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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I can't seem to complete the first research option in Auromancy, Basic Thaumaturgy. I'm on the last stage that requires me to make the fire/touch focus but the one listed that I need to make does 4.4 damage and I keep creating foci that do 5 damage...

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Does anyone know what the exact dimensions for aerial transfusion are? The Thauminomicon just says 16 blocks, so does that mean it's 16x16x16 square?

    Edit: Also, I found a bug!

    A fire charge?

    I found this while flying around with my harness... It can be scanned but I learn nothing from it. I have goggles on and see no aspects. Periodically, it also catches flame, like a Ghast fireball, but very briefly. There's another one nearby that ignites simultaneously. I'm 99% sure that this is a fireball cast by a Crimson Cult mage as I had done some fighting not too far from this area. Both items are stationary in the air and flying into/through them does nothing.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Taint is currently pretty frustrating to research and craft with right now. Finding naturally tainted shards is extremely tedious as currently you have to go find a tainted node, make sure it has grass around it (so it can start to spread taint) and then wait near the chunk so it stays loaded for the taint to start spreading and growing.

    It's not even terribly dangerous anymore either. 90% of all my tainted node encounters cause only 1-3 chunks to taint, resulting in very square blocks of taint that will not spread past a defined point. I mostly see tentacles, rarely corrupted wildlife or the taint worm things. And tentacles are laughably easy to fight as you can just stand right outside of the small taint area and shoot them with arrows/ranged foci. Taint just doesn't feel dangerous or interesting right now, more like an unrewarding slog I need to get through (or as it is lately, go afk while I wait for taint biomes to form) to get to the fun stuff.

    I feel like taint would be much less frustrating to craft/research with (and more reasonably deadly) if it spawned as entire biomes again.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Some feedback. Mid game Alchemy research spoilers below!

    Aerial Essentia Transfusion is really fun! Sometimes I'm tempted to craft the more complicated items with the automatic crucible just for the wispy light show.

    Using tubes with the automated crucible and aerial transfusion causes some trouble however due to the nature of pipes applying suction from the crucible. The emptying transfuser tends to drain the needed essentia plus 1 for every pipe between the transfuser and the crucible, causing all the connected pipes to fill up with 1 essenta of whatever was last requested by the crucible, blocking the system until you rebuild the pipes or attach some method of draining the pipes.

    So far I've avoided this problem by just attaching the transfuser directly to the crucible, but that requires my storage room to be connected to or apart of my crucible room. Not sure if it's intended or not but just an fyi that it can be a little bit of a pain.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I've not really checked out the new golems yet, does anyone have any good uses/suggestions for them? I'm a little lost without the obvious uses (such as the farming/fishing seals) and having some trouble figuring out uses on my own.The new modifications, such as flight/climbing, seem really cool as well but I've also not been able to think of much of a use for them.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I know he's aware of the issue but until Azanor fixes it (if he decides to) does anyone have any tips for getting Auram? Seriously having trouble getting it. Can't even find any wisps.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Having trouble finding (or creating) tainted shards, anyone have any tips?

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I've always meant to ask this, but why are there no Thaumium Fortress boots? It's always driven me crazy that I can't have a complete set haha.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    Has anyone found a good use for the Dioptra yet? It looks really cool but I can't make heads or tails of it at the moment. Looks like it's going to be a decoration only block for now.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I don't know if it's intended but Ordo is extremely easy to get now. Since Chiseled Stone Brick is craftable now and gives 1 Ordo and 1 Terra, you can basically get as much Ordo as you want as long as you have Cobblestone and fuel.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I'm having a lot of fun with the new TC and the new 1.8 features. (I never really played 1.8 since it didn't work with Thaumcraft!) I'm a little sad to see infusion enchanting go, entirely because it means I have less usage for infusion, which is my favorite TC system.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    With the new poll up, I thought I would offer up my opinion on the systems of TC2/TC3/TC4.

    Some of the things I liked about TC2:

    • The Taint! Seriously, Taint was established to me as being a big part of TC2 and now in TC4, it's darn near pointless. Taintifying your home seemed like a real threat where the only thing taint/flux wise I seem to have to worry about in TC4 is having clouds and puddles that ruin the aesthetic appeal of a room. Taint just doesn't seem like an everlooming threat in TC4 like it did in TC2. I've also very, VERY rarely seen anything in the taint other than the swarms. Tainted creepers, villagers, pigs etc. all still exist but I almost never see them. I also recall the Taint being more valuable in TC2, The only thing the Taint offers you now is Lucrum (Which you can easily get from a ton of other sources, including renewable mana beans) and the stuff needed to make Taint items like the Vial of Liquid Taint (Which seems pointless to me, just makes a really tiny patch that doesn't due anything.) and the Eternal Bloom. (Which also seems pointless to me as the Taint isn't even a danger to me in TC4 from what I've experienced.) One of my fondest memories is making a home in a forest and going outside in TC2 after a round of crafting and research and noticing a rather strange tree... Which came alive and attacked me! It was then that I started to fear the Taint and I began efforts to curb it.
    • Liquid Vis and liquid Flux were simple and gave you another aspect to crafting rather than "Gather this, put it in a grid and click" like a lot of other mods do.
    • Resource storage was, to me, fun. I liked planning how to build my tank storage area and then engineering a piping system to deliver vis and flux where it needed to be without ruining the aesthetic of my designed home. Nothing filled me with pride more than developing a pleasing first floor with devices in their own rooms/sanctuaries and then having a haphazard basement filled with tubes and tanks like a mad scientists's laboratory.
    • The Seals were a LOT of fun. The ability to combine them for different effects was confusing and hard to keep track of but I really liked the idea of magical constructs (I liked making pillars with chiseled blocks at the top where I placed the seals!) to do various things.
    • The Eldritch Obelisks with the massive rooms near the bottom of the map were fun. It was exciting to find one and do the little puzzle and drop down for loot. I also enjoyed using the blocks as decoration, something that you can't do as much of with TC4's obelisks.
    There are a few things I also didn't like about TC2. Notably, the research was very boring and felt pointless. Get a cobble generator and stuff a bunch of cobble and paper in there. However, I'm also not too much of a fan of how TC4's research is much more involved although I appreciate that it makes each discovery feel more valuable and also delays the game from advancing too quickly. Back on the topic of TC2, I also didn't like how you got Vis, by melting down objects. Again, cobble generator into the crucible, doesn't seem very interesting. I like the power systems of TC4, notably how they rely on the primal aspects. (I'm not too much of a fan of compound aspects outside of research.)

    I can't really say much about TC3 as it didn't seem to stick around long! I definitely didn't like the various wands used, I prefer it as it is now with the wand being a multi-purpose tool capable of different feats using wand foci. The nodes were an interesting fusion between TC2 and TC3 systems, originating from a fixed point but permeating an area rather than requiring direct interaction. That being said, I still wasn't a huge fan of them, especially if you wanted to move one. It seemed much more simple to move your constructs and housing to the node if you wanted physical access to it rather than try moving it to you. Despite fusing some of the things I like most about TC4 and TC2 nodes, something about TC3 nodes just seems off putting. I also liked the visual of the Arcane Infuser (Or whatever the four stones that made your wand float.) although I prefer the Arcane Workbench mechanically.

    Some things I like about TC4:

    • The wand system. I like how it works off of an internal energy source rather than just passively draining from the area. The foci are also really fun!
    • Resource management. Again, same thing with TC2, I like having the warded jars (And later the reservoirs) of essentia hanging around for things. However, I do think that there are way too many types of essentia for crafting. It feels really weird to have essentia like Pannus, Gelum, Victus, Fanes, Arbor and more around when their only purpose as far as the essentia crafting system seems to be the centrifuge to be broken down. Crafting in general is also discouraging with so many types of essentia. It's not so bad when crafting something requires a valuable essentia that I'm liable to have a lot of on hand (Potentia, Ordo etc.) but it's a pain in the butt to manage 40-50 types of essentia when only 6-12 are often useful. It's also a pain getting swarmed with essentia such as Machina, Terra and Ignis because they come hand in hand with other types of essentia that I need while I feel starved for Aqua.
    • Infusion. I absolutely love Infusion. Not only does it look cool but it's also quite rewarding to gather all sorts of items together and the needed essentia and then flick my wand and watch the magic happen. Infusion is, by far, the best crafting system I've ever seen in a game. Infusion Enchanting is also a better designed method of enchanting than the TC2 enchanter was.
    • The Thauminomicon. I didn't truly appreciate it until I started trying Ars Magica 2 over the weekend. The in game book for that mod is a bit of a pain and has broken links or things that should be links but aren't. It also suffers from a lack of clarity in several aspects. With online documentation low, it was a bit frustrating.
    • Infused Node power sources. I like creating what is basically a magical nuclear reactor. I also enjoy running the relays through my home and powering devices with it. However, the infused nodes seem to completely invalidate the wand recharge pedestal and the advanced/regular stabilizers. Why bother gathering nodes to feed a larger one for wand recharging purposes when I can just rip one open with much less crafting and then recharge my wand with CV?
    • The Eldritch. Seriously, the first time I saw a Guardian, I was terrified. Heck, they still creep me out. The other side of the obelisks is just as equally terrifying. It's not often a question of being able when it comes to the Eldritch and me, but being willing.
    • Warp as a method of furthering research. However, I do NOT like Warp as a disruptive event. The only ones that don't detract from my experience are the the Eldritch visitations and I think that could be handled without tying it to Warp. As it stands now, Warp is basically just annoying rather than dangerous or scary and can most of the time be ignored. Heck, even the Eldritch visitations can be ignored sometimes.
    • I'd like to note that I'm not a huge fan of Golems. They can be very useful and I've been using them a lot but having most of the functionality of seals tied to an entity is a pain in the butt sometimes. I'd much rather have rigid systems that can reliably function (And reliably break) rather than a system where I show up to my base and wonder why I no longer have a golem or traveling trunk anymore. An example of what I'm talking about would be alchemy golems organizing essentia vs. a pipe system. The golem can and will try to run through a wall rather than going around a corner to get to another room and also has a tendency to use the nearest empty jar if there's no labeled jar available, regardless if there's a jar with that essentia within already. On the other hand, I can just make some pipes and attach them to the top of my crucible and pipe the essentia directly to my storage, giving me complete and consistent control over how the essentia gets to where it needs to be. (Since it has to travel along the paths of my pipes rather than rely on a golem to path between items.)
    Anyways, I just wanted to share my opinion in case it helps. I'm really looking forward to what could be possible in the future!
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    I have a question and then I'd like to offer my thoughts on something...

