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    posted a message on Flashing Color on Title
    Quote from ninji2701»

    I want to make a title command which changes the color of the text during the title's display time.

    Your best bet is to use /title @a[...] times 0 3 0

    Then, time your title command, and run /title @a title [{...}] for a specific tick for each color.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Command block help
    Quote from twitchjenga»

    So on my map I want to make like when you teleported somewere it sets your spawn it dosent work and when e.g in hunger games you kill the last guy you get fireworks and sounds and you teleport back to lobby please and thank you

    1. If you wanna set your spawn before teleporting, just use the /spawnpoint command at the player before the /teleport command.

    2. Just find a way to detect if somebody's the last player alive, then tag the last player and run some /summon and /playsound commands.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How do i detect collision for a projectile
    Quote from 2BOFLive»

    Hi, i am trying to make an explosive egg.

    The egg has his unique tag so it's easy to identify with

    execute as @e[type=egg,nbt={Item:{tag:{golden_egg:1b}}}]

    But i tried a few methods and none of them works like i need it to work.

    I tried summoning an invisible armor stand every tick to the egg and then killing it by the egg so when the egg hits something he can't execute the kill command anymore.

    Then the armor stands executes a summon creeper command every tick unless there is an egg besides him, so it only summons the creeper when the egg hits something and dissapears.

    The issue with this is that the "Unless" condition in the execute command is global so if i launch two eggs, only the last one to hit will summon a creeper since there is still an egg besides an armor stand.

    The other method i tried i directly summoning by egg an invisible ignited tnt and killing it and like the previous method, when the egg hits someting, it dissapears so he can't kill the tnt.

    The issue with this is a bug that minecraft takes a tick to apply the invisibility to the tnt entity to it's still visible.

    I also tried checking all the blocks arround the egg and summon an ignited creeper if any of them is not air but the egg travels too fast for this to work.

    Please help me, i can't think on any other way.

    If the tnt's visibility is the only issue, try summoning it a few thousand blocks above it and apply Fuse:2 (or more) on it.

    Then, detect if the tnt gets to Fuse:1s. If so, teleport it a few thousand blocks down.

    I guess that could work?

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Is predicate faster then standard selection?
    Quote from armandogrosso»

    Hi people, so I need to target all players in a specific area. Is it faster to execute as @a[x,dx,y,dy,z,dz] or to execute as @a[predicate=zone1]? Basically creating a predicate that handles the position detection.

    It's a few days already, but here's my opinion: Their difference is very minor. But if you insist, @a[x,dx,y,dy,z,dz].

    Disclaimer: No. I did no test about it. It's all theoretical.

    Little explanation: You cannot stop predicates from running while you can with selector arguments. Otherwise they function the same.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Need Help with Command: Item Attributes in 1.16 (20w14a+)
    Quote from xylonn72»


    I had a command that looked a bit like this before 20w14a:

    /give @p golden_boots{Unbreakable:1,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.armor",Name:"jksdf",UUIDLeast:
    -12314312,UUIDMost: 12316712, Operation:0 ,Amount:
    3},{Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:1,Amount:0.03,AttributeName:generic.movementSpeed,Name:whee}]} 1

    It gave some golden boots with 3 armor points (1.5/10) and also made
    the players wearing it have a bit more speed (the equivalent of a speed I
    potion). I tried fixing this command by changing the
    generic.movementSpeed to generic.movement_speed, but it doesn't work.
    When I get the boots now, there is no armor and it doesn't make the
    player faster.

    I also had mob eggs that summoned mobs with these attribute
    modifiers. I guess the way to fix them will be the same as the way to
    fix these items?

    Does anyone know how to fix these?

    I see a few errors in it. I feel like u got this command from a very old version (1.12?)

    Anyways, here's a better way to fix this:


    Your boots look quite simple, so this website can just generate the command for you.

    And no it's DEFINITELY NOT made by me.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on What's wrong with this command? [1.15.2]
    Quote from ninji2701»

    execute unless block 2 4 -19 minecraft:redstone_torch run kill @e[type=minecraft:item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:redstone_torch",Count:1}},limit=1,x=2,dx=1,z=-20,dz=1]

    This is meant to kill an item drop from a block, but it doesn't work. Chained command blocks don't run when the block is destroyed either.

