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    posted a message on New Addon - Bio-Engineering by Kohldar

    Hi Everyone! I see there's quite a few views on my post. Would love to hear if anyone has downloaded the addon and played it in a survival world. Feel free to use this thread to ask any questions or share feedback. Thank you in advance!

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on New Addon - Bio-Engineering by Kohldar

    Hello fellow Minecrafters!

    I have just finished working on my version 1 of my addon, "Bio-Engineering". I'm releasing it to gain valuable feedback from the community. Be advised this addon only works on Windows 10 Bedrock. I have a wiki page that explains the addon and what has been added. Please use this thread to provide any feedback/questions/issues you'd like to share about the addon. The wiki page also has the download link at the top. I look forward to your suggestions and feedback!

    Wiki page - https://kohldar-minecraft-addons.azurewebsites.net/

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on Problems with creating a custom texture pack

    Looks to me that your texture doesn't have a transparent background (and is actually yellow instead of transparent).

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on Questions on Add-Ons

    1. Right now, everything is geared towards the creation of new entities/mobs. New blocks/items are not yet included.

    2. I'm not sure I understand what you mean here by "complicated designs". On Win 10 I think you can create a custom skin, but I don't think this is possible on Xbox.

    3. Not sure on Skins, but yes on Texture Packs. Check this out here - https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Add-on

    4. Again, not terribly sure, but my assumption here is that you provide a portfolio of assets you've created and/or sold. Not necessarily on Minecraft, but elsewhere. I think it's similar to applying for an artist position. You tell me you're an artist, then I want to see the work you've done. Again, not entirely sure of the process or exactly what they're looking for.

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on Resource-Packs / Add-ons: Can we use multiple at once yet?

    Dapper, I would only assume that if the creators of those packs have gone back and made the changes that this would be possible. However, I don't recall if 1.8 supported the new entities or if the coming 1.9 will.

    Theoretically, the answer is yes. If I created a dinosaurs pack that had new dinosaur entities and you created one that was let's say, Robots, by utilizing the new entities, we should be able to have dinosaurs, robots, and all the vanilla entities.

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on Blockbench - Making Custom Entity Models - Help?

    I have a similar problem with a new entity created using vanilla resources. I've submitted it on Jira, but haven't seen any updates yet. Although this was on the beta, so could just be an issue in Beta. Seems to work fine on 1.8.

    As for your scenario, are you creating new models for the dinosaurs or just changing the models for a mob to look like your newly created mob? If the latter, my guess is that the entity animation is putting the new "bones" in the spot for the vindicator or something along those lines.

    Posted in: Add-ons
  • 0

    posted a message on Resource Pack in Dedicated Bedrock Server problem

    Pretty sure that the current Alpha of the Dedicated Server doesn't support resource packs yet.

    Posted in: Add-ons
  • 1

    posted a message on PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! CRAFTING QUESTION

    Hold Shift and press left click ;)

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Request for a add-on

    Sinless, you are likely running into issues because Bedrock Add-ons are still limited to this day. In the current 1.9 Beta, we can only create new entities (mobs) and are still unable to add new items, blocks, recipes, etc. Until we get this functionality, likely impossible at this point to finish the add-on. That being said, you could still work on the visuals, such as your zombies in leather armor and things like that, but this would be for the 1.9 Beta, and not playable in the current 1.7 release.

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on My add-on questions (Bedrock)

    Okay. I just tested this on the Minecraft 1.7.1 client with 1.7 vanilla behaviors. On all accounts, everything was working. They were running really fast, they could do more damage (I tested Minecraft:attack) and I reduced their health down to 1, allowing me to one shot them with a quick punch. I also removed the hurt by sunlight parameter. Here's the code I used. Maybe try modifying it to your needs. Keep in mind this is for a Zombie, not a Drowned.

