• 0

    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [Help] Cow Beef Error with ModLoader [BETA 1.3_01]
    So here's the error:
        *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
        MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Documents\Minecraft Coder Pack 2
        Compiling Minecraft
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate.java:157: unrepo
        rted exception java.io.IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
                    chunkLoader.saveChunk(worldObj, chunk);
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:5: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : constructor ItemCowBeef(int)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemCowBeef
                public static final Item cowBeef = new ItemCowBeef(2000).setItemName("co
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ItemCookedBeef.java:8: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : constructor ItemFood(int)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemFood
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ItemCowBeef.java:8: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : constructor ItemFood(int)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemFood
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:3: net.minecraft.src.mod_Co
        wBeef is not abstract and does not override abstract method func_22130_Version()
        in net.minecraft.src.BaseMod
        public class mod_CowBeef extends BaseMod
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:6: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : constructor ItemCookedBeef(int)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemCookedBeef
                public static final Item cookedBeef = new ItemCookedBeef(2001).setItemNa
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:13: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : method addOverride(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                         cowBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/c
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:14: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : method addOverride(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                                         cookedBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/
        gui/items.png", "/corrupt/cookedBEEF.png");
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:15: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : method AddName(net.minecraft.src.Item,java.lang.String)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                         ModLoader.AddName(cowBeef, "Raw Beef");
        sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:16: cannot find symbol
        symbol  : method AddName(net.minecraft.src.Item,java.lang.String)
        location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                                         ModLoader.AddName(cookedBeef, "Cooked Beef");
        10 errors
        *** minecraft_server.jar was not found, skipping
        === MCP 2.9 recompile script finished ===
        Press any key to continue . . .

        package net.minecraft.src;
        public class mod_CowBeef extends BaseMod
                public static final Item cowBeef = new ItemCowBeef(2000).setItemName("cowBeef");
                public static final Item cookedBeef = new ItemCookedBeef(2001).setItemName("cookedBeef");
              public String Version()
              return "1.3_01";
                public mod_CowBeef()
                         cowBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/corrupt/BEEF.png");
                     cookedBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/corrupt/cookedBEEF.png");
                         ModLoader.AddName(cowBeef, "Raw Beef");
                     ModLoader.AddName(cookedBeef, "Cooked Beef");

        package net.minecraft.src;
        public class ItemCowBeef extends ItemFood
            public ItemCowBeef(int i, int j)
                healAmount = 3;
                maxStackSize = 1;
            public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer entityplayer)
                return new ItemStack(Item.bone);;
            private int healAmount;

        package net.minecraft.src;
        public class ItemCookedBeef extends ItemFood
            public ItemCookedBeef(int i, int j)
                healAmount = 8;
                maxStackSize = 1;
            public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer entityplayer)
                return new ItemStack(Item.bone);;
            private int healAmount;

    So help me please!
    I will leave your name in the official thread of this mod.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [Help] Cow Beef Error with ModLoader [BETA 1.3_01]
    So here's the error:
    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Documents\Minecraft Coder Pack 2
    Compiling Minecraft
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate.java:157: unrepo
    rted exception java.io.IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
                chunkLoader.saveChunk(worldObj, chunk);
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:5: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : constructor ItemCowBeef(int)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemCowBeef
            public static final Item cowBeef = new ItemCowBeef(2000).setItemName("co
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ItemCookedBeef.java:8: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : constructor ItemFood(int)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemFood
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ItemCowBeef.java:8: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : constructor ItemFood(int)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemFood
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:3: net.minecraft.src.mod_Co
    wBeef is not abstract and does not override abstract method func_22130_Version()
     in net.minecraft.src.BaseMod
    public class mod_CowBeef extends BaseMod
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:6: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : constructor ItemCookedBeef(int)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemCookedBeef
            public static final Item cookedBeef = new ItemCookedBeef(2001).setItemNa
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:13: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method addOverride(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                     cowBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/c
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:14: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method addOverride(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                                     cookedBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/
    gui/items.png", "/corrupt/cookedBEEF.png");
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:15: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method AddName(net.minecraft.src.Item,java.lang.String)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                     ModLoader.AddName(cowBeef, "Raw Beef");
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_CowBeef.java:16: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method AddName(net.minecraft.src.Item,java.lang.String)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
                                     ModLoader.AddName(cookedBeef, "Cooked Beef");
    10 errors
    *** minecraft_server.jar was not found, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 recompile script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public class mod_CowBeef extends BaseMod
            public static final Item cowBeef = new ItemCowBeef(2000).setItemName("cowBeef");
            public static final Item cookedBeef = new ItemCookedBeef(2001).setItemName("cookedBeef");
    		public String Version()
          return "1.3_01";
            public mod_CowBeef()
                     cowBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/corrupt/BEEF.png");
    				 cookedBeef.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/corrupt/cookedBEEF.png");
                     ModLoader.AddName(cowBeef, "Raw Beef");
    				 ModLoader.AddName(cookedBeef, "Cooked Beef");

