• 0

    posted a message on Help with Armor Rendering
    Quote from Epic1337Spartan

    i just solved the problem by replacing with some of my old code, now to isolate it and give u a solution

    here is the code i have changed, just note that i have changed your redarmor textures to some generic armor textures i used so i could make sure all the armor rendered properly. just change the names of the armor back to what it was

    Main Mod File

    package SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod;
    import net.minecraft.block.Block;
    import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumToolMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.Item;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumHelper;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
    import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
    @Mod(modid = RedstoneModInfo.ID, name = RedstoneModInfo.NAME, version = RedstoneModInfo.VERS)
    @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false)
    public class RedstoneMod
    //Redstone Material
    public static EnumArmorMaterial redarmor = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Redstone", 40 , new int[]{5, 10, 8, 5}, 25);
    //Redstone Armor
    public final static Item redHelm = new RedArmor(4506, redarmor, 5, 0).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneHelmet");
    public final static Item redChest = new RedArmor(4507, redarmor, 5, 1).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneChestplate");
    public final static Item redLeg = new RedArmor(4508, redarmor, 5, 2).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneLeggings");
    public final static Item redBoot = new RedArmor(4509, redarmor, 5, 3).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneBoots");
    // The instance of your mod that Forge uses.
    public static RedstoneMod instance;
    // Says where the client and server 'proxy' code is loaded.
    @SidedProxy(clientSide = RedstoneModInfo.CLIENTPROXY + "ClientProxy", serverSide = RedstoneModInfo.COMMONPROXY + "CommonProxy")
    public static CommonProxy proxy;
    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
    	 // Stub Method
    public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)
    	 ItemStack redIngot = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneIngot);
    	 ItemStack diamond = new ItemStack(Item.diamond);
    	 ItemStack redstone = new ItemStack(Item.redstone);
    	 ItemStack stick = new ItemStack(Item.stick);
    	 ItemStack redSword = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneSword);
    	 ItemStack redAxe = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneAxe);
    	 ItemStack redSpade = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneSpade);
    	 ItemStack redHoe = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneHoe);
    	 ItemStack redPick = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstonePickaxe);
    	 //Test Armor
    	 GameRegistry.registerItem(redHelm, "redstoneHelmet");
    	 LanguageRegistry.addName(redHelm, "Redstone Helmet");
    	 GameRegistry.registerItem(redChest, "redstoneChestplate");
    	 LanguageRegistry.addName(redChest, "Redstone Chestplate");
    	 GameRegistry.registerItem(redLeg, "redstoneLeggings");
    	 LanguageRegistry.addName(redLeg, "Redstone Leggings");
    	 GameRegistry.registerItem(redBoot, "redstoneBoots");
    	 LanguageRegistry.addName(redBoot, "Redstone Boots");
    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event)
    	 // Stub Method

    RedArmor File

    package SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod;
    import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
    import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
    public class RedArmor extends ItemArmor {
    public RedArmor(int par1, EnumArmorMaterial par2EnumArmorMaterial, int par3, int par4) {
    super(par1, par2EnumArmorMaterial, par3, par4);
    public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer) {
    if (stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redHelm.itemID || stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redChest.itemID || stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redBoot.itemID) {
    return "basemod:textures/armor/titaniumArmor_1.png";
    if (stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redLeg.itemID) {
    return "basemod:textures/armor/titaniumArmor_2.png";
    else {
    return null;
    public void registerIcons(IconRegister reg) {
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redHelm.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("basemod:titaniumHelmet");
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redChest.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("basemod:titaniumChestplate");
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redLeg.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("basemod:titaniumLeggings");
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redBoot.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("basemod:titaniumBoots");

    Thank you - I don't have the chance to check it out now but ill make sure I get back to you tomorrow!
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with Armor Rendering
    Quote from Epic1337Spartan

    i dont know why your original code isnt working, as its the same as mine.
    Double check it for tiny mistakes that you might have made; i have encountered that problem a lot more than i would like to have, but hey, thats coding

    Ok, I've made a few edits - No success. Im now just giving out the code and the textures in hope someone will download them and fix them.

