• 0

    posted a message on SnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack / Sound Resource Pack for ALL versions of Minecraft
    This is awesome. Nice to use, especially on top of a good texture pack.

    One thing though..I'm not a big fan of the dirt placing/breaking sound. It's really loud and sudden compared to some of the other sounds. It wouldn't be a big deal, but when you're digging up a lot of dirt, it gets kind of annoying to hear..

    I think part of the problem, is that some sounds like stone/cobble are softer, not as sudden, and quieter. But some other sounds, are louder, and more sudden. Even Sand is a bit loud. The audio levels aren't really even.

    Wool breaking/placing sounds a bit weird too, and gets cut off. While that may be an issue with the game cutting the sound off too early, it seems like a thing you'd have to work around to get the sound to actually sound good.

    Glass breaking sounds a bit muffled too, compared to other sounds.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on 32x LITHOS - Default-Style, Detailed & Complete - 1.5x - 1.15x and beyond!
    Quote from eleazzaar

    Thanks. :)

    Actually the last release included Christmas themed chests. They activate when you computer's clock is set to Dec 24 or 25 (which doesn't have to correspond to the actual Dec 24-25).

    I'll think about a Christmas themed add-on.

    Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I knew MC had actual christmas chests, I just didn't know this pack had them. Thanks. Sorry to bother you.

    As for mod suggestions:

    Better Furnaces
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on 32x LITHOS - Default-Style, Detailed & Complete - 1.5x - 1.15x and beyond!
    I was wondering if there was any chance of seeing a Christmas Present single/double chest texture? It could easily be a separate thing on it's own given how resource packs can overlap now. It can be the only texture in the pack, and simply placed above the main one as an addon. Just wondering. If not, I can always make one myself.

    Still an awesome texture pack though. My favorite vanilla styled pack.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on OldDays/NBXlite, SpawnHuman, SSP, SSPC
    Quote from CreativeNinja456

    This may count as a "how do I install????????????????"
    question, but if you have seen me on other posts, then you know
    that I use magic launcher. I compressed the contense of the folder
    and put the zip file in my mods folder. It said "OK" but it did not show up
    on my minecraft title screen. I used forge mod loader, so I did technically
    have modloader. can you guys help me? this mod is the best I have seen.
    rediscovered mod gets old after a while. not in minecraft is outdated and
    buggy. This looks awesome!

    As mentioned, don't use Magic Launcher with this mod.

    To install the mod, you only need to copy the contents of "ssp" to the jar. And then then contents of olddaysallin1 to the jar, and obviously deleting metainf.

    This mod is incompatible with pretty much EVERYTHING. Including Forge.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on OldDays/NBXlite, SpawnHuman, SSP, SSPC
    Hmm.. I seem to have an issue. The mod has been working fine, no issues at all. But now all of the sudden, it refuses to save my world. It'll save the inventory and time of day, but not the world changes.

