• 2

    posted a message on Can you calculate a kill to death ratio using the scoreboard?
    I'm guessing that you want to show something like this
    "Kill Ratio : 1:6" in the chat
    You'd want to use the tellraw command for that
    Here's an example
    /tellraw @p {text:"Kill Ratio: ",extra:[{score:{name:"killcount",objective:"killcout"}}]}

    That will show the score of player killcount on the objective killcount

    If you wanted to divide killcount with deathcount, you'll want to use this
    /scoreboard players operation <targetName> <targetObjective> <operation> <selector> <objective>

    /scoreboard players operation killcount killcount /= deathcount deathcount

    This will divide killcount with deathcount and put the result on killcount

    If you want the ratio to be 1:something, you might want to setup some system to divide it
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 2

    posted a message on Command Block question about Entity spawning
    To change the weather, use the /weather command
    Squids doesn't deal damage, which means that you'll need to setup some mechanism to make it deal damage on contact.

    To summon the squid, you'll just use
    /summon Squid ~ ~ ~

    For dealing the damage, i'm thinking of using instant damage effect. If you want knock back, teleportation based on where the player are currently on will work
    /execute @e[type=Squid] ~ ~ ~ effect @p[r=1] 7

    For hostile/peaceful mobs, just turn off the mechanism
    Yes, this does use 1.8 updates. If you prefer 1.7, it'll have to be more complicated setup

    Unfortunately, i don't quite understand what you mean by
    Quote from WarriorFromFire

    my goal is to spawn a squid in that charges the player with a large health pool and deals decent amounts of damage.

    In any case, you can always cover it with smoke and mirrors to make it seems like one
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Entity UUID provided in an invalid format
    Quote from thethirdlore

    but if this were the case then with a minimum score value of 1, the 10 damage increment should mean i am at least doing 1 damage

    Your command will test for exactly a score of 1. Since you specify the min and max value
    To just check minimal value, use this
    testfor @a[score_DamageDealt_min=1]
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 1

    posted a message on Need massive help with a vanilla (hopefully will work) ship
    Quote from ElMenduko

    I know that. Im using 1.8. I know what command to use. Havent thought about the minecart thingy. But that also has 2 problems:
    1. Amount of command blocks (there will be even more than what you saw in the picture). Cant do that manually.
    2. Minecarts are screwed up in 1.8 snapshots.
    3. I could use @e to "move" the minecarts with the ship. They might bug out and unstack or something tho, specially in 1.8

    1. Umm, clone makes it so that you only need 1 command block?
    2. It's not screwed up on everything...
    3. Have the minecart moving with the ship, it doesn't need any command block, just some tricky setup

    But if you really don't want to use minecart, you can have an entity on the ship such as WitherSkull.
    From there, you can execute clone from other places
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone Wars II
    Yes, Round 0 Is only to make sure participant are active as part of the "registration"
    This is also to make sure that you guys understand how the system works, PMing the world instead of posting it here for example

    Expect harder challenges as the round progress.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 1

    posted a message on Test if at least 2 players are on pressure plates
    A simple way without logic gates : D
    When a player steps on the pressure plate, add 1 score to a scoreboard
    When the player steps out from the pressure plate, remove 1 score

    This way, you can test if the score is 2 or more
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Need massive help with a vanilla (hopefully will work) ship
    If you're building on 1.7, you'll have to use setblock. However, on the recent 1.8 snapshots, there's the clone command which destroys all the need to setblock that many blocks

    However if you use 1.7, one of the method is to use minecart command blocks
    Stacking the minecart will allow it to setblock the whole ship on just 1 block space. If you bring the minecart along with you, it'll be relative.
    For more control, you'll want some system to handle that.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Command Blocks: Randomly selecting "Fake" players?
    No, there's no way to interact with fake players without you manually telling it, which means, you'll need a randomizer, not just 1 command
    If only alive players, simply use @r
    /scoreboard players add @r someObjective 1
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on redstone/commands block help
    Quote from dreadlast411

    I need help making some redstone/commands

    1. How can i put someone in gamemode 3 (Spectator mode) after they die, and where he dies there a little grave and if you throw a splash potion tat is called revival potion on his grave he gets revived and the grave goes away

    2. How do i make a RPG feel were every 5 level you get a random stat (strangth, jump boost/speed, haste, exc) and only give that stat to the player that get the 5 level (and they can get a high stat for every 5 levels but is random too)

    I will be adding on to this if i think of anything while making my map
    p.s. can you post a picture of these if you find out how to do one or both of them(if can tell put what is in command blocks in pickture)

    thanks for the help

    Well, this is not really straight forward, so i won't post an image on this
    But here's how you will do it