    Click here to download it.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with Armor Rendering
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with creating mod(s).
    I usually just look through the minecraft forums request page but you have to get pretty good for most of those. Otherwise, think something up.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with creating mod(s).
    Quote from rajpop565

    I booked marked these people, I also need ideas, and some others options, because what if (MODDERNAME) doesn't have a tutorial on how to (SOME PART OF MODDING), I have other options to choose from!

    I usually come to here when kenneth doesnt have a video - After searching youtube of course
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with creating mod(s).
    I recommend kennethbgoodin - You learn in 1.6.4 but he has a video that teaches you how to update to 1.7.X
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with Armor Rendering

    Quote from mightydanp

    this code is wrong
    case 1:
    this.texturePath += type + "redArmor_1";
    this.iconPath +=type + "redChest";break;

    do not change it unless you want the armour to have its own class
    the code should be like this
    private void SetArmorType(String type, int par4){switch(par4){
    case 0:this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1.png";this.iconPath +=type + "_helmet";
    case 1:this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1.png";this.iconPath +=type + "_chest";
    case 2:this.texturePath += type + "_layer_2.png";this.iconPath +=type + "_leggings";
    case 3:this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1.png";this.iconPath +=type + "_boots";

    for me to help you even more can you provide me your console log that shows up when you start running the game

    OK, I did what you said - I renamed the texture files to _chest and _layer_1 - Still not working.

    package SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
    import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
    import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
    import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
    import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
    public class RedArmor extends ItemArmor{
    private String texturePath = RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":" + "textures/model/armor/";
    private String iconPath = (RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":");
    public RedArmor(int par1, EnumArmorMaterial par2EnumArmorMaterial, int par3, int par4, String type) {
    super(par1, par2EnumArmorMaterial, par3, par4);
    this.SetArmorType(type.toLowerCase(), par4);
    // 0 = helmet
    // 1 = chestplate
    // 2 = leggings
    // 3 = boots
    private void SetArmorType(String type, int par4){
    case 0:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_helmet";
    case 1:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_chest";
    case 2:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_2";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_leggings";
    case 3:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_boots";
    public void registerIcons(IconRegister register){
    itemIcon = register.registerIcon(RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":" + this.getUnlocalizedName().substring(this.getUnlocalizedName().indexOf(".")+1));
    public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer){
    return this.texturePath;

    Feb 15, 2014 1:17:45 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
    INFO: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
    Feb 15, 2014 1:17:45 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
    INFO: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
    Feb 15, 2014 1:17:45 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
    INFO: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.6.4 loading
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.6.0_65, running on Mac OS X:x86_64:10.8.5, installed at /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Managed to load a deobfuscated Minecraft name- we are in a deobfuscated environment. Skipping runtime deobfuscation
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The binary patch set is missing. Either you are in a development environment, or things are not going to work!
    2014-02-15 13:17:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
    2014-02-15 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 110 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg
    2014-02-15 13:17:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
    2014-02-15 13:17:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
    2014-02-15 13:17:46 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Setting user: Player590
    2014-02-15 13:17:47 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] LWJGL Version: 2.9.0
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.953 Initialized
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.953 Initialized
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Replaced 112 ore recipies
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Reading custom logging properties from /Users/ginimars/Desktop/MC Mods/mcp811/forge/mcp/jars/config/logging.properties
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [OFF] [ForgeModLoader] Logging level for ForgeModLoader logging is set to ALL
    2014-02-15 13:17:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Searching /Users/ginimars/Desktop/MC Mods/mcp811/forge/mcp/jars/mods for mods
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has identified 5 mods to load
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [mcp] Activating mod mcp
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [FML] Activating mod FML
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [Forge] Activating mod Forge
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [Redstone Mod] Activating mod Redstone Mod
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [Basic] Activating mod Basic
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [WARNING] [RedstoneMod] Mod RedstoneMod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [WARNING] [Basic] Mod Basic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:RedstoneMod, FMLFileResourcePack:Basic
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Registering Forge Packet Handler
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Succeeded registering Forge Packet Handler
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedstoneIngot with ID 759 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedstoneSword with ID 4756 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedstoneAxe with ID 4757 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedstoneSpade with ID 4758 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedstoneHoe with ID 4759 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedstonePickaxe with ID 4760 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.MSProj with ID 4761 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedArmor with ID 4762 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedArmor with ID 4763 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedArmor with ID 4764 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod.RedArmor with ID 4765 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tutorial.basic.GenericItem with ID 5256 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tutorial.basic.GenericItem with ID 5257 owned by mod Redstone Mod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:50 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tutorial.basic.GenericSword with ID 5258 owned by mod Basic, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_501_genericOre.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneBoots.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneHelmet.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneLeggings.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneChestplate.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 5 mods
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [WARNING] [RedstoneMod] Mod RedstoneMod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [WARNING] [Basic] Mod Basic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:RedstoneMod, FMLFileResourcePack:Basic
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneBoots.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneHelmet.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneLeggings.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: redstonemod:textures/items/redstoneChestplate.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:51 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_501_genericOre.png
    2014-02-15 13:17:52 [INFO] [STDOUT]
    2014-02-15 13:17:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] Starting up SoundSystem...
    2014-02-15 13:17:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
    2014-02-15 13:17:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
    2014-02-15 13:17:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] OpenAL initialized.
    2014-02-15 13:17:52 [INFO] [STDOUT]
    2014-02-15 13:17:53 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Realms: Server not available!
    2014-02-15 13:17:53 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Stopping!
    2014-02-15 13:17:53 [INFO] [STDOUT]
    2014-02-15 13:17:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] SoundSystem shutting down...
    2014-02-15 13:17:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com
    2014-02-15 13:17:53 [INFO] [STDOUT]
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with Armor Rendering
    Quote from mightydanp