    Entire Console Log:
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Minecraft Launcher 1.3.4 (through bootstrap 4) started on windows...
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Current time is Dec 3, 2013 5:08:53 PM
    [17:08:53 INFO]: System.getProperty('os.name') == 'Windows 7'
    [17:08:53 INFO]: System.getProperty('os.version') == '6.1'
    [17:08:53 INFO]: System.getProperty('os.arch') == 'x86'
    [17:08:53 INFO]: System.getProperty('java.version') == '1.7.0_15'
    [17:08:53 INFO]: System.getProperty('java.vendor') == 'Oracle Corporation'
    [17:08:53 INFO]: System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '32'
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Refreshing local version list...
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Refreshing remote version list...
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Refresh complete.
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Loaded 10 profile(s); selected '1.6.4 Olddays'
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Refreshing auth...
    [17:08:53 INFO]: Logging in with access token
    [17:08:57 INFO]: Download job 'Resources' skipped as there are no files to download
    [17:08:57 INFO]: Job 'Resources' finished successfully (took 0:00:00.001)
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Getting syncinfo for selected version
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Queueing library & version downloads
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Download job 'Version & Libraries' started (8 threads, 19 files)
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl_util\2.9.0\lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\codecwav\20101023\codecwav-20101023.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\google\code\gson\gson\2.2.2\gson-2.2.2.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl-platform\2.9.0\lwjgl-platform-2.9.0-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\librarylwjglopenal\20100824\librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\bouncycastle\bcprov-jdk15on\1.47\bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\google\guava\guava\14.0\guava-14.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput-platform\2.0.5\jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\codecjorbis\20101023\codecjorbis-20101023.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl\2.9.0\lwjgl-2.9.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput\2.0.5\jinput-2.0.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\argo\argo\2.25_fixed\argo-2.25_fixed.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\commons-io\commons-io\2.4\commons-io-2.4.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\apache\commons\commons-lang3\3.1\commons-lang3-3.1.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\libraryjavasound\20101123\libraryjavasound-20101123.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\sf\jopt-simple\jopt-simple\4.5\jopt-simple-4.5.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jutils\jutils\1.0.0\jutils-1.0.0.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\soundsystem\20120107\soundsystem-20120107.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Local file matches local checksum, using that
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Finished downloading C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.6.4-mcpatcher\1.6.4-mcpatcher.jar for job 'Version & Libraries': Couldn't connect to server (responded with 403) but have local file, assuming it's good
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Job 'Version & Libraries' finished successfully (took 0:00:00.328)
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Launching game
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Looking for old natives to clean up...
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Unpacking natives to C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.6.4-mcpatcher\1.6.4-mcpatcher-natives-523225144124010
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Launching in C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\Instances\1.6.4 Olddays
    [17:09:10 INFO]: Half command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_15\jre\bin\javaw.exe -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx512M -Djava.library.path=C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.6.4-mcpatcher\1.6.4-mcpatcher-natives-523225144124010 -cp C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\sf\jopt-simple\jopt-simple\4.5\jopt-simple-4.5.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\codecjorbis\20101023\codecjorbis-20101023.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\codecwav\20101023\codecwav-20101023.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\libraryjavasound\20101123\libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\librarylwjglopenal\20100824\librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\paulscode\soundsystem\20120107\soundsystem-20120107.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\argo\argo\2.25_fixed\argo-2.25_fixed.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\bouncycastle\bcprov-jdk15on\1.47\bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\google\guava\guava\14.0\guava-14.0.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\apache\commons\commons-lang3\3.1\commons-lang3-3.1.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\commons-io\commons-io\2.4\commons-io-2.4.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput\2.0.5\jinput-2.0.5.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\net\java\jutils\jutils\1.0.0\jutils-1.0.0.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\com\google\code\gson\gson\2.2.2\gson-2.2.2.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl\2.9.0\lwjgl-2.9.0.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl_util\2.9.0\lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar;C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.6.4-mcpatcher\1.6.4-mcpatcher.jar net.minecraft.client.main.Main
    [17:09:11 INFO]: Client> 2013-12-03 17:09:11 [CLIENT] [INFO] Setting user: TXFDA
    [17:09:11 INFO]: Client> 2013-12-03 17:09:11 [CLIENT] [INFO] (Session ID is token:72089c7d7ff44800af4d600e6ea9cbc1:af4cfd04ec81492bbfb639fd0eaf972c)
    [17:09:11 INFO]: Client> 2013-12-03 17:09:11 [CLIENT] [INFO] LWJGL Version: 2.9.0
    [17:09:12 INFO]: Client> 2013-12-03 17:09:12 [CLIENT] [INFO] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
    [17:09:12 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Bugs module
    [17:09:12 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Eyecandy module
    [17:09:12 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Textures module
    [17:09:12 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Actions module
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Sounds module
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Gameplay module
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Crafting module
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded Mobs module
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Loaded NBXlite module
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client>
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Starting up SoundSystem...
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added Steve entity
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added Rana entity
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> 23 frames
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Name: MinecraftBody
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Triangles: 3070
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_SHADERS: 1310 (current location: 1310)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_TRIANGLES: 1310 (current location: 1310)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_ST: 38150 (current location: 38150)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_XYZ_NORMAL: 55950 (current location: 55950)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Animation frames: 23
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added EntitySteve$RenderMD3Steve renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> 1 frames
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Name: MinecraftStatic
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Triangles: 4532
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_SHADERS: 263 (current location: 263)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_TRIANGLES: 331 (current location: 331)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_ST: 54715 (current location: 54715)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OFS_XYZ_NORMAL: 84491 (current location: 84491)
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Animation frames: 1
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderMD3 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderEnderman2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderMinecart2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderTntMinecart2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added bhz renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderZombie2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderSkeleton2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderPlayer2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderSnowMan2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added RenderItemFrame2 renderer
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
    [17:09:13 INFO]: Client> (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
    [17:09:15 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added nbxlite.RenderGhast2 renderer
    [17:09:15 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added nbxlite.RenderSheep2 renderer
    [17:09:15 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added nbxlite.RenderPainting2 renderer
    [17:09:15 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added nbxlite.RenderMooshroom2 renderer
    [17:09:15 INFO]: Client> OldDays: Added nbxlite.RenderWolf2 renderer
    [17:09:15 INFO]: Client> OpenAL initialized.
    [17:09:15 INFO]: Client>
    [17:09:17 INFO]: Client> Loaded OldDays 4.1 for Minecraft 1.6.4
    [17:10:12 INFO]: Client> Setting up custom skins
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveLevel(WorldSSP.java:372)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:356)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.saveWorld(WorldSSP.java:363)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at WorldSSP2.b(WorldSSP2.java:406)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.k(Minecraft.java:1957)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:860)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:14 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> aca: The save is being accessed from another location, aborting
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at alq.c(SaveHandler.java:88)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at abw.G(World.java:4324)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at aee.a(SourceFile:85)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.saveChunkData(ChunkProvider.java:188)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.ChunkProvider.a(ChunkProvider.java:240)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.WorldSSP.quickSaveWorld(WorldSSP.java:397)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at ssp.GuiIngameMenuOverlay.postDrawScreen(GuiIngameMenuOverlay.java:70)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at awe.drawScreen2(GuiScreen.java:54)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at bfe.b(EntityRenderer.java:1165)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.S(Minecraft.java:901)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at atv.d(Minecraft.java:793)
    [17:10:16 INFO]: Client> at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)