    First of all, there are 3-4 different infusion enchantments in my Thauminomicon labeled as just "Protection", each with different resources/xp required. What's the difference between these? I want to put protection on my boots and chest, which one would I use?

    Secondly... (Spoilers for mid-late game Thaumcraft below!)

    I'm pretty happy with how Essentia Reservoirs work at the moment. With a little piping, especially with directional pipes, I've hooked my distillation into my reservoirs and crucible system. Thanks to how suction works (It seems Reservoirs have less suction than jars.) it was also very simple to rig up a refilling station for jars. I've got a 9x9 room that allows me to store all my jars on the side of the 3x3 walkway through the center as well as a chest and essentia mirror. At the end, I have my little refilling station which is simply a pipe hooked into the reservoirs. If a jar needs refilling, I just place it under the pipe in the station and I have a full jar (Assuming my reservoirs have the essentia at least) in a few seconds! It even works with unlabeled jars, although there's not much point in that without filtered tubes.

    Trying to construct a similar system for piping into the reservoirs is not so simple however. Unfortunately, there's no way to force essentia out of a jar at the moment. I had a successful system using two bellows, a buffer and a lot of redstone but it was quite a hassle. Thankfully, an alchemy golem can easily be made to empty a jar placed in a certain spot into all of my reservoirs. Still, to match my filling station, it would be nice if there was someway to force essentia out of a jar. It feels a bit weird to have an extensive and sophisticated piping system yet still need a golem for a fairly simple task.

    I'll admit that the reservoirs didn't seem to be useful at all when I first made one but a little bit of construction and experimentation has proven the opposite!
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    I voted that there's just the right amount of essentia but truth is that I feel there could be a few less. Some have no use as far as I know at the moment (Tempesta) and there are a few that don't seem too necessary, such as Gelum, Limus, Iter, Sano (Although Sano is primarily used to add rarity it seems) and a few others. But I think there are far more that feel "right" than there are those that feel unnecessary.

    Anyways, I have a somewhat late game question...

    Does anyone have any recommendations for using Essentia Reservoirs? Currently I'm using a golem to move essentia from my furnace to storage and moving jars to my crucible for crafting. (I'm working on a proper storage room so I can set up mirrors for infusion.) Obviously, this isn't going to work due to the nature of my new discovery. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do? Is there a golem to deliver essentia to crucibles perhaps or some method to get them to use mirrors?. Or should I just start connecting pipers between my reservoirs now and future to my crucible?

    Lastly, is there any simple way to get essentia from a jar to a reservoir and vice versa? If anything, I was thinking about using reservoirs as what their name suggests: deep storage for excess essentia. Keep a few jars of Potentia on hand for crafting and flying but keep the rest of it in reservoirs for example. Problem is, I'm not having any luck getting it between the two, at least, not with pipes.

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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from maniamsmart»
    Does this mod make you lag? I have about 20 other mods installed, and I installed this one and I started lagging.

    After disabling several addons and testing things out, the latest TC4 update is definitely lowering my frames. With TC4 active, my frames drop by 10-15, getting worse as time goes on. I backed up my save and tested myself outside in the rain both with and without TC4. (But I've noticed low frames even without rain.)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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