    "minecraft:entity": {
    "format_version": "1.2.0",

    "component_groups": {
    "minecraft:look_to_start_drowned_transformation": {
    "minecraft:environment_sensor": {
    "filters": {
    "test": "is_underwater", "subject": "self", "operator": "==", "value": true
    "event": "minecraft:start_transforming"
    "minecraft:start_drowned_transformation": {
    "minecraft:environment_sensor": {
    "filters": {
    "test": "is_underwater", "subject": "self", "operator": "==", "value": false
    "event": "minecraft:stop_transforming"
    "minecraft:timer": {
    "looping": false,
    "time": 30,
    "time_down_event": {
    "event": "minecraft:convert_to_drowned"

    "minecraft:convert_to_drowned": {
    "minecraft:transformation": {
    "into": "minecraft:drowned<minecraft:as_adult>",
    "transformation_sound": "convert_to_drowned",
    "drop_equipment": true,
    "delay": {
    "value": 15
    "minecraft:is_shaking": {

    "minecraft:convert_to_baby_drowned": {
    "minecraft:transformation": {
    "into": "minecraft:drowned<minecraft:as_baby>",
    "transformation_sound": "convert_to_drowned",
    "drop_equipment": true,
    "delay": {
    "value": 15
    "minecraft:is_shaking": {

    "minecraft:zombie_baby": {
    "minecraft:is_baby": {},
    "minecraft:scale": {
    "value": 0.5
    "minecraft:movement": {
    "value": 0.35

    "minecraft:zombie_adult": {
    "minecraft:movement": {
    "value": 0.75
    "minecraft:rideable": {
    "seat_count": 1,
    "family_types": [
    "seats": {
    "position": [ 0.0, 1.1, -0.35 ],
    "lock_rider_rotation": 0
    "minecraft:behavior.mount_pathing": {
    "priority": 2,
    "speed_multiplier": 1.25,
    "target_dist": 0.0,
    "track_target": true

    "minecraft:zombie_jockey": {
    "minecraft:behavior.find_mount": {
    "priority": 1,
    "within_radius": 16
    "minecraft:can_have_equipment": {
    "minecraft:equipment": {
    "table": "loot_tables/entities/zombie_equipment.json"

    "components": {
    "minecraft:identifier": {
    "id": "minecraft:zombie"
    "minecraft:nameable": {

    // Zombie Components
    "minecraft:type_family": {
    "family": [ "zombie", "undead", "monster" ]
    "minecraft:collision_box": {
    "width": 0.6,
    "height": 1.8
    "minecraft:movement.basic": {
    "minecraft:navigation.walk": {
    "is_amphibious": true,
    "can_pass_doors": true,
    "can_open_doors": true

    "minecraft:jump.static": {
    "minecraft:can_climb": {
    "minecraft:health": {
    "value": 1,
    "max": 1
    "minecraft:breathable": {
    "totalSupply": 15,
    "suffocateTime": 0,
    "breathesAir": true,
    "breathesWater": true
    "minecraft:attack": {
    "damage": 6
    "minecraft:loot": {
    "table": "loot_tables/entities/zombie.json"

    "minecraft:environment_sensor": {
    "filters": {
    "test": "is_underwater",
    "operator": "==",
    "value": true
    "event": "minecraft:start_transforming"

