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    posted a message on New Gamemode Suggestion: DREAM RAVAGER
    Yume Nikki is a great game, but I don't think it would translate well into Minecraft...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Make Dungeons more like... Dungeons
    Quote from Radishhead »
    Only problem is that the dungeons will be so large that it's considerably easier to find them.

    Sure, but they could just spawn less often than the current dungeons.

    That gives me an idea. The boss room could be themed to the boss. A fire-based boss would have lots of lava, for instance. An ice-based boss could have snow, a nature-based boss could have grass and trees(violating normal requirements for their growth, if need be), etc.

    Someone suggested a forest dungeon type idea in another thread, and it gave me the idea that perhaps there should be a bunch of different biome-themed dungeons:

    Grassland dungeon: current one room dungeon you find near the surface right now. These do not have a boss room, and thus, do not have marble or a big chest.

    Cave dungeon: Dungeon found a little lower in the level. The one being discussed in this thread.

    Forest dungeon: As you enter the forest you notice the trees getting gradually more dense as you go deeper into the forest. Eventually the forest grows so dense that the area you're walking through starts to feel like an enclosed hallway, lined with tree blocks. As you go down this hall, you eventually come to a point where the floor also becomes tree blocks.
    The structure of this dungeon would be very similar to the cave dungeon structure, except that instead of cobblestone, the walls would be tree, a leaf blocks would be scattered conservatively through the rooms and halls. You can burn down this dungeon, but doing so will also burn its chests, and everything contained within. (As well as, perhaps, the mob spawners, but they should burn much slower than everything else.)

    Sea dungeon: Located under the ground, under large bodies of water. These dungeons are made entirely out of glass. They're structured similar to the cave dungeon and forest dungeon, except are more vertical in nature. There are ocassional rooms that pop up above ground, and into the ocean. These are observation rooms. They'd look like this:

    :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water: :Water:
    :Water: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :Glass: :Water:
    :Water: :Glass: [] [] [] :Glass: :Water:
    :Water: :Glass: [] [] [] :Glass: :Water:
    :Water: :Glass: [] [] [] :Glass: :Water:
    :Water: :Glass: :Glass: [] :Glass: :Glass: :Water:
    :gravel: :gravel: :Glass: [] :Glass: :gravel: :gravel:

    With the exception of the observation rooms, all of the floors are covered in a 1/2 block of water, which will often push you in a given direction. The rooms will have whirlpools in them. (streams that spiral inwards)

    The boss room is especially tall, however, you come in on the top of it, instead of the bottom. It is also full, up to the top 1.5 blocks, in water, and the boss is under water. At the bottom of the boss room is a double chest.

    Sky dungeon: Assuming Notch eventually makes the max higher of the map higher, these would spawn near the top of the level. They'd simply be a number of small, hollow islands, connected by 1 block thick stone bridges. (which act as the hallways) In addition to the normal mob spawners, which can be found inside of the islands, along with chests, small slimes will frequently spawn in sky dungeons, making the tightrope-like 'hallways' extremely dangerous. Perhaps this shouldn't have a boss room, as you'd be able to tell which room it is just by looking. (As it'd be the biggest room) Either that, or the islands are all roughly equal in size, but the boss room is just more hollowed out.

    Pyramid: Spawns in vast deserts. Would require you to enter through a hole in the top, where there is a lader, and descend downwards. At the bottom off the staircase you find yourself standing in a 4 block high room made of stone, with the exception of the block directly bellow you, which is made of cobble. There is nothing here with the exception of the laddered pillar you descended in on, one chest, and one mob spawner. You do what you want here, and then break the cobble, where you find another laddered pillar, leading down to another, larger, similar room. This time there are two mob spawners.
    You continue down, as the number of mob spawners increases by one in each room you enter. Eventually you make it to the bottom, which is the boss room.
    Most of the floor in the, vary large, boss room is a lava/stone checkerboard. The boss is too big to fall in the lava checkers, and is not hurt by lava anyway. The room contains the boss and a double chest. It's walls are made of stone, with the exception of 32 marble blocks that are spaced equally along the center of the wall.
    Why not just dig in from the side, you say? Mostly because the walls of the pyramid are 5 blocks thick, and those five blocks are (from outside to inside): sand, stone, lava, lava, stone. Thus, if you simply try to dig through the outside wall, you'll end up having to find a way through two layers of lava. there's also a layer of lava bellow the pyramid as well, so you can't simply tunnel under.

