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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL]The Complete Guide to Making and Releasing a Custom Map

    A Guide to Making and Releasing an Adventure/Puzzle Map

    Hey there! My name is Tristan, and today I’m going to be teaching you some simple things that you can keep in mind to help you create and distribute your custom map :)

    Part 1: Preproduction (excuse the Film terms…. I’m a Cinematic Arts major xD)
    Very few great things are made by “winging it.” You must sit down and think, “What type of map do I want to make? What themes?” Below I have created a short list of things that, if you answer them, will help you create a good map.

    1. What kind of map do I want to create (Adventure, survival, puzzle, etc.)
    2. What will be the theme of the map? (Dark/evil, nice/happy, etc.)
    3. Will this map have a story, or simply an array of challenges to complete?
    4. Will I use other characters in this story, by way of notes or ingame signs? (A two-fold question, asking A) Will you use characters, and B) How will said invisible characters talk)
    5. How will players gauge their map score? (gold ingots, amount of deaths, etc)
    6. How will I go about creating this? (Is the map small, taking place in a compound or town, or does it stretch to the far reaches of minecraftia? This will help you decide what mods or programs you can use.)
    7. What major builds will this project require? (Example: mega-pyramid, replica of Abraham Lincoln’s hat, etc)
    8. Can this story be told with the default texture pack, or will I suggest that people use a different one? (This question can also be used to decide whether you want to make a custom texture pack for your map)
    9. Do I have the redstone/building ability to make this a reality? (No? Then go recruit some IRL friends. Projects started by recruiting here on the forums RARELY succeed. Just look through all the dead threads here :/
    10. Does the story make sense?
    11. Will this be fun to play?

    After you have answered those questions, you have the entire situation in summary, and you can look on it all easily. It always helps me to put things down on paper, getting them out of my head.

    Now, is this map idea still possible? If not, then don’t give up hope yet. Set that aside and save it for another day. Who knows? Boredom may one day set in and allow you to do what needs to be done.

    Next question: is this map idea original? I hate to say it, but these forums are home to about 9001 maps that involve the player in some sort of facility battling an evil robot. It has been done many times before. Now, does that mean that you can’t do it? No. It simply means that you have to do it very, very well.

    Good, you’ve now passed the Pre-productions stage. This is when the fun begins.

    Part 2: Production of the Map

    Ah, good, you’re still here! Glad to see this! What’s that? You’ve finished planning out your map? Splendid! Follow me and I’ll help you through MAKING the map :)

    Again, a question to ask yourself: Does this map need flat terrain, or should I instead use natural minecraft terrain? Think about this: Vechs said, in a txt file released as part of his “CTM Toolkit”,

    After you have a good idea of what you want, then:

    1) Start Minecraft, and make a world. Name the world what you want your map name to be.

    2) Exit Minecraft, open up the world in MCedit.

    3) Select an area of about 1000x1000 blocks, and use the Create function to create chunks.

    4) Then, delete EVERYTHING. Select everything, select chunk, press Delete.

    Starting with a clean void of nothing is the best way to have absolute control over what goes into your map. If you do use terrain made by Minecraft, then you need to be sure you get rid of anything you don't intend to be in your map, and sometimes this can be very time consuming. It can be faster to simply make the terrain you want form scratch.

    Now, that doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? Sadly, as we can all tell from Vech’s great success, it is what must be done for certain maps. So, for you guys that can’t use minecraft-generated terrain: Get outta here! Go make a world first, this guide isn’t going anywhere.

    Great. You guys are the lucky ones. Take if from my personal experience that making a map from scratch is hell. Good MCedit practice though….

    So, where do you want the player to spawn? A small shack, representing their home? A cave? Regardless, just make sure you make that in a logical place. Use a mod to help you relocate the spawn, otherwise death will spawn people randomly… and no one likes that…


    From there, create the rest of your map. Obviously, there isn’t much I can say here, seeing that every map (should) be different. Do what you need to do. Refine it. What? You finished a building. Bull. Make it prettier. Naow.