    Try using this

    public class ItemCustomArmor extends ItemArmor{
    private String texturePath = References.MODID + ":" + "textures/model/armor/";
    private String iconPath = (References.MODID + ":");
    public ItemCustomArmor(int par1, EnumArmorMaterial par2EnumArmorMaterial, int par3, int par4, String type) {
    super(par1, par2EnumArmorMaterial, par3, par4);
    this.SetArmorType(type.toLowerCase(), par4);
    // 0 = helmet
    // 1 = chestplate
    // 2 = leggings
    // 3 = boots
    private void SetArmorType(String type, int par4){
    case 0:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1.png";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_helmet";
    case 1:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1.png";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_chest";
    case 2:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_2.png";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_leggings";
    case 3:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1.png";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_boots";
    public void registerIcons(IconRegister register){
    itemIcon = register.registerIcon(References.MODID + ":" + this.getUnlocalizedName().substring(this.getUnlocalizedName().indexOf(".")+1));
    public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer){
    return this.texturePath;

    Ok, so its still not working and now the chestplate Item texture is also gone.

    When I added your code my definers (In main class) said that they needed a string - I didnt know what to put so I just put "redarmor". It seemed to take it but I dont know if it was right.

    Updated Code:

    package SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod;
    import net.minecraft.block.Block;
    import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumToolMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.Item;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumHelper;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
    import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
    @Mod(modid = RedstoneModInfo.ID, name = RedstoneModInfo.NAME, version = RedstoneModInfo.VERS)
    @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false)
    public class RedstoneMod
    //Redstone Material
    public static EnumToolMaterial redstone = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Redstone", 3, 2000, 8.0F, 8.0F, 25);
    public static EnumArmorMaterial redarmor = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Redstone", 40 , new int[]{5, 10, 8, 5}, 25);
    public static EnumToolMaterial msproj = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("MSProj", 999, 9999, 999, 999, 999);
    public static EnumToolMaterial quinn = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Quinn", 99999, 99999, 99999, 99999, 99999);
    //Redstone Tools
    public final static Item redstoneSword = new RedstoneSword(4500, redstone);
    public final static Item redstoneAxe = new RedstoneAxe(4501, redstone);
    public final static Item redstoneSpade = new RedstoneSpade(4502, redstone);
    public final static Item redstoneHoe = new RedstoneHoe(4503, redstone);
    public final static Item redstonePickaxe = new RedstonePickaxe(4504, redstone);
    public final static Item msprojSword = new MSProj(4505, msproj);
    //Redstone Armor
    public final static Item redHelm = new RedArmor(4506, redarmor, 5, 0, "redarmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneHelmet");
    public final static Item redChest = new RedArmor(4507, redarmor, 5, 1, "redArmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneChestplate");
    public final static Item redLeg = new RedArmor(4508, redarmor, 5, 2, "redArmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneLeggings");
    public final static Item redBoot = new RedArmor(4509, redarmor, 5, 3, "redArmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneBoots");
    //Redstone Item
    public static final Item redstoneIngot = new RedstoneIngot(503);
    // The instance of your mod that Forge uses.
    public static RedstoneMod instance;
    // Says where the client and server 'proxy' code is loaded.
    @SidedProxy(clientSide = RedstoneModInfo.CLIENTPROXY + "ClientProxy", serverSide = RedstoneModInfo.COMMONPROXY + "CommonProxy")
