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    posted a message on Advance Crafting Table
    Quote from Gamelord»

    I don't really see what the number of potential permutations has to do with anything, unless you genuinely believe this crafting recipe should be added before we even consider a larger grid:

    That is just one of many though. I actually failed to take into account how many items there were in the game in my calculation so the number that I had would be A LOT bigger than what I gave. The example you gave is one permutation out of probably millions. You are telling me that out of most likely millions of permutations not one of them will look 'regular' ?Out of the potential millions of permutations, you still have thousands of 'regular looking' crafting recipes.

    My point was that the crafting table and the number of items already in the game is big enough to support more the amount than needed of crafting recipes so there isn't really a need to expand how many we can have by making a bigger grid.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Cauldrons Hold All Liquids + Freeze

    I agree with laserguy345 that it is a bit too over powered to make wither skulls from a cauldron of lava, but over all I like the idea.
    I especially like the ability to throw things into the cauldron and have them burn. It is a less dangerous way of having lava on the ground

    in order to dispose of items you do not want.

    I don't think any of these are too over powered except for the wither skull part as previously mentioned, but I can also see decorative use

    for this as well. Might even be cool to have lava cauldrons spawn in nether forts for ambient purposes.

    This was never stated in the post but I would assume that the cauldron of lava would prevent burning of wooden structures. If not, that kind of

    dampens my like for this suggestion because I would prefer not to have my base burn down because of a cauldron. I see the cauldron as a safe way to contain the lava instead of hap-hazardly placed on the ground.

    I think you might need to come up with other uses for the other liquids though because honestly a cauldron of milk that is able to remove all of your status effects and has multiple uses from one bucket's amount of milk is a better bang for your buck. Either have the cauldron use up all the milk to remove status effects or have one bucket equal one tier.

    Mostly Support!

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Advance Crafting Table

    By my calculations, there are currently 267,319 possible crafting permutations . I do not think Minecraft uses all that many crafting combinations in comparison to this number, nor do I think Minecraft will ever reach using that many crafting permutations. It is kind of redundant to add a larger crafting grid when we already have tons of possible outcomes.

    Care to check my math, but my point is that even if you do, you will get a large number.

    I, for one, do not support this because there is no use for it when we already have a large crafting bench.

    No Support

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Clouds shouldn't clip through blocks (can be configured)
    Quote from markfptuson»

    Wholeheartedly agree. For one thing the clouds seem too low, but if they have to be that low I'd much rather them be chopped through by the structures in their way - maybe some really basic physics implementation in there might make thempart around buildings and reform after passing them, or something.

    Actually I do not think Minecraft clouds are too low. Considering clouds dont typically soar over mountains to begin with in real life, some buildings are even tall enough to not even be above the altitude of some buildings. Clouds in real life are actually relatively low and it doesnt take that much time to reach them.

    If you think about the concept of mountain weather, it makes a lot more sense between the interaction of clouds and tall structures. Large formations such as mountains block the path in which clouds can go through so instead of moving around the mountain because of the constant air flow in one direction, clouds build up at the mountain and form enough pressure to be 'blown' backwards usually causing storms. This is why places like Seattle are known to get rained on so much. It is because there are large mountains practically surrounding the city with the weather currents having nowhere else to push the clouds.

    Honestly what is suggested here is VERY basic to what we know about weather in real life and it doesn't account for the potential of a player made basin to capture the clouds from flowing. What do you do then if some user decides to stop clouds from moving? I can't see much way of making clouds any better with out making them hyper realistic, and honestly Minecraft isn't all about that.

    If there is anything that could be added to make clouds better in the game, that would be actually having layers of clouds instead of the one layer we currently have. A whole entire cloud and weather system would be insanely hard to implement, but it can be done, but for the most part, I'm not going to support this suggestion because I just don't believe there is much need for change.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft for 3DS... Would you buy it?

