• 0

    posted a message on Eloraam's Mods (RedPower 2 Prerelease 6)

    This may have been suggested already but could the panel corners be place anywhere within the block area, like little blocks mod does? so you could build things starting from the middle or wherever? Atm they can only be placed in the corners, it would be stepping on little blocks toes but little blocks still has its uses, esp for redstone, and redpower if you will let it be added, hint hint :-).

    Thanks for all your work.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [SSP/SMP][1.3.2]Fossil / Archeology [v6.9 P-4]

    Thanks for the mod, I got it working with my other fav mods. Took sometime getting the id's worked out but its working atm.
    Keep it coming.

    If anyones interested I got this working with buldcraft, IC2, redpower, lasermod, computercraft, railcraft and afew more. Remember the you can delete buildcraft and redpower config to force auto id assign, redpower also has a reset option in its config.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.3.2] Decoratives Mod - True Aesthetics

    Thanks for the mod. I like the concept, minecraft needs some sort of decoration. Keep it up.

    I have this mod working with IC2, Redpower, Buildcraft, Railcraft, lasermod, Pams Harvest, and a heap more. I had a problem with railcraft's id, so double check all your id's.

    Here's a great mod that goes nicely with this mod :

    Timber Frames

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Little Blocks Mod [] Creation contest! [770KDLs]
    Quote from CJDinoBoy94

    i need some help, i get no errors or anything at all, but when i try to place a block in one of the small blocks area, it instead places it above the entire littleblocks area, i am unsire what is wrong, but can someone PLEASE help!? knowing it is finally compatible with Optifine, i rlly want this now :ohmy.gif: is it compatible with Minecraft Forge?

    My mods:

    PortalGun v1
    Risugami's Audiomod
    buildcraft 3.1.2 (all parts)
    buildcraft additional pipes for BC 3.1.2
    Code Chicken Core Client 0.4.1
    EnderChest Client 1.0.1
    forestry client A 1.3.0
    GuiAPI 0.13.1
    IDResolver update 1 Minecraf Forge 1.3.0 edition
    Industrialcraft 2 client 1.62
    Little Blocks Mod 1.9
    Logistics Pipes BC3 0.7
    minecraftforge client 1.3.1
    Risugami's Modloader
    Flan's Modloader MP v2
    Not Enough Items RedPower Plugin 1.1.0
    Not Enough Items client 1.1.0
    Optifine 1.1 HD MT A4
    Railcraft 3.1.0 (all parts)
    Red Power 2 pr4d(all parts)

    I have the almost the same mods you do, except portal gun. Maybe its conflicting coz little blocks works for me so far.


    Thanks for the optifine version. I have an idea, I used computercraft, I can place the block in the little block area, even looks like it starts, but I can't open the interface to the computer. Can it be fixed so I can open the interface? it would be great to include the computer into the little blocks. Is the any plans for redpower?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ChickenBones Mods
    Hi, just a quick thanks for the mod.

    I think you've done what TMI should have done ages ago. Show all redpower micro blocks, and the item sub menu is great. The recipe and usage interface is so useful thanks heaps.

    Anyone that says you've ripped of TMI are loosers.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Misa's Mod Companion textures for IC2, BC3, IronChests, RP2(WIP) and more updated for 1.4.7 2/7/13
    thanks great texture pack, I always end up using misa's.
    I'm using buildcraft 3.11 coz its cooler, also what about 3.12 for MC1.1?
    Plz update, thanks heaps.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.0.0] The Node Pack

    Wow, what a great set of mods. I'm surprised I haven't come across them before.

    I had two major probs getting them to work with all my other mods, these include RP2, buildcraft3.11, IC2, lasermod, computercraft,pamsharvest, and afew more. But could you pls add a config file for your mods. It will make it a hell of a lot easier. Even better would be to lessen the ammount of id's too if possible.

    If anyone's interested you'll need to play around with RP2 Autoconfig to get this working. Deleting config's is a good way to reset the value's too, works for buildcraft.

    I haven't tried them all as the instructions are vague, video's would really help. I have a bad mic so I can't make any.

