
About Me [p]I'm a 13 yr old YouTuber (cmon don't let that make you click away) and I do stop-motion on my YouTube channel as well as gaming, vlogs, free shoutouts and other stuff.[/p] [p]I'm a great Minecraft Survivalist and know how to really play the game better than most of my friends who only play PvP and servers. I will be posting some videos in the Lets Play section, so watch out for my episodes. I will also be making some Minecraft Survival tutorials including some tips and tricks to making your world better.[/p] [p]Keep watching my videos on my YouTube channel! - [/p] [p][/p] [p][size=13.33px]Subscribing is the mere click of a button. So why not?[/size][/p] Interests [p]I love YouTube and I'm always posting videos that everyone seems to enjoy![/p] [p][/p] [p]I play Minecraft and I am a survival fanatic. It seems like everyone is playing on servers these days and don't take the time to play the real game. SURVIVAL SINGLEPLAYER![/p] [p]Um...lets see...interests...ummmm...I am interested in stuff that is interesting. NAILED IT!!![/p] Location On land

Profile Information

Minecraft JessesSpazzinOut Xbox no xbox PSN no playstaytion Steam forgot xD

Contact Methods

Website URL Skype nah. just email meh: [email protected]