
About Me

You may be wondering about my chosen name! See, some friends, upon
hearing my voice for the first time, declared I sounded like a kitten
and thus called me Kittens. I quite liked it, and it's stuck for some
years now! I adore cats, after all. But what about the other part, eh?
Well... I'm a bit of a YOGhead, and after listening to Diggy Diggy Hole,
I came to realize that when I pop onto Minecraft... One of my favorite
things to do is GO DOWN IN DAT EARTH, and DIG. I am a dwarf, and I'm
digging a hole, diggy diggy hole ~ But I'm a kitten... So, I'm a

Don't ask how, but I always picture that as being half dwarf, half Khajiit... A Khajiit visited Minecraftia and just... Got drunk with some randy dwarf, I guess?


Playing in Minecraft, diggy diggy hole, watching YOGScast make idiots of themselves on some mod pack(Looking at you, Sjin and Sips_!)...

Location A desert valley

Profile Information

Minecraft DraniKitty