    Lava dungeon: The enterence to this dungeon can only be found in pools of lava, and is a ring of 8 obsidian blocks, around a laddered hole leading down. With the exception of the 8 obsidian blocks at the entrance, this dungeon is made of stone. In general, it's much like the cave dungeon, except that it's completely submerged in lava, so you can't just dig through it's walls.... it's also the only dungeon where one of the possible mob spawners spawns creepers.

    The boss room is a very large room similar in size to the pyramid boss room, but with a ring of lava along the walls. The boss is a skeleton wearing magic armor, and who shoots flaming arrows. The arrows do normal arrow damage to you, but also have a 1/2 chance of setting you on fire. The armor makes the skeleton himself impervious to normal damage, however, he is not impervious to lava. Knock him into the lava 3 or 4 times to kill him. This room contains a double chest, with some especially awesome loot. (which always includes 32 marble, as the whole "submerged in lava" thing makes marble embedded in the walls pretty useless.)

    Hedge maze: A 3 block high maze made out of leaf blocks. This contains no mob spawners, no rooms, and a chest with a few flowers at the end. Solve it, cut straight through it, burn it to the ground or ignore it. It pretty much just acts as a short side game to mix up the feel of minecraft a bit. :tongue.gif:

    Snow fort: This is a tiny 3x3x3 fort made out of snow blocks that spawn randomly in grassland during the winter. If you try to destroy one of the blocks that it's made out of, the block will almost instantly reappear, two front blocks will disappear, a mob will step out, and the two blocks will reappear. The mob acts very similar to the skeleton, except that it's a bit faster, and instead of shooting arrows, in throws snow balls at you. While it doesn't do any damage to you, the only way to kill it is to hit it with 15 or 20 snow balls. That said, if it hits you will 3 snow balls, it will run back to into its fort. If you want to fight it again, you have to try to destroy part of its fort, and when it comes back out it will have full health again.

    The only way to get into its house is to sneak in behind him, which you wouldn't have much of a window of time to do- maybe a few frames, or to kill him. If you kill him, he won't be able to rebuild his fort, so you can enter.

    In the fort is a small chest with some meh loot. (a bit of iron, a bit of coal, maybe 2 or 3 clay, and a bunch of snow balls.)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Redstone "Laser"
    I was just thinking that a laser would be pretty cool, if only because I want to build a death star in SMP.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on An anti-griefer system?
    It's not griefing.


    The second idea does sound good though. The first one is retardedly over the top and authoritarian.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Is crouching gonna come?
    Quote from Mystify »
    Quote from 8bit »
    should be slower to mine as well. Slow movement doesn't really matter much while your mining, so people would just mine 1x1 holes to guard from mobs. That said, 1/2 minespeed might be a bit slow. How slow is mining in water? It shouldn't really be any slower than that.

    It has to be at least half, or your linear mining speed would increase while crouching(since you have to mine 1/2 as many blocks to progress).

    You're right, I should think before I type. :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on list of elements NEEDED for this to be a complete game
    list of hats NEEDED for TF2 to be a complete game:

    every hat

    Quote from Gyro »
    Quote from Yourself »
    Quote from Sealystar »
    If the OP isn't trolling, God help us.

    No kidding. I'm strongly leaning towards a troll because a considerable number of the elements listed are synthetic and not found naturally (in significant quantities).

    Notch needs to add in particle accelerators so we can make synthetic heavy elements and/or black holes.

    Notch, put the Higgs boson in Minecraft NOW!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Is crouching gonna come?
    So, what of crouch jumping? Should we be able to crouch jump up two blocks? I'd love to be able too. Most of my gaming now is spread between TF2 and Minecraft, and I often find myself trying to crouchjump when in Minecraft because of it.

    Not to mention, crouch jumping just feels rewarding, and not being able to get over a two block high wall without breaking the wall, or putting something under you just seems like a minor annoyance that doesn't add much to the game at all.

    Quote from Rezdude »
    It'd be funny if your character transformed into a cube and bounced around.

    Yes. That would be awesome. Though crawling would be okay as well, the block shape would seem more Minecrafty, and also would seem less annoying.

    Quote from dra6o0n »
    We're not Samus, and we don't have the suit or body form to fit into that... Shape.


