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    posted a message on Overlord - Raise and command an army of skeletons
    Quote from Ienkoron»

    Use some kind of waypoint system I guess, say if you craft a pole that they use to 'follow'?

    Waypoints? Interesting. Give me specifics. A walkthrough of how it would work, step by step.

    My current thoughts on how to make the path system happen are to add an item that you can set the route with, then right click the army members to apply the route to them. Then, when their movement mode is set to Patrol(I plan to replace "Stationed" with "Patrol"), they will follow that path. However, I can't figure out how that would work as far as applying it to squads. And it may not be the most user friendly way, that is why I want to hear other ideas.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Overlord - Raise and command an army of skeletons

    Alright, I need users to give me ideas. I am planning to add a path-following system, so you can have your army members follow a route that you set up. What do you think would be the most user-friendly way to do this?

    Keep in mind that it needs to be able to be set per-skeleton and for whole squads.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Overlord - Raise and command an army of skeletons

    Version 2.1.1 released!


    Overlord's Seal recipe now uses Iron Nuggets instead of Iron Ingots(1.11.2 only)

    Cake can now be crafted with Milk Bottles

    Equipped skinsuits now drop when your skeletons die
    Obsidian augment now protects from lava
    Milk Bottles can now be put in to Skeleton Makers using their GUIs
    Skeleton Makers now drop their contents when broken
    Shift Clicking a stack of augment items no longer puts the whole stack in the augment slot

    Added the Overlord's Stamp
    Improved army member death messages
    Added the ability to convert Skeletons into members of your army

    Also, the Getting Started guide has been updated with information about everything new.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 10

    posted a message on Overlord - Raise and command an army of skeletons

    Raise armies of skeletons to defend your base, or go to war with other players!

    Along with the ability to raise armies, Overlord also includes:

    • An unlimited levelling system in which your skeleton warriors get faster and stronger as they gain levels
    • An alliance system to allow alliances between players
    • Multiple AI modes for your skeletons' attacks and movement, which you can configure per-skeleton or army-wide.
    • Advancements!
    • Possibly a fun easter egg or two.

    Check out my official addon, Mechanical Soldiers.

    This mod adds a guide book in-game, as long as you install Guide API.

    Old guide(is not up-to-date):

    The very first thing you'll want to do is craft either the Overlord's Stamp(these are cheap, and one-time use) or the Overlord's Seal(more expensive, but unlimited uses, and can control whole army's AI).

    Overlord's Stamp(Any dye will work):

    Overlord's Seal(1.11.2+):

    Overlord's Seal(1.11-):

    Next, you need to hold the Seal/Stamps and right click with it to claim it/them as yours. It will gain the glowy enchanted effect.

    About the Skeletons:

    Baby Skeleton:

    The weakest skeleton type. Only has 8 health, is able to equip armor and a weapon, can only use melee attacks.

    Converted Skeleton:

    A mid-level skeleton. Has 20 health, can equip armor and weapons, is able to use a bow, has a 9 slot inventory, and is able to equip Augments.

    Skeleton Warrior:

    The most powerful skeleton in the base mod. Health starts at 16, and increases with level. Can equip armor and weapons, can use a bow, has a 9 slot inventory, is able to equip Augments, and most importantly, can level up, which increases health, speed, attack power, and step volume.

    To make a Baby Skeleton:

    Start off by making a Baby Skeleton Maker.

    You have several items you need to put in the Baby Skeleton Maker:

    • 16 bones(configurable amount)
    • 1 milk bucket
    • 1 Overlord's Seal/Stamp. (Make sure you have claimed it first, or the Baby Skeleton won't obey you)
    • Any equipment you want your Baby Skeleton to be wearing when it spawns(You can change its equipment at any time)
    • A skinsuit, if you want your Baby Skeleton to have it when it spawns

    To make a Skeleton Warrior:

    Start off by making the Skeleton Warrior Maker.