    public static CommonProxy proxy;
    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
         // Stub Method
    public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)
         ItemStack redIngot = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneIngot);
         ItemStack diamond = new ItemStack(Item.diamond);
         ItemStack redstone = new ItemStack(Item.redstone);
         ItemStack stick = new ItemStack(Item.stick);
         ItemStack redSword = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneSword);
         ItemStack redAxe = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneAxe);
         ItemStack redSpade = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneSpade);
         ItemStack redHoe = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneHoe);
         ItemStack redPick = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstonePickaxe);
         //Redstone Ingot
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneIngot, "redstoneItem");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneIngot, "Redstone Ingot");
         GameRegistry.addRecipe(redIngot, "***", "*A*", "***", '*', redstone, 'A', diamond);
         //Redstone Sword
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneSword, "redstoneSword");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneSword, "Redstone Sword");
         GameRegistry.addRecipe(redSword, " * ", " * ", "*A*", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick);
         //Redstone Axe
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneAxe, "redstoneAxe");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneAxe, "Redstone Axe");
         GameRegistry.addRecipe(redAxe, "*A*", "*A ", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick);
         //Redstone Spade (Shovel)
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneSpade, "redstoneSpade");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneSpade, "Redstone Spade");
         GameRegistry.addRecipe(redSpade, " * ", "*A*", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick );
         //Redstone Hoe
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneHoe, "redstoneHoe");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneHoe, "Redstone Hoe");
         GameRegistry.addRecipe(redHoe, "** ", " A*", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick);
         //Redstone Pickaxe
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redstonePickaxe, "redstonePickaxe");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redstonePickaxe, "Redstone Pickaxe");
         GameRegistry.addRecipe(redPick, "***", "*A*", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick );
         //Test Armor
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redHelm, "redstoneHelmet");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redHelm, "Redstone Helmet");
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redChest, "redstoneChestplate");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redChest, "Redstone Chestplate");
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redLeg, "redstoneLeggings");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redLeg, "Redstone Leggings");
         GameRegistry.registerItem(redBoot, "redstoneBoots");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(redBoot, "Redstone Boots");
         //MS Project
         GameRegistry.registerItem(msprojSword, "msprojSword");
         LanguageRegistry.addName(msprojSword, "MS Project");
    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event)
         // Stub Method

    Definers (Excerpt from main class)
    //Redstone Armor
    public final static Item redHelm = new RedArmor(4506, redarmor, 5, 0, "redarmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneHelmet");
    public final static Item redChest = new RedArmor(4507, redarmor, 5, 1, "redArmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneChestplate");
    public final static Item redLeg = new RedArmor(4508, redarmor, 5, 2, "redArmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneLeggings");
    public final static Item redBoot = new RedArmor(4509, redarmor, 5, 3, "redArmor").setUnlocalizedName("redstoneBoots");

