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    posted a message on Language editing in Minecraft 1.13 with new .json format


    I think your issue may be that you are not supposed to use uppercase letters in 1.13. Have you tried making the name and references all lowercase?

    Posted in: Resource Pack Help
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    posted a message on What do you think of 1.13?

    1.13 - even though not even being released yet - is a very controversial update like every other one was and will be. But instead of throwing our opinions everywhere and complaining about everything (And trust me, there will always be someone, somewhere complaining about a tweak or change), I thought it would be a great idea to let people vote on every change that is likely to be added in 1.13. So here I have got a changelog (taken from the Reddit) of every change.

    Remember not just to be angry because you have to fix your map. Instead, think about what 1.13 brings us!

    I have made the poll using Google Forms, it's just clearer for such a large poll.



    This is not official, so don't expect the game developers to react to it. This is rather a poll for the community, to see how the general opinion on 1.13 really is.

    Feel free to post your opinion on 1.13 down in the comments and share this poll. ;)

    Have a nice day!

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Problems with executing a /blockdata command with an entity

    It worked for me, are you sure the relative position is right? (1 block gap between rabbit and chest)

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Spawning silverfish

    First of all sorry for the late reply.

    Then, I would still recommend using stone blocks for spawning the silverfish, that is just a thing that is implemented into Minecraft and widely spread. But if you want to have other blocks spawn silverfish, there are a few ways you can do that. The simplest thing I can think of at the moment would be using armor stands

    execute @e[type=armor_stand,tag=summonSF] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ air 0 summon silverfish
    execute @e[type=armor_stand,tag=summonSF] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ air 0 kill @s

    Just set them up Repeat-Unconditional-Always Active and Chain-Unconditional-Always Active; You can summon the armor stand using

    /summon armor_stand ~ ~-1 ~ {Tags:["summonSF"]}

    For the random part of it: That is not so simple. So do you really need it to generate the silverfish for you, or would it be enough if you just once placed the silverfish and then be good? The only real 'randomizer in commands' Minecraft provides us with is the @r selector and /spreadplayers.

    Honestly, there are ways for doing that, such as summoning a bunch of armor stands, using spreadplayers on them and teleport them to their final location. There would also be a way to have a hole grid of armor stands and execute @r[..] on them a summon command command a couple of times. But I would not recommend any of that techniques. So let me know if it would be fine to just use a fixed position (which would most likely seem random to the player) or otherways I'll come back to you.

    Hope this helps for the moment

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Executing a command from an entity if players within a radius are in a specific team

    There are multiple ways you can achieve this. Some more reliable, some less. So the simplest (yet less reliable) would be just adding a count selector modifier to your command. Another (possibly most reliable) way would be to add a tag to this and only this silverfish and add that to the selector; I would recommend this anyway because it's the best way to select one specific entity.

    So the command would be like:

    /execute @e[tag=sf3] ~ ~ ~ execute @a[team=Miner,r=3] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[tag=sf3,c=1] ~ ~ ~ ... something ...

    That is a lot of execute stacking and there maybe is a better way to do that, but that depends on your use-case.

    Hope this helps.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Spawning silverfish

    I would use structure blocks to do that.

    First, you would have to fill the area with monster_egg, then set up a structure block to save it. Then you would fill the area with stone and set the structure block up: set it to load on the previously saved structure and set the integrity to something like 0.1 and load it. Then there should be 10% Monster Egg Stone, whuh spawn silverfish when broken.

    You could also just place the silverfish blocks by hand, they are in the creative inventory.

    Hope this helps

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Glowing Torches with Commands for 1.12?

    Yes, there is a missing termination quote, shout be:

    /scoreboard players tag @a add Torch {SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:torch"}}

    As far as I can see it at the moment

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Help With Executing Teleportations

    Are you sure the pig is being teleported? That sounds not quite right to me. So what the /tp command does is to teleport an entity relative to its previous position (/tp @e ~ ~5 ~ will teleport every entity 5 block into the air); /teleport, on the other hand, teleports an entity relative to the executors position (as you would expect it). So /teleport @e ~ ~5 ~ will teleport everything 5 blocks above you (or your previous position). (Btw. please don't try these commands since minecraft isn't especially happy about targeting every entity.)

    Back to your command: I would suggest this would teleport every armor stand independent from any pig.

    What I would assume to work as expected is:

    /execute @e[type=pig] ~ ~ ~ teleport @e[type=armor_stand] ~.6 ~-.9 ~

    Hope this helps 😉

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Unbalanced Brackets?

    The error is what it says: Unbalanced brackets

    /scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] button 1 {Item:{id:"minecraft:wooden_button",Damage:0s}}

    Also, there was an error at the id and comma.

    That are all I can find at the moment.

    Hope this helps

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How do you make non-OPs right click a sign to run /trigger commands?

    It might be the spawn protection. Have you tried setting up the sign somewhere else or setting the spawn protection in the server.properties file of the server to 0?

    Also, the bug you described seems weird to my, try the spawn protection and let me know if it worked.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How do you make non-OPs right click a sign to run /trigger commands?

    Could you post the blockdata of the sign? Or the command you used to get it?

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on How can i Execute a player near to another one?

    I'd recommend

    /execute @a[score_Fusion_min=1,score_Fusion=1] ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players set @a[score_Fusion_min=1,score_Fusion=1,r=10,rm=1] Fusion 1

    Of course this wouldn't work when the players are too close to each other. A way around this could possibly be using functions with the first command being the top one and the second like /scoreboard players set @s Fusion 1. Or something similar.

    Hope this helps.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Test how many blocks affected by fill command

    You will need to set the score to 0 first of all but then it should work.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Bizarre Behavior with Observer Blocks -- is it a bug?

    I just did a test about the speed of those clocks and got some interesting results (measured on one side):

    gameticks: 7104

    new design: 1776

    old design: 1184

    That means: the new design has a gametick/tick ratio of 1/4 and the old design got one of 1/6.

    So the new design will output a signal every second redstone tick (which is the fastest you can get with redstone).

    Bu the old, standard design only outputs a signal every 3rd tick.

    This got me wondering how the standard design actually works since the normal explanation of one observer being placed in front of another causing the first to turn on, which will trigger the other one in the next tick and so on seems to be the case in the new design and doesn't fit the old one anymore (1/3 ratio).

    With this said, I would not consider your design a bug, rather I would say there is something funky about the behaviour of the old one. :huh:


    Just found out that the sequence of the old design is 1-0-0 (Not starting at 0; Found out by the ticks the signal was on (1/3)). But I still can't quite get my head around what is going on.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Test how many blocks affected by fill command

    When you've got a command block executing that command say at ~ ~-1 ~ you could do "/stats block ~ ~-1 ~ set AffectedBlocks @p blocks" (Syntax: "/stats <entiy:block>" --> "/stats block <x> <y> <z> set <stat> <selector> <objective>"). That would save the blocks affected by the command to the nearest players blocks score. (Now don't ask me where the center of execution is ;-|) Note that this command is simgle-execution, meaning it does not have to be run repeatedly. To remove the link use /stats block <x> <y> <z> remove <stat> <selector> <objective>

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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