    Need some professional help? Well, here's an amazing link to a 48 part series. It was designed for Halo's forge system, but can be used in any different form of level design. Credit to BadCompany Brik for the link: http://www.reachingp...mpressions.html

    Another extremely vital part of any sort of map or even non-minecraft game is lighting and mood. This can control the way your player's eye traverses your map, and can very well influence how well, or poorly in some cases, people will do on your map. Please welcome Vechs, here to tell you a bit more about this, seeing as he has much more experience on this matter than I: (For those that do not know, Vechs is the creator of the SuperHostileSeries, an extremely successful series of survival/adventure maps, played even by the YogsCast)

    You might want to add a section about visual design and giving cues to the player.

    These things are subtle and the player usually doesn't even realize that they are noticing them. Basically, manipulate the environment to guide and steer the player. One of my favorites is visual lighting cues, lighting up an area to draw the players attention to it. I will frequently use indirect glowstone to illuminate a chest in a dungeon. You can put the glowstone block into the wall of the area, and the farther back you move it, the dimmer the light gets outside, which is one simple method to pick how much ambient light you want.

    Some examples:

    This underground mine area uses indirect ambient lighting -- notice how in this picture you can't actually see any light sources -- the glowstone is hidden away in nooks and alcoves.

    I like to think that this creates an even creepier environment than if this area was completely in the dark. But it also is useful for people making LP's of your maps, because their viewers can see what is going on, and at the same time it is still dark enough to spawn monsters and present a challenge to the player:


    Here is a desert area from one of my maps-- I used water, which is rare and out-of-place in the desert, to attract the players attention. Compared to the tans and yellows, that small water fall stands out like a brilliant blue pillar:


    This example is from Black Desert -- it's not very subtle, but it gets the job done. Nothing says "HEY! Come loot me!" like a chest sitting in a pool of sunlight. Of course, it's quite ominous too, because the player knows that the darkness nearby will hold many dangers:


    Here is Swamp of Despair from Super Hostile #07: Legendary. This is a cut-away view. I was intentionally being dickish in my design of this area, but if I remade the area to be more... friendly and "mainstream" then this is what I would do:

    You will notice that the wool chest has it's own container room, and I have been using these rooms consistently on my new maps, so that when the player sees that very unique cube made of brick, glass, and glowstone, they know that it is a wool chest, and to take appropriate actions (such as NOT letting creepers blow it up.)

    Now that you have the “set” created, you’ll want to put in all of the signs/storyline (should your map need that sort of thing [most should have at least a simple story])

    There are two main ways of doing this:
    1: Signs that say everything.
    2. Signs that say something like “Read Note 2”, which directs the user to some txt files distributed with the map. Do whichever you like. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.

    Alright, we’ve got the world made, the story laid out and implanted, now what? Well, now is the refining stage. Go to everything that you’ve made in the entire world and make it look nicer. Is their any grammar errors? Fix them. For the love of Notch, fix them. I can’t tell you how many maps I’ve played with grammar errors. Major turn off.

    Okay, so you’re absolutely certain that everything has been built and the world is complete? I don’t believe you. Go check any redstone or other contraptions. Those are the most likely to fail. Make SURE that they work.

    Alright, now. You’ve finished everything? EVERYTHING? Nothing can be improved? You’re certain? Alright, fine, onward!

    Mods to use while building your map:

    Not necessary, but mods like
    Single Player Commands (http://www.minecraft...ommands-v210-2/) Click Spoiler for useful SPC commands and basic usage knowledge.
    Using Single Player Commands

    Alright, time to discuss how to use SPC in the terms of creating an adventure map. There are WAY too many commands to go over all of them, so I’m just going to discuss the ones that I deem will be the most useful. I encourage you to go the SPC forum post and read-up on all of the commands.

    Fly- Holy hell, I shouldn’t even have to explain this one. To use, type in /fly [speed] . If no speed is given, you will travel and regular walking speed.

    Noclip- Walk through walls. ‘Nuff said. To use, type in /noclip . To the best of my knowledge, you can not change your noclip speed.

    Time- Oh hello Father time. To use, type /time day to make it day time, and /time night to make it night time. I really hope you understand that ;)

    Weather- Screw rain. To use, type /weather sun to make it sunny, and type /weather rain to make it rain.

    Item Drops- Turn those annoying things off. To use, type /drops. It toggles ;)

    Infinite Items- Make everything you have infinite. To use, type /infiniteitems . Note, make sure to turn off drops before you do this.

