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    posted a message on How to convince parents to let me keep Black ops 2
    Quote from FrickFlock12

    Woah, this thread has blown up. Not sure where my post 1 day ago (deleted for swearing...) went but I ended up confessing since my mom asked for game play. But I got the game anyway and she won't refund it. Thanks all. And you can calm down now. ;)

    Pay her back by getting good grades, and she'll let you get any game you want in the future too. ;)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Do you agree with console exclusives?
    Quote from Ankenmann2

    They are absolutely ridiculous. If you make a game just for PS3, you miss out on Xbox and PC userbase as well, which makes no sense notwithstanding the huge amount of money MS/Sony pays for you to make a console exclusive.

    Time for some math!

    Game 1 is released for Console 1+2: Sells 6 million copies at $10 profit per unit sold.

    Game 1 makes $60,000,000 profit.

    Game 2 is released for Console 1 at an exclusive deal: Sells 3 million copies at $10 profit per unit sold.

    Game 2 makes $60,000,000 profit, because Console 1 offered them a $30,000,000 contract to keep the game exclusive.

    One is guaranteed to make at least $30,000,000. The other is not. Can you guess which one? It's a sad state of affairs, but it's been how consoles differentiate each other since the days of Atari. Don't worry though, eventually all exclusive games end up on the PC. (Thank you emulators)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Why does everyone hate console gaming?
    Quote from Clark

    Not to mention humble bundles. Take the one that is on now, $109 for all the games in it in stores... Paid $10 for them all... And you help charity!

    I removed the insults. I instead opted for a more informed approach. ;)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Why does everyone hate console gaming?
    In the long run, a console is more expensive. The peripherals (Overpriced Controllers/Keyboard/Mouse/Bluetooth/Motion Captioning Hardware), the repair costs, the tertiary-costs (X-box live) and the ridiculous overpricing of the actual games all add up fast.

    The reason the consoles are cheap in the first place is because the creators sell them at a significant loss, specifically to lure you into their marketplace where they make their money back through third-party licensing. (This is the reason console games are so much more expensive than their PC counterparts) - The lowering of console prices as time wears on is due predominantly to how outdated the parts have become. Outdated hardware becomes cheaper when newer, better alternatives show up on the marketplace.

    It's essentially the same scheme as the 3-year phone contracts you pay for heavily in the long-run with AT&T. The only way your console is cheaper than my PC, is if you only buy a few games for it - which lowers the value of your console while defeating the purpose of buying it anyways.

    PC gamers often hate consoles because of one factor: Developers. By developing games for outdated hardware, they limit the capabilities of the PC version significantly. This means, PC gamers with superior hardware are forced to play inferior games (With often horrible User Interfaces designed for controllers) specifically because they aren't as profitable as the more easily exploitable console gaming fan-base.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on How to convince parents to let me keep Black ops 2
    Quote from FrickFlock12

    So My parents just bought me Black Ops 2 on steam and luckily it didn't show the age limit on the game (when i bought it) which is 15+ here in Australia. I am over the age limit but my parents hate the violence in games but not in movies. I told them that it was a building game (like minecraft) but I'm not sure they believed me because they wanted to see me play the game.
    I'm thinking of showing them Minecraft instead of Black ops, but they will still see on the bottom that it says minecraft which I have no idea how to change it.

    Any tips to help me?


    Write up a witty, thoughtful essay on why you believe that playing Black Ops 2 will have no more say in how your mind is conditioned than with modern popular culture music, internet, television and movies. Then, when you play the game, make damned sure not to let it effect your mood. Never actively speak out, get frustrated, or swear while playing it.

    Then, top it all off by actively putting more effort into your schoolwork to prove to your parents that you are a responsible young adult capable of juggling your friends, your workload and your hobby. Knowing you to manage your time is a crucial aspect of maturity.

    If that sounds like too much work for you, and you instead opt to insult, demean or lie to them - perhaps your parents are right in their decision to take away a video game that you aren't mature enough for. Of course, age has nothing to do with maturity. You could be an 18 year old 9th grade dropout with no job, living in your mom's basement, and I'd still consider any 14+ game to be too mature a game for you.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Unpopular Opinions
    Quote from Corvo

    The thread title said unpopular opinions. ^_^

    OT: Consoles are a joke and COD campaigns I don't even consider video games, more like interactive movies. (Aside from maybe BO2)

    Most people scoff at my 2015 projections. Activision Blizzard will still be around though, so don't hold your breath about them going under any day soon.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Call of duty Vs. Halo
    They both bore me.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Why The War Z Is Bad
    Got bored of DayZ in three days.