    The only perks really to having Minecraft on the 3ds is the mobility aspect of it. Honestly I do not think it is needed considering Minecraft is already a 3d modeled game (although the 3ds would give it depth perception). Minecraft is coming to the Switch so that already fills the desire for a mobile Minecraft other than PE. Minecraft coming to the Switch was a great idea, but I don't think it is as much of a great idea for the 3Ds.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Easier ways to get Leather.

    The only thing I support of this is being able to un-craft saddles.
    Honestly, I don't find it hard to get leather to begin with. You can set up massive cow farms and get mad leather with a looting three sword. Increasing the drops only increases the looting amount which makes it WAY too easy to get mad amounts of leather. Not only can you mass breed cows, you can also set up passive mob farms if you are more of the type to just lay back and watch the leather rake up. This would only make those farms even more over powered in terms of cow spawns.

    I currently like the amount of leather we get from cows and I've never had true problems with not having leather. Saddles are mainly wasted inventory for me so I don't mind being able to get something back from an already pretty useless item.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Scrolling Texture Terracotta

    I would say this is a good idea, although I can ever only see myself using this with the arrow terracotta blocks. I'm just not sure how well that would look on the terracotta blocks that are more like floor tiling in nature. I mostly support this though considering there are two states of the texture that are possible to be used. The only issue I possibly see with this (although this has been an issue in minecraft for years) is not wanting the block to animate itself in an area where redstone is present, mainly in the case of budding.

    Mostly support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on Reinforced Shield

    The nerf is little bit better, but normal shields already have pretty unbalanced buffs it brings to the game. I honestly think you cant go any farther than what we currently have with the regular shield. The regular shield, off the top of my head, already provides immunity to creeper explosions, immunity to arrows, and next to near immunity to regular damage. Consider shields are already strong as is, I don't think it would be wise to have it increased immunity to expand towards axe immunity. That sort of makes it completely unfair in PVP. I find the vanilla shield needs a nerfing, not just this.

    No suppport.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on "Suicide Chest" for Lack of a Better Name

    Goes along with the concept of having the last laugh. If you can't have it, no one can. I kind of really like that. I don't find it all that practical for every day single player so this is a heavily multi-player bias suggestion. The use in single player is next to none so in that regard, it is a pretty useless item. Another problem I see with this is in the cases when you don't actually want items to be destroyed. For instance, you could accidentally mine out the chest and woops, there goes everything, or if a creeper just so happens to find its way to the chest. Instead of dropping everything and being able to recover it all, you are kind of out of luck.

    Although I think it is a cool idea and has a lot of potential, there are those flaws and the near uselessness it brings to single player.
    I can only support it so much, but sadly it is not a full support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Guidelines for the Suggestions Forum

    Yeah, yeah. I never wanted a strict format that users should follow 100% of the time. I just feel that the basics should be laid out, and stated that formatting a post, or at least keeping format in mind, could be beneficial to users to organize them self. I feel it is beneficial to newbies to have just a general format because it enables them to expand from there and to learn how to make a great post (as in their first post wont be their best, but at least using a general layout could lead to them learning more about layout and formatting which lends itself to a much better post and a much better poster) and work from there.

    As far as creativity goes, I think layout and format can be a double edge sword, or rather even a triple edge sword if that is even a thing. On one hand, you have the ability to enhance yourself and focus more on your post if you go with a simplistic format and design, on another hand you got formatting issues that might be stifling to some and detrimental to the post if only formatting and being fancy is taken into mind (which in turn can lead to a lack of creativity) and on the final mutated arm that is growing out of your back you've got a creative post idea, a creative poster, and a very creative layout and formatting design that lends itself well to the suggestion/argument and doubly adds to the creativity of everything because you can both be creative in writing and creative with how your post visually looks. Granted that last case is what people should be wanting to strive for which is why people should always keep formatting in mind so they can get better at it.