    1. To track where the player is when he/she died, you can use teleportation of an entity (ex:WitherSkull)
    This means that it won't be multiplayer friendly, you'll need to specify which witherskull teleport to which player

    Or you can also use drops. Such as exp. But this is too unstable, not reliable.
    And maybe, you could detect when the player have half heart, is receiving damage, and is not on resistance effect, etc

    To detect when the player is dead, simply use the deathCount stat in the scoreboard, set him to spectator
    Then, clone a preset of the grave there.
    Summon an invisible, non moving mob. Then have an execute command which will have the mob with the effect given by the splash potion, set the player to survival and remove the grave

    2. When a player reach level 5, have a randomizer which will set the score of the player into some random score.
    On each score, have a clock give some random effect
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on command to grab players location
    I'm not really sure what you are looking for on this
    Quote from etopsirhc

    so what i'm trying to do is create a device you can drop into a survival world and then buy a command block that will give you 2 command blocks back and delete itself on use. the 2 command blocks it gives would each have a command to place or remove a block at that saved location. ( location locked once you get the 2 command blocks )

    I'll guess that you mean, on the location you buy the command blocks, you'll be able to place and delete the block by command block?

    If so, simply use an entity to mark the location, say a witherskull

    But if that's not what you want, here's some possibility

    There's a way to get the coordinate saved on the scoreboard, but you won't be able to use it without a complicated setup.
    The system works by teleporting the player on the x and z coordinate. Therefor, this won't work with blocks, just check point, but you can also tp an entity and work from there.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Testforblock Command W/ Cobwebs
    Quote from HolyCarHorn


    Well, this works. But this will clear out any cob web placed on the region of the first cob web, following the time
    If you really need a lot of cob webs, use this, much easier to set up, you could use scoreboards to select which Wither Skull to execute.
    Otherwise, if it's limited and you want to get rid of that, use mine. Hard to set up though
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Summon Code Debug Help
    It seems that you forgot the coma symbol on the trade that sells trapped chest and all of them after
    Fixed Command:
    /summon Villager ~ ~-1 ~ {Career:0,CareerLevel:100,Profession:1,CustomName:"Redstone Black Market",CustomNameVisible:0,Offers:{Recipes:[
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:2,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Uber Clock V2",Lore:["Place Redstone Block on Top to Activate"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/summon FallingSand ~ ~1 ~ {Block:redstone_block,Time:0}"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:4,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Cow Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Cow's (Excluding Tanks) in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Cow,name=!Tank,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:4,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Chicken Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Chicken in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Chicken,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:4,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Pig Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Pig's in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Pig,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:4,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Mooshroom Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Mooshroom's in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=MushroomCow,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:6,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Zombie Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Zombie's (Excluding PyramidHead) in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Zombie,name=!PyramidHead,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:6,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Creeper Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Creeper's (Excluding Mist) in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Creeper,name=!Mist,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:6,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Skeleton Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Skeleton's in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Skeleton,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:6,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Slime Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Slime's in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Slime,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:8,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Witch Grinder",Lore:["Kills All Witch's in a 3 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/kill @e[type=Witch,r=3]"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:8,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"PyramidHead Repellent",Lore:["Repels All PyramidHead's in a 6 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/tp @e[type=Zombie,name=PyramidHead,r=6] ~1 ~1 ~1"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:8,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Mist Repellent",Lore:["Repels All Mist in a 6 Block Radius"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/tp @e[type=Creeper,name=Mist,r=6] ~1 ~1 ~1"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:10,tag:{display:{Name:"Bitcoin"}}},sell:{id:trapped_chest,Count:1,Damage:0,tag:{display:{Name:"Home Defense System",Lore:["NSA Approved"]},BlockEntityTag:{Items:[{id:wooden_sword,Count:1,Slot:0},{id:hopper,Count:2,Slot:1},{id:repeater,Count:1,Slot:2},{id:comparator,Count:2,Slot:3},{id:command_block,Count:1,Slot:4,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Home Defense System",Lore:["Part One of the System"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/testfor @e[y=2,r=1]"}}},{id:command_block,Count:1,Slot:5,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Home Defense System",Lore:["Part Two of the System"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/say Intruder"}}},{id:written_book,Count:1,Slot:6,Damage:1,tag:{title:Home Security Instruction Manual,author:"NSA",pages:[TagString:"Place Part One under where you want the alarm to test for the "Intruder". Must have at most one block above the whole system. Your system should look something like this. Hoppper_Clock comparator part_one comparator repeater_part two."],generation:3}}]}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:11,tag:{display:{Name:Bitcoin}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Player Launcher",Lore:["Blast Everyone in a 2 Block Radius 5000 Blocks in the Air"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/tp @a[r=1] ~ ~5000 ~"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:15,tag:{display:{Name:Bitcoin}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Zombie Spawner",Lore:["Sumons a Normal Zombie One Block Up"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/summon Zombie ~ ~2 ~"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:15,tag:{display:{Name:Bitcoin}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Creeper Spawner",Lore:["Sumons a Normal Creeper One Block Up"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/summon Creeper ~ ~2 ~"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:15,tag:{display:{Name:Bitcoin}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Skeleton Spawner",Lore:["Sumons a Normal Skeleton One Block Up"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/summon Skeleton ~ ~2 ~"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:15,tag:{display:{Name:Bitcoin}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Inverted Zombie Spawner",Lore:["Sumons a Normal Zombie One Block Down"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/summon Zombie ~ ~-2 ~"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:15,tag:{display:{Name:Bitcoin}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Inverted Creeper Spawner",Lore:["Sumons a Normal Creeper One Block Down"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/summon Creeper ~ ~-2 ~"}}}},
    {buy:{id:name_tag,Count:15,tag:{display:{Name:Bitcoin}}},sell:{id:command_block,Count:1,Damage:7,tag:{display:{Name:"Inverted Skeleton Spawner",Lore:["Sumons a Normal Skeleton One Block Down"]},BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/summon Skeleton ~ ~-2 ~"}}}}
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Testforblock Command W/ Cobwebs

