaks: Alpha Jousts drop pieces of their beak on occasion which cane be crafted into a Joust Lance (2-3 sticks and 2 beaks made of 3 shards each). These weapons do slightly less damage than an iron sword, but have great reach and if the player holds down right click and releases will send him charging forward a few blocks to do a very damaging attack (Alpha Jousts themselves should open a fight with this sort of attack). Furthermore if the user of the lance is mounted they will be able to charge even further and do more damage when using this special ability.

    I do have yet more suggestions for creatures and items that I can share at a later date as I have already spent a fair amount of time articulating these, but if you find them cumbersome and unhelpful do let me know and I will accost you with them no further.

    Anyway, great work on the latest release! I really love the look of the mobs in their shiny new armor!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy - Putting the "Mine" back in "Minecraft"!
    Quote from GiantSapling

    Am I able to disable vanilla ore spawn with this? I want to disable all the vanilla ores and just have Meteorcraft spawn them, is it possible to do what I want? Any time I try to set both Min and Max spawn height to zero it crashes the game with a "must be set to positive" error. Not sure of any other way to disable them since I already tried disabling both the metals and set.

    PS. I've already set it to Min = 0 and Max = 1 as a temporary fix until I find out how to disable them :/

    Try setting the number of veins per chunk to 0. It worked for me when I disabled tin and copper since I could get them from Tinker's Construct.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy - Putting the "Mine" back in "Minecraft"!
    Quote from XanderGryphon

    While I can't speak on behalf of the person right now, and I can't give much more information than the following, I just wanted to let folks know that Metallurgy is still being worked on and isn't planned to die anytime soon.

    As for the problem Zabadar mentioned, that's a known and confirmed issue with Metallurgy. A fix has been produced, though I don't think it's been uploaded to Curse for download.

    I'll ask the person involved to post here, letting people know what's going on with Metallurgy and the other mods (Aquaculture, Atum, Agriculture), as well as asking them to provide an updated download link.

    XanderGryphon swoops in to the rescue! This is good to know, thanks for the info kind sir!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy - Putting the "Mine" back in "Minecraft"!
    Quote from DraxisWuf

    No, the modders have taken a hiatus of indeterminate time from Minecraft. Maybe they'll be back when 1.7 Forge drops - Probably not. All good mods eventually die. It's a fact of life.

    I've stopped using Metallurgy on my server since the last reset because I want to keep my other mods up to date and just removing Metallurgy from the stack when everything else updates just wouldn't work, seeing as how it generates so many blocks in the world.

    My suggestion - Stop using it now to avoid problems in the future.

    Also, when I was using it I was getting ores in Mystcraft dimensions. No idea why you aren't. Check your configs.

    Sadly I know what you mean. I just particularly enjoyed the functionality of this for my low-tech, magic based server. If it kicks the bucket so be it, but it would be nice if the mod made it through another update and got some final issues fixed, but that may not happen.

    Anyway, as far as Mystcraft goes I am having the same problem as many others are: all ores are spawning in the dimensions except that of Metallurgy's. Same goes for the Twilight Forest. I don't think it's an issue on the dimensional mods' parts.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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