    You have several items you need to put in the Skeleton Maker:

    • 32 bones(configurable amount)
    • 2 milk buckets(it will store the milk in its internal tank and give you back empty buckets)
    • 1 Overlord's Seal/Stamp. (Make sure you have claimed it first, or the Skeleton Warrior won't obey you)
    • Any equipment you want your Skeleton Warrior to be wearing when it spawns(You can change its equipment at any time)
    • An augment, if you want your Skeleton Warrior to have it when it spawns
    • A Skinsuit, if you want your Skeleton Warrior to have it when it spawns

    To make a Converted Skeleton:

    Note: This is the same process as curing a Zombie Villager, but done on a Skeleton.

    1.) Make sure it has the weakness potion effect.

    2.) Right Click it with a Golden Apple

    3.) Wait 2 to 8 minutes for the process to complete

    The converted Skeleton will be much like a Skeleton Warrior, except it cannot gain experience and level up.

    Powering up your Skeleton Warriors:

    To make your Skeleton Warrior more powerful, you have two options.

    1.) Milk:

    First, right click it to open the Skeleton Warrior GUI.

    Then, put Milk Buckets or Bottles in its inventory, and it will drink them. The higher its level gets, the more milk it will take to level it up.

    2.) Combat

    Your Skeleton Warrior will draw in XP from defeated mobs, and can gain levels that way.

    Healing your Skeletons:

    If your Skeleton has been hurt in combat, don't worry, it can be healed. Just shift+right click it while holding a Milk Bucket, or throw a Milk Bottle at it.

    Alternatively, you can level it up, and it will fully heal then.

    Another method of healing, for Skeleton Warriors, is to give them an item that grants a Regen augment.

    AI Modes:


    • Stationed - Your warrior will not move or melee attack.
    • Follower - Your warrior will follow you around, much like a pet Wolf does.
    • Wander Area - Your warrior will wander in a 32 block radius of where it is standing when this AI is assigned


    • Aggressive - Your warrior will attack every potential threat. Non-allied players, mobs, and anything that attacks it, and anything you attack.
    • Defensive - Your warrior will fight off mobs and anything that attacks it or you.
    • Passive - Your warrior goes full pacifist and won't attack anything, even if it is attacked.


    Want your Skeleton Warrior to look more like a player? How about preventing it from burning in sunlight? Make a skinsuit for it, and you can accomplish both.

    To create a skinsuit, it takes a full set of leather armor, 2 rotten flesh, a red dye, green dye(cactus green), and blue dye(lapis lazuli). The shape doesn't matter.

    If you want it to be any skin other than Steve, you need to then put the item in an Anvil and name it the player name you want the skin from. It is case sensitive.

    To apply the skinsuit to a Skeleton Warrior, Shift+Right Click it while holding the Skinsuit.

    To remove a skinsuit from a Skeleton Warrior, Shift+Right Click it while holding Shears.


    Augments are items that give your units special bonuses. Baby Skeletons cannot have augments.

    List of augments:

    • Iron Ingot - Gives the unit Resistance
    • Obsidian - Gives the unit Resistance, Slowness, and (if burning) Fire Resistance
    • Anvil - Makes the unit fall quickly, and injure anything it lands on. Also grants Resistance.
    • Cake - It's Party Time! Units launch fireworks on level up.
    • Golden Apple - Slow health Regen
    • Enchanted Golden Apple - Fast Health Regen
    • Wither Skeleton Skull - Gives attacks the Wither effect, and adds Fire Resistance if needed

    Btw, the cake was a lie.


    Download mirror



    Imgur album

    A lot of skeleton warriors dressed as crusaders

    The skeleton warrior gui

    The skeleton maker gui

    The Baby Skeleton Maker gui

    The Baby Skeleton gui

    The achievement page

    The alliance commands

    Overlord's Seal gui(where you control your whole army's AI at once)

    Some Skeleton Warriors in Skinsuits

    A few more skeleton warriors dressed as crusaders


    Feel free to contact me with feature requests, questions about the mod, bug reports, or pretty much anything else mod-related.