    Obviously the "The save is being accessed from another location, aborting" is something. Any help?

    I don't have anything else open that is doing anything with Minecraft. Nothing else that uses java is open. I've closed things and tried again, and it's still doing it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on OldDays/NBXlite, SpawnHuman, SSP, SSPC
    Quote from Liamturnbull1225

    Exalm thank you for maintains my favorite mod I have been using custom resource packs that have the old sounds and textures for modded forge stuff and your mod for my other times I would like to explore the old terrain generator

    Yeah, I actually still use the like, alpha style NostalgiaCraft sometimes, even with this mod, just to get the old bright green grass and trees, with slightly newer terrain gen.

    I'm wondering. Why isn't there an option for old alpha style bright grass and leaves for all the world gens? I get that it's based on what type of Terrain Generation you choose, but why isn't there also an option to turn old grass/leaves on? Not trying to bother anyone about it, I'm genuinely curious. It seems fairly easy considering you can do it with a texture pack. And you already did it with specific terrain gen.

    A little off topic: For people that do Let's Plays. I'd love to see a well done lets play using this mod and your favorite settings, that actually goes for a while. I search youtube every now and then to try and find one, but usually it's just 4-5 episodes, with horrible audio, and lag. I can't seem to find any decent, lengthy let's plays using this mod. I think it'd be fun to watch. You could even go back to old world gen with a well known seed like gargamel, or Glacier. Considering this mod is obviously somewhat popular with it's 717 pages, and it's a really good mod. And given how people like to be all nostalgic with minecraft.. You'd think there'd be more.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on OldDays/NBXlite, SpawnHuman, SSP, SSPC
    One thing that always bothered me about this mod, is that it removes the +1 reach distance, and the ability to walk THROUGH mobs. The reason originally being that they were just bugs, but seeing as they're still in the game, I'd assume it'd be something that would at least get added to the bug section of the H menu. Not a big deal though, still my favorite mod. Can't wait to see the new versions.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on IS THIS STILL VANILLA?
    As people have said. Adding ANY mods to the game, makes it 'Modded'. Therefor, not vanilla.

    Honestly, I think the only mod you could get away with using, and still calling it vanilla, is Optifine. Because it doesn't really effect gameplay other than making the game run better.

    Any other mod whatsoever, automatically counts as a modded survival. As someone said, there's no "more" or "less" vanilla. It's Vanilla, or Modded. There's no in-between. I'd also like to point out, gameplay changing mods aren't the only ones that count. Even a mod that adds extra paintings to the game, would count as modded survival, not Vanilla.

