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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E12 - Quarry with storage system
    Today I put down the quarry I've made in a previous episode. Coincidentally I'm putting it down right on top of a Hydra. Maybe this will become a new trend in Hydra killing!

    The items that come from the quarry get fed into a system of ender chests and item sorters that make up our awesome storage room.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E11 - Random gameplay and chat
    Just some random gameplay from the HappyDiggers FTB server while we chat on Skype. I'm continuing work on the sorting machines for the storage room. We do a team effort on finishing the mob grinder down stairs. Wordie's turtles, Dom's programming, Mupje's brain in jars come together to form an awesome XP farm that also feeds into the storage room.
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E10 - Daily doings and Killing the Dragon
    Doing some chores around the house, slowly preparing for the quarry and of course killing the dragon!

    Pernix, wordie, Sverf, Mupje and myself go on a quest to slay the dragon. He didn't know what hit him.
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E9 - Land of Confusion pt2
    Work continues on building the liquid tesseract. I go hunting for Endermen. Sverf explains what wordie and demman are doing wrong, and I cry myself at sleep at the end of the day.

    It's been quite an adventure getting the liquid tesseract. Let's hope things get easier from here on out.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E8 - Land of Confusion pt1
    We have just reset the map on our server and I have started playing Minecraft Feed The Beast in survival mode. In this episode I'm working to solve our energy crisis by an ingeous extruder to make obsidian to make a liquid tesseract so we can transport lava that we'll pump up in the nether and then put in some thermal generators that will then power our machines as we build the infrastructure for a quarry.

    But to build a liquid tesseract I need an induction smelter which is made from a machine block. Are you still following all this? Because I find it all rather confusing after having played in creative mode for so long :B

    Meanwhile other people on our server are also hard at work. Wordie is expanding the tree farm with a bio fuel setup, Pernix is building an oil refinery, Sverf is doing smart things with machinery and Mupje is trying to get us killed with thaumcraft ;)
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E7 - Wisp Farm pt2
    We've finished creating a node that spawns wisps, adjusted the node housing and got a working Wisp Farm now.

    Sverf joined us halfway through the video. He's our Linux guru and general server admin guy.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E6 - Wisp Farm pt1
    Mupje and I get fashion conscience and build a new home for our giant thaumcraft node. The new home will also perform the fuction of a wisp farm. Later we discover that our pure node doesn't produce a lot of flux and is pretty useless for spawning wisps.... luckily a dark node is nearby.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E5 - Creating giant nodes
    Everybody say hello to Mupje! She joins the fun on the HappyDiggers FTB server and we do some crazy things with Thaumcraft nodes. We've created a giant node that holds 1681 Aura that we are going to use to build an automated Wisp killing / farm / thing.

    We plan on doing a lot more recording together so we hope you enjoy hearing the both of us.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E4 - Matter Fabricators
    Today I'm showing you 4 matter fabricators. They need a lot of power and scrap to work so I'll also be showing you some igneous extruders in combination with recyclers that produce the scrap and some more fusion reactors to power the whole thing.

    Free UU Matter for everyone!
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E3 - Fusion Reactors

    Today I'm building 2 fusion reactors to power mass fabricators. With the UU matter that they produce I can finally start making some diamonds.

    Of course people playing outside of creative mode can't use the mass fabricator, so I will be making a video shortly that shows how to make a setup that uses a matter fabricator with scrap producing recyclers as well.

    To not make this video too long I've only briefly explained what I'm doing. If people would like a more in depth explanation of the steps involved I can do that by request :)
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E2 - quick update

    The factory is now producing Deuterium and Tritium Cells and has achieved a balance in doing this. The amount of empty cells going into the Liquid Transposers are more or less the same as the amount of empty cells coming back from the Industrial Electrolyzers en Industrial Centrifuges.

    With this setup we should be able to power a lot of Fusion Reactors and maybe build a server wide power grid. (Dom's idea!)
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E2 - Producing Deuterium and Tritium

    Playing on the HappyDiggers Feed The Beast server I have started building a diamond factory. Meanwhile DOM is goofing around and we learn a valuable lesson: never work on high voltage while sleep deprived...
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on InsaneJ's Minecraft Videos
    Hi guys :)

    Recently I've begun recording my adventures on the HappyDiggers servers. I mostly play and record Feed The Beast. But I also play on other servers which will result in other series in the future.

    Minecraft Feed The Beast - E01 - Things go boom
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on HappyDiggers looking for another admin
    Thanks to all those who have replied :)

    The position has been filled by noggin.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on HappyDiggers looking for another admin
    Thank you for your application, I'll take it into consideration.

    We've received a couple of applications now, but we're still looking. So if anyone else is interested please don't hesitate to submit your application as well :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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