    If you have a bug or crash to report, please use the issue tracker. If it is anything else, here are other ways to contact me.




    Minecraft Forum

    Check out my other mods:

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Time HUD - See the time,date, and year of your Minecraft world! Or the real world, if you prefer.

    Time HUD adds the time and date to the Minecraft HUD. By default, it uses the world's date and time, however, it can be set to use the real date and time in the config. This mod is client-side only, and works both in singleplayer worlds and when connected to servers.




    Feel free to contact me with feature requests, requests for ports to different Minecraft versions, and just general questions about the mod.

    If you have a bug or crash to report, please use the issue tracker. If it is anything else, here are other ways to contact me.

    Twitter (This one will get a quick response, notifications usually go instantly to my phone)

    Discord (This one will get a faster response than Twitter, if my computer is on)


    Minecraft Forum


    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Command Keybindings - Add keybinds for commands! Works on servers!

    Ever get tired of having to re-type a command every time you want to use it? Those days are over! Now you can simply set the commands you want bound and the keys to bind them to, and you can use them instantly, just by pressing the key. And the best part? This mod is client side only! This means it doesn't have to be installed on the server in order to work, and you can use it when connected to any server.

    Now able to bind as many commands as you want, as of version




    Feel free to contact me with feature requests, requests for ports to different Minecraft versions, and just general questions about the mod.

    If you have a bug or crash to report, please use the issue tracker. If it is anything else, here are other ways to contact me.

    Twitter(This one will get the quickest response, notifications go straight to my phone)


    Minecraft Forum


    IRC: #thefireplace on Esper.net

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Changing a player's skin (on the client-side only)
    [p]Hey guys, I am trying to make the player's skin change, on the client side only, in single player. I have tried 2 methods, the first of which does nothing, and the second has an error in the console to go with it not working.
    Yes, I have the skin named correctly at the path I pointed the code to.
    First method: Trying to replace RenderPlayer with a custom one during RenderPlayerEvent.Pre[/p]
    My Main Mod File
    @Mod(modid=SaveMySkin.MODID, name=SaveMySkin.MODNAME, version=SaveMySkin.VERSION, clientSideOnly=true)
    public class SaveMySkin {
    	public static final String MODID = "savemyskin";
    	public static final String MODNAME = "Save My Skin";
    	public static final String VERSION = "";
    	public static SaveMySkin instance;

    [p]public static final File skindir = new File((File)FMLInjectionData.data()[6], "cachedskins/");[/p] [p]@EventHandler
    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    ((SimpleReloadableResourceManager)Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager()).reloadResourcePack(new DummyResourcePack());
    public void renderPlayer(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event){
    ReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(RenderManager.class, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager(), new ReRenderPlayer(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager()), "field_178637_m");
    public class ReRenderPlayer extends RenderPlayer {
    public ReRenderPlayer(RenderManager renderManager) {
     protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity entity)
     return new ResourceLocation(SaveMySkin.MODID, String.format("%s.png", Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSession().getUsername()));

     public class DummyResourcePack extends FileResourcePack {
    [p]public DummyResourcePack() {
     super(new File((File)FMLInjectionData.data()[6], "cachedskins/"));
     public String getPackName()
     return SaveMySkin.MODID;
    [p]Method 2: Replace the skin during ClientConnectedToServerEvent[/p]
    Main Mod File:
    @Mod(modid=SaveMySkin.MODID, name=SaveMySkin.MODNAME, version=SaveMySkin.VERSION, clientSideOnly=true)
    public class SaveMySkin {
     public static final String MODID = "savemyskin";
     public static final String MODNAME = "Save My Skin";
     public static final String VERSION = "";
     public static SaveMySkin instance;
    public static final File skindir = new File((File)FMLInjectionData.data()[6], "cachedskins/");
     public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
     try {
     } catch (IOException e) {}
     public void onPlayerLogin(final ClientConnectedToServerEvent event) {
     (new Thread() {
     public void run() {
     while (Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager() == null || Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer == null){
     try {
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
     EntityPlayerSP player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;
     TextureManager texturemanager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager();
     ITextureObject textureObject = texturemanager.getTexture(player.getLocationSkin());
    if (textureObject == null) {
     textureObject = new ThreadDownloadImageData((File) null, String.format("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/%s.png", Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSession().getUsername()), player.getLocationSkin(), new ImageBufferDownload());
     texturemanager.loadTexture(player.getLocationSkin(), textureObject);
     try {
     TextureUtil.uploadTextureImage(textureObject.getGlTextureId(), ImageIO.read(new File(skindir, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSession().getUsername()+".png")));
     } catch (IOException e) {

