
About Me
Read on if you don't like my username having a "u" in it;

The origins of my nick name start way back when I fist started playing Halo: Combat Evolved. I kind of knew the back story to Halo, so I wanted to be "Master Chief" Turns out that didn't fit in the name creater. I had to settle on "Master Sarge" Then, when I laid my hands on Halo 2, I saw that you could be an Elite. They are the units above the cannon foder of the Covanant, Grunts. So, I changed my name to "Master Grunt" The reason this turned to "Mastur_Grunt" is to ensure that all my account info is the same, and nobody will force me to change my account names. There you have why my name has a "u" instead of the common "a"

Also check out Ace of Spades @

Profile Information

Minecraft Mastur_Grunt