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    posted a message on MeeCreeps: a mod inspired on the Rick & Morty series

    I cant get them to cut trees, and i cant get them to dig shafts either. Also, when you have a meecreep flattening a space and another meecreep illuminating, they tend to get into a small cycle and then they both dissapear, sometimes before their job is finished.

    What do you mean by 'you cant get them to do that'? Don't they give you the option or is the option not working? Note that for chopping a tree you have to select the side of the bottom log of the tree. And for digging a tunnel you have to select the side of the bottom block of the tunnel in the direction that you want the tunnel to go. Yes, having two MeeCreeps doing semi-conflicting tasks is a funny experience. Probably not going to fix that. They are not supposed to be perfect. Just little helpers
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MeeCreeps: a mod inspired on the Rick & Morty series

    MeeCreeps is a mod for 1.12 that adds two main features:

    • A mob (MeeCreep) that can do simple tasks for you. You spawn them using a CreepCube and when their job is done they disappear
    • A portalgun that creates a portal pair between two location. You can set up to 8 destinations in a gun and then from anywhere in the world (even in other dimensions) you can open a portal to such a location to go there. The portal pair disappears automatically after a short while

    The MeeCreep mob can do the following tasks (more are planned):

    • Chop a tree
    • Collect items on the ground
    • Place torches in dark spots
    • Dig a 3x3 tunnel (32 long) and collect all ores
    • Dig a shaft to bedrock placing ladders along the way
    • Build a 9x9 (or 11x11 or 13x13)
    • Build a platform
    • Flatten an area
    • Harvest (and replant) crops

    Some screenshots:

    The mod can be downloaded from:


    You are free to use this mod in any modpack. Feedback and suggestions always welcome

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The One Probe: show information about blocks in the world (1.3.3)
    Quote from Bynn»

    When i used your mod with MCA then look at they NPC, my client freeze (not crash) and the logger gone nut like this: https://pastebin.com/45ChHzwn

    That's a bug in radixcore
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The One Probe: show information about blocks in the world (1.3.3)
    Quote from Krumb1»

    This mod changes the tick rate of the game IF you use the same computer to run a server for multiplayer. Takes twice as long to cook things, smelt or eat. Mining takes longer and mobs move slower. I have not tested single player.

    Sorry but that's impossible and certainly not the case. TOP is used heavily in many packs including some very popular ones and this can't be caused by TOP. It simply doesn't do such things.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Lost Cities: a post apocalyptic city/world generator
    Quote from TensorTime»

    Ok one final last post. I've been playing around with this for a while now and it's starting to seem like I can't actually add anything to the palette that is shipped with the mod. I put together a pretty reasonable userassets.json with a single palette added, a new style, citystyles which inherit from citystyle_common and apply the new style, and a worldstyle which references the new citystyles. It runs just fine but depending upon what character I try and use to substitute for the block on the floor by changing the palette one a few things happen:

    1. I get air blocks with a ton of null pointer exceptions which seem to be coming from line 124 in the CompiledPalette.getStraight method when I try and use 'o'. I'm using that solely because it seems from the export functions that's what I should be trying to use

    2. I get some other block if I try and override any existing character in the palette (I've tried several different choices)

    I can't seem to find a character that works to change or add something to the palette, though I can build a custom structure just fine using only blocks from the embedded palette styles.

    Is it not a feature that we can change the palette around at all? Just trying to figure out if I'm banging my head against something I couldn't do in the first place :)



    This should certainly work. I've done it myself (for example with the chisel worldtype which uses another palette). I guess you must have made some mistake somewhere. Can you show me perhaps? Or explain in detail what exactly you did?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)
    Quote from Ieldra2»

    Is there any information about the power use of the shield projector, depending on the different shield options? I'm planning a solid shield approaching the maximum size for the tier 4 projector and I need to plan my power generation accordingly. I couldn't find any info on this.

    You can find this info in the config
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)

    Is there a machine that creates a redstone signal with RF?