    Keep them coming, great ideas. Can't wait too see what you've got planned next.

    thanks for the mods
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.0.0] Hippoplatimus's Mods - now open source
    Thanks for the mod. Great idea, minecraft can always do with more color and this mod def does that.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.3] Legacy Better Then BuildCraft Thread (defunct)
    This is a great idea, I love buildcraft, and liked BTW but also love redpower. I might look at this again l8r.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.0.0][SMP] PC's mods - MineFactory Reloaded, Power Converters and more! Updated Dec 19th
    I realy like these mods. I think the biggest problem is everyone else has now created something similar. Buildcraft is huge and takes over from the conveyor belts, the machines are great, and will be sadly missed, including the powerconverters. Thanks for the mod, good luck with whatever it is you do.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ComputerCraft Program Library
    Quote from xlilcasper

    Here is my network code using bundled cables. This uses cables 0-9 leaving 7 other cables still useable in the same bundle.

    Network API by XLilCasper. Original idea from D0han
    All API can be accessed directly or though network.
    Basic useage is
    network.sendStr(0xFF,"Hello World")
    Will send Hello World to all connected computers that are listening
    To set your computer to listen use
    local data = network.waitForData()

    You can set your computers network ID with
    network.setid(XXX) where XXX is a number 0-254, computers default to an ID of 0.

    Finaly by default data is sent out the back. You can change this with


    sDataSide = "back"
    computerid = 0x00
    fThrottle = 0.2 --This was the fastest that worked for me. This gives us 5 Bps or 40 bps

    Dec2BinTable = {}
    b = {}

    packetHeaders = {
    ['trans'] = {0x1, 0x11},
    ------------borrowed code------------------------
    for n=1,8 do
    table.insert(b, 0)
    for n=0,255 do
    table.insert(Dec2BinTable, 0)
    Dec2BinTable[n] = b[1] .. b[2] .. b[3] .. b[4] .. b[5] .. b[6] .. b[7] .. b[8]
    b[8] = b[8] + 1
    for n2=1,7 do
    if b[9-n2] == 2 then
    b[9-n2] = 0
    b[8-n2] = b[8-n2] + 1
    ------------end of borrowed code------------------
    function getDataClock()
    return rs.testBundledInput(sDataSide,256)

    function networkReady()
    event = os.pullEvent()
    if event == "redstone" and getDataClock() then
    return false
    elseif event =="timer" then
    return true

    function sendByte(byte)
    local bits = Dec2BinTable[byte]
    local wires=0
    for n=0,7 do
    if (string.sub(bits,n+1,n+1) == "1") then
    wires = wires + (2^(7-n))

    function readByte(timeout)
    if (timeout) then
    timeStarted = false
    while true do
    event, param = os.pullEvent()
    if event == "key" and param == 197 then --Exit on pause/break
    return "Exited"
    elseif event == "redstone" then
    --print("Redstone - " .. rs.getBundledOutput(sDataSide))
    if getDataClock() then --Clock fired
    --print("clock fired")
    local byte=0
    for n=0,7 do
    if rs.testBundledInput(sDataSide,2^n) then byte=byte+(2^n) end
    --print("Bit " .. n .. "= " .. tostring(rs.testBundledInput(sDataSide,2^n)))
    return tonumber(byte);
    elseif event =="timer" and timeStarted and timeout then
    elseif event =="timer" and timeout then

    return nil

    function sendStr(addr, data, tries)
    tries = tries or 3
    while not networkReady() do
    for n=1,#data do
    sendByte(string.byte(string.sub(data, n,n)))
    --print("Data sent, wait for ack")
    local ack = readByte(10*fThrottle)
    if ack then
    if ack == 0x06 then
    --print("Got ack")
    return true
    elseif ack == 0x15 then -- failed, try a resend
    --print("Got failed")
    if (tries <=0) then
    return false
    else --We still have tries left, retry
    return sendStr(addr,data,tries)
    else --Unknown error, abort.
    --print("Got unknown " .. ack)
    return false
    --We timed out
    return false

