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    posted a message on Insane specs, still awful performance

    We are planning doing a stress test with 10-15 players on a fresh map to see what the performance will be then.

    If there are still any suggestions, please let me know.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Beast desktop, weird mini lagspikes

    -Xmx4G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Beast desktop, weird mini lagspikes

    Ever since I got my new pc build, Minecraft has been performing worse. I get mini stutters while playing the game.

    Average fps is totally fine, but in the Lagometer you can see mini lagspikes, which makes my character placing blocks twice whenever they occur. This happens about once every 10 seconds.

    One screenshot is with my default settings (mostly maxed out) the other one was with everything as low as possible.

    My specs:

    32gb DDR4 Ram

    Nvidea GTX 1070

    AMD Ryzen 5 3800x

    Any tips?

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Insane specs, still awful performance
    Quote from zedbinteam»

    Whats the servers location?

    Where are you based?

    My advice is to preload chunks, Multiverse can be a laggy plugin.

    Germany, as close at it gets.
    Also, all of our chunks are already generated. Everyone is mostly staying at their own bases or at communal areas, so nobody is really generating new chunks anymore.

    Also the sole reason for Multiverse is the ability to test builds in a creative world. Limited map, nothing crazy going on in there, entities are disabled to prevent further lag issues.

    I am just here having no clue what possibly could be wrong.... these specs for a dedicated server should easily be able to handle 8 players.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Insane specs, still awful performance

    Basically, we moved hosts multiple times due to awful performance at previous hosts, but even with these insane specs, the performance is awful.

    Current specs:

    Ram: 64GB DDR4 (Server using 12gb of this)

    CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
    Storage: 512GB NVMe SSD

    We were originally on Bukkit, cause we like our technical builds, however we have been forced to switch to Spigot/Paper in order to make the game playable. We recently switched to our new host with the above specs and on Bukkit we hit 6TPS with 8 players online. That should not be happening. We are not even loading any areas with a lot of entities.

    We have done tons of troubleshooting in the past, involving the timing reports of Spigot/Paper, however always showed high server tick and barely any usage of any of our plugins.

    List of plugins:
    - Dynmap
    - Coreprotect
    - AFK+
    - Worldedit
    - PermissionEx
    - LagMeter
    - Multiverse (all worlds spawn chunks are disabled)
    - DiscordSRV

    All of these plugins are kept up to date with the latest releases.

    From what I have seen, the server started to struggle when large amounts of chunks were loaded (more players online, more loaded chunks). According to the timing reports our entities (which are often the main issue) were barely showing up in these reports.

    Our world has been generated on 1.15 and is still running on 1.15.2 as of right now. Could there maybe be some corrupt server files which cause performance to struggle? We are planning to do a test and get everyone on a fresh map, to see if the performance is still as bad.

    However if there are any ideas of what could be wrong, I am open to all suggestions.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Server resource pack refusing to download

    Good afternoon.

    I have been working on a custom resource pack for our server and it is working perfectly. However, when I try to alter our server.properties file to include the download link to our resource pack, it refuses to download upon joining the server. Some players get the prompt if they want to install it. Others get the almost instant loading percentage in their middle of the screen, but eventually the resource pack does not show up.

    I have some textures in this pack, which I did not get permission from the author, so I will not publicly share it. I stored the texture pack on my Google Drive account and the link directly redirects to the zip file. It contains the assets folder, pack.mcmeta and pack.png files.

    Any clue what else might be incorrect that causes this issue?

    Putting the resource pack in my resource pack manually works just fine.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Plausible causes for server lag?

    Hey all,

    We have been running a server for quite some time. We are using a VPS on the OVH servers with 8GB ram, 2vCore 2Ghz cpu and 80gb ssd storage.
    The server has been running great on 20 tps, but round about the 1.15 update, we noticed TPS randomly dips all the way to 8 and chunks barely load.

    We have tried to locate the cause of the lag. Disabling all spawn chunks in the other worlds, removing plugins etc, but even with a single player online the server can also begin to struggle.

    On OVH, we can see that the CPU has a steady usage of 60%. No matter the amount of players, it stays at around 60%. The RAM usage however, swings from 10% usage all the way up to 90%. It fluctuates a lot, but it does not seem to affect the servers performance.

