
About Me

I have been playing minecraft for aproximatly a decade now. It was an undescribable relief for me to see this site survive, especialy after the archiving cancelation.Thanks a lot Minecraft Forum. .

If, god forbid, we have any unlucky insident of MCF being shut down, and any of my old server friends ever search for me, you can contact me by email [email protected] , through skype giannis.fotis77 or through discord (not very active) GiannisF_77#4689

See ya, everybody!


Art, Science, Ant keeping, Wood Carving, Motorcycles, and of course Gaming hahah

Location Chanioporta

Profile Information

Minecraft GiannisF_77 Discord GiannisF_77#4689

Contact Methods

Website URL Skype giannis.fotis77