    Honestly, in my opinion. If you're going to use mods, you might as well just use mods. You can still use a lot of mods and keep the Vanilla feel. I for one, wouldn't mind seeing a vanilla-feeling modded LP.

    I'm currently on the lookout for good smaller vanilla-feeling mods. My current version of MC that I'm working on(for myself obviously), includes the following mods:

    Better Furnaces
    Wild Caves
    Better Storage
    Barrels Mod
    Dungeon Pack
    Enchanting Plus
    EXP Chest
    Hopper Ducts
    Minimods - Adjacent Cactus
    Minimods - Dyed Placed Wool
    Minimods - Editable Signs
    Minimods - Old Bonemeal
    Minimods - Rare Drops
    MobDrops 2
    Peaceful Pack
    Rotten Flesh to Leather

    And it still feels very vanilla, but..with more.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [WIP] [0.1.0] [MC 1.6.4]World Control
    Any chance of getting an updated DL link?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Seriously?
    Couple things.

    1 month isn't a long time. At all.

    And if you haven't noticed, they now have to work on multiple versions of the game. PS3, PS4, Xbox One, AND 360. So they have a lot to do. Updates on 360 are going to come out slower and slower. Especially since their main focus will be on ps4 and xbox one.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is greifing cyber bullying
    Honestly, no. I don't think greifing is cyber bullying. There's a couple reasons for this.

    First off, the game mechanics allow for greifing. It's part of the game, that you're allowed to destroy other people's structures. It's not the nicest thing to do, but it's there. If they didn't want to allow it at all, they would only let you destroy your own blocks.

    Second. Little kids that'd be young enough to whine about bullying when their house gets destroyed, shouldn't be playing online in the first place, it's their own fault(or the parents fault). Not to say the greifer is innocent in the matter either, but it's just a structure in an advanced lego game. No reason to get upset. Not to mention, if it's the kid's world, and the greifer was invited to it, they can just exit without saving.

    The first reason is the main one for me. It's a game mechanic, even if that wasn't the intended reason for it. That'd be like someone playing CoD, and they were dying a lot, and claimed bullying because everyone was going after him. If everyone in a game wants to team up to kill a single person, that's up to them. Not the intended way to play, but they're allowed. It's not bullying.

    People really need to stop being so sensitive. I mean, seriously. How is Cyber Bullying a real thing? You can literally just close the game, play something else, block people, un-invite the person, find a new server, walk away from the tv. You can pretty much do ANYTHING other than sit there and take it, and it'll stop. If someone wants to sit there and deal with it for ages, then it's their own stupidity for not leaving.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Now I see why...
    Quote from UpUp_Away95

    Why not.?.. Lots of people like rebuilding and restoring old TVs and other old, obsolete things so they work again... and once restored they do get enjoyment out of watching them. It's as good a "hobby" as any other.

    There is nothing wrong with enjoying the complexity of the PC game but there is EQUALLY nothing wrong with enjoying the simplicity that the MCXbox has. As long as differences exist between the versions, people at least have a choice they can make.

    It's really got nothing to do with whether or not someone has "control" over themselves to not use command keys. It's more about preserving options and maintaining diversity.

    Enjoying simple console version, or less simple PC version isn't really relevant though.. because at SOME point, the console version is gonna get more updates, which'll make it closer to the PC version. So even if you like the simple console version, it'll slowly get more complicated just like PC.

    Not that I have anything against preferring one over the other. I prefer the console version, mainly because of how mobs respawn, and using a controller is more comfortable. However, I play PC more, because it has a lot more stuff.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Now I see why...

    Yeah bro I agree! And that's how I was for a while but my point is I prefer waiting and going without vs. anticipating everything as hard as I used to or just going straight to PC. I probably would have had a harder time understanding it all if PC were still on 1.6.4. because there's only so many MORE features on that, you know? And it wasn't confusing. But 1.7.2... new biomes, basically everything is different, can't do it. Crafting recipes are fine, I still learned most of them via xbox since it at least shows how to craft as you're simply making it, the controls on the mouse are like xbox just reverse, so that was easy to figure out. It's just the whole layout of it. I found it impossible almost. Really cannot stand the whole new biome thing, I could not find an amateur map for myself, and by PC standards I am an amateur at it. I guess that's the beauty of Xbox because you enjoy vanilla minecraft

    Yeah but new biomes are now part of vanilla on PC. Honestly, the biomes thing is nothing to really worry about.. they're just biomes. There's nothing new IN the biomes, aside from a couple trees. It's just a slightly different looking area to play in. And the new wood for the trees, does the same stuff the other wood does.