    Super Pick- Mine through anything instantly. To use, type // . Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

    Damage- Disable all damage. To use, type /damage. It toggles.

    Fire Damage- Turn off those pesky flames from falling in lava. To use, type /firedamage. It toggles.

    Item- Spawn any items or blocks. To use, type /item or /i , then the item you want to spawn, then the amount. Typing -1 as the amount gives you an infinite stack.

    Kill them all Johnny- Kill all nearby mobs. To use, type /killall. No spaces, or you’ll kill youself. You can also target specific mobs by typing /killall Sheep, for example.

    World Backup- Backup your worlds!!!! Naow!!!! Type /world backup. This will be saved in a new “backup” folder, located in the same directory as the saves file.

    World Exit- Promptly quits the world without saving. This is useful if, say, a creeper blew up all your redstone… FML. To use, type /world exit.

    That covers all of the useful map-making SPC commands. In the future, I may add World Edit commands here too, as SPC comes equipped with WE…
    TooManyItems (http://www.minecraft...invedit-july-1/)
    Very simple. Download and install. Run minecraft. Press O to toggle it on and off. Left click to get a full stack. Right click to get a single. Hold Shift and left click to get an infinite stack (so long as you return to your inventory before the number reaches 64)
    And the external program MCedit (http://www.minecraft...th-mc-beta-173/)
    Unfortunately, MCedit training is far beyond the scope of anything I can write in a reasonable amount of time. I am in the process of creating a video tutorial covering MCedit basics. Once that video is completed, I will link it here. Thanks for waiting :3
    Can help you out a lot. I’ve also heard that World Painter is rather nice, though I’ve yet to use it. (http://www.minecraft...rk-in-progress/)

    If you need a tutorial for installing mods, I made one a few months back… it’s been super successful, with over 120,000 views! Here it is:
    Also, feel free to subscribe to me on Youtube, as I make tones of minecraft tutorials, let’s plays, map playthroughs, etc.

    Part 3: Testing

    HA! You thought you’d get to distribute now xD Nope! Time to test, and test you shall!

    Alright, now, MOST people release a post for their map now and ask for beta testers. Please don’t do this. It’s spam. C’mon, haven’t you made any minecraft friends from the forum or servers? Give THEM, and only THEM the download link. Why? Because, the less everyone knows about an incomplete project, the better. They can’t hold you to anything that way ;)

    Ok, so, let’s say that you have no minecraft friends.. or regular friends. Okay, understandable. You’ll still need testers. Now you can make a forum post. Make sure that it is well written, or I’ll be annoyed ;)

    For the title, make sure that people know that this is just a call for beta testers, not the map.
    “Beta Testers needed for Adventure Map” would be a good title, replacing Adventure Map with whatever needs to be put there. Once you get replies, PM them the download link and make sure that they get back to you on any problems they had with the map.

    Now for a play test! You’ve got others testing your map, now you get to! Do it! No cheating!

    Hey, go through this checklist here before releasing your maps. It will help. (I even contributed :D )

    Also, again from Vechs:
    I would also recommend telling them to delete the following files (if they exist) from the map directory before zipping it for upload:


    spc.settings is one of the most important (should also do /reset in SPC out of habit whenever you exit your map). I have heard session.lock can also cause issues for some people.

    Part 4: The Release

    Ah! You’ve made it! Now, let’s get to it.

    To release your map, you’ll obviously make a post here on the Maps subsection of the forum. There are a few good things your post will need:

    1. A proper title. Now, I know that it’s hard to tell by some poster’s titles, but there’s a proper way to do this! First off, you’ll have to give it a “tag”. Ex: [Adv] for adventure map, [Puz] for puzzle maps, etc. There’s a sticky thread here: http://www.minecraft...tant-message/�� You should have already read this -_-
    2. Proper grammar. Personally, I won’t even play your map if there is a poor description or bad grammar. It makes me want to cry. Now, I understand that some of you out there are younger players (and there isn’t anything terribly wrong with that), but you still have to make yourself LOOK well educated. That’s the point: I don’t care if you live in a trailer park in Alabama. If you seem well-reasoned and your map seems interesting enough, you and I will get along just fine.
    3. Pictures. Welcome to the internet. We’re all ADHD prone, so you’ll need some sexy screenshots to grab and hold our attention. What makes your map different? What are the epic builds there? Post them and make us NEED to play your map. Stay tuned to learn how to post screenshots.
    4. A mind. Now, that made absolutely no sense, but hear me out. In your post, ask people if they would kindly take a few minutes after playing the game to give you feedback. If your map is amazing enough, they’ll do it anyways, but it still couldn’t hurt to ask, now could it?
    5. Working Download Links: Now, I can’t tell you how many times a post had been missing download links or had only broken ones. Stay tuned to learn how to upload your map to a file sharing site.
    6. A brief description of your map. Make it sexy, short, and epic. If you’re not a very good writer, ask people if they would kindly post a small description. You never know who may answer.

    Great. Now, you may not know how to do some of that stuff. Here we go:

    Uploading pictures: (Made with the assistance of Delirious_Doctor’s sticky post)

    First, you’ll need to take a screenshot. In game, turn your HUD off using F1. Great. Now, take a screenshot using F2. Beautiful. Take more.

    To find the pictures you posted, I’m going to quote the Doctor directly:
    “If you're running Windows, your screenshots are located here:
    Press the Windows Key and R at the same time. In this dialogue type (or copy and paste) the following

    If you're running on a Mac, your screenshots are located here:
    /Users/*username*/Library/Application Support/minecraft/screenshots/

    If you're running Linux, your screenshots are located here:

    Awesome. Now that we’ve got that understood, there are a few site you can use to upload your pictures, even without making an account.

    I prefer to use Imgur. Why? Not quite sure. It’s quick and easy though, so head on over there: http://imgur.com/

    Great, upload your picture and take that “forum image” link it gives you. It should already put the [img] tags there, so you shouldn’t have to worry. If my description still doesn’t help, just go read the sticky: http://www.minecraft...this-out/#uppixUploading your map to a website for distribution:We all prefer to use MediaFire. Just accept that. You don’t have to make an account, but if you plan on releasing more maps, I would. It’s nicer that way.I’m just going to give you the Doctor’s tutorial again.
    So you have a map and you want people to download and play it, how do you do that? It's pretty easy. Just follow my directions and you'll be ready to share your latest creation in no time!Just like hosting images online, you will need to find a website to host files for you. There are dozens of popular file hosting websites. I prefer to use MegaUpload because it allows you to upload with or without an account. There are bonuses to get the free account, however, like a file manager that allows you to access all of the files you've uploaded to delete them or whatever. If you don't want to use MegaUpload, you don't have to. It's just personal preference. Google comes up with great alternatives.Alright, so now you have a file host, but that still doesn't solve everything. You need to navigate to your saves folder and compress your folder to upload.If you're running Windows, your saves are located here:Press the Windows Key and R at the same time. In this dialogue type (or copy and paste) the following%appdata%\.minecraft\savesIf you're running on a Mac, your saves are located here:/Users/*username*/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/If you're running Linux, your saves are located here:`/.minecraft/savesTo compress the folder (of the map, don't do the whole saves folder please) just right click -> Send to... -> Compressed (Zipped) FolderThis will create a .zip file that's ready to upload. Just head back over to the file hosting website, hit the "Upload" button, and using the explorer menu navigate to the .zip folder you created and hit "Open." Your file should start to upload now and you'll be armed with a link to post on the site soon!”
    Great. He’s better at that than me.I hope this tutorial helps you all out. Feel free to leave a comment down below telling me things to add to this post.See you all around the forums ;)
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on What's your rage story?
    Quote from Maranatha

    I have a lot of stories

    Like 2000000000 :P

    if you don't have a rage story go play one of my maps your sure to die!


    I cheated my stuff back a lot of times

    I believe you forgot to write "/selfplug" somewhere in there, eh?