    All in all, I think it is a win win situation no matter how you look at it. If you use formatting and fail, at least you tried and your post is somewhat structured and a tad bit easier to follow. If you didn't use formatting and design flow, your post just looks like a jumbled mess. This is creative writing after all, and the introduction, body, conclusion method is mostly the best way to start off if you are new to it all. My only goal with this to add/enhance a guideline is just to get people more aware that formatting,design, and layout truly do matter.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Warnings?

    by "wear off", what do you mean? Issued infractions stay in your history as long as your account exists, but those infractions do expire after a while. They will expire, not go away. The difference being that your account will for ever be linked to a rule break where as when an infraction expires, the effect of the infraction wears off whether it be a temp-ban or something.

    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Guidelines for the Suggestions Forum
    Quote from yoshi9048»

    While I like consistency in formatting; I also find it stifling to creativity.

    I guess there should be a line drawn to minimum standards by which everyone should be held accountable, but I'd like to err on the side of creativity over readability.

    Understandable. I totally get that, but I still think that post format should be taken into consideration to the most minimal degree. There is no need for the bells and whistles of the editor, but the general lay out and flow of an idea is still really important and that is apart of format. Some suggestions are just all over the place not knowing what they want to talk about, but if you actually take time to lay out your post you can think of where to start, where to end, and what all the filler in between would be. I've always sectioned my posts on absolutely anything, even in real life writings, just so I can get an understanding of where to put details, when to mention something specific, and where all the supporting details go. I find it to be basic article writing skills, and that is what everyone in this forum section is doing essentially. We all make articles portraying an argument trying to get people to support our claim/argument.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [BBCode] Line breaks broken?

    Not sure if many know about the line break BBCode, but I use/used it all the time, and I just found out today that it does not seem to want to work for me.
    The BBCode should be (and I've also tried):




    It just doesn't seem to want to work, so I was wondering is this a bug, or was line breaks removed for some reason?


    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Guidelines for the Suggestions Forum

    - Formatting and readability

    So like I know this can be applied to the forums in general, but I feel it can be applied specifically to here considering every forum section has its own "format" of posts.

    When I mean "format of posts", I do mean it quite in the literal sense of how the post is structured and how the presents itself in a chronological fashion. Now yes, everyone has their own methods of posting, and not one post will look the same as any other post. I'm not suggesting there to be a template implemented that users should follow, rather I believe a good post presents itself right when it is clean looking, and well organized.

    What I'm suggesting is that people should keep the format of their post in mind when making a post, and that people should at least try to use some of the fancy editor options.

    I often see posts that are maybe just a simple title and then a whole wall of text (or rather very minimal text) which I at least find very hard to read. The overall structure of a post and organization leads to a well read post. It helps out the readability and it gives readers a better sense of professionalism which is that not what we all strive for in our posts? To look professional?

    Anyways, I think you get my point that formatted posts should be more of a thing, and that the visual design of a post can help out a post a lot. I really do think that format should be taken into consideration when both making a post and replying to one. Now yes, there is no specific template I would want implemented, but I myself think about the layout of my post before I ever get started on posting something. I typically break up my posts into categories with sub-categorize and then I make the content for those categorize. For instance, layouts of my post include:

    - [welcoming header/image]

    - [arguments made in the post]

    - [general overview of the post]

    [Features/post content overview]

    - explain all of the features and post content here in individual subcategories

    - include images

    [closing statements]

    [extra info]

    [anything else]

    And that is just the general layout of my posts. I try to make sure that all of my posts use typeface, header sizes, fonts, and other extra formatting options that the editor provides so that my posts look more than just text. In all, formatting and layout can lend itself well to a better to look at post.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Research - Server Donations

    I've maybe donated to one or two servers before, but I really do not play on massive servers anymore. I regret ever donating to one of the servers because they stabbed me in the back and took my money and used it for reasons that I, and many others, are not ok with, but I used to support some servers. I've lost some faith in some and have stopped supporting entirely just because one server blew it and spent all of their donations on real-e-state instead of spending it on the server to maintain it like they said they would. A once 10k member server has dwindled to 200 members max. It is really sad because I used to really like that server.

    I've only ever donated for support, but like I said that is ruined now.

    Posted in: Discussion
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