    Well, this is just a concept, but it'll work

    First, we need to test when a player places the cobweb
    Quote from HolyCarHorn

    You can use the scoreboard to detect if a player has placed a cobweb.
    Run this command:
    /scoreboard objectives add placeWeb stat.useItem.minecraft.web

    Then, we want to clone the area of 11x11x11 around the player that places it. (you can place 5 blocks away)
    /execute @p[score_placeWeb_min=1] ~ ~ ~ clone ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 ~5 ~5 ~5 x y z

    Just put the x y z somewhere far away from the location.

    We also want to summon a wither skull at the same time to mark the location. This will be used to clone it back later.
    execute @p[score_placeWeb_min=1] ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 summon WitherSkull ~ ~ ~ {direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]}

    Then, reset the score
    /scoreboard players set @p[score_placeWeb_min=1] placeWeb 0

    Now, in the place we cloned before, we'll want to delete all the block there except for cob web. The most direct way to do this is by /fill replace any block that isn't cob web. But that'll take a lot of commands.

    There's some ways to avoid this. First, /fill replace cob web with barrier block
    /fill x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 barrier 0 replace web

    Then, we'll use Creeper/TNT explosion to destroy all blocks which can be destroy by explosion.
    For blocks that can't, we'll need to do it manually, such as obsidian and bed rock
    And for liquid, water and lava.
    This will reduce lots of the command block

    While that's running, you want a timer to count until 30 seconds, anything will be fine

    After it's 30 second, clone the entire structure to the Wither Skull we summoned before
    execute @e[type=WitherSkull] ~ ~ ~ clone x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 ~ ~ ~

    This will turn the cob web into a barrier block

    Then we'll simply need to change it into air and kill the Wither Skull
    execute @e[type=WitherSkull] ~ ~ ~ fill ~ ~ ~ ~11 ~11 ~11 air 0 replace barrier

    kill @e[type=WitherSkull]

    Obviously, you'll need a space for every cob web you want, making it limited if player spam it.
    You might also want to change the timing a bit for a perfect 30 second

    This will work fine in concept, but you'll want to assign UUID, etc for multiplayer support
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on About fishing rod
    Quote from TheAbuser

    name=unknown? can you explain?

    It's basically the name of the tip of the fishing rod.
    If you use a fishing rod, then
    /say @e

    There will be an entity with the name of unknown, it's the fishing rod

    PS: There's other entity that use unknown as well, such as egg.
    And other language will use different name, don't know if that matter though (It does)
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on About fishing rod
    Well, you can test for an entity which is on the entity, and which isn't on the ground

    Set the score of the rod into 1 when mid air, and to 0 when on ground
    scoreboard players set @e[name=unknown] Rod 1 {inGround:0b}

    scoreboard players set @e[name=unknown] Rod 0 {inGround:1b}

    Make the rod set the score of players nearby
    /execute @e[score_Rod_min=1] ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players set @e[r=0] Hit 1

    This will set the score of players that are hit/have fishing rod on them of Hit into 1
    (You might want to change the r into 1)
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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