    My story? Alright, here we go. This one pissed me off far more than it should have. One day, I log on to minecraft, ready for adventure and glory. I started at the bottom of my massive mineshaft, leading into a branchmine. Little did I know that, whilst away, Notch had gone and made spaces between ladders break the whole, you know, climbing thing. Foolishly, I went off throughout my mines hoping to find more precious jewels and the like. Now, you must understand that this was entirely a mining expedition, and the concept of bringing along weapons was merely foolish and a waste of inventory space. So, there I was, mining a branch. Suddenly, the removal of a block brings a nice, smoking creeper on top of my head. I backed away enough so that the explosion itself left me only with a mere flesh wound, one that would surely be little reason for alarm. The more unfortunate event, however, was that the explosion also managed to bring upon my base the fury of a zombie spawner. Due to my lack of foresight in the weaponry department and my less-than-desirable health situation, I decide to run rather than face the unrelenting hoard. I figured I would encounter no problems in the slightest, as my ladder to safety was mere blocks away. Running towards it, the undead pursued with admirable dedication. Surely their perseverance would be for naught once I reached the ladder. Jumping to my rescuer, I was suddenly faced with the utmost dread as my ladder offered no chance of safety. I stood, staring at the vessel which should have granted me life, and was consumed by the flesh-eating monsters of forgotten souls.

    And if anyone actually read that, you win bonus points. My apologies for the length.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Weird Construction
    >Implying many people would start a new world with a specific seed, then venture off through perils and wasted time, in order to see something someone could have easily just taken a picture of.

    C'mon, think McFly! Think!
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Why doesn't mojang adopt or adapt ideas from mods?
    They have in the past, as discussed above.
    However, one I didn't see was McRegions. That was put into the game in (I believe) Mid-Beta. It really sped up Minecraft and made it much easier to run on laptops and such. I know OptiFine is around now, but that was really only needed due to Minecraft's code overhaul.

    My main theory is that Mojang tends to be a wee bit arrogant, thinking that most things in mods are silly and not real "game material". The funny part happens when they themselves fall in love with a mod and are forced to add it in, having to of course reskin and change the dynamics of it first to make it original (pistons).

    And that's all I have to say about that.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on How Well Do You Know Minecraft? - Interactive Quiz
    Well, this actually took me a really long time to make, as it involves over 40 videos and oh so very many annotations.
    I posted it to the Videos section, but that forum has about as much traffic as my front door on a lonely Saturday night.
    That's why I'm posting here. Hopefully this crowd is a better one to share with.
    Enjoy :)

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Awesome Youtuber Working Towards Partnership
    Hello there!

    Well, it seems that you've encountered the problem that pretty much every other minecraft YouTuber has. You make quality videos and in good quantity, but you don't have anything particularly unique. From a quick look around of your channel, you're not much different from anyone else. That doesn't mean you're bad, but why would people subscribe to you if they could subscribe to someone else and get the same content? You need something special that either hasn't been done or hasn't been done well/often. You need to make it so that your channel is pretty much the only place where viewers can get a certain type of video. Following me?

    Another important part of the puzzle is getting attention. Most youtubers get a very large portion of their subscriber base, or at least a start, from a viral or semi-viral video. For a lot of people, like inthelittlewood, it's through Minecraft song parodies, as people just can't get enough of those. Myself, I have over 1000 subscribers, but only because I have one video with nearly 500,000 views ().

    So yeah, you have to be unique and make at least one video that gathers lots and lots of attention. How you do those two things is up to you.

    Good luck!
    Posted in: Video/Series Help
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    posted a message on How do I get more Views for My Vids?
    Quote from Akinon93

    becoming a popular (or even decently known) youtuber doesn't happen overnight or even in the first month a lot of the time. unless of course you have friends who are insanely well known (for example - the yogscast likes/favorite's their friend's videos so people see those too and then their friends get lots of subs easy cause so many ppl see their vids). the most important thing is to have good quality content and constant content (not every day but try to make a video at least once a week I'd say). people are lazy and would much rather say "oh I'll just check back another day" than "let me go subscribe!". kinda a form of procrastination. so you want to come out with videos consistantly so they think "oh this guy comes out with videos often I should sub so I dont miss any". and btw, dont worry about video views too much. personally I'd worry about my subscribers/video views ratio (so for every subscriber I'll count 1.5 video views). that's because a lot of people can just come on, watch a video, and not like it and not come back. I count 1.5 for every sub tho because, like I said earlier, ppl tend to want to just wait and check back for a new video later. I'm that way myself I didn't even sub to Tobuscus for awhile even tho I watched lots of his videos lol.

    other than that just get your videos known. dont spam them, of course. but every now and then when you have a real good video post it on these forums for example so people will see it.