    When you're doing nbt detection, you MUST specify the data type:

    execute unless block 2 4 -19 minecraft:redstone_torch run kill @e[type=minecraft:item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:redstone_torch",Count:1b}},limit=1,x=2,dx=1,z=-20,dz=1]

    See the b over there?

    However, in your case, I think it's safer if u don't include the Count tag, in case somebody throws another redstone torch and make it stay.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How to make all zombies spawn with something on their head?
    Quote from metalbones1»

    Hi, sorry for the long reply time, this is an old thread https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/redstone-discussion-and/commands-command-blocks-and/2926268-one-command-creation-idea-for-command-experts but I would love to have a mechanic like this and it would be very useful for minigames.

    I don't think I will make a One Command for that. A function at most.

    And if you insist in doing that thingy, pm me instead. Finals are coming, but I should be able to handle it.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on 1.15.2 minecraft server commands with nbt always fail
    Quote from drakodiin»

    Me and a few friends started a minecraft server and are having trouble with all commands that contain nbt data tags


    /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{display:{Lore:["\"A legendary weapon\""]}}

    Error: Unknown item name:minecraft:diamond_sword{display:{lore:["\"a

    It looks like a plugin issue to me.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Changing the color of number in sidebar
    Quote from bbflat_»

    Is it not possible to change the color of the scores (numbers displayed at the very right) sidebar?

    That'll be a no for now (as of 1.16 snapshot 20w16a).

    _________________________^ Will update if it's happening. If so, somebody reply to this old thread

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on I need suggestions
    Quote from firefox4304»

    yea creeper rocket launcher, lol

    minigame sounds like fun, but I would want other spells too, any ideas?

    Then you have to at least draft what kind of a mini-game you want, then you can brainstorm for more spells afterwards.

    Theme is something essential and also the prerequisite of all the ideas.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on I need suggestions
    Quote from firefox4304»

    I recently made a system that will take any creeper close to a player and teleport it 4 blocks away from the player's face, using anchored eyes. (which is my new favorite command thing) It will then detect if I punch the creeper, and launch it in whatever direction you are facing, kinda, there are some angles where it doesn't work too well. If it collides with a block it promptly explodes.

    What are some interesting things I can do with this, namely the rather crude click detector?

    So you're basically picking up the closest creeper with telekinesis, and launch it like a rocket launcher?

    Just make it a magic spell or player ability, and integrate it into a map or minigame.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How to make all zombies spawn with something on their head?
    Quote from metalbones1»

    It was because I was not on hard mode. It works now. Thank you!!

    Would you happen to be a command expert? I had an idea for a cool command block creation a while back that I would love to use in my world if someone knew how to make it.

    "Expert" is something too controversial to define.

    Anyways, if you need help, I can take a look. It might take longer than usual tho.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How to make all zombies spawn with something on their head?
    Quote from metalbones1»

    I tried it on a different world, free of other commands. Still no zombies with armor to be seen.. Could it be that we're on different versions of Minecraft?

    Even with different versions, my command doesn't delete armor.

    I'm using 1.15.2.

    /data modify was introduced in 1.14. Others should work in 1.13

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How to make all zombies spawn with something on their head?
    Quote from metalbones1»

    You say that, yet im seeing them spawn with TOOLS but not armor. I tried spawn eggs, commands, and even looking around at naturally spawned zombies, not a single was seen with armor. Some, however, spawned with weapons.

    I did some testing myself.

    It didn't take me even 10 seconds to get a zombie with golden armor. I feel like you have some old commands that cause issues, running but unaware.

    Do note that I didn't put a roof for this block, so these surviving zombies show that the command works.

    Edit: Here's an example command you can look for:

    /execute as @e[type=zombie] run data merge entity @s {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"stone_button",Count:1}]}

    This command will cause all zombies to lose armor because this command literally tells all zombies to not wear it.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How to make all zombies spawn with something on their head?
    Quote from metalbones1»

    I literally put a repeating command block to summon zombies in this specific spot. Not a single one has armor...

    You're summoning zombies from a command block, of course they don't spawn with armor.

    Any zombies summoned through commands will not have any extra stuff put on it.

    If you don't define what armor they wear, they never wear armor. I mean, if they do, it'll cause issues for map makers, plus being unnecessary.

    Either put ArmorItems in the command yourself, or use spawn eggs.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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