    WarZ only lasted one day before I got bored.

    Although it may be because I played it after DayZ, which already used up most of my threshold for 'realism'. (ie. Ungodly slow pacing, lack of anything meaningful to do, and broken mechanics.)

    Like the MMORPG EVE, I find watching DayZ videos more fun, because they pretty much skip over the hours it took them to get to the 1 minute of action they show.

    This is coming from a guy who loves to play slow-paced games like Europa Universalis, BF2/Desert Combat and ARMA. I might not need instant gratification to play a game, but I at least want to feel as if I'm accomplishing something more than LOLPwning some random newbie who was busy looting an AK in a military tent. There's also nothing worse than spending 5 hours of surviving hordes of enemy sharpshooters, only to die falling from a deer stand ladder because the control is asinine.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Unpopular Opinions
    I think console gaming is a dying breed, and that a gaming industry crash resulting in the consolidation or liquidation of most bloated game publishing companies within the next 2-5 years is inevitable. (I'm looking your way THQ, Ubisoft and Electronic Arts)

    Piracy will become even easier as funding for totalitarian rootkit programs and online validation drop off the map, independent games funded by donation based pre-release services like kickstarter will become the norm, and brand name publishing will be seen as a liability to everybody but the old suits who rely on gaming nerds as their meal ticket. The end result will be that most future gaming will be done on the PC. So much for the rumors of it's death.

    Enjoy your Wii U.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Rate the video game above you!
    Quote from MetalPheonix

    Quote from Pestycide

    *cough* ET: The game *cough*

    You just rated the worst game in existence; the only game to date that has caused a game-industry crash, 7/10. May god have mercy on your soul.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Saddest video game moment.
    Quote from minermanbob

    Walking dead episode 5.......


    I don't care much for the show, but god damn it. This game series knows how to tug at the heart.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Whats your favorite 'Awww Yea!' moment playing a game?
    Quote from Homem Pigman

    What, man. How did you manage that? I can barely get close to people in those games. Any tips you'd like to give for next time my friends gather? Congratulations ;)

    My twitch skills aren't up to par with the real professionals, yet I still managed to play with the best of them in Battlefield 2, and Call of Duty 4 in a highly competitive scene.

    To make up for my lack of twitch skills despite still run and gunning around against better players, I performed a unique feint technique that would draw the fast dolphin divers/run'n'gunners into an open field fight, while I would instead pull back to the safety of terrain or cover rather than engage in a battle of who can hit the head first. I'd let my character heal up for a moment, before I'd then etch over from the corner and cap them from it while they switch to a grenade or try to move in on my position. Even the best gamers in the world have a hard time when you only give them an inch, when they put themselves entirely out there. Even better, auto-aim programs will aim directly for the center of your head or torso, which means even the cheaters will miss more than half of their shots, while they're entirely vulnerable. This means that even in a game like Battlefield 2, Line of Sight and Cover are as important as twitch skills!

    So, to rack up knife kills, abuse the terrain. Always stay on the move. Learn where the action is, and learn how to encircle around the action for the back-stab. Learn how to jump-prone (Dolphin Dive). Learn how to hide in plain sight (tall grass in the middle of a firefight, or even on dead bodies in certain games.) Learn how to prone behind half-cover in a hurry. Always run around. If someone is looking at you, that means they're about to shoot you, go behind cover, wait for them to move up, then stab them when they get close. Eventually you'll get so good at it, they'll learn to hide behind cover against you, but that just makes them sitting targets, which are even easier to kill. (Line of Sight doesn't mean jack-sh*t­ when you encircle around their position and stab them in the back.)

    Lastly, if you're in a public server and not a competitive game. Keep an eye out for who is the best player on the enemy team. If you see him get a bead on you, don't be afraid to go the other way. If they give chase, they're more likely to put themselves at risk. Anybody who is of equal or higher skill than you will win more Gun vs Knife fights than vice versa. Stick to the easy prey, which is probably what they're going to do if they see you too.

    Remember, Ninjas are opportunists.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Whats your favorite 'Awww Yea!' moment playing a game?
    My favorite non-competition "Aww Yeah!" moment:

    My first time getting 100+ kills in a 4000/round of Team Deathmatch of Call of Duty 4. (Back when I still cared about the series.)