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public class ItemCowBeef extends ItemFood
        public ItemCowBeef(int i, int j)
            healAmount = 3;
            maxStackSize = 1;
        public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer entityplayer)
            return new ItemStack(Item.bone);;
        private int healAmount;

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public class ItemCookedBeef extends ItemFood
        public ItemCookedBeef(int i, int j)
            healAmount = 8;
            maxStackSize = 1;
        public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer entityplayer)
            return new ItemStack(Item.bone);;
        private int healAmount;

    So help me please!
    I will leave your name in the official thread of this mod.
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on Corrupt's Skating Contest (Winner gets 5 subs for Youtube.)
    Okay so here's the deal:

    I will be hosting a youtube skate competition. Who ever makes the best trick/montage/session with a skateboard will get subscribers. I know it's not a lot, but it's good enough to add tot he subscribers your already have.
    You could be any age. By the way, it has to be watchable, not some crappy framerate.
    Here's the application (Copy the color too, if not you will not be accepted into the contest!):

    Corrupt Skating Contest
    Video Link:
    How do you think you did?:
    Why did you join this contest?:
    Why do you skate?:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on [Help] Creating Chuck Norris Mob Error [3/21/2011]
    Bump. Does anyone know how to fix the abstract and does not override ****? Please I will add your name in helping me once I release the mod! I am also making a Chuck Norris Nail in which you get one from killing him, if that's possible. And when you throw it, it creates a explosion! Epic eh? So please help me.

    Yours truly,
    TheChe3zeeOne (or TehCorruptPlayer or TehCorruptSkater)
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [Help] Creating Chuck Norris Mob Error [3/21/2011]
    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Documents\Minecraft Coder Pack
    Compiling Minecraft
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ChunkProviderLoadOrGenerate.java:157: unrepo
    rted exception java.io.IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
                chunkLoader.saveChunk(worldObj, chunk);
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\EntityChuckNorris.java:73: cannot find symbo
    symbol  : class List
    location: class net.minecraft.src.EntityChuckNorris
                List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(this, boun
    dingBox.expand(32D, 32D, 32D));
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_ChuckNorris.java:6: net.minecraft.src.mo
    d_ChuckNorris is not abstract and does not override abstract method func_22130_V
    ersion() in net.minecraft.src.BaseMod
    public class mod_ChuckNorris extends BaseMod
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_ChuckNorris.java:16: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method getUniqueEntityId()
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ModLoader
            ModLoader.RegisterEntityID(EntityChuckNorris.class, "Chuck Norris", ModL
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_ChuckNorris.java:17: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable CREATURE
    location: class net.minecraft.src.spawnlist
           spawnlist.add("Surface biomes", spawnlist.CREATURE, "Chuck Norris");
    5 errors
    *** minecraft_server.jar was not found, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 recompile script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .

    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class EntityChuckNorris extends EntityMobs
        public EntityChuckNorris(World world)
            angerLevel = 0;
            texture = "/mob/chucknorris.png";
    		attackStrength = 100000;
            health = 100000;
            isImmuneToFire = true;
            moveSpeed = 0.9F;
        public void onUpdate()
            moveSpeed = playerToAttack == null ? 0.5F : 0.95F;
            if(randomSoundDelay > 0 && --randomSoundDelay == 0)
                worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(this, "mob.zombiepig.zpigangry", getSoundVolume() * 2.0F, ((rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F) * 1.8F);
    	public boolean getCanSpawnHere()
    			 if(worldObj.difficultySetting == 0)
                 if(worldObj.countEntities(this.getClass()) >= 1){
                return false;
            int i = MathHelper.floor_double(posX);
            int j = MathHelper.floor_double(boundingBox.minY);
            int k = MathHelper.floor_double(posZ);
    		return worldObj.getBlockLightValue(i, j, k) > 8 && super.getCanSpawnHere();
        public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
            nbttagcompound.setShort("Anger", (short)angerLevel);
        public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
            angerLevel = nbttagcompound.getShort("Anger");
        protected Entity findPlayerToAttack()
            if(angerLevel == 0)
                return null;
            } else
                return super.findPlayerToAttack();
        public void onLivingUpdate()
        public boolean attackEntityFrom(Entity entity, int i)
            if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
                List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(this, boundingBox.expand(32D, 32D, 32D));
                for(int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++)
                    Entity entity1 = (Entity)list.get(j);
                    if(entity1 instanceof EntityChuckNorris)
                        EntityChuckNorris entitychucknorris = (EntityChuckNorris)entity1;
            return super.attackEntityFrom(entity, i);
        private void becomeAngryAt(Entity entity)
            playerToAttack = entity;
            angerLevel = 400 + rand.nextInt(400);
            randomSoundDelay = rand.nextInt(40);
        private int angerLevel;
        private int randomSoundDelay;
        protected int getDropItemId()
            return Item.diamond.shiftedIndex;
        protected void setDropAmount()
            int i = rand.nextInt(3);
            for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                dropItem(Item.diamond.shiftedIndex, 512);