    Now we are also running some other bits on this VPS, like a website, a Discord bot and some other bits. It might be worth disabling these to see if this gives a noticeable difference.

    Server is being slow as of Minecraft 1.15, what can we look into to try and boost the server performance?

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on 1.14 Custom Model Data. Is it usable for equipment?

    Hmm, I hoped I could edit player equipment as well with the added Model Data. Oh well, thanks for the info :)

    Posted in: Resource Pack Help
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    posted a message on 1.14 Custom Model Data. Is it usable for equipment?

    I saw this video a few days ago and I figured this could be a nice replacement for the optifine textures.

    What I mean with Optifine textures, is that Optifine allowed the game to show different textures depending on the name or lore text of an item.

    Now I tried to use the Custom Model Data from 1.14, but I'm only to get item textures to work. Equipment like armor and elytra's don't seem to be working. Anyone knows if this is even possible with Custom Model Data?

    Posted in: Resource Pack Help
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    posted a message on Anyone interested in playing Minecraft with us?

    Good morning!

    We are looking for a group of enthusiastic Minecraft players to expand our community with. But perhaps first a bit of history about our community:

    We all come from a server called ImagineCraft. This server was pretty much a whitelisted semi-vailla server with some plugins. Only people who are 17+ were allowed to join and there were always a handful of players online when you hopped on. Everyone online greeted the person who logged on and it was a blast building epic farms/builds together and of course the occasional pranks.
    Unfortunately the players eventually lost interest and the player activity took a hit. We decided to do a map reset, however that only gave a little boost in player activity for the first few months. That’s why the owner eventually decided to pull the plug.

    Since then a group of us stayed in touch on Discord and tried to find a new server. However, if you have played on an amazing community server for 3-4 years, it is really difficult to find a server just like it. Even if I tried to enjoy a new server we jumped onto, you’d always run into admins which abuse their power, griefers/thiefs or insane donation systems where you get the ability to fly if you donate more than 100 dollars… I’m probably not the only one who finds those things rather annoying and hence why we decided to start our own server.

    So, if you read the previous part, you know that I am quite set on the certain aspects of the server. As I have played on this amazing community server for over 3 years (2.5 of which as a moderator), I think I got a good grasp on what works for a server and what does not. I know that if I were to join another server, I’d have a strong opinion about these things as well, so feel free to message me personally if you have a different opinion.

    To give an idea on what to expect the server to be like:

    • A limited map size, but still relatively big. Players should have the ability to pick any spot on the map and not be limited by player bases nearby. If someone wants to build close to others, they can do so if your neighbor agrees to it. Expect a map size of anywhere from 20kx20k to 50kx50k
    • Due to the big map, nether transportation is not feasible. In order to still let players interact with each other, each player gets the ability to place a warp sign at their base. This warp sign, will link their base to a “Community Center” (CC for short). The CC holds all player-warps, so even when someone is offline, you can still warp to their base and check it out.
    • This way of placing warps is less “OP" compared to /sethome or /spawn.
    • No server resets! Or rather, as little as possible.
    • Personally I enjoy the endgame a lot more than the early game. Of course a map reset is necessary if a new update contains some big terrain generation changes, however we will try to abstain from map resets as much as possible.
    • A separate world for resource gathering. Even though our map will be quite big, it is still annoying to see landscapes demolished for resources. Especially if we want to have little resets as possible, you need to preserve as much terrain as possible for future players. That is why there will be a separate world (with nether and end dimensions as well), which can be used solely for resource gathering. If you feel like it to build a base in this world, it won't last for too long, as the resource worlds will be reset occasionally. This also means that you won't have to worry about any builds or farms in the normal end dimension, as this one will never be reset.
    • I personally believe that a server with a proper economy runs for a longer time than a server where all community farms are free to use and there is no use for diamonds anymore. That is why we will have a designated area for shops and players should be encouraged to start their own shop as well. It keeps players interested for longer and keeps them hopping back online to restock their shops.
    • Perhaps unlike other servers, we don’t just simply ban players. Of course if someone cheats, steals or is being an scumbag in general, they get banned. However, before we ban someone, we talk to the player in question, as well as any players who are tied into the situation. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding, but if it was not and they get banned, there is also no ban appeal process. They mess up, the staff confirms this and that means they are out, for good.