    RedArmor Class
    package SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
    import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
    import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
    import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
    import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
    public class RedArmor extends ItemArmor{
    private String texturePath = RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":" + "textures/model/armor/";
    private String iconPath = (RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":");
    public RedArmor(int par1, EnumArmorMaterial par2EnumArmorMaterial, int par3, int par4, String type) {
    super(par1, par2EnumArmorMaterial, par3, par4);
    this.SetArmorType(type.toLowerCase(), par4);
    // 0 = helmet
    // 1 = chestplate
    // 2 = leggings
    // 3 = boots
    private void SetArmorType(String type, int par4){
    case 0:
    this.texturePath += type + "redArmor_1";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_helmet";
    case 1:
    this.texturePath += type + "redArmor_1";
    this.iconPath +=type + "redChest";
    case 2:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_2.png";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_leggings";
    case 3:
    this.texturePath += type + "_layer_1.png";
    this.iconPath +=type + "_boots";
    public void registerIcons(IconRegister register){
    itemIcon = register.registerIcon(RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":" + this.getUnlocalizedName().substring(this.getUnlocalizedName().indexOf(".")+1));
    public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer){
    return this.texturePath;
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help with Armor Rendering
    Hello Guys, I've gotten into mod developing and I need help completing my first mod; the Redstone Mod. Anyways, I've ran into a little problem with rendering my armor. I've got the ITEM texture working fine (I've just only finished the chestplate texture) but Im trying to fix the texture when its on my body.

    The current textures are in: /Desktop/MC Mods/mcp811/forge/mcp/eclipse/Minecraft/bin/assets/redstonemod/textures/models/armor/redArmor_1

    (redArmor_2 isnt finished yet)

    Main Class:
    package SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod;
    import net.minecraft.block.Block;
    import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumToolMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.Item;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumHelper;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
    import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
    @Mod(modid = RedstoneModInfo.ID, name = RedstoneModInfo.NAME, version = RedstoneModInfo.VERS)
    @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false)
    public class RedstoneMod
        //Redstone Material
        public static  EnumToolMaterial redstone = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Redstone", 3, 2000, 8.0F, 8.0F, 25);
        public static EnumArmorMaterial redarmor = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Redstone", 40 , new int[]{5, 10, 8, 5}, 25);
        public static EnumToolMaterial msproj = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("MSProj", 999, 9999, 999, 999, 999);
        //Redstone Tools
        public final static Item redstoneSword = new RedstoneSword(4500, redstone);
        public final static Item redstoneAxe = new RedstoneAxe(4501, redstone);
        public final static Item redstoneSpade = new RedstoneSpade(4502, redstone);
        public final static Item redstoneHoe = new RedstoneHoe(4503, redstone);
        public final static Item redstonePickaxe = new RedstonePickaxe(4504, redstone);
        public final static Item msprojSword = new MSProj(4505, msproj);
        //Redstone Armor
        public final static Item redHelm = new RedArmor(4506, redarmor, 5, 0).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneHelmet");
        public final static Item redChest = new RedArmor(4507, redarmor, 5, 1).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneChestplate");
        public final static Item redLeg = new RedArmor(4508, redarmor, 5, 2).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneLeggings");
        public final static Item redBoot = new RedArmor(4509, redarmor, 5, 3).setUnlocalizedName("redstoneBoots");
        //Redstone Item
        public static final Item redstoneIngot = new RedstoneIngot(503);
        // The instance of your mod that Forge uses.
        public static RedstoneMod instance;
        // Says where the client and server 'proxy' code is loaded.
        @SidedProxy(clientSide = RedstoneModInfo.CLIENTPROXY + "ClientProxy", serverSide = RedstoneModInfo.COMMONPROXY + "CommonProxy")
        public static CommonProxy proxy;
        public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
            // Stub Method
        public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)
            ItemStack redIngot = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneIngot);
            ItemStack diamond = new ItemStack(Item.diamond);
            ItemStack redstone = new ItemStack(Item.redstone);
            ItemStack stick = new ItemStack(Item.stick);
            ItemStack redSword = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneSword);
            ItemStack redAxe = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneAxe);
            ItemStack redSpade = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneSpade);
            ItemStack redHoe = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstoneHoe);
            ItemStack redPick = new ItemStack(RedstoneMod.redstonePickaxe);
            //Redstone Ingot
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneIngot, "redstoneItem");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneIngot, "Redstone Ingot");
            GameRegistry.addRecipe(redIngot, "***", "*A*", "***", '*', redstone, 'A', diamond);
            //Redstone Sword
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneSword, "redstoneSword");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneSword, "Redstone Sword");
            GameRegistry.addRecipe(redSword, " * ", " * ", "*A*", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick);
            //Redstone Axe
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneAxe, "redstoneAxe");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneAxe, "Redstone Axe");
            GameRegistry.addRecipe(redAxe, "*A*", "*A ", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick);
            //Redstone Spade (Shovel)
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneSpade, "redstoneSpade");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneSpade, "Redstone Spade");
            GameRegistry.addRecipe(redSpade, " * ", "*A*", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick );
            //Redstone Hoe
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneHoe, "redstoneHoe");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redstoneHoe, "Redstone Hoe");
            GameRegistry.addRecipe(redHoe, "** ", " A*", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick);
            //Redstone Pickaxe
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redstonePickaxe, "redstonePickaxe");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redstonePickaxe, "Redstone Pickaxe");
            GameRegistry.addRecipe(redPick, "***", "*A*", " A ", '*', redIngot, 'A', stick );
            //Test Armor
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redHelm, "redstoneHelmet");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redHelm, "Redstone Helmet");
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redChest, "redstoneChestplate");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redChest, "Redstone Chestplate");
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redLeg, "redstoneLeggings");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redLeg, "Redstone Leggings");
            GameRegistry.registerItem(redBoot, "redstoneBoots");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(redBoot, "Redstone Boots");
            //MS Project
            GameRegistry.registerItem(msprojSword, "msprojSword");
            LanguageRegistry.addName(msprojSword, "MS Project");
        public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event)
            // Stub Method