    // Zombie Behaviors
    "minecraft:behavior.break_door": {
    "priority": 1
    "minecraft:behavior.melee_attack": {
    "priority": 3,
    "speed_multiplier": 1,
    "track_target": false
    "minecraft:behavior.stomp_turtle_egg": {
    "priority": 4,
    "speed_multiplier": 1,
    "search_range": 24,
    "search_height": 3,
    "goal_radius": 1.14,
    "interval": 20
    "minecraft:behavior.move_towards_restriction": {
    "priority": 5,
    "speed_multiplier": 1
    "minecraft:behavior.random_stroll": {
    "priority": 6,
    "speed_multiplier": 1
    "minecraft:behavior.look_at_player": {
    "priority": 7,
    "look_distance": 6,
    "probability": 0.02
    "minecraft:behavior.random_look_around": {
    "priority": 7
    "minecraft:behavior.hurt_by_target": {
    "priority": 1
    "minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target": {
    "priority": 2,
    "within_radius": 25,
    "reselect_targets": true,
    "entity_types": [
    "filters": {
    "any_of": [
    "test": "is_family",
    "subject": "other",
    "value": "player"
    "test": "is_family",
    "subject": "other",
    "value": "snowgolem"
    "test": "is_family",
    "subject": "other",
    "value": "irongolem"
    "test": "is_family",
    "subject": "other",
    "value": "villager"
    "max_dist": 35
    "filters": {
    "all_of": [
    "test": "is_family",
    "subject": "other",
    "value": "baby_turtle"
    "test": "in_water",
    "subject": "other",
    "operator": "!=",
    "value": true
    "max_dist": 35
    "must_see": true,
    "must_see_forget_duration": 17.0
    "minecraft:physics": {

    "events": {
    "minecraft:entity_spawned": {
    "randomize": [
    "weight": 380,
    "remove": {},
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [
    "weight": 17,
    "remove": {
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [

    "weight": 3,
    "remove": {
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [
    "minecraft:as_adult": {
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [
    "minecraft:as_baby": {
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [
    "minecraft:start_transforming": {
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [
    "remove": {
    "component_groups": [ "minecraft:look_to_start_drowned_transformation" ]
    "minecraft:stop_transforming": {
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [
    "remove": {
    "component_groups": [
    "minecraft:convert_to_drowned": {
    "sequence": [
    "filters": {
    "test": "has_component",
    "operator": "!=",
    "value": "minecraft:is_baby"
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [ "minecraft:convert_to_drowned" ]
    "remove": {
    "component_groups": [ "minecraft:start_drowned_transformation" ]
    "filters": {
    "test": "has_component",
    "value": "minecraft:is_baby"
    "add": {
    "component_groups": [ "minecraft:convert_to_baby_drowned" ]
    "remove": {
    "component_groups": [ "minecraft:start_drowned_transformation" ]

    Posted in: Add-ons
  • 0

    posted a message on My add-on questions (Bedrock)

    When I'm looking at the documentation, I noticed that "Minecraft:health" isn't even shown as being a component, which I find super weird. Especially since it is present in the entity behavior. This may suggest that it is not configurable, but maybe just additional testing to figure out if it is working. Try lowering it to 1 or 2, see if you can one shot the mob.

    As for the description for "Minecraft:behavior.melee_attack", the "speed_multiplier" suggests that when the mob is attacking, it's movement speed is increased, but not necessarily it's attacking speed. Again, not really sure what the observed behavior is yet, but could be what is happening.

    Minecraft:movement seems like it should be pretty straight-forward. I think you've got this right in your entity, but you may have to try various values and observe the results.

    I'll see if I can modify some vanilla mobs and see what happens.

    Posted in: Add-ons
  • 0

    posted a message on My add-on questions (Bedrock)

    Before we get any further into this, I noticed you're using


    Vanilla Resource Pack file

    Vanilla Behavior Pack files

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on My add-on questions (Bedrock)

    Apparently, it keeps up destroying my posts. No idea whats going on.

    Posted in: Add-ons
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    posted a message on My add-on questions (Bedrock)
    Okay that's weird. There's "Minecraft:health", "Minecraft:movement", and "Minecraft:health" that you can modify for #1. For #2, look at "arrow_effect" and change the gravity value to "0".
    Posted in: Add-ons
  • 0

    posted a message on Can someone tell me if Minecraft "Developers" *will ever release an actual furniture update*

    In the current Beta version for Bedrock, there is functionality for adding new animations. "Sit" could be one of them, though I'm not 100% certain you'd be able to completely get the entire workflow until they release more for the add-on development side of things.

    As for "furniture", this would be another thing that I think is coming, but not directly. Basically, when we're able to create new blocks and not just replace them, you'll be able to create all the furniture you want through add-ons.

    Posted in: Discussion
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