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    posted a message on Armor not working
    well i changed the enumblockiumarmormaterial dependencies to enumarmormaterial and itemblockiumarmor to itemarmor and added blockium to them and the armor worked
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Armor not working
    Quote from Cojomax99

    Hi! I wrote a tutorial about the new armor system, which can be found here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/40829872/Armor tut.pdf

    Hope this helps!

    Actually it did help a little, but my armor is using a custom material, too(blockium) and in order to not have to edit any minecraft classes, i made an itemblockiumarmor.java file and enumblockiummaterial.java
    ill post the code for the files in the op
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Armor not working
    I was following tutorial and went off and figured out how to make the armor without modifying the minecraft classes, but my the armor is acting weird i cant equip it, the pants show up as a leather helmet, and some use the wrong texture

    the code compiles and i can start minecraft without errors, but the armor doesn't work

    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class mod_Blockium extends BaseMod
    	public static final Block blockiumore = new BlockBlockium (180, 0) .setHardness(1F) .setLightValue(0.2F) .setBlockName("blockiumore");
    	public static final Item blockiumcrossbow = new ItemBlockiumcrossbow(523) .setItemName("blockiumcrossbow");
    	public static final Item blockiumingot = new Itemblockiumingot(526) .setItemName("blockiumingot");
    	public static final Item blockiumpickaxe = new ItemBlockiumPickaxe(524, EnumBlockiumToolMaterial.BLOCKIUM) .setItemName ("blockiumpickaxe");
    	public static final Item blockiumsword = new ItemBlockiumSword(525, EnumBlockiumToolMaterial.BLOCKIUM).setItemName("blockiumsword");
    	public static final Item blockiumhoe = new ItemBlockiumHoe(527, EnumBlockiumToolMaterial.BLOCKIUM) .setItemName("blockiumhoe");
    	public static final Item blockiumaxe = new ItemBlockiumAxe(528, EnumBlockiumToolMaterial.BLOCKIUM) .setItemName("blockiumaxe");
    	public static final Item blockiumshovel = new ItemBlockiumSpade(529, EnumBlockiumToolMaterial.BLOCKIUM) .setItemName("blockiumshovel");
    	public static final Item blockiumhelmet = new ItemBlockiumArmor(530, EnumBlockiumMaterial.BLOCKIUM, 0, 0) .setItemName("blockiumhelmet");
    	public static final Item blockiumarmor = new ItemBlockiumArmor(531, EnumBlockiumMaterial.BLOCKIUM, 0, 1) .setItemName("blockiumarmor");
    	public static final Item blockiumpants = new ItemBlockiumArmor(532, EnumBlockiumMaterial.BLOCKIUM, 0, 2) .setItemName("blockiumpants");
    	public static final Item blockiumboots = new ItemBlockiumArmor(533, EnumBlockiumMaterial.BLOCKIUM, 0, 3) .setItemName("blockiumboots");
    	public mod_Blockium()
    		//Blockium Block
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumore, "Blokium Ore");
    		blockiumore.blockIndexInTexture = ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/blockiumore.png");
    		//Blockium Crossbow
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumcrossbow, "Blockium Crossbow");
    		blockiumcrossbow.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumcrossbow.png");		
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumcrossbow, 1), new Object[]
                "XXX", " X ", " X ", Character.valueOf('X'), mod_Blockium.blockiumore
    		//Blockium Ingot
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumingot, "Blockium Ingot");
    		blockiumingot.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumingot.png");
    		ModLoader.AddSmelting(mod_Blockium.blockiumore.blockID, new ItemStack(mod_Blockium.blockiumingot, 1)); ////SMELTING SYNTAX
    		//Blockium Pickaxe
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumpickaxe,  "Blockium Pickaxe");
    		blockiumpickaxe.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumpickaxe.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumpickaxe, 1), new Object [] {
    			"###", " X ", " X ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		//Blockium Sword
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumsword, "Blockium Sword");
    		blockiumsword.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumsword.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumsword, 1), new Object[] {
    			" # ", " # ", " X ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumsword, 1), new Object[] {
    			"  #", "  #", "  X", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumsword, 1), new Object[] {
    			"#  ", "#  ", "X  ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		//Blockium Shovel
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumshovel, "Blockium Shovel");
    		blockiumshovel.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumshovel.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumshovel, 1), new Object[] {
    			" # ", " X ", " X ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumshovel, 1), new Object[] {
    			"  #", "  X", "  X", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumshovel, 1), new Object[] {
    			"#  ", "X  ", "X  ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		//Blockium Hoe
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumhoe, "Blockium Hoe");
    		blockiumhoe.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumhoe.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumhoe, 1), new Object[] {
    			"## ", " X ", " X ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumhoe, 1), new Object[] {
    			" ##", " X ", " X ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		//Blockium Axe
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumaxe,  "Blockium Axe");
    		blockiumaxe.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumaxe.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumaxe, 1), new Object [] {
    			"## ", "#X ", " X ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumaxe, 1), new Object [] {
    			" ##", " #X", " X ", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot, Character.valueOf('X'), Item.stick
    		//Blockium Helmet
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumhelmet,  "Blockium Helmet");
    		blockiumhelmet.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumhelmet.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumhelmet, 1), new Object[] {
    			"###", "# #", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot
    		//Blockium Armor
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumarmor,  "Blockium Armor");
    		blockiumarmor.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumarmor.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumarmor, 1), new Object[] {
    			"# #", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot
    		//Blockium Pants
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumpants,  "Blockium Pants");
    		blockiumpants.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumpants.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumpants, 1), new Object[]{
    			"###", "# #", "# #", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot
    		//Blockium Boots
    		ModLoader.AddName(blockiumboots,  "Blockium Boots");
    		blockiumpants.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/blockiumboots.png");
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumboots, 1), new Object[]{
    			"# #", "# #", Character.valueOf('#'), blockiumingot
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.obsidian, 64), new Object[] {
    			"##", Character.valueOf('#'), Block.dirt
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumingot, 64), new Object[] {
    			"#", Character.valueOf('#'), Block.dirt
    		ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.bed, 1), new Object[] {
    			"###", Character.valueOf('#'), Block.dirt
    *	ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockiumcrossbow, 1), new Object[]
    *		{
    *			"XXX", " X ", " X ", Character.valueOf('X'), mod_Blockium.blockiumblock
    *		});
    //ModLoader.AddSmelting(Class.Object.blockID/shiftedIndex, new ItemStack(Class.Object, 1));
    	public void GenerateSurface(World world, Random rand, int baseX, int baseZ)
    		for(int x = 0; x < 30; x++)
    			int Xcoord = baseX + rand.nextInt(16);
    			int Ycoord = rand.nextInt(70);
    			int Zcoord = baseZ + rand.nextInt(16);
    			(new WorldGenMinable(blockiumore.blockID, 40)) .generate(world, rand, Xcoord, Ycoord, Zcoord);
    	public void load(){};
    	public String getVersion(){return "1.1";}