    Edit: also, never ever do sub4sub stuff. it will only hurt you because those people will never watch your videos most likely (if you're lucky they might but it's rare). those ppl are thinking just like you. "I'll just sub4sub this guy, ignore his vids, and have another sub!". and say you have 50,000 subscribers but only 10,000 are actually watching your videos, and you can tell because your average video might have 10,000-20,000 (depending on how long ago you posted it) views despite your 50,000 subscribers, youtube will only count it as having 10,000 subs if you try and apply for a partnership. this is what I like to call "active subs", which means the amount of subscribers who actually watch your videos. that's what matters realy.

    What this guy said.

    I have over a thousand subscribers, yet I only get maybe 200 views per video (with the exception of a few videos, one having nearly 500,000 views!). This isn't because I sub4sub'd but because I've had several blackout periods, causing people to forget me and/or stop browsing YouTube. So, as he said, I have about 200 active subs.

    But yeah, make good videos. The viewers will come eventually... and if they don't then.. you're doing it wrong.
    Quote from Rockerbob09

    I have posted my only vid and I got 36 views. Where else can I post it?

    Also, the latest bragged statistic from YouTube said that over 24 hours of video is uploaded per minute..

    So you're going to have to do something a bit more special than skyblock to get 40k+ views..

    Also, no offence intended, but you sound like you're 11. If you're anywhere under 14, YouTube is going to be a lot harder for you. Most people don't feel like subscribing and watching small, annoying children.. not to say you are one, but that's the general idea.
    Posted in: Video/Series Help
  • 1

    posted a message on New Adventurecraft Map Being made!! LARGEST YET
    Aww bro, that game....

    Wasted so much time there xD
    Of course, will it be interesting without the MMORPG part?
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on A Quick Tip To Fellow Map-Makers
    Hello there! My name is Tristan, but you can call me tgdrake! You may, or may not, recognize me from my other kick-ass threads ( http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/530424-tutorialthe-complete-guide-to-making-and-releasing-a-custom-map/page__p__6994560__fromsearch__1#entry6994560 http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/650569-a-message-to-all-potential-map-makers/page__p__8518258__fromsearch__1#entry8518258 ) on making maps.... then again, you probably don't, as those have been lost among a sea of 'OMGTRYMYMAPISSSOCOOLLIKE'.

    Recently, I took (against my will) a hiatus from Minecraft, the internet, and anything of the like. It sucked hard... Sadly, I'm not out of the woods yet, and that will set every single map I've had behind even farther... which is fantastic.

    AH! Back on subject: I'm here to discuss something that I've noticed and been aware of ever since I've come to this subforum, waaaaaaay back in the olden days of Alpha. Not much has changed.

    My primary concern is that most maps are identical to every single map before it that it shares anything with. For example, do you have any idea how many Portal-esque maps have been created? Answer: Over 9000. What makes a really successful map successful is doing something new. Now, this can be broken up into two sections. Plot/Story and Gameplay.


    This one doesn't really apply for things like Parkour, but it does at the same time. For example, if you're making a plot-less map, why not try to give it new and interesting scenery? Put it in space, through an apocalyptic New York, Atlantis, etc. Surprise me!

    Back to those of you making adventure maps: Keep it fresh, like the prince of Bel Air. I swear to Notch, if you try to release a map simply saying something along the lines of "You're trapped in a science facility", I will jump through the internet and strangle you. Got it? Give me a fresh spin on things, even if it's relatively the same idea.

    Some ancient Philosopher or whatever once said, way back in the age of The Odyssey (yeah, remember reading THAT epic?), that every story that could be told has been told. In fact, he said that every story could be put into one of... err... 14? 15? 16? categories. The specifics don't really matter. What I'm trying to say is that I understand the difficulty in coming up with an original plot. I get it. I'm a film major. However, we still go to see new movies all the time, don't we? For example, Avatar (James Cameron's, not Cartoon Network's) was really just a remake of Pocahontas set in space in the future. Don't believe me? Re-watch both movies. Change up the theme, mood, location, characters, etc.... JUST MAKE IT DIFFERENT!!!