    I agree with Cyrix and Mystify but i also think if you hold down crouch then tap crouch before he gets all the way back to being standing you would crawl with the ability to go through 1x1x1 holes just not able to mine or do anything except with your hands break blocks but very slowly like half of a half of a half of the normal speed.

    Crawl + crouch mechanics are annoying as hell in every game that's not a stealth game. Seriously, screw CODMW.

    If you just make movement speed while crouched 1/2 of normal, it would easily counterbalance the fact that yyou only have to mine 1x1 hallways. Sure you could mine it just as fast if not faster, but it would always take you a really long time to get through.

    It should be slower to mine as well. Slow movement doesn't really matter much while your mining, so people would just mine 1x1 holes to guard from mobs. That said, 1/2 minespeed might be a bit slow. How slow is mining in water? It shouldn't really be any slower than that.

    Quote from Failchon »
    Or you could hold the S key and crawl back.

    Yes, but you wouldn't be able to make a 90 degree turn, which is pretty much a central idea in Minecraft.

    It just seems overly annoying, and since most people will be using it to make building bridges and similar structures easier, you're going to see a lot of people 'crawling' on 1 * 1 * variableHeight structures, which will just look strange.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on REALLY dense forest dungeons
    Why make it had to destroy? Go ahead, burn it down and destroy everything in it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Death in Multiplayer
    I think that you should respawn on your last set spawn point (either your default spawn point, or perhaps the last bed you visited if they are implemented) but respawning should take some time. Servers should be able to set respawn times, but the default should be something like 2 hours at the very least.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Mr Hal´s Cloth Colorer Table with pics(PUT IN WISH LIST PLZ)
    I would love this, especially if black and white flowers were implemented, and a full color chart were used. (Black flowers making it darker, and white flowers making it less saturated.)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Make Dungeons more like... Dungeons
    Quote from Catmando »
    Quote from 8bit »
    We don't need an indication. Esp. if there are hidden chests. You need to decide whether you are satisfied with what you've found, or if you think there are more. It should be possible to miss some of the treasure.

    Exactly. If you miss a few chests then that's your fault. If I don't need an 'indicator' telling me when I've cleared out a floor in NetHack, I don't need one in Minecraft either.

    Quote from Catmando »
    Yeah. The only problem is that many could end up underwater, in which case it would be wise if the generator put airlocks in the tunnels every dozen or so blocks. Or maybe just steel doors with buttons (imagine diving for fish and finding a mysterious locked door underwater. xD). I like this idea.

    How would they end up underwater...?

    Are they completed sealed in cobble? Imagined them as having no roof or floor, per se, so the stone would act as that, and so if they were generated partially under water, they would flood.

    The idea was that they would be completely sealed in cobblestone, yes.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Make Dungeons more like... Dungeons
    We don't need an indication. Esp. if there are hidden chests. You need to decide whether you are satisfied with what you've found, or if you think there are more. It should be possible to miss some of the treasure.

    Exactly. If you miss a few chests then that's your fault. If I don't need an 'indicator' telling me when I've cleared out a floor in NetHack, I don't need one in Minecraft either.

    Quote from Catmando »
    Yeah. The only problem is that many could end up underwater, in which case it would be wise if the generator put airlocks in the tunnels every dozen or so blocks. Or maybe just steel doors with buttons (imagine diving for fish and finding a mysterious locked door underwater. xD). I like this idea.

    How would they end up underwater...?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Drill-Cart.... Omgwant.
    Quote from ConflagratedCanine »
    Just to balance this contraption out, it should DESTROY ore blocks in comes into contact with. Making it primarily a tunneling device, rather than an easy grid-mine machine.

    and it should dig a 4 x 4 hole, imo, to emphasize it's purpose.

    By balance, do you mean make it totally worthless?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Guess what Minecraft will be like three years from now.
    Quote from iTimmeh »
    Quote from swami8333 »
    or valve buys it like all the other indie games it buys.

    valve buys it > supports it > gets a big team on it > makes sequels of it.

    see alienswarm, etc, etc

    Valve buys mods.

    Narbacular Drop wasn't a mod.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on infinite depth @ infdev mode
    Quote from Jstratter »
    This would be epic! Plus I changed my avatar :biggrin.gif:

    Posted in: Suggestions
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