    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class mod_ChuckNorris extends BaseMod
      public String Version()
    //not sure exactly what this does, but I know that you can write pretty much anything you want in there.
            return "Chuck Norris v1.0";
        public mod_ChuckNorris()
            ModLoader.RegisterEntityID(EntityChuckNorris.class, "Chuck Norris", ModLoader.getUniqueEntityId());
           spawnlist.add("Surface biomes", spawnlist.CREATURE, "Chuck Norris");
    //this part gives your mob a human model. This part is necessary if you want your mob to be able to carry stuff.
              public void AddRenderer(Map map)
            map.put(EntityChuckNorris.class, new RenderBiped(new ModelBiped(), 0.5F));

    So thank you if you will be able to help, your name will be left in the thread which I will create once I am done.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [LP][B1.3]Corrupt'd Adventures[Fraps][WMM]
    Hello guys, watch my let's play here:
    Only one episode available/published on Youtube.

    Episode 1:
    Posted in: Let's Play (and Live Stream)
  • 0

    posted a message on [Creating Mods] Modding tutorials [21/5/11]
    Hello, I am back. :biggrin.gif:
    Please help me! D:
    Here's the codes!

    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\mcp
    Compiling Minecraft
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:19: illegal start of expr
            public String Version();
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:19: ';' expected
            public String Version();
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:24: illegal start of expr
            public mod_BattleAxe()
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:24: ';' expected
            public mod_BattleAxe()
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:30: illegal start of expr
                    public RecipesWeapons()
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:30: ';' expected
                    public RecipesWeapons()
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:41: illegal start of expr
                    public void addRecipes(CraftingManager craftingmanager)
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:41: illegal start of expr
                    public void addRecipes(CraftingManager craftingmanager)
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:41: ';' expected
                    public void addRecipes(CraftingManager craftingmanager)
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:41: ';' expected
                    public void addRecipes(CraftingManager craftingmanager)
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:54: illegal start of expr
                    public String recipePatterns[][] = {
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:59: reached end of file w
    hile parsing
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\mod_BattleAxe.java:60: reached end of file w
    hile parsing
    *** minecraft_server.jar was not found, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 recompile script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public class mod_BattleAxe extends BaseMod
            public static Item battleaxeWood;
    		public static Item battleaxeStone;
    		public static Item battleaxeSteel;
    		public static Item battleaxeDiamond;
    		public static Item battleaxeGold;
    			battleaxeWood = (new ItemBattleAxe(97, EnumToolMaterial.WOOD)).setItemName("battleaxeWood");
    			battleaxeStone = (new ItemBattleAxe(98, EnumToolMaterial.STONE)).setItemName("battleaxeStone");
    			battleaxeSteel = (new ItemBattleAxe(99, EnumToolMaterial.IRON)).setItemName("battleaxeIron");
    			battleaxeDiamond = (new ItemBattleAxe(100, EnumToolMaterial.EMERALD)).setItemName("battleaxeDiamond");
    			battleaxeGold = (new ItemBattleAxe(101, EnumToolMaterial.GOLD)).setItemName("battleaxeGold");
            public String Version();
          return "1.3_01";
            public mod_BattleAxe()
                     battleaxe.itemIndexInTexture = ModLoader.addOverride("/item.png", "/battleaxe.png");
                     ModLoader.AddName(battleaxe, "Battleaxe");
    		public RecipesWeapons()
            recipeItems = (new Object[][] {
                new Object[] {
                    Block.planks, Block.cobblestone, Item.ingotIron, Item.diamond, Item.ingotGold
                }, new Object[] {
                    Item.battleaxeWood, Item.battleaxeStone, Item.battleaxeSteel, Item.battleaxeDiamond, Item.battleaxeGold
    		public void addRecipes(CraftingManager craftingmanager)
            for(int i = 0; i < recipeItems[0].length; i++)
                Object obj = recipeItems[0][i];
                for(int j = 0; j < recipeItems.length - 1; j++)
                    Item item = (Item)recipeItems[j + 1][i];
                    craftingmanager.addRecipe(new ItemStack(item), new Object[] {
                        recipePatterns[j], Character.valueOf('#'), Item.stick, Character.valueOf('X'), obj
    		public String recipePatterns[][] = {
                "XXX", "X#X", "#"