    Alright. Do I really need to say this one? How many times have you had to make a three block long jump over some random pit of lava? Exactly. It's boring. Sure, there may be a limit to things you can do with minecraftian physics, but don't let that stop you! Mix up your gameplay.

    A great method for doing this is to think of it in these terms: Abandon the entire idea of minecraft. Close out the game and go sit on your couch. Get your imagining hat on. You're not making a map, you're making a film. Alright, here comes your actor, the player. What do you want him to do? How about he leaps over a firing arrow trap, narrowly slides under a falling sheet of lava, and just barely gets out before the TNT explodes. Whatever your story is, fantastic: you have it. Now, try to replicate that as closely as possible in minecraft. Believe it or not, this gives your game an entirely different feel. When something is designed in minecraft, it plays like minecraft... which, yes, is a bad thing. When something is designed as an ADVENTURE, it plays like an ADVENTURE.

    Sure, it may be impossible to have the player grab a falling rope and fly away trailing behind a helicopter heading into the sunset, but... Wait... is it? Could it be pulled off? And now you see the entire concept behind this exercise. See, simply playing in minecraft, you would be incapable of imagining that. But, outside the realms of non-reality, anything is possible. Replicate them as closely as possible, and your map will stand leagues apart from all of your weak, puny opposition. Crush them, eat their souls for a snack, and share their dreams with me for desert.

    I hope this has managed to help a few people. I understand that most people here probably couldn't write or read something like this if 1000 dollars depended on it, so thank you for reading this far. I hope to see you around the forums, and feel free to PM me at any time. Also, if you have any suggestions for things to add to the post, they will go down below. Thanks and have a great day!


    (none yet, feel free to write some in the replies area)
    Posted in: Maps
  • 15

    posted a message on A Message to all Potential Map-Makers
    Hello. My name is Tristan, but I usually go by tgdrake10. You may know me from my other post, [TUTORIAL]THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO MAKING AND RELEASING A CUSTOM MAP ( http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/530424-tutorialthe-complete-guide-to-making-and-releasing-a-custom-map/page__p__6994560#entry6994560 )... You may not. You may know me from my YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/tgdrake10?feature=mhee ). You may not. But, none of that is relevant. Today, I'm here to talk to you, the potential mapmakers. Consider this a PSA of sorts.

    Just go make it. Don't over-think it. Over-thinking it will kill the project. Don't believe me? Right now, start looking through the billions of decaying, dead posts here in the map forum. There's dozens of Yogscast wannabes, hundreds of WIP's, and thousands of "This is my idea, I will start working on it after someone here tells me how fantastic it is."

    YOU DON'T NEED THAT! You have an idea? Run with it. Seriously, right now, open up Minecraft. Make a new world. Build. Don't come to the forums and tell us about your project until it is 100% done. Just don't. Stop wasting your time and make a fantastic map.

    Now, that doesn't mean that you should only spend an hour or so on a map. Personally, I have spent months on maps that I eventually abandoned due to a lack of quality. But, that is the nature of the beast. You need to be able to stand back, view your work, and see what needs to get done. Then, obviously, do it.

    And please, for the love of Notch, stop making posts asking for build crews. Those NEVER work, ever. You are the only person you can trust 1000000% of the time. I don't want my work failing due to the lacking qualities of others, and I doubt you do either.

    One more, extremely crucial thing. Make your post pretty. More info here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/530424-tutorialthe-complete-guide-to-making-and-releasing-a-custom-map/

    What are you still reading for? Go! Now! Make that map!

    Bonus Thought 1:
    So, I just got back from a really long bike-ride. While out, I realized something...

    It's not about how fast, how far, or how well you're going, it's about going.

    Then I realized that that can be added to nearly every aspect of life, including this one.


    (And once you have, post a link here. It better be a work of god-damn perfection.)

    [About the author: Tristan has been playing minecraft since pre-indev. An avid adventure map player, he dreams of the day when Notch finally integrates Adventure Mode. As a film student, he is able to retain the same qualities of film-making and apply them to map-making. The hardest part is getting started. Tristan also likes long walks on the beach and speaking in the Third Person.]

    If I've helped you out, Plus One this post and post on the thread. It may just save us from the bad maps :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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