    Error(It doesn't crash):
     Exception in thread "Thread-14" [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Registering texture
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager.loadTexture(TextureManager.java:92)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at the_fireplace.savemyskin.SaveMySkin$1.run(SaveMySkin.java:109)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.opengl.GLContext.getCapabilities(GLContext.java:124)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glGenTextures(GL11.java:1403)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager.generateTexture(GlStateManager.java:332)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureUtil.glGenTextures(TextureUtil.java:36)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.AbstractTexture.getGlTextureId(AbstractTexture.java:57)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.ThreadDownloadImageData.getGlTextureId(ThreadDownloadImageData.java:62)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.SimpleTexture.loadTexture(SimpleTexture.java:58)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.ThreadDownloadImageData.loadTexture(ThreadDownloadImageData.java:79)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager.loadTexture(TextureManager.java:70)
    [22:40:48] [Thread-14/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: ... 1 more

    [p]SaveMySkin.java is my main mod file, line 109 is[/p]
    texturemanager.loadTexture(player.getLocationSkin(), textureObject);

    [p]to make it easier to find in the code above, here is it and the surrounding lines[/p]
    if (textureObject == null) {
     textureObject = new ThreadDownloadImageData((File) null, String.format("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/%s.png", Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSession().getUsername()), player.getLocationSkin(), new ImageBufferDownload());
     texturemanager.loadTexture(player.getLocationSkin(), textureObject);

    [p]I think method 1 is closer to getting it right than this one.[/p]

    [p]Any help is appreciated.[/p]
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on GuiConfigEntries.SelectValueEntry title overlapping options

    Ok, so my issue is that in the Config Gui, I have a config option which I used a class extending GuiConfigEntries.SelectValueEntry as the Gui for. When I click the option to open the Gui, it looks like this:

    However, in the example given by FML, the Gui adjusted so the title didn't overlap with the options, like this:

    Now, for my code:

    OreGenEntries.class(The file extending GuiConfigEntries.SelectValueEntry)
    public class OreGenEntries extends GuiConfigEntries.SelectValueEntry {

    public OreGenEntries(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement configElement) {
    super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement, ClaySpawn.instance.entries);

