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    posted a message on Bad video card drivers?
    Deja vu?

    Didn't see this. Lol. Either way, I'll try anything at this point. My sister has been getting this problem for over 3 months now.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Bad Video Card Drivers?
    I have no clue what this means, or how to fix it. I've reinstalled Java, as the Wiki suggested, and it didn't work. Does anybody out there know hot to fix this?

    Thanks in advance. **** I miss this place :'(
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Notch is mad at Simon and Lewis
    **** - a lot can happen in 2 days.

    Time will tell.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Sorry, But, Yogscast isn't really all that.
    Quote from PsychoIncarnate

    People take Notch's side without looking at it from an objective point of view just because they don't like the Yogcast?

    That doesn't seem very fair

    Asking for money, a free ticket, insulting the reason why you're there, making a fun of Notch at his event, and being an all-around **** is so opinionated. I mean, it's not that these things never happened at all - matter a fact, let's just turn a blind ****ing eye to it. It's not like they have videos of this.

    Bro, your argument is not sound at all. Let's support Yogs because you like them - sure! Unless they can come up with a seirous statement, I don't seem them comming out of this. They did insult Notch, his crew, his game, and many more things.

    Notch totally insulted Yogs in public - it's not like Yogs already did that to them. No, let's turn a BLIND ****ING EYE TO IT. :dry.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Sorry, But, Yogscast isn't really all that.
    Quote from Imdogtc

    If it wasn't for the YogsCast Notch wouldn't have that much publicity.. they are responsible for a DUMP-TON of people who play Minecraft today.

    But holy ****! Captin Sparkels and Seananners also did that, and they totally asked for money and a free ticket. Let's not forget that they even insulted Notch and his crew.

    Oh wait, they're not assholes. If I was Notch, I would be beyond ****ing mad. I'd be ready to ****ing kill someone.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch is mad at Simon and Lewis
    Quote from Uento

    ...if people decided to insult you for no good reason publicly...

    You know what's funnny? That fact that Yogscast did that to Mojang; and in my opinion, on a grander scale. Mouthing off at their own event? How can you say that's not disrespectful? Asking to be PAID to come there? That's even more of a **** move.

    I liked Yogs before this - but this is ****ing stupid.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Team Notch or Team Yogscast?
    Right now, Yogs doesn't have a chance. Needless to say, I unsubbed.

    I don't think they can think of anything to come back with - at all. We're the reason Minecraft is so popular. Go **** yourself (so be it true).
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Die'ing with Experiance points makes me rage.

    I don't find it frustrating at all. Hell, just make a giant slaughter house for animals. That's what I did. Just keep a few alive.

    Besides, it's much better than when ALL the EX you earned flew out. ****, I remember when had around LV 70... My game crashed in an instant - never could reopen the thing it was so laggy.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Christmas Update - Ideas
    Quote from literarylogan

    I don't think this'll happen. Minecraft is about building, exploring, and adventuring, not decorating Christmas trees. Sorry, not trying to be a troll, but I don't really like the idea.

    I'm sure this'd fall under biulding. :unsure.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Christmas Update - Ideas
    Quote from TheOneFromBehind

    So your saying that to put ornaments on trees?

    I like it.

    Trees, walls, so on. Maybe even some lights to hang outside, no?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Christmas Update - Ideas
    Quote from 21rtap

    Not LM RM AND eh it's ok

    Wait, what? What are you talking about?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Golems
    Honestly, they're meant to be a joke - keep them as that.

    I'd just like to keep them still - turret defence system.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Christmas Update - Ideas
    Been thinking abit, with the all this holiday stuff going on, that there could be a Christmas update-ish type thing. I was thinking along the lines of a "medium sized" Christmas-tree type thing. All that happy things.

    Then I started thinking more. What if we could decorate it? Now making "ball" type ornaments would be hard... in a world of blocks... So I though mini-tool/blocks - all for decorating the tree/house (forgot to mention that). That's nice, but how do I craft them? Simple, my good chap! Place a painting, and the item you want int the square, and you're done. You can place them anywhere you want!

    When all's said and done, you can "de-craft" them into the painting & the tool/block. Simple, and nice.

    I was also thought of surprise boxes. Put 8 sheets of paper around the object, then out comes a box with the item in it. Basically, you just hold LM on it (and it makes a cheeky paper ripping sound), and you get your present. How nice!

    So, Minecraft fourm, what do you think?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Can someone tell me how to stop this?
    Quote from SilverNeko

    Where are you getting these? Are you at a certin site or is it just in general.

    I'd go in on google, type in something, click on it, and it'd redirect me to these sites. Any ideas?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Can someone tell me how to stop this?
    I keep getting all these stupid URL/Pop-up's. I've had these for about 4 months now, and I've been trying to ignore these for a while.

    I just can't do it anymore! They happen so often. Can you help me out, Forum? Here's some of the URL's it's been spitting out: Military Victories/a51/itcg-18254/v5 Liek Mudkipz/a51/itcg-18254/v5

    What do?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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