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public class ItemBattleAxe extends Item
        public ItemBattleAxe(int i, EnumToolMaterial enumtoolmaterial)
            super(i, 3, 2, enumtoolmaterial, blocksEffectiveAgainst);
            maxStackSize = 1;
    		maxDamage = enumtoolmaterial.getMaxUses();
            weaponDamage = 6 + enumtoolmaterial.getDamageVsEntity() * 2;
        public boolean canHarvestBlock(Block block)
            if(block == Block.obsidian)
                return toolMaterial.getHarvestLevel() == 2;
            if(block == Block.blockDiamond || block == Block.oreDiamond)
                return toolMaterial.getHarvestLevel() >= 1;
            if(block == Block.blockGold || block == Block.oreGold)
                return toolMaterial.getHarvestLevel() >= 1;
            if(block == Block.blockSteel || block == Block.oreIron)
                return toolMaterial.getHarvestLevel() >= 0;
            if(block == Block.blockLapis || block == Block.oreLapis)
                return toolMaterial.getHarvestLevel() >= 0;
            if(block == Block.oreRedstone || block == Block.oreRedstoneGlowing)
                return toolMaterial.getHarvestLevel() >= 1;
            if(block.blockMaterial == Material.rock)
                return true;
            return block.blockMaterial == Material.iron;
    	private static Block blocksEffectiveAgainst[];
    			blocksEffectiveAgainst = (new Block[] {
    				Block.cobblestone, Block.stairDouble, Block.stairSingle, Block.stone, Block.sandStone, Block.cobblestoneMossy, Block.oreIron, Block.blockSteel, Block.oreCoal, Block.blockGold, 
    				Block.oreGold, Block.oreDiamond, Block.blockDiamond, Block.ice, Block.bloodStone, Block.oreLapis, Block.blockLapis,
    				Block.planks, Block.bookShelf, Block.wood, Block.crate
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on [Creating Mods] Modding tutorials [21/5/11]
    Quote from ismyel »
    how do i make it so when something gets destroyed it doesnt drop a block?

    I dunno how, but try putting return 0; when on return.Block.xxxx; I dunno reallyy. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on [Creating Mods] Modding tutorials [21/5/11]
    Quote from TheChe3zeeOne »
    FIXEDD! Thanks

    New error D:
    when reobfuscating.
    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\Modding Pack
    + Obfuscating client.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "obfuscathon.py", line 105, in <module>
      File "obfuscathon.py", line 62, in main
      File "parsers.pyc", line 125, in parse_saffx
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Matt\\Desktop\\Modding
    *** Server not compiled, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 reobfuscation script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Please help.
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on [Creating Mods] Modding tutorials [21/5/11]
    Quote from Joshj5hawk »
    I believe he is referring you to your item code here:
              bAxe = (new ItemBattleAxe(500, EnumToolMaterial.IRON)).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconCoord(0, 9).setItemName("bAxe");

    Where you have
    (500, EnumToolMaterial.IRON)
    you should have another int before or after the 500. I believe. Smith correct me if I'm worng

    I fixed it! but new reobf doesnt work
    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\Modding Pack
    + Obfuscating client.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "obfuscathon.py", line 105, in <module>
      File "obfuscathon.py", line 62, in main
      File "parsers.pyc", line 125, in parse_saffx
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Matt\\Desktop\\Modding
    *** Server not compiled, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 reobfuscation script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on [TUTORIAL]Automatic Dispenser / Note Block Tutorial
    Bump! Any comments/criticism/requests?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on [Creating Mods] Modding tutorials [21/5/11]
    FIXEDD! Thanks

    New error D:
    when reobfuscating.
    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\Modding Pack
    + Obfuscating client.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "obfuscathon.py", line 105, in <module>
      File "obfuscathon.py", line 62, in main
      File "parsers.pyc", line 125, in parse_saffx
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Matt\\Desktop\\Modding
    *** Server not compiled, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 reobfuscation script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on [Creating Mods] Modding tutorials [21/5/11]
    Quote from smith_61 »
    Quote from TheChe3zeeOne »
    Fixed 1 error! :biggrin.gif:
    But now another one... D:

    Here's the recompile error:
    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\Modding Pack
    Compiling Minecraft
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\Item.java:290: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : constructor ItemBattleAxe(int,net.minecraft.src.EnumToolMaterial)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemBattleAxe
                    bAxe = (new ItemBattleAxe(500, EnumToolMaterial.IRON)).setMaxSta
    ckSize(1).setIconCoord(0, 9).setItemName("bAxe");
    1 error
    *** minecraft_server.jar was not found, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 recompile script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .

    package net.minecraft.src;
    // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode 
    public class ItemBattleAxe extends Item
        public ItemBattleAxe(int i, int j, EnumToolMaterial enumtoolmaterial)
            maxStackSize = 1;
            maxDamage = enumtoolmaterial.getMaxUses();
            weaponDamage = 6 + enumtoolmaterial.getDamageVsEntity() * 2;		
    	public static final Item bAxe;
        public void hitEntity(ItemStack itemstack, EntityLiving entityliving)
        public int getDamageVsEntity(Entity entity)
            return weaponDamage;
    	    public boolean isFull3D()
            return true;
        public int weaponDamage;
        public static Block blocksEffectiveAgainst[];
            blocksEffectiveAgainst = (new Block[] {
                Block.planks, Block.bookShelf, Block.wood, Block.crate,
    			Block.cobblestone, Block.stairDouble, Block.stairSingle, Block.stone, Block.sandStone, Block.cobblestoneMossy, Block.oreIron, Block.blockSteel, Block.oreCoal, Block.blockGold, Block.obsidian, Block.glass,
                Block.oreGold, Block.oreDiamond, Block.blockDiamond, Block.ice, Block.bloodStone, Block.oreLapis, Block.blockLapis

    in Item.java:
    		bAxe = (new ItemBattleAxe(500, EnumToolMaterial.IRON)).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconCoord(0, 9).setItemName("bAxe");


    public static Item bAxe;


    Your constructor is int, int, EnumToolMaterial and your trying to use a constructor as int, EnumToolmaterial.

    Can you post the code, but fixed? I don't know what you mean.. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on [Creating Mods] Modding tutorials [21/5/11]
    Fixed 1 error! :biggrin.gif:
    But now another one... D:

    Here's the recompile error:
    *** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.9 ***
    MCP 2.9 running in C:\Users\Matt\Desktop\Modding Pack
    Compiling Minecraft
    sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\Item.java:290: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : constructor ItemBattleAxe(int,net.minecraft.src.EnumToolMaterial)
    location: class net.minecraft.src.ItemBattleAxe
                    bAxe = (new ItemBattleAxe(500, EnumToolMaterial.IRON)).setMaxSta
    ckSize(1).setIconCoord(0, 9).setItemName("bAxe");
    1 error
    *** minecraft_server.jar was not found, skipping
    === MCP 2.9 recompile script finished ===
    Press any key to continue . . .

    package net.minecraft.src;
    // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode 
    public class ItemBattleAxe extends Item
        public ItemBattleAxe(int i, int j, EnumToolMaterial enumtoolmaterial)
            maxStackSize = 1;
            maxDamage = enumtoolmaterial.getMaxUses();
            weaponDamage = 6 + enumtoolmaterial.getDamageVsEntity() * 2;		
    	public static final Item bAxe;
        public void hitEntity(ItemStack itemstack, EntityLiving entityliving)
        public int getDamageVsEntity(Entity entity)
            return weaponDamage;
    	    public boolean isFull3D()
            return true;
        public int weaponDamage;
        public static Block blocksEffectiveAgainst[];
            blocksEffectiveAgainst = (new Block[] {
                Block.planks, Block.bookShelf, Block.wood, Block.crate,
    			Block.cobblestone, Block.stairDouble, Block.stairSingle, Block.stone, Block.sandStone, Block.cobblestoneMossy, Block.oreIron, Block.blockSteel, Block.oreCoal, Block.blockGold, Block.obsidian, Block.glass,
                Block.oreGold, Block.oreDiamond, Block.blockDiamond, Block.ice, Block.bloodStone, Block.oreLapis, Block.blockLapis

    in Item.java:
    		bAxe = (new ItemBattleAxe(500, EnumToolMaterial.IRON)).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconCoord(0, 9).setItemName("bAxe");


    public static Item bAxe;

    Posted in: Tutorials
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