    My main mod file:
     * @author The_Fireplace
    @Mod(modid=ClaySpawn.MODID, name=ClaySpawn.MODNAME, version=ClaySpawn.VERSION, acceptedMinecraftVersions = "1.8", guiFactory = "the_fireplace.clayspawn.config.ClaySpawnGuiFactory")
    public class ClaySpawn {
     public static ClaySpawn instance;
     public static final String MODID = "clayspawn";
     public static final String MODNAME = "Fire's Clay Spawn";
     public static final String VERSION = "";
     public static final String downloadURL = "http://goo.gl/vi8Kom";
    public WorldGeneratorClay wg = new WorldGeneratorClay();
     public Map entries = Maps.newHashMap();
    public static Configuration file;
     public static Property OREGENRATE_PROPERTY;
     public static Property DENSITYOVERRIDE_PROPERTY;
     public static Property HEIGHTOVERRIDE_PROPERTY;
    public static void syncConfig(){
     ConfigValues.OREGENRATE = OREGENRATE_PROPERTY.getString();
     public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
     CSAPI.registerOre("iron", 65, 8);
     CSAPI.registerOre("coal", 128, 16);
     CSAPI.registerOre("diamond", 15, 7);
     CSAPI.registerOre("gold", 32, 8);
     CSAPI.registerOre("emerald", 32, 1);
     CSAPI.registerOre("lapis", 31, 6);
     CSAPI.registerOre("redstone", 16, 7);
     //Mod Ores
     CSAPI.registerOre("unlogicii:fossil", 12, 2);
     CSAPI.registerOre("clayspawn:clayworld", 255, 32);
     FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new FMLEvents());
     file = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());
     OREGENRATE_PROPERTY = file.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigValues.OREGENRATE_NAME, ConfigValues.OREGENRATE_DEFAULT, StatCollector.translateToLocal(ConfigValues.OREGENRATE_NAME+".tooltip"));
     DENSITYOVERRIDE_PROPERTY = file.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigValues.DENSITYOVERRIDE_NAME, ConfigValues.DENSITYOVERRIDE_DEFAULT, StatCollector.translateToLocal(ConfigValues.DENSITYOVERRIDE_NAME+".tooltip"));
     HEIGHTOVERRIDE_PROPERTY = file.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigValues.HEIGHTOVERRIDE_NAME, ConfigValues.HEIGHTOVERRIDE_DEFAULT, StatCollector.translateToLocal(ConfigValues.HEIGHTOVERRIDE_NAME+".tooltip"));

    And finally, ClaySpawnConfigGui.class
     * @author The_Fireplace
    public class ClaySpawnConfigGui extends GuiConfig{
    	public ClaySpawnConfigGui(GuiScreen parentScreen) {
    				new ConfigElement(ClaySpawn.file.getCategory(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL)).getChildElements(), ClaySpawn.MODID, true,
    				false, GuiConfig.getAbridgedConfigPath(ClaySpawn.file.toString()));

    Now, does anyone know how I can fix this?

    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Real Stone Tools - No more cobblestone pickaxes!

    Real Stone Tools
    This is a simple mod that changes the recipes for stone tools to actually use stone.
    Other Locations:
    Real Stone Tools on Curse
    Real Stone Tools Issue Tracker



    Lethal Crafting

    The Mudpack

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Adobe Blocks 2 - It's back, and now for 1.8-1.10.2!

    Adobe Blocks 2
    This is a re-coded version of Adobe Blocks by BaneSavage.
    This mod adds Adobe, a material used in making tools, an easy-to-use door that villagers don't go barging through, a better furnace, weapons(a sword and throwing stones), and a lot of nice-looking decorative stuff.

    Other Locations:
    Adobe Blocks 2 on Curse
    Adobe Blocks 2 on Planet Minecraft
    Adobe Blocks 2 Issue Tracker
    Adobe Blocks 2 Source Code
    All downloads can be found on the Curse page.


    If you want to include this mod in a mod pack, go ahead!


    Feel free to contact me with feature requests, and general questions about the mod.

    If you have a bug or crash to report, please use the issue tracker. If it is anything else, here are other ways to contact me.



    Minecraft Forum

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on UnLogic II - Paxels, Bazookas, Crops, Cakes, Force Fields, One-Colored Blocks, and more!

    Introducing the successor to UnLogic and Devon's Random Things, UnLogic II.
    UnLogic II is a mod that adds all kinds of random and useful content. Have you ever wanted Minecraft to have bazookas? Paxels? A quick way to mine obsidian? Cake with magma cream icing? UnLogic II adds all of this, and much more!
    Mod Integration:
    This mod has special integration(recipe changes or additions, better compatibility with the mods' features, etc) with the following mods:
    Base Metals by DrCyano
    Power Advantage by DrCyano
    Steel Industries by J3FF97
    NotEnoughItems by chicken_bones
    Version Checker by Dynious

    Real Stone Tools by The_Fireplace

    UnLogic II on my website

    UnLogic II on Curse

    UnLogic II on Planet Minecraft

    UnLogic II Issue Tracker

    Many internal improvements

    The Pop Furnace now makes sound when activated

    Brown Screen is no longer discolored

    Changed creative tab icon

    The UnLogic II Swords tooltips now display like normal sword tooltips

    The UnLogic II Swords tooltips now actually show how much damage they will do, not just +0 damage