    Besides these couple of points, I have quite a few more plans, but those plans mean nothing if there is no player base to play with! Especially since our group is relatively small, I don’t feel like I can put any hard restrictions on who can join and who can’t. However, I do have one restriction and that is that you need to be 17 or older. This is the only limitation we will have, as it will hopefully prevent a lot of drama on the server, which is most oftenly caused by the younger players.
    Also it would be nice if you are actually here for the community and not a solo player. Talkative persons on the Discord channel are also greatly appreciated.

    Now I forgot to mention one more thing. We have not started a server yet and we are waiting on the release of 1.14. This post is mainly meant to see if we can get a group of enthusiastic players together to kick start the server with!

    If you are still reading and you are still interested in joining, reply with your Minecraft name and your Discord name. I will add you on our Discord channel and I’d probably have a chat with each and every one of you to make sure we get an awesome community going! :D


    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on SOLVED: Custom villager trade not accepting player skull

    Somehow managed to get it to work.

    The blank skulls in the loot chests were "colored" with &r, this removed the italic and yellow formats. However, commands don't allow the &r.

    By using a datapack to summon in the villager, it processed the &r as I wanted, so now I can correctly trade the blank skulls.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on SOLVED: Custom villager trade not accepting player skull

    Good evening,

    1.13 made commands more JSON like, which should make life a lot easier, however I had a small problem when placing a villager in our spawn with some custom trades.

    So, I have a datapack, which alters the loot chests (minecart chests in mineshafts, chests at mob spawners or chests in a nether fortress). This datapack may put a "Blank Skull" in some of these chests. The idea is that these blank skulls can be traded with a villagers for some decorative heads.

    In my datapack, I use the following function to put the player head in a chest:

    [noparse]"entries": [
    "type": "item",
    "name": "minecraft:player_head",
    "weight": 1,
    "functions": [
    "function": "set_nbt",
    "tag": "{display:{Name:\"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"§rBlank Skull\\\"}\"},SkullOwner:{Id:\"b93289fd-e4f1-43f9-8087-6786c426c0ba\",Properties:{textures:[{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ5MzExN2I5ZTE4MGUwZGMzOWU1ZThhMDUwODQ4MmNmMWY2MGU0NDZlMDIyOTc4ZmUwNjUxYTU2MmE1OTdmIn19fQ==\"}]}}}"
    "function": "set_count",
    "count": {
    "min": 1,
    "max": 2
    "type": "empty",
    "weight": 2

    This works fine, so I figured adding a villager to trade with wouldn't be too difficult...

    Command for spawning in said villager:

    [noparse]summon villager ~ ~ ~ {  
    tag: {display:{Name:"{\"italic\":\"false\",\"text\":\"Blank Skull\",\"color\":\"reset\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:"b93289fd-e4f1-43f9-8087-6786c426c0ba",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ5MzExN2I5ZTE4MGUwZGMzOWU1ZThhMDUwODQ4MmNmMWY2MGU0NDZlMDIyOTc4ZmUwNjUxYTU2MmE1OTdmIn19fQ=="}]}}}
    Name:"{\"text\":\"Fish Plushie (Orange)\"}"

    So after spawning the villager in, I can see the trade preview he has and it is indeed the same "Blank Skull". However, even though the texture, uuid and name are exactly the same, I suspect there is a problem with the format of the name.

    So on default, if I don't add the color-reset and italic-false in the villager command, the head in the trade preview would be yellow and italic, while the blank skull item just has a white name.

    I tried re-ordering the name, color-reset and italic options, but none of those seem to matter.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :)

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on custom loot table help

    Did you find a fix for this? I am having the same issue.

    And yeah I am also using Xisuma's mobhead loottables ;)

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Custom advancement on a (spigot) server?

    The /minecraft:reload seems to have fixed it!

    Thanks :D

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Custom advancement on a (spigot) server?

    I have been looking into custom advancements and I got them to work on single player. I'd like to try to load these advancements on a server, preferably Spigot. "Installing" these advancements as I did on single player, doesnt seem to work for the server (pasting the advancements inside the world folder). This makes me question if its even possible on a server.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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