    function waitForData()
    local bExit = false
    local packs = { 0x00, 0x00}
    while not bExit do
    event, param = os.pullEvent()
    if event == "key" and param == 197 then --Exit on pause/break
    bExit = true
    newByte = readByte()
    --print("got byte " .. tostring(newByte))
    if newByte then
    table.remove(packs, 1)
    table.insert(packs, newByte)
    for index, val in pairs(packetHeaders) do
    if (packs[1] == val[1]) and (packs[2] == val[2]) then
    newByte = readByte()
    if (newByte == computerid) or (newByte == 0xff) then --It is our id or it is a broadcast
    if (val[2] == packetHeaders["trans"][2]) then --Incomeing trasnmition
    --print("Incoming data")
    local str = readPacket()
    return str

    function readPacket(len)
    local failed = 0
    if not len then
    len = readByte() -- if we don't have a lenght it should be the next byte
    --verify that the next byte is 0x02 and that our text is starting. This is here so we can have larger then 255 packets later
    if (readByte() == 0x02) then
    packet = {}
    for n=1, len do
    table.insert(packet, readByte())
    --we are done getting our string next byte should be the end transmition
    endByte = readByte()
    if endByte and endByte == 0x04 then
    --Convert back to a string
    local str = ""
    for index, val in ipairs(packet) do
    str = str .. string.char(val)
    return str
    sendByte(0x15) --send transmition failed.
    return false
    return nil

    --Create API
    network = {
    ["setid"] = function( _id )
    ["getid"] = function( )
    return computerid
    ["sendStr"] = function( _addr, _data, _tries )
    return sendStr(_addr, _data, _tries)
    ["waitForData"] = function( )
    return waitForData()
    ["sendByte"] = function( _byte )
    return sendByte(_byte)
    ["readByte"] = function( _timeOut )
    return readByte( _timeOut )
    ["getDataSide"] = function( )
    return sDataSide
    ["setDataSide"] = function( _side )
    sDataSide = _side

    Thanks for the code. I had started my own, but never finished it. Your code is cleaner than mine.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5][BC2.2.14 - BC3.1.5][REV2.1.3/REV3.1.0] Additional Pipes for BuildCraft (Teleport Pipes)

    Thanks again for your time. I had thought it a problem with TP's.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5][BC2.2.14 - BC3.1.5][REV2.1.3/REV3.1.0] Additional Pipes for BuildCraft (Teleport Pipes)
    Quote from DaStormbringer

    Boggle... Trying to follow you... For a test I usually setup a empty chest with a reciving TP pipe and place a chunkloader then move about 500 blocks out and place a obsiden pipe connected to a sending TP pipe and drop stuff into the pipe. When I get back to the chest it has the items inside it. From what I know about chunks and the pipes this is what should happen.

    Hi, yeah turned out harder to explain than I thought. I made a quick vid off what's happening, you can see the pipes don't go through the receiving TP pipe system. Sorry for make you watch a crap vid, but its the better than trying to explaing it again.

    Thanks for your time.
    Quote from Nitti9

    Okay, thank you! And yes, I do rename the files when I download them because I don't like the additional letters and numbers in the names of most mods, but I suppose the "z" was there for a reason. =p

    I had read somewhere in the early versions, the Z was so additional pipes was loaded after buildcraft.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5][BC2.2.14 - BC3.1.5][REV2.1.3/REV3.1.0] Additional Pipes for BuildCraft (Teleport Pipes)

    First thanks for updating this mod.

    Its great, but I have a problem with smp teleport pipes and chunk loader. I set up a small test using a chest and afew pipes connecting to a teleport pipe. I placed a chunk loader also, then moved away created a receiving pipe and chest, also a chunk loader. The items do end up into the receiving chest, but only after heading back out of the original sending teleport pipe and back into the pipes they came from, once entering a chest they appear in the receiving chest. I am using a adapted techipack, but everything loads fine, double checked all IDs etc. I updated everything to BC 2.2.9 from 2.2.7 still had the same problem. Anyone else have this problem?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] Ducks Mods - Iron Chest
    Hey, came across this by accident but its still a good idea. It would be like having locked chest. I like the idea, this is most prob an old thread.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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