    I understand liking simple, but honestly, if you play the new PC versions for a bit, you get used to it. You also realize how little of a change new biomes actually make. I mean, me personally. I get bored of MC, even the PC version with it's more updates and new stuff. That's because nothing has really CHANGED in ages. There's nothing game-changing being added recently. No new ores, no special armor or weapons. No new mobs really. No new anything that actually effects how you play. Everything recent being added to PC, is just aesthetic. New trees/biomes, new textures, colored glass, new flowers, etc.

    I guess for people coming from playing PC for a while, and going to the console version.. it's similar to downgrading the PC version. I still enjoy going back and playing early betas and late alpha versions, just because it's so much simpler, but then I realize how many things are missing(beds, xp, enchanting, biomes, the end, wither, animal breeding, etc)..and get bored even quicker. It's still fun..just..eh. lol
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Any ideas for a good defense system.
    I'm gonna go ahead and say now, there's no 100% full proof way to defend a base against other players. Unless you have really trustworthy friends, and set some rules while playing, they're always going to be able to get in. The 3 main ways I could think of them getting in, other than the door, would be to dig under, build over, or dig straight through the wall.

    To solve digging under, you could either build an 2-3 thing wall of obsidian going all the way down to bedrock. Which would both take a while, and take a lot of resources. Or, you could make an entire floor of lava under your base, so if they dig under, and dig up, they bump into the lava, and hopefully die. There are ways around lava though. And even obsidian can be broken.

    As for building over.. There's not much of a way to get around that I don't think. Even if you built it all the way up to the high limit, they could simply build up the same high, and just jump over the wall. Lava would be another idea here too, but even then, they could just bring water, or blocks, and get around it.

    Digging through, pretty much the same idea as before. Either a really thick wall that takes takes ages to break. Or a wall with lava inside layers of wall. But again, if you can build it, they can get around it.

    The mechanics of Minecraft pretty much guarentee that they can get in no matter what. It's just a matter of how annoying you make it for them to do. Digging under and digging through the wall, you could make it rather annoying with a lot of lava and obsidian. Building over, I'm not sure how you could fix that, unless you make a 3-4 block thick obsidian roof on everything.

    On the other hand, if you just wanna make sure they don't steal anything.. There's plenty of tricks you can do to hide a chest, either with redstone, or glitches. Just search youtube.

    If you REALLY wanna be safe. Don't let them on your important world. Make a separate world for them to play on with you, and one just for yourself in single player. So you don't have to worry as much.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Now I see why...
    I agree that the console is simpler, which is nice at times.

    However you gotta realize, it's on a lower version for a reason. That reason isn't just because 'it's simpler'. They're slowly working on catching up to the PC version. Chances are a lot of the current features from PC will be on the xbox at SOME point. it may take a while, especially now that they have multiple versions to deal with, but I'm fairly confident that they'll at least put a lot of the main features like biomes and such into the console version.

    If and when that happens, it'll still be simpler, just because PC would have even more stuff by then, but console would be caught up to now at least..which is what you're comparing.

    I'm sure by the time the console one stops getting updated, we'll have most of the main things, such as the Wither, horses, new biomes, stained glass, new flowers, villager trading, etc.

    I enjoy my 360 version of Minecraft, but when I'm playing it, I just realize how many things are missing compared to PC. That feeling goes even farther when you switch from playing a heavily modded PC version, to the vanilla 360 version. There's a difference between simpler, and less features. A lot of the features in newer versions of PC Minecraft, don't actually make the game more complicated. New biomes, trading, emeralds, horses. None of that's complicated, it's just ..there. The biggest thing that makes PC more complicated, is the fact that you need to know recipes, and on the console version, you don't.

    As for my feeling of the console version missing things compared to PC.. I even get that when I compare 360 MC, to other 360 MC type games. Just look at something like Castle Miner Z. It has quite a bit of blocks, items, weapons, etc. So even when comparing MC to CMZ on xbox, I notice how simple, and lacking MC is. Like, "I wish MC had this". I love Minecraft, but...i get bored. lol
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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