    The UnLogic II Swords are now damaged when they are effective against an entity
    The Dark Knight Sword and Paladin Sword no longer break blocks in creative mode.
    Fixed a bug with the Crystal Eye Headband
    Removed NeoTech integration
    Fixed issues with UnLogic II blocks breaking
    Fixed Paxels
    Fixed crash with NeoTech
    No longer requires FULCRUM
    Fixed Pop Furnace GUI
    Removed Lore Books(Old Lore Books shouldn't disappear)
    Now requires FULCRUM, not Fireplace Core
    Fixed players getting a lore book every time they log in
    Added the Crystal Eye and Crystal Eye Headband
    Added Gunpowder Substitute and Firestarter Substitute
    Real Stone Tools integration
    Bug fixes
    Fixed armor stands not placing(and accompanying console spam)
    Fixed a rare crash
    Fixed a crash which seems to have been caused by an invalid written book added by another mod
    Liquid UnLogic Gems are now made in a Brewing Stand
    Performance improvements

    Fixed coal guns not working right

    Fixed dedicated server crash

    Fixed Base Metals paxels being uncraftable

    Fixed NEI Usage recipes
    Initial release

    For information about my version system, see this thread.

    All downloads can be found on the Curse page or using the Curse widget below.

    If you want to include this mod in a mod pack, make sure you have fulfilled the requirements in the license.
    None yet

    This mod is licensed under the Fireplace Mod License.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [Free to use] Ash Man

    Here is the first skin I have made for public use, it for the basic version of the skin I use in Minecraft. I will edit in screenshots later, until then, a preview is available on the main page. A direct download is available from the main page. Here it is: www.planetminecraft.com/skin/ash-man/

    Posted in: Skins
  • 0

    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED, Open Source]More Client Tweaks - Keybinds for toggling parts of the second skin layer and more!

    I have stopped working on this mod. Other modders, feel free to continue it. Here is the source code.


    More Client Tweaks is a mod that adds a few features for convenience to the client. That's right, this only needs to be installed on the client, it is not necessary on the server-side. What it does at the moment can be done in vanilla Minecraft, but it is not very convenient.
    The first feature is called High Gamma Mode. To toggle, the default keybind is 'F'. What it does is commonly called "fullbright", and is commonly(and wrongly) associated with hacks, cheats, and shady, untrustworthy clients. This is not the case, as it can be done in Vanilla Minecraft. All you would normally have to do is close out of the game, navigate to the .minecraft folder, open the options.text, and change gamma to a value high enough to make the game bright. That's a lot of work, to change a simple setting. That is why I did the work for you, and it can now be achieved in-game with the simple press of a button.
    The second feature is a keybind that allows you to toggle whether certain parts of the second layer on your character's skin are enabled or not. I call this feature Quick Second Skin Layer Toggle. In the game options, there is a menu labeled "Skin Customization". In there is where you would normally turn on and off each individual part of the second skin layer. Meaning if you want to take off your jacket, you have to press escape, click options, click skin customization, then click the button to disable your jacket. Once again, that is a lot of work. Once again, it can be done with a simple keybind. To choose which parts of the second skin layer get toggled, simply use the config(This mod has Config GUI Support).

    Tl;dr: This mod removes a lot of unnecessary work from some client-side features in Minecraft.

    If anyone wants any features added, post on this thread and I will see about adding it. I will not add xray or other hacks.

    Note: This mod has a built in version checker. It can be disabled or set to release only in the Fireplace Core config.

    Main thread: http://thefireplace.clanwebsite.com/210538/topic/18more-client-tweaks-6rm

    Fixed crashing with Fireplace Core
    Removed a lot of useless code
    Code optimization and organization
    Hopefully fixed the buttons showing up(haven't tested this, wanted to get it released)
    Recoded the High Gamma Mode keybind to always work on the first time
    Both keybinds now actually save the settings so you don't have to do it over every time you join a world/server

    If you want to know more about my version system, see this thread.
    This mod requires Fireplace Core.