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public class ItemBlockiumArmor extends Item
        private static final int maxDamageArray[] =
            11, 16, 15, 13
        public final int armorType;
        public final int damageReduceAmount;
        public final int renderIndex;
        private final EnumBlockiumMaterial material;
        public ItemBlockiumArmor(int i, EnumBlockiumMaterial enumarmormaterial, int j, int k)
            material = enumarmormaterial;
            armorType = k;
            renderIndex = j;
            damageReduceAmount = enumarmormaterial.getDamageReductionAmount(k);
            maxStackSize = 1;
        public int getItemEnchantability()
            return material.getEnchantability();
        static int[] getMaxDamageArray()
            return maxDamageArray;

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public enum EnumBlockiumMaterial
        BLOCKIUM("BLOCKIUM", 5, 45, new int[] {
            5, 10, 7, 5
        }, 10);
        private int maxDamageFactor;
        private int damageReductionAmountArray[];
        private int enchantability;
        private static final EnumBlockiumMaterial allArmorMaterials[] = (new EnumBlockiumMaterial[] {
        private EnumBlockiumMaterial(String s, int i, int j, int ai[], int k)
            maxDamageFactor = j;
            damageReductionAmountArray = ai;
            enchantability = k;
        public int func_40576_a(int i)
            return ItemArmor.getMaxDamageArray()[i] * maxDamageFactor;
        public int getDamageReductionAmount(int i)
            return damageReductionAmountArray[i];
        public int getEnchantability()
            return enchantability;

    and my other files are itemblockiumarmor.java, enumblockiummaterial.java, and they are like their counterparts(itemarmor.java, and enumarmormaterial.java respectively) but basically the names of the functions, classes, etc. changed

    Please Help, im trying to learn to mod but i cant figure this out.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Previous tool/weapon key
    Quote from azzanine »
    So it equips you with the block you are looking at, interesting.

    Now to be on topic; There really should be a tool toggle method. Having to position your tools on the bar in a proper way can be annoying after death.

