
About Me
I am a 16 years old student aiming to be a chef, I am from Hungary, I like sports and gaming, also hanging out with my friends. I like to draw and sing, I like to be creative :D

Not much that I can tell but If I've piqued your interest I hope this is satisfactory.
I really like sports, I am a basketball player, and I like doing it as well, I also like volleyball, but if it comes to soccer I am only good for a goalkeeper :P I also like to run and I can swim just as well.

I like drawing I don't think I am that great but I can create some interesting drawings, digital arts :)
I sing sometimes too, and I was forced to dance when I was little but as time went by I started liking it, but it was only compulsory in elementary school, so I don't dance anymore.

I really like cooking, making things that brings smiles to peoples faces, but let's not get that emotional there.

That is all folks! :D
Location Hungary

Profile Information

Minecraft Hunnyboy