    Downloads are available on the thread on my website.

    This mod is licensed under the Fireplace Mod License.

    Featured in Modpacks:
    Improved Vanilla Client(1.8)
    KreezCast Extreme(1.8)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Fire's Clay Spawn - A more controllable clay generation

    Fire's Clay Spawn is a mod I made to spawn clay underground like an ore. The clay can be set to spawn at the same rate and layers as Coal, Iron(default), Gold, Diamond, Redstone, Lapis, and Emerald. You can also manually override the maximum layer it generates at, the minimum layer it generates at, and the ore vein size. It also supports generation in styles similar to ores from Forestry and UnLogic II. I plan to add support for generating in styles similar to ores from more mods as well. All of these settings can be applied to Hardened Clay generation as well. Also, the mod can be set to generate Stained Hardened Clay, adding a bit of color to your mines.
    Retrogen can be achieved using SimpleRetrogen by cpw. Just add "the_fireplace.clayspawn.worldgen.WorldGeneratorClay" to the config.

    For those of you saying this is a duplicate of Pam's Clay Spawn:
    First of all, this mod is a lot more configurable than Pam's Clay Spawn. On mine, you can manually set the highest layer, lowest layer, and vein size, or input the name of a vanilla ore and some other modded ores to get the vein size and/or highest layer and/or lowest layer from. And you can generate Stained Hardened Clay.

    Fire's Clay Spawn on Curse
    Fire's Clay Spawn on Planet Minecraft
    Fire's Clay Spawn Issue Tracker

    For information about my version system, see this thread.
    All downloads can be found on the Curse page.

    If you want to include this mod in a mod pack, make sure you message me letting me know. You don't have to wait for a response.
    Kreezcraft Extreme
    FirePack: Revival

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Nether Essence - Decoration, fuel, alternate gunpowder recipe, and restore despawned items

    Overview: This is an updated version of flayr's Nether Essence mod. The Nether Essence Mod adds Nether Essence, which is a new way to make gunpowder, a new fuel source, and make blocks that can be used for light.

    Mod Content:

    The Nether Essence Mod adds a new item and 2 new blocks. The item, Nether Essence, is the main point of the mod and its primary purpose is to craft gunpowder.

    Nether Essence is crafted with 6 Netherrack, 2 SoulSand and 1 Magma Block(Lava Bucket before 7.0.2). 4 Nether Essence can then be crafted with 4 Redstone dust and 1 piece of coal to make gunpowder. 8 Nether Essence can also be crafted together to make a Nether Essence block, which acts as a source of light, although it is not as bright as Glowstone or torches it is still waterproof. For a stronger source of light, you can make a Radiant Nether Essence Block by adding a glowstone surrounded by nether essence. Alternatively both Nether Essence and Nether Essence Blocks can be used as a nether-found fuel source. Nether Essence can smelt 4 blocks and Nether Essence Blocks can smelt 32 blocks.

    Item Restoration Block(No picture available):
    Once you place the Item Restoration Block, it will start to glow at some point, after items in the world have despawned. When it does, you can right click it to put it in active mode, and after some time, it will vanish, leaving some items that had previously despawned in its place.

    License: The Nether Essence Mod is licensed under LGPLv3. This means you can use it for whatever you want (modpacks, borrowed code etc.) as long as you credit me. I would prefer that you also notify me when including it in modpacks, but that is not required.




    Feel free to contact me with feature requests, questions about the mod, bug reports, or pretty much anything else mod-related.

    If you have a bug or crash to report, please use the issue tracker. If it is anything else, here are other ways to contact me.

    Twitter(This one will get the quickest response, notifications usually go instantly to my phone)


    Minecraft Forum


    IRC: #thefireplace on Esper.net

    Check out my other mods:

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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