    1st Runner up:

    The first time I got 100 knife kills in a 5000/round of Team Deathmatch in Call of Duty 4.

    2nd Runner up:

    The only time I got a 40+ kill streak in a 4000/round of Team Deathmatch in Call of Duty 4.

    Sadly I missed getting a screenshot of it while I had the chance. I got the 35+ part though.

    I miss the days when I could brag about milestones like that without someone saying, "Yeah, but everybody who plays Call of Duty <insert sequel number here> sucks, so of COURSE you dominated them."

    The worst part is... they're right. I have about 130 of these screenshots.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Girls and Video Games
    Quote from Jetra

    Well, now I feel really stupid.

    I'd say you're pretty smart coming to the same conclusion on your own.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Girls and Video Games
    Old, but still relevant:


    Flashbacks of childhood fill my mind with silly misogynistic fables about the perfect woman. She had to be beautiful, intelligent, as well as a gamer. Back in the day, I used to believe that it would only be a silly dream. Gaming was so geeky in the mainstream’s eyes, that I never thought it’d be possible to meet a woman who also gamed as vigorously as I did. Now here we are, nearly fifteen years later from the heyday of the Nintendo Entertainment System. While I’m still a chauvinistic jerk, the world of gaming has changed drastically. It seems that here in the present, we’re well past gaming’s induction into mainstream culture, and we’re moving on to a second Golden Age where female gamers are everywhere with absolutely no signs of the demographic’s growth slowing. They are well on their way to becoming the majority among MMORPG players, with females already taking up 40% of the total population according to the BBC. Console gaming is also no taboo among girls, especially with hardcore female gamers proudly filling up the tournaments, leagues and ladders all over the world. All you need to do is Google a certain clan by the name of PMS to understand my point.

    Yet, somehow, gamer girls retain their aura of mystery. If fact, rumors of their rarity persist, even despite the growing evidence that these gaming angels pervade virtually every genre. Talking to one on a forum is an effort in patience, as you’ll be forced to wade through the dozens of hormone driven posts from fourteen year-old boys who act as if they’ve spotted Bigfoot. Conversely, you will also find a throng of gamer girls out there who act as if they are some divine presence, who by their good graces, swoop down from the heavens to grant us a glimpse of their wonderment, often for the sake of attention, prestige or personal gain in clan structures.

    Marketing firms for publishing and development companies are no different. Everywhere you look, a new company blog post about the latest female addition to the crew, dolled up and sugar coated to the point where your teeth rot, reading what can only be described as gender exploitation. You may not even know, but TGN has added three new women to the staff roster without even a word mentioned – that’s how far we’ve come. Still, if you dare to turn on the TV, you’ll see gamer girls flaunted in video game commercials, while on the Internet; they’re placed up on a pedestal in tongue-in-cheek music videos sponsored by G4. Through no fault of their own, every single gamer girl in the world has suddenly been lumped into one gigantic generalization that was obviously based on the same types of misogynistic fables that I used to have back when I was young. It’s easy to understand why marketing firms do this: being well known as having a female friendly gaming community with their online game is a draw to both mature female gamers looking for a place to belong, and adolescent male gamers looking to proverbially, “chase digital tail.”

    Well, I say no more. It’s too much. In a gaming world where female gamers are on the path to becoming the majority in the most successful Genre PC gaming has ever known, (MMORPG’s), it’s time we faced facts. Gamer girls are not special anymore. Take them off the pedestal, remove the stereotype from your mind and refute any gamer girl who tries to use her gender to denounce, dissuade or persuade you in any way, shape, or form. It’s time equality took its place up on the pedestal. Stop the egotistical ranting about where a woman belongs. Stop the senseless mocking of men who have lost to a more skilled female player. Women not only belong in gaming, they excel at it. So quit making excuses when you lose, while acting as if women aren’t up to snuff. Women are filling up the rosters in gaming communities everywhere, and a lot of them are probably better at their favorite games than you are. So put the gender aside, and take up arms. If you hear one of them talking to you through voice chat, or if you see one of them in the battlefield, you had better treat them like you would any man, and kill their character’s avatar all the same. Because if you don’t, I can almost guarantee that they’ll do it to you.

    ~~ Dairuka Sutain
    Posted in: General Gaming
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