    RedArmor Class:
    package SpectrumCrafter.redstonemod;
    import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
    import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
    import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
    public class RedArmor extends ItemArmor {
    public RedArmor(int par1, EnumArmorMaterial par2EnumArmorMaterial,
    int par3, int par4) {
    super(par1, par2EnumArmorMaterial, par3, par4);
    public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot,
    int layer) {
    if (stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redHelm.itemID
    || stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redChest.itemID
    || stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redBoot.itemID) {
    return RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":textures/armor/redArmor_1";
    if (stack.itemID == RedstoneMod.redLeg.itemID) {
    return RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":textures/armor/redArmor_2";
    } else {
    return null;
    public void registerIcons(IconRegister reg) { // Make sure to import IconRegister!
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redChest.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon(RedstoneModInfo.NAME.toLowerCase() + ":redChest"); // You can also replace blockID and blockIcon with itemID and itemIcon
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redLeg.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("redLeg"); // You can also replace blockID and blockIcon with itemID and itemIcon
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redBoot.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("redBoot"); // You can also replace blockID and blockIcon with itemID and itemIcon
    if (itemID == RedstoneMod.redHelm.itemID) {
    this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("redHelm"); // You can also replace blockID and blockIcon with itemID and itemIcon

    Thanks in advance!
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Advanced Genetics Mod
    Ahhhhh! Help me! The dna analyser doesnt do anything! I put zombie scales in and it just sits there! help! This mod could be amazing!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Nether Extended Mod
    Nether Extended Mod

    I have created my first mod for Minecraft 1.6.2.

    The story is that the Nether realm has begun to leak into the real world.
    This mod adds a new ore known as Nether Fragment.
    You use this Nether fragment which is rare to create the Nether chunk
    This Nether chunk can be made into armor and tools that are faster than creative mode.










    Together the armor has a protection of 2000. (Diamond about 1560)




    Has 2000 uses.
    Does 11 Hearts of damage.



    Has 2000 uses
    Destroys blocks faster than creative mode. (Stone, ores, etc)


    (Sorry for small size idk what happened)


    2000 uses
    Fast as creative mode.

    (Sorry again for small size)



    Send bugs and questions to [email protected]

    Only found bug - Armor textures pop up as black and purple squares ONLY IN INVENTORY.



    First install Minecraft forge (Google tutorial)

    Go to %appdata%


    Place mod into mods folder.

    Have fun!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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