
About Me

I watch anime, play video games, read books (and the occasional manga or two), and imagine the various fantasies that I would love to live out if I could. I am not extremely discriminating when it comes to anime, video games, or books, but I do have my preferences. I do not read enough manga to allow me to state that I even have a preference when it comes to manga, and my fantasies come in a wide variety. They range from relatively innocent to horrifyingly macabre, and everywhere in between is fair game for any given one of them. I tend to lean more towards the latter end of the scale, though.......... noticeably..


Blood, and lots of it. Especially if I get to be the one spilling it. Even more so if I am easily spilling gallons of it every second, and I get to do so for an extended period of time. Seeing enough dead people will often lead me to (unsurprisingly) state, "I see dead people." I may or may not grin afterwards, and it is possible that I might laugh maniacally at the sight of their possibly-mangled corpses. I am the type of person who chops to pieces first, and asks questions almost never. Unless I want to play mind games, then I ask questions until I get bored of it and eviscerate my prey, or they get sick of it and beg me to dismember them. Of course, were I to attempt to do this in real life, I would not likely get very far. A person can dream, though, and I intend to do just that. If I could make those dreams of mine a reality, then Hell would exist. It would be what used to be called Earth, and it might even be largely on fire.

Location In Confinement