    It can be really annoying, but i'm not sure what you mean "tool toggle method" do you mean a java method for it?
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Previous tool/weapon key
    Quote from Badprenup »
    Quote from azzanine »
    And there seems to be features like it already implemented. Middle mouse for me seems to switch to the last gathered block type. Could just be a bug and or one of my servers plug-ins.

    It kind of does it for me too. It also works for placing blocks it seems. I placed :cobblestone: and switched to a pick, clicked it and went to my :cobblestone: stack

    ya i just checked it and it does go to my cobble too... is yours in slot 3?
    but my idea is so you can set the blocks prematurely or switch back and forth from say slot 2 to slot 6. Also, it would not be hard for him to add/better.
    EDIT* i've further tested it, if you're looking at the block, and its in your hotbar, it will switch to that block. this is handy, but not very similar to my suggestion.
    EDIT AGAIN* it also works for torches/items
    you would like this though, wouldn't you?
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Previous tool/weapon key
    This is a fairly simple suggestion and according to my knowledge of java, easy to add. Pressing tab(key changeable, or make it q and drop item default tab.) will send your selected slot to the last one you had selected, maybe if notch is feeling up to it, make it so you can make it so you choose 1 or 2 slots that are cycled through when the key is pushed. It would be fairly simple, add 2-3 variables and make it so when you set that slot to a "standard slot" to say, it sets that variable to that slot, and then another one for the other slot, then an other one for keeping track wich slot they chose. So, please comment and vote on how you like it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on [Art Team] Angry Notch - HELP WANTED!
    Quote from up-a-notch »
    Need more salt George-Michael?

    thank you very much, want your party brows back?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [Art Team] Angry Notch - HELP WANTED!
    how about you angry, will you make me some saltpeter? ( i just am going to do other things while i wait, take your time.)
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Ocean Activities!
    I am adding an update section to my op.
    but for now, i have made my limestone block and saltpeter, need to make the recipe for gunpowder and add sulfur, also need to figure out the clay/underwater gen. so i can make the salt peter natural
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on [Art Team] Angry Notch - HELP WANTED!
    Hello, i am making an underwater mod.
    i want an item image for saltpeter plz.
    i want it by whenever. :tongue.gif: it kinda looks like sugar though, so you can copy off that, but make it distinctably different.
    *edit* also, if you want to start modding, look at my signature.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Ocean Activities!
    i updated op with underwater mob spawners!
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Ocean Activities!
    finished my limestone block, need to finish the world gen. though, also need to make sulfur, so you can craft gunpowder.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Rope and stone (aka grappling hook)
    The idea is its a rope that you craft then yo can use that alone and it'll go down 10-12 blocks (or curl up on the floor if less) and it will be used as a fast and easily deployed ladder, but over time it will become less stable and have a chance of dropping you after say 5 days it will have only a 50% chance of holding you and snap if it doesn't.
    the rope wood be crafted like this
    ]" title="-<->" /> = string
    ]" title="-<->" /> ]" title="-<->" /> []
    ]" title="-<->" /> ]" title="-<->" /> []
    ]" title="-<->" /> ]" title="-<->" /> []

    After you have the rope you could craft a block of clean stone with the rope and make a grappling rope, then you could throw the rock and it would go about as high and far as a fishing rod hook, the first block the rope hits (as long as its not glass, ice, etc.) it will put a block of clean stone and dangle the rope from it. Just to let you know, you can climb on top of the block the rope is attached to. the same rules for the normal rope apply to the grappling rope. the rope could be used as other things, such as a stronger bow or crossbows, bigger craftable boats, maybe lifts if they are possible and not too buggy, and a bunch of other crap (that isn't literally crap, or bad).
    Plz comment and post your ideas
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Redstone Mass storage.
    I thought about this the other day, except for the gravity part, cuz then you could build straight up like this
    :|: =lever :Red: =redstone
    [] :|: []
    [] :Red: :soil:
    [] :Red: :soil:
    [] :Red: :soil:
    [] :Red: :soil:
    :soil: :tnt: :soil:
    or like this
    [] [] [] :Red:
    [] [] :Red: []
    [] :Red: [] []
    :Red: [] [] []
    :soil: :soil: :soil: :soil:
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Ocean Activities!
    im learning to mod and have been sorta successful and the first thing im making is limestone, it will drop saltpeter then you combine that with charcoal and (coming soon) sulfur to make GUNPOWDER! a new way to get tnt, but limestone only spawn about as much as clay or a little more and only underwater, i hope i can do that
    Posted in: Suggestions
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