    There is the power monitor. It monitors the amount of power in a machine and sends out a redstone signal if it exceeds some value. You can use that?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)
    Quote from baileyboy125»


    Is there a way to remove the lighting from shields? This is the corner of a solid black shield and it's clearly visible... is there any way for me to change this in-game (because this is on a server) so that it has the exact same colour all over?

    Hmm shields don't emit light. So not sure what effect you're seeing there.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Lost Cities: a post apocalyptic city/world generator
    Quote from bril01»

    Is there any way to configure BOP and use this mod? For example I would like to turn off the BOP dirt but if I select to use "The Lost Cities" world type I am not given an option to configure BOP. Now I noticed I can configure the biomes in the config, so are there any other BOP settings I can configure there as well?

    Can't you do this from the BOP config itself?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)

    New major release of RFTools for 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12:


    • Elevator changes:
      • Fixed elevator button modules sometimes not calculating the right floor for the last column of floors
      • The elevator can no longer move bedrock blocks or blocks that it is not allowed to break
      • Made the screen guis a bit more compact so that the elevator module's gui fits nicely

    • Shield changes:
      • It is now again possible to have the shield mimic other blocks (like in 1.7.10)
      • Fixed a bug where removing a shield block would leave most of the template blocks formed as shield blocks.

    • Builder changes:
      • Everything related to the Builder, Shields and all the new shape card related blocks is now documented in a new manual (Shape Manual)
      • Added redstone mode control (no longer needed to bring a lever)
      • There is now a 'restart' button in the gui of the builder to restart the scan for the Builder
      • New feature for the Builder to place liquids in the world (new type of shapecard). Needs a tank on top or below the builder to work

    • Shape cards:
      • New 'heart' form for shapecards (useful for Shield and Builder)
      • New 'cone' form for shapecards
      • The shapecard gui now shows a preview of the shapecard (same as the Composer and Scanner do). If the previewed area is bigger then 256x256x256 then this preview will not work due to performance reasons.
      • If you have a shapecard in your hand you can save the contents to a file using /rftshape save <filename>. Note that this will save the actual resulting data to the file. That means that if you save a primitive shape (like a box or torus) the end result will be the actual generated data. That means that if you load it again you will get a shapecard of type 'Scan' as if it came from a scanner. Similarly for a composed shapecard. Saving that will not save the actual formulas being used but only the end result
      • If you have a shapecard in your hand you can load the contents to a file using /rftshape load <filename>. This will result in a shapecard of type 'Scan'. Because of that you can only use this command if the shapecard in your hand is already linked to a Scanner. So to use this. Place a Scanner, insert a shapecard in it. Then remove that shapecard and load your data. The Scanner is automatically locked and will have the data

    • Major new features:
      • New 'scanner' block. With this block you can scan an area in the world and put the result in a shapecard. The scanner data is stored in the world/rftoolsscans folder. Note that a scanner gets an ID so only that scanner will be able to modify that scan. That's important if you want to change the scanned data for shapecards linked to that scan id. Note that a scan can take a while. Especially on big areas but progress is not remembered! Make sure the scanner tile entity doesn't get unloaded or it will have to start over!
      • Added 'rftshape listscans' command to list all available scans and their ids
      • New 'composer' block. With this block you can compose more complex shapes out of other shapecards. In contrast with the Scanner the composer does not need to remain for the composed shapecard to work. However, keep in mind that you cannot edit a composed shapecard unless you have the composer with the child shapecards still present! The composer can also work with shapecards containing a scan of an area (from the Scanner)
      • New 'projector' block. This block can project shapecards directly above it. It has various controls to scale and rotate this projection. It also has a 'grayscale' mode. This is useful in combination with the Locator as the colored beacons and markers are easier to see that way
      • New 'locator' block. Place this block on top of a scanner and then projectors projecting that scan will be able to show various information found by the Locator. The Locator can find passive mobs, hostile mobs, players (with or without name and nametags). In addition it can also find blocks that are low or high on energy. Note that looking for energy blocks only works for maximum 5x5 chunks as it is too expensive to calculate otherwise. The projector can show these markers as icons or with beacons. The color can be configured in the Locator
      • New 'modifier' item. This item can be used to modify the end result of the scanner by discarding some types of blocks or changing some types of blocks into other types. The modifier also supports the storage filter item
      • Using the Composer and Scanner it is possible that shapecards also contain block information (the Scanner will collect that block information from the world, possibly modified with a Modifier item, while the Composer has the ability to force shapes into using a certain block). The Shield and Builder will respect that block choice if possible. For the Shield you have to set the shield to 'mimic' mode for this to work. For the Builder you need the right materials in the inventory on top or below it.

    • Various:
      • The powercell statistics are now long instead of int to prevent overflow
      • In the storage scanner UI it is now possible to search for @mod and multiple words
      • Changed the default config so that that dimensional shards spawn in the nether and end even if RFTools dimensions is present
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)
    Quote from The_Strider»

    How's the dimension building in this compared to Mystcraft? Can it spawn mod blocks, mobs and biomes? Pros and cons? Are the dimensions as interesting?

    Also does it make random dimensions like Mystcraft? I'm considering using this one because Mystcraft doesn't seem to have support for Recurrent Complex.

    Yes, yes, yes. About interesting: my opinion is biased but rftools dimensions can have some really trippy effects.

    And yes, you can make random dimensions too.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)
    Quote from User_100103730»

    Running into a problem with the builder I've not encountered before... it has near infinite energy (over 3.5 million RF stored in a bank its connected to via cable with infinite capacity), it's always fully charged and it's connected to an output that has far more storage than it could possibly fill. It has a Shape Card (Clearing Quarry) in it set to Dimension 100,100,100 and Offset 55,0,0 and it works for a little while... but I've been letting it sit now for an entire night and it gets to Y level 44 of the first chunk and just stops working. No power use, no outputted materials... just dead. Am I doing something wrong?

    Can you see what block it stops at? i.e. go to where it last mined and see if there is something special there
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)
    Quote from Ieldra2»

    I'm currently playing around with RFTools in the DW20 1.10.2 pack and I have three questions:

    (1) When using shield projectors, I noticed that there is an unimplemented feature: make the shield blocks look like another block. I appear to recall that feature worked in the 1.7.10 version and I liked that quite a bit. Are there plans to reimplement it?

    Already reimplemented in the latest 7.00 which is still alpha.

    (2) When using storage filters with a quarry shape card in the builder, you can whitelist/blacklist the blocks you want to mine (Hey Direwolf20, this would've reduced power consumption quite a bit just by blacklisting stone/cobble, dirt etc. :D ). I tried to mine only yellorium and IC2 uranium ore, but caught other IC2 ores as well. I guess that's because IC2 uses metadata to distinguish between its ores. However, when I set the storage filter to match metadata, I mined absolutely nothing. Did I do something wrong?

    Hmm hard to say

    (3) I tried to create a yellorium ore material dimlet but the material absorber didn't work on the ore. Neither did it work on IC2 uranium. Is that an intentional config feature of the pack or the mod or is this a bug?

    By default material dimlets are no longer created automatically for every block in the game. You have to add those to the config manually
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on RFTools, Dimension Builder, Teleportation, Crafter, Screens, Builder, Spawner, Block Protector, Storage, and more (V7.00)
    Quote from TheWebExpert»

    Are you aware that your tutorial code at https://github.com/McJty/ModTutorials/tree/1.12 does not work? After removing the errors in the file caused by datablock, none of the blocks show up anywhere. I really, really need a mod tutorial showing how to create blocks - for 1.12.

    I apparently missed this but the tutorial does work. If it doesn't for you then it is likely you forgot something somewhere.

    Some progress on the scanner/projector:


    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Lost Cities: a post apocalyptic city/world generator
    Quote from Enderbass»

    My friend i and I are wanting to do a series using this mod, but would like cities to more rare than what they are in the "rare cities" configuration. In my opinion they are still quite common, but are rare compared to full world generation.

    Maybe cities being as rare as normal village spawn or maybe